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File: 561 KB, 600x600, pepebit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2592550 No.2592550 [Reply] [Original]

>the moment you realize all altcoins are shitcoin scams to steal BTC from noobs

>> No.2592641

pretty much yeah

>> No.2592675

you got it. BTC gonna be 100k before you know it, 99% of other coins near zero.

>> No.2592694
File: 17 KB, 500x215, 14817839413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, there can only be THE ONE

>> No.2592698

Sidechains can't come soon enough. I want to see ETHcucks on suicide watch.

>> No.2592701

i am bitcoin: i'm nobody's bitch

>> No.2592722

>he thinks normies are going to be willing to pay 100k for something they will never have the computer skills to actually use effectively
can't wait for this "store of value" meme to blow up in your face. cheap and fast transactions was btc's only hope at survival and mass adoption, and that's over now. it's only a matter of time.

>> No.2592753

they won't be buying whole BTCs, they'll be buying satoshis and stupidly thinking they are buying whole BTCs.

>> No.2592758

Wait you're saying I actually to sell it to someone? I can't just hit "sell"?

>> No.2592763
File: 1.16 MB, 5184x3456, summer_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know you can buy small amounts of bitcoin
>he doesn't know about segwit and lightning network

>> No.2592785

Kys when?

>> No.2592798

Fast transactions = Bitcoin / Segwit + RSK contracts. Which will be fully operational in less than two months.

Bitcoin will have the muscle to outperform the Ethereum meme and Litecoin at the same time.

>> No.2592806
File: 32 KB, 655x650, 032_clDaMk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I use altcoins to steal BTC from noobs

>> No.2592809


This image is very unsettling to me

>> No.2592821

>being new

>> No.2592829
File: 31 KB, 296x406, pity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin didnt cash far enough to buy as a dip.

>> No.2592832
File: 27 KB, 472x461, 024_n8McQ1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying milk for 2 satoshis

>> No.2592836

I'm saying all these "bitcoin is a store of value, it will be 100k per btc in 5 years" shills are COMPLETELY delusional.

normies already know it's the most volatile asset class in the history of the world, and can swing from $2500 to $1500 in a single day and it would be considered normal, yet these shills still claim "muh store of value."

yeah, a real great store of value there. fast and cheap transactions for cryptos is the only benefit outside of speculators trying to make money.

normies aren't this dumb. they are bad at anything technical but are careful with what little money they have. plus the btc dev team is so incompetent lightning network won't by out until it's already too late and either raiden network or a different altcoin has already stolen the market.

you actually think segwit/BIP181 will be out in 2 months? holy shit anon. you are out of the loop.

>> No.2592862

It's a meme bro

>> No.2592872

Do you understand why precious metals are used as a store of value? It's because it takes a lot of work to mine them, they are impossible to fake and there is a finite support. That is literally the only reason gold and silver have been used as a store of wealth for millennia.
How is this any different to BTC?
>muh transfer times
You are right, it's so convenient to buy beer or fuel with gold.

>> No.2592910

Shitcoins are means to leverage and gain more Bitcoins back. That's the cold truth.

Example: Nexus, one of the more "decent" shitcoins out there is a delusional piece of crap that claims being able to broadcast the blockchain from space and so far doesn't even have a whitepaper. It's a shitshow of bagholders.

>> No.2592918

someone's salty he has no BTC in his blockfolio. sell some of your mETH, dude.

>> No.2592948

kek. you just don't get it. even children understand the the value of precious metals. they are a tangible thing you can hold in your hands.

digital currencies are not. only technically savvy people can handle them properly, just think about some normie trying to manage a large value wallet. they would try to run it on their phone or their shitty $400 laptop they got at best buy that isn't even turned on for the blockchain to sync, and they won't have any wallet file backups.

so no, digital currencies are nothing like precious metals, even ignoring the fact there's probably no gold in fort knox.

no, I worked hard for this $120k portfolio of ETH and tokens, and the last thing I'm going to do is sell it a month before bitcoin fork d-day.

>> No.2592982

>they are a tangible thing you can hold in your hands
While that played a factor many moons ago these days people are use to dealing with intangible currency, it makes no difference to them what is behind the card they swipe.
Also the most fastest growing industry of the last few years have been data gathering which is also intangible.

