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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1001 KB, 1054x826, BTC tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25913769 No.25913769 [Reply] [Original]

One thing...

>> No.25913787
File: 138 KB, 660x495, 1558963938595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funny business

>> No.25913800

>y*ros will no longer be able to dump while I'm sleeping
Good I'm glad those fucking paper handed bastards are getting regulated

>> No.25913806

counting the days to leave this commie eurosocialist marxist sorosian land

>> No.25913824
File: 59 KB, 960x492, AA5C3B0F-D9CC-45DC-9786-CD67FC3E0B2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no bitcoin bros what did she mean by this?

>> No.25913831

>can i speak to the manager please?
what manager?
>bitcoins' manager, i need to speak to her
>we need to talk about regulations

>> No.25913853

where you gonna go? im thinking about russia

>> No.25913861

>freezes your account because stablecoin activity detected you were trading bitcoin
Nothing personel kid

>> No.25913865

That's liberals, in a nutshell, a need to interfere in other people's business.

>> No.25913877

Her degenerate tribe is saddened by not having had a piece of cake and wants to make sure that they, and only they, make the next cake.

>> No.25913918
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>> No.25913930

Most exchange force non us customers to abide by us law cause muh USD. If you don't cash out you can't be bothered anyways. Holding my stack to the grave.

>> No.25913942
File: 123 KB, 750x699, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913953

yes and ripple is just the coin to bring peace and prosperity to our new empi--i mean republic

>> No.25913965

>you can't make money unless you give us a fat cut
the entire system is just set up to feed parasites

>> No.25913995

I'm sure someone has 1 btc lying around tp spend on a hit in minecraft for this bitch

>> No.25914000

Seethe moar bitcucks. This was initiated by Mnuchin & Trump if I remember correctly, there was some meeting amongst the G7 focused on crypto. Your buttboy Raoul Pal said this was required for bitcoin too

>> No.25914007

>bitcoin assasins

>> No.25914019

>Imblying I’m ever gonna cash out to a (((bank)))

>> No.25914021

>Lagarde: "Bitcoin is too speculative".
Translation - too many normies can make money and break free of their servitude. This MUST be stopped. Fucking EU I want it to collapse entirely.

>> No.25914020


>> No.25914040

>You are not supposed to be rich, only jews allowed reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.25914043

>yes sirs send me bitcoin I will assassinated very quick very efficiently good team solid assassins

>> No.25914060

How do I get teeth that fucking white? I don't drink coffee and brush and floss every single day.

>> No.25914078 [DELETED] 

eat newborns

>> No.25914081

You get them done professionally. It will cost around 2k per tooth

>> No.25914083

Those are not her teeth. Ceramic probably.

>> No.25914086

>and suddenly, all the burgerposting stopped
eurofags are truly spineless creatures

>> No.25914098

do you honestly think a 100 year old adrenochrome whore has real teeth?

>> No.25914182

Soon anon. Soon.

The UK leaving is just the start.

>> No.25914234

You have to collect beautiful teeth from poor children first, it is the most complex step from a logistic point of view but it can be done on a few islands dedicated to this long tradition.

>> No.25914270


>> No.25914283

I love how you larp about Russia being a chud heaven. Crypto is nearly banned here

>> No.25914296
File: 3.28 MB, 1344x5096, finexscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitfinex exitscam is coming. Regulators in the US will plummet BTC with new stablecoin regulation.

Read pic related and prepare.

>> No.25914337

she's absolutely correct from her perspective. The central bank plans inflation to manage state debts which is an integral part of our societal treaty. It would be impossible to have a legit escape for ordinary people with a fixed monetary amount of 21 millions. The ecb will react quick before there's widespread usage. At the moment this is still politically suiting as the majority of voters still are nocoiners and feel rather envious about people that were quick to invest. Prohibition or massive regulation comes sooner than you think. This will happen on the pretense of investors needing to be protected (you can find remarks on their social media channels and on the ecb website already: BTC hypervolatile, serving mainly for money laundering and darkweb purchases). It will be over soon and there won't be much we can do.

