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25921071 No.25921071 [Reply] [Original]

Stinky linkers may never recover after this https://twitter.com/API3DAO/status/1349372441844457473

>> No.25921132

Literally who?

>> No.25921141

Synergies aka nothing

>> No.25921177

>m-m-muh vitalik
he's fucking retarded dude and ethereum is a piece of shit dinochain that can't scale even with the new 2.0 3.0 4.0 etc updates every couple of years

>> No.25921191
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>> No.25921210

Corporate competition is healthy. This is just good news for link.

>> No.25921257

But Chainlink is a member as well my guy

>> No.25921300
File: 375 KB, 2400x2400, 721E5025-6816-4256-8CB9-AB565AC8E542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it now?

>> No.25921348
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Ohh right bro, it's not. Sorry for unfudding

>> No.25921374

iExec has better oracles than both and is in this group among many others that you should be more worried about kek

>> No.25921424

completely BTFO by >>25921348

>> No.25921506
File: 83 KB, 1064x598, 95ED3A3C-AC66-4812-A806-3FA4A9A26E18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”my mistake”

>> No.25921631
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It can't be easy being a honeycomb advocvate

>> No.25921661
File: 194 KB, 2330x1054, TOPKEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek all it takes to join the EEA is pay 3k / year. I could literally make a 'company' called API3Owns80%OfTotalSupplyInADao, pay 3k and have it on the list.

Pro-tip: all of API3's partnerships are either fake or with dead scam projects like Ark.

>> No.25921734
File: 703 KB, 1024x1338, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

API3 pays 200 USD worth of their shittoken to get people to follow them on twitter... and even then almost no one does so.

>> No.25921773

lmao 3k/yr

>> No.25921779

Burak paid three times the usual fee to join.

>> No.25921819

I was just wondering what API3 was up to. I was about to sell kek

>> No.25921980
File: 551 KB, 976x913, API3isZEUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After being kicked of the Chainlink feeds for doing a crap job at running a Chainlink node, and after their failed crowdsale and a marketplace no one used, Burak and Dave got in touch with a retarded VC fund who missed out on Chainlink. They started the false narrative of "first party oracle" (pro-tip: half of Chainlink nodes are first party) and added some decentralization theatre (pro-tip: starting of with a DAO before you have a finalized product is retarded, and there's little point in having a DAO if you control 80% of the total supply). Then they started the Zeus capital fud, using stale biz fud which only works on pea-brain twitter faggots and room temperature IQ VC fags which also happen to own certain '''' crypto media outlets '''''. Their VC funds get liquidated and they had to postpone their project reveal because of this. At a certain point Chris Burniske almost dropped API3 but after he got them to lower the token unlock period he came back onboard. Their whitepaper mentions Chainlink 18 times (!) and with the help of the aforementioned VC-funded """crypto media outlets""" they brand themselves as Chainlink killers. When they get called out they start crying that Chainlink bullies them and that they never meant to be a Chainlink killer and they can co-exist etc.

>> No.25922014

I fucking NEW nexo got framed but until now had no culprit in mind other than oldfags from /biz/ who got left behind in an unexpected pump and organized on discord to claw a way back in
That's a revelation to me

>> No.25922035

I was admitting I was wrong

>> No.25922111
File: 2.11 MB, 3073x5513, API3_SCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pay twitter fags and influencers to promote their shitcoin, but even though everyone and his mother warns them their platform for the crowdsale is shit, they still go through with it and it is a clusterfuck:
"""someone"""" frontran the sale and got half of the available tokens. Pro-tip: it was their VC fund guy who is now dumping his bags. Most of the public crowd sale participants are now underwater on their stittoken.

>> No.25922257

They started of saying their vaporware Airnode was better than a Chainlink node because it's easier to deploy, as in it doesn't need an Ethereum node. 2 weeks later Infura gets assblasted and they do a 360 and start promoting 'multiple Ethereum-as-a-Service' as a minimum and own full Ethereum node as a recommendation. Therefor completely obliterating their argument of it being simpler than running a Chainlink node (which can work with any API, and doesn't need a company to deploy anything). Chainlink is offering literally the same service as API3 as one of the 100 things it can do, and that's just for bringing data onchain. But the screenshot with the explanation of this is already posted here

>> No.25922392

>Most of the public crowd sale participants are now underwater on their stittoken.
i dunno. I'm still 2x on it

>> No.25922455

Good for you Joe, keep HODLing and waiting for that sweet 75% inflation

>> No.25922561

will do. this is the 2nd most high profile oracle network out there. this is gonna fly when defi starts moving again.

>> No.25922659
File: 180 KB, 680x420, BA129B6A-BC1E-4081-8706-EA45D2A0CC99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for posting this. I don’t know what it means, but based on the negative reactions to it in this thread I’ve decided to sell ALL my linkies.

>> No.25922704

You’re incorrect in you’re thinking here

See: >>25921300

>> No.25922708

If you are unironically in this instead of ChainLink, you’re ngmi. Please don’t be fucking retarded anon

>> No.25922738

This talk about API3 is making me really nervous, I am seriously considering selling my 12.3k Chainlink stack due to all the fud I am experiencing. Thoughts?

>> No.25922799

hold your linkies anon

>> No.25922857
File: 751 KB, 2822x1398, HAHAOHWOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is proof the team is selling their shittokens via Uniswap to pay for their """"""partnership"""""" \

Look Joe, you're new to the crypto game and you fell for a ruthless combination of /biz/raeli jewness lack of morals, combined with curry-infested Indian shilling (aka being Midhav'd) and VC funds-paid for viral marketing. Nothing to be ashame of, we've all been there. But Chainlink is unironically going to become the market leader and will absorb all value in the oracle space. It's winners takes it all and soon API3 will go the way of Oraclize, Mobius and any other """Chainlink killer""". That would be: it will literally go to zero.

>> No.25922965

My defi folio is about 80% LINK, 20% API3

kys, API3 will release DAO Q1 and will participate in oracle upside as well; likely with a higher return than LINK on its own. You'd have to be retarded not to see it.

>> No.25922966

Did you read the thread

>> No.25922984

How do newfags fall for shitcoin fud. this pajeet has 10 linkies at best and will likely use the pay he gets from posting in this thread on behalf of API3 to buy another 4 link.

>> No.25923014

Pajeet scam

>> No.25923038

Infucking hate timo. That peice of shit thinks he can just shill whatever here and people will buy it

>> No.25923071

i had 13k link and just sold due to API3 + the btc bullrun dude. I went half and half, 50% BTC and 50% API3. I think it's for the best. link doesn't show any signs of improving at this point, just riding on its coattails. API3 is the hot new startup that will eat sergey's big mac lunch.

>> No.25923187

This is what I am fearing. I just don't see what Link can do in the future compared to API3. It feels like everything Chainlink has gone stale

>> No.25923314

you're anon right. sell your link and buy api3. api3 will be the standard. api3 is the chainlink killer ;)

>> No.25923404

the dump bobos predicted since 15k took us down from 34 to 32k
don’t run for this shit be a cool guy
now the best options is staking, high-liquidity services, nft and multi-level pools
that’s why check new poolz finance, you will like it lmao

>> No.25923888

> god tier VC
> hard working team
> fantastic goal + actually useful token
> great community

I'm literally all in!

>> No.25924248

>best practices
>lies about LINK and ETHindia conference
>deletes tweet when ETHindia calls them out on it
This should not make you bullish on API3, if anything it just cheapens the ETH enterprise alliance. They are taking an entire organization down a peg to try to grab some shekels. You should be ashamed for shilling this here.