>> No.2592997

I hope when the inevitable slaughter comes the non-shit altcoins don't take too hard of a beating.

>> No.2593038

Yes and that gives gold and silver but not fluidity. Bitcoin can do that and still be useful but at the cost of being more volatile. I smart man can see the value in owning both where both are better than owning fiat, whos value only goes down.

>> No.2593049

I'm betting on siacoin surviving at least.

>> No.2593079

I honestly hope ETH dies, they did a hardfork not that long ago and still have issues with backlogs and they are broken zero-trust with the ability to delete wallets / coins.

>> No.2593117

>tangible thing you can hold in your hands.
Hi there grandpa, welcome to the 21st centure, we don't need to touch something to know its real anymore.

>> No.2593125


Gold & Silver have industrial value and can be used for jewelry, in fact the only reason Gold was popular for centuries is because of its visual appearance, not because its rare. You can't wear Bitcoin. Also proof of work is a meme, most miners are not doing any real work, their sitting on their ass while their servers do it for them. This is no way comparable to gold expeditions where miners are actively hunting in the ground and even with heavy equipment still have to get in the mud and dig by hand many times themselves.

If rarity gave something value then any antique would be worh alot of money but they aren't, you need the demand with the supply part.

>> No.2593127

ETH will die the slow and painful death that it deserves. Don't you worry.

>> No.2593133

I'm waiting to buy into ETH at $40.

>> No.2593155

If ETH reaches $40 its effectively dead. Other cryptos already do what ETH does better and are less centralized, why would it come back from the grave?

>> No.2593179

I have to agree with >>2593155 when ETH is $40 it's on it's way to $0

>> No.2593196

>no coins

>> No.2593232

If we are going to get rid of USD why would society switch to btc when 99.99999% of the population doesnt have any?

It would just be a massive redestribution of wealth from everyone to the few who have btc. that will never happen.

>> No.2593264

>normies aren't this dumb
Next time you eat something, look at how many calories are in it. Seen it? You are wrong, that isn't calories, what is displayed is KILOcalories (1000's of calories). Most normies will never know that.

>> No.2593278

>Gold & Silver have industrial value
True but I read a paper awhile ago looking at it's industrial value and gold should be around $5,000 per ton if that were it's only use.

>in fact the only reason Gold was popular for centuries is because of its visual appearance
It was actually because it's a very soft metal that is easy to work and doesn't tarnish.

>miners are not doing any real work
They are paying for the energy they are using, you think the owner of a gold mine actually works? They just pay people to do the work for them just like the miner pays the power company to do the work for him.

>you need the demand with the supply part
Without a doubt, hasn't the last 5 years made you consider that maybe BTC has demand?

>> No.2593299

I'm not convinced that ETH is going to die myself but if it goes that low its over. My plan is to sell my ETH if it goes below $200(unless bitcoin's gone down considerably as well). Would still be quite a bit of profit from buying at $34 and I'm far from convinced that its actually over. Normalfags who don't know any better will continue to think of it as the next bitcoin but better due to the media coverage its receiving now, much as I did in March.

>> No.2593303

They either trade their cash for bitcoin or watch its value go down so much they'll be sucking dick for a tin of cat food.

>> No.2593326

You have a point. Much media attention and endless stream of clueless normies. They don't want the ride to end yet.

>> No.2593330

>They either trade their cash for bitcoin or watch its value go down so much they'll be sucking dick for a tin of cat food.
The true flippening approaches brother.
$10,000 to buy a pizza soon.

>> No.2593341
File: 12 KB, 938x414, screenshot.2017-06-24 11.11.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys forget about LTC? the big coins don't die, period. whether you like it or not. I may not agree with the direction BTC is going myself but it's in my best interests that it survives and succeeds because my portfolio is about 25% alts/tokens.

I have over 100k I'm doing just fine

I work in finance. normies maintain a fine balance of retardation and smarts. most of them live paycheck to paycheck so they can't afford something as risky as cryptos, let alone investing in the regular stock market. their 401ks are generally their riskiest assets.

>> No.2593411

I make 12 dollars an hour and I can invest half my paycheck in cryto. Tell them to stop buying garbage and move back in with their parents.

