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File: 101 KB, 594x573, lagardebitcoinfunnybusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25915387 No.25915387 [Reply] [Original]

Bogdanoff called Lagarde and activated the btc bear

>> No.25915418

that's a man

>> No.25915443
File: 3.28 MB, 1348x5096, scamtutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden will collapse the crypto market this year.

>> No.25915453

his face is funny too we should regulate it

>> No.25915502
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Big if true. Make of that what you will. Take your upvote. Thank you for the gold kind stranger. Kill all trannies. Do you cum with the car?

>> No.25915540

Is this crypto quantitative easing?

>> No.25915603

Worse, it's crypto 2008 insurance scam.

>> No.25915643

Same accusations were made in 2017 / 2018 after the btc crash. What has changed?

>> No.25915702

Volume of Tether transactions increased to 70%, that's what has changed.

>> No.25915713

The stable act you fucking retard

>> No.25915755

The parallels are uncanny. Their only crime is that they don't have a standing army.

>> No.25915842

So knowing this info how do you make money off of it?

>> No.25915859

You can short BTC in crimex don't cry when you lose all your money

>> No.25915937

Party's over boys

>> No.25916306

Who are the people posting tether fud? Nocoiners?

>> No.25916708
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Best they can do is start tracing the shit out of your bitcoins and coming after you for whatever activity they were previously involved in or taxing you to death. There is a solution however.

>> No.25916741

As if they couldn’t import enough niggers and shitskins they had to make one president of the bank as well

>> No.25916758


>> No.25916770

she's so fucking hot i want her to take a piss in my ass.

>> No.25916856
File: 476 KB, 995x1010, digital euro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the worst case scenario?

>> No.25916995

Probably people who can read court documents and understand both market manipulation and the legal process.

>> No.25917037

So because it's speculative it needs to be controlled?

I guess we just forgot about the sub prime mortgage backed securities that caused the 2008 crash then?

Or does she just mean "we don't like this, because we don't control it". Hm I wonder.

>> No.25917188

The "funny business" is you evading the plandemic and getting rich by not working, goy.
Line up for ze Great Reset. Everybody needs to be miserable and beg the government for protection.
Thats why I'm not selling my monero.

>> No.25917251

Coins are traced so hard that when you try to cash out, your crypto is confiscated because it was previously involved in a crime.

>> No.25917317

Centralised fake fiat controlled by the state saving cost on printed paper

Literally just numbers on a spreadsheet without any cryptographic security or backing

>> No.25917725

this is basically a stable coin where the government can mint as many tokens as they want, whenever.

>> No.25917755

>EU regulation
>actually being aagred on , approved & implemeted within 5 years
don't think so

>> No.25917821

The worst case scenario is you have no recourse whatsoever for bankers apathetic financial manipulations

>> No.25917854

Worst case scenario is gubmint knows everything about your every transaction and can turn off your money if you happen to behave in a manner they dont like

>> No.25918001


>> No.25918039

Let's hope so
also probably this

>> No.25918044

it's a fully traceable euro. no more cash money which means full transparency into everything you do. they will be able to profile all citizens based on money flows. no more black money. no more privacy.

in the long run this could be the end of traditional banking. you have one account with the ECB and that's it. it gives full monetary control to central bankers and governments. imagine wealth taxes, transaction taxes or stimulus all based on your wallet balance and money flow history.

in short - it's a dystopian nightmare. they will see everything. they will know everything. it's like the "you won't own anything" meme except that you will own what they think is appropriate.

i'm 99% sure common cryptocurrencies will be FUD'ed to death and outlawed in the next decade just to be replaced with the digital euro/dollar/yen.

>> No.25918096

she's talking about tether

>> No.25918116

>it's like the "you won't own anything" meme except that you will own what they think is appropriate

Which is the same as owning nothing. They will own your money.
Will traditional banks react to this? Because this will mean their demise.

>> No.25918189

Indeed. If the EU had a Euro stable coin, then there would be no need for Banks anymore.

>> No.25918196


I know a autistic German who worked on this: the point is taxes come out automatically. Fun!