>> No.25914365

thanks for this gem

>> No.25914398

Yes, ((this))

>> No.25914420

imo they will introduce some carbon tax to PoW coins. This will help curb speculation

>> No.25914470

It's almost as if... Could it be?
>My father was born to a Jewish mother and a non-religious father.

>> No.25914567

no, this would bu much too complicated. Mining happens in China, they would need to politically make a big asserted action. They will simply introduce either a straight ban (however i don't think they will do it that bluntly). Or with a massive regulation on the exchanges on a level with stock market exchanging plus registration of holders and prohibition of offline wallets. This all accompanied with a media campaign putting btc holders as illegal / darkweb purchasers / money launderer and, as you correctly argumented: Environment destroyers through the pow energy consumption.

>> No.25914616

They are fake. Veneers or crowns.

>> No.25914682

go on their twitter channel, they'll forcefully offer you to exchange your dangerous btc for E-Euros soon.

>> No.25914713
File: 323 KB, 1200x1540, badass cyber warrior internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, I'm afraid my xmr is beyond your reach

>> No.25914719

Drinking Rothschild cum

>> No.25914730

but not the exchanges you're using and the off on ramp for fiat.

>> No.25914816

fiat is for fags i dont care

>> No.25914820

Does this mean Ripple was always the standard and /biz/ got done by the SEC fud????

>> No.25914959

so i suppose your employer is paying you in xmr too?

>> No.25915126

no. Xrp was only the first victim. now basically useless.

>> No.25915215

This lizard needs a new skin suit.

>> No.25915256

dont they have other problems right now?

>> No.25915265

the jew strikes back

>> No.25915279

And on the subject of funny business, I've never had the police raid my house for evidence of financial crimes.. Unlike Lagarde, who got off by grassing on others, making her the worst kind of criminal.

>> No.25915303

ive never had a job

>> No.25915308

no anon, people fleeing state planned inflation needed for managing debts of governments through running into a virtual currency with fixed monetary amount and not under their control is unironically their biggest problem.

>> No.25915323

that's what i was thinking

>> No.25915329

the absolute state of financial regulators

>> No.25915338

you assumed i had a job. dont lie

>> No.25915378

ok fren, you got me there. Just wanted to be a bit salty, sorry. Are you an honest neet or a trustfund investor?

>> No.25915446

"Hey is that the bitcoin manager? Where can I buy some stock? I cant see it listed on the exchange".

>> No.25915477

she bought at 42.

>> No.25915492
File: 1.52 MB, 750x743, 1601937943193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how will you regulate that which is unregulatable? These boomerd have completely lost touch with reality.

>> No.25915501

/XSG/ chads rise up!!!

>> No.25916000

not a bad analysis, but you're wrong on the outcome.
you forget that the entire apparatus is also long bitcoin personally. all the little minions who have >102iq are buying btc as a hedge for what they know from the inside.
any attempts by one regional authority to regulate gets thwarted by a different region (ie. euros push for regulation, china opens doors more). the end result is lots of talk but little action and in meantime number go up. this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.25916037
File: 60 KB, 450x302, 1610516763651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am above trustfund kiddies, i am an independent neet

>> No.25916149

neets are by definition not independent.

>> No.25916183

no, these guys hold stocks, that's why they won't let markets consolidate and lower interest rates, but they surely are no btc hodlers. The average joe is still a nocoiner, and the average joe is the voting majority.

>> No.25916290

>The average joe is still a nocoiner, and the average joe is the voting majority.
>crypto regs will be voted

>> No.25916465

Wait for a whale dump and see how all the nocoiners react to the media-amplified Minecraft wojaking. They'll be fine with it because they know someone who bought 0.004 at $40K.

>> No.25916506

>he doesn't know

>> No.25916524


>> No.25916536

Europeans are eternally infantilized.

>> No.25916588

>he's a faggot

>> No.25916619

Why should I listen to single word this nigress has to say

>> No.25917308

thank fuck we britbongs left the EU

luvs my efferiums
luv s my blockchains
simple as

>> No.25917476

No no no peas...citizens, you VILL be subjekt to our financials manipulation you have no recourse for. Eat ze bugs. Pay for ze refugees.