>> No.2593421

Still nowhere near its peak if comparing to BTC instead of fiat. Also in LTC's case you had the perfect storm a crypto that had been around since early that everyone knew of, BTC community dicking around over something that should be easily implemented, LTC implementing it before BTC, and getting listed to normiebase. The only way for ETH to do a repeat if its sunk that low is for it to be the second biggest smart contract type coin(it'll probably be well below that), other smart contract cryptos shitting the bed, and ETH fixing things they're floundering on. No guarantee lightening would strike twice and again even if it did it would be lower in terms of BTC.

>> No.2593454

I think the real advantage crypto offers over the traditional markets is extremely low entry costs. I started with 0.01 BTC, now I have 6 BTC and given my historical returns I should be able to turn that into 12 BTC in a couple of months.

I actually want to get onto the NASDAQ but the price of admission is too high right now.

>> No.2593498

>mfw all these ETH maximalists who have been in crypto for all of 3 months think they know more than bitcoiners that have been in this shit for years

o i am laffin

>> No.2593541

shitcoins have no store of value. they have no intrinsic value besides ease of use and anonymity.

Not to mention there are an infinite amount of coins that can be created, all with various novelties or uses, and some which are more efficient than already existing ones.

>> No.2593545

the thing is ETH has no competitors currently, so even the hypothetical won't exist until a true smart contract competitor enters the market or an existing coin adds smart contracts onto their chain. I don't hold ETH because I think it's going to be $1000, $2000 or more. I don't think it's a "store of value" or even a payment system to rival visa. I hold it because it's a platform for web 3.0 and will be easily integratable with normal people's lives, giving way to mass adoption.

so you're a speculator that made it big. most of us here are (or speculators that lost it all), and that's drastically different than the average person. even my friends berate me daily to sell my whole portfolio because they think cryptos are retarded and will never survive.

>> No.2593724

That would be due to government regulations put in place to stop poor people from playing the market.

>> No.2593732

not the sharpest knife in the drawer, OP?

>> No.2593746
File: 335 KB, 1157x570, 1426471883320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't have your workers not needing to work.

>> No.2594723
File: 84 KB, 578x250, Highlander[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2594791

You a daytrader or a long term hodler?

>> No.2595166

Both, I try to keep ~50% free to weektrade (daytrading is for chumps).

>> No.2595206

>unironically being a Bitcoin maximalist with tunnel vision
I agree that nearly every alt is quite trash but ignoring all of them is just dumb.

>> No.2595317

What do cum drinkers like you get out of posting bullshit that comes out of your homosexual ass?

>> No.2595329


>> No.2595347

So 4chan doesn't auto-correct. Then why is everyone calling holding hodling?

>> No.2595359

>he doesn't realize that "store of value" is based on consumer confidence aka trust


>> No.2595474

>why is everyone calling holding hodling?

lel, first day around here, anon?

>> No.2595486

Yes, dipshit, that's why I'm asking

>> No.2595500
File: 136 KB, 887x1200, DCb4HhfXsAE82Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc dev team is so incompetent
you know nothing if you unironically think that is true

>> No.2595513

Welcome on imageboards, we have things called "memes" these are in jokes often started by accident for example a typo people find funny.
Now please an hero.

>> No.2595515

>4chan doesn't auto-correct

kek'd again.

>> No.2595537


How young are you?

Are we all taking financial advise from high schoolers?

>> No.2595555

It autocorrects tons of words fool, stop being new

>> No.2595556

>Are we all taking financial advise from high schoolers?
Holy shit you really are new.

>> No.2595557
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 1496151221472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's time for you to btfo.

>> No.2595698


I'll buy at $2.

>> No.2595773

lmao fat fuck, lose some weight

>> No.2595958

Why would someone put a Rolex on a boxing glove?

>> No.2595993

Looks fake mate, sorry to say

>> No.2596077

You made it OP welcome to the big boys club

>> No.2596738

What the fuck is wrong with your hand holy shit

>> No.2596757
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>> No.2596920
File: 111 KB, 314x314, 1497815819911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let the cat out of the bag to newfags

>> No.2597162

>I-I'm not a n-normie I know the difference between Calories and calories!
literally sounds like something some snowflake fitness trainer bitch would tell everyone she knows kys