>> No.25918238

Keep faith in mommy Lagarde.

>> No.25918272

Anon they've been saying this for the last 5 years. When do you think they'll actually get around to doing it, and more importantly, how will they do it?

>> No.25918312

Do you ever get tired of posting the same old baseless bullshit? lol

>> No.25918325

this is what's happening

>Catherine Austin Fitts (born 24 December 1950) is an American investment banker and former public official who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co. and as United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush. She has widely written and commented on the subject of public spending and has alleged several large scale instances of government fraud.

>> No.25918348

if they manage to push through CBDCs, commercial banks are done by the end of this century. everything will be funnelled through CBs eventually.

I'm usually not into conspiracy theories, but from a central banker perspective it all makes sense.

>> No.25918350

>don't like the eu
>don't like greta and all the other ecofascists
>don't agree to msm / politicians
>browse sites deemend wrong by the government
Your Money is now worth nothing. Oh you still have to pay taxes of course. Can't? In the Jail you go

>> No.25918367

Tomorrow I'll merge euro-dev with euro-master, expect a beta release next year.

>> No.25918375

back in your wagie cagie lads, it was a good run while it lasted

>> No.25918395

>how will they do it?

>Shut down businesses
>Create economic collapse
>People lose their jobs
>Give everyone UBI in the form of EU-Coin

Hmm, I wonder how they will do it?

>> No.25918404

anyone have pics of 19 year old lagarde?
she looks like she was a hottie when she was younger

>> No.25918662
File: 29 KB, 700x394, 45844087_401[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e-excuse me, i-is this seat taken? I heard you saying that you worked for IMF and I w-wanted to see i-
>no fuck off fatfuck

>> No.25918702

This. Exactly this.
Someone has a take as regard XMR in such an environment? Anonymity will be the only hedge against government.

>> No.25918764
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>> No.25918765
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You allowed it to fail, 'ank.

>> No.25918780

It will be backed by bitcoin.
But they need to shake the market and get the bitcoin for themselves. Hence regulations. In the end, they will turn crypto illegal, and only their sanctioned coins will be tradeable. Bitcoin will only be tradeable by "certified" traders, people from their own circles.
And the sheep will accept it.

>> No.25918841

will be made illegal in less than two years. doesn't mean people will stop using it though.

>> No.25918873

Trump to Biden presidency

>> No.25918895

I think XMR might be used in shithole countries. We are seeing governments converging into a NWO, with a single global state.
However, third world countries dont have full functional governments, and when first world countries have some financial interest in them, they send corporations to strip their resources, and bribe politicians to have full access to the land.
In the eventual collapse of the national state, these countries will plunge into deep anarchy, and in this scenario, XMR might become handy.

>> No.25918923

Wow if you don’t have a suicide stack of Monero you are not gonna make it.

>> No.25918944

For sure - governments love blockchain because it's a public ledger, like their wet dream. Monero and its counterparts will be banned.

>> No.25918946

Weird, this is also the only picture I could come up with. I even scoured Sciences Po's alumni base for her school records, or at least a picture of her younger self.

She really got better with age.

>> No.25918988

>It will be backed by bitcoin.
Why would it need to be 'backed' by anything lol?

It's just FIAT 2.0, on the blockchain.

>> No.25919049

To gain "legitimacy" on the eyes of institutional investors, who now wants bitcoin.

>> No.25919162


>> No.25919175

Fpbp, immediately saw it myself.

>> No.25919196

>It will be backed by bitcoin.
this is the most retarded thing I've read all day. btc, which is provably controlled by chinas miners, is going to be the backbone of the official european currency? okay friend.

the digital euro will be a blockchain running on proof of authority where consortium members are running nodes.

>> No.25919220

Cute and funny business?

>> No.25919348

It will be backed by bitcoin first, because they need to get rid of it.
If they turn it illegal, it will cause them problems, as many of their own kind are into it. So they back their CBDCs with bitcoin, and go regulating it, little by little, until they implement their own nodes, by 2030. Only then, bitcoin will be turned irrelevant.
Also, you dont cool down such a big hype from one day to the next. It might take some years for it.

>> No.25919407
File: 18 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image related

>> No.25919443

Guys...the xrp schizos were right weren't they

>> No.25919476


>Load ze Tezzer food

>> No.25919554
File: 967 KB, 245x180, 1608612463649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they turn it illegal, it will cause them problems

Most retarded take I've seen for a while

>> No.25919614

Ok then, nocoiner.

>> No.25919658

one of the most worrisome news ive read recently.

>> No.25919659

Thoughts about bitcoinzero?

>> No.25919731

I have coins you cuck. I'm just not deluding myself that the powers of be will allow this to happen without heavy control / their own version of it.

Once it comes in, I'll move everything to Monero.

>> No.25919745
File: 306 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210113-095418_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Bogdanoff

Work harder bitch

>> No.25919778

This needs to be distilled into fewer bullets to be more potent as it repeats itself

>Tether has BTC in reserves
>Not dollars
>Prints USDT
>Buys BTC
>Price of BTC goes up
>Real people buy BTC
>Third party partner like Bitfinex sell some of their BTC
>Give kickback to Tether
>Tether prints more USDT
>Inflates price
>People enter
>Third parties liquidate
>Give Tether kickback
>If people want to trade their BTC for USDT it takes 10 minutes to finish the transaction
>During this time price can go up and go down
>Customer exchanges 1 BTC for $35000 USDT
>Tether sells 1 BTC reserve for USDT
>Get $35000 USDT
>Give to customer
>Price of Bitcoin goes down
>Tether is ok with this because they make money from third parties taking advantage of price manipulation
>Effectively USDT is backed 1:1 with the dollar
>They don’t touch their USDT or Bitcoin reserves
>They just manipulate the price via printing and third parties take advantage of it
>Biggest partner?

>Print $400.000.000
>Buy BTC
>Price of BTC goes up
>Store BTC as reserves
>If needed now they can liquidate BTC to get value to pay back 1:1 USDT:USD
>Have $400k in reserves via BTC basically

If an audit asks them how they back Tether 1:1 with USDT it’s via assets like BTC ”and other things”

This is why they can’t be caught because as long as BTC is considered a legitimate asset and they can print their own money as they wish they can just print and buy BTC with it under the guise of being backed 1:1 with the dollar (giving USDT its value)

God hope somebody could distill this simple scam to just some 2-3 potent bullet points

It’s why BTC isn’t being developed anymore since 2014-15 and considered a ”store of value” instead because slow transaction times give room for price movement allowing liquidate of reserves and why it can’t be allowed to be used in the real economy as it otherwise would escape the closed system that is the BTC gravytrain

Blockstream is 100% aware

>> No.25919823

tranny with fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.25920784

That's a jew.

>> No.25920853

She's roman catholic, moron.

>> No.25920873

funny business with funny money. boomers are laughing at us.

>> No.25920909

>implying the catholic church aren't the biggest hoarders
Do you know how much wealth is hidden in the Vatican? Not do they, they is too much to be counted.

>> No.25920956

Who is in office now you stupid euro cuck

>> No.25920979

>Give everyone UBI in the form of EU-Coin
They won't
You will go to work, and they will increase your wage every year by the reported inflation figures, which will be wildly off from the actual inflation figures.

>> No.25921521

I think people overestimate central banks. Theyre really not the actual leaders of this game.
Banks wield tremendous power over these pseudo-public institutions, so I do not worry. Both evils cancel each other out as good as possible

>> No.25921885

she lo key looks like Ric Flair

>> No.25921974

>Federal Reserve prints money
>Tether in turn prints money
Oh no!

>> No.25922005

I'm moving to Samoa

>> No.25923020

Good to see that after all these years, Ric Flair is still doing great heel work.

>> No.25923392 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 674x667, ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anon who shilled CLOV when it was at $15:
You are exceptional individual and I wish you knock you head on horse balls.

>> No.25924068

How do you even get it though? All the exchanges cucked out and delisted.

>> No.25924097

>lo key
pinche negro

>> No.25924294

not this shit again, is it 2017? LOOOOL

>> No.25924624

this. i'm waiting for better fud