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25913741 No.25913741 [Reply] [Original]

how long until the first country announces their bitcoin reserves?

>> No.25913766

Some already have obviously don't expect a PR

>> No.25913788

there was a screen cap floating around of the biggest btc reserves in the world
grayscale was first with 3% of current supply
china was up there with ~1%
usa middle of the pack with <1%

>> No.25913794

some countries already have.... i think a state in america has already transferred half its treasury to bitcoin too already...

>> No.25913809

2022-2023, bitcoin will get an etf around the same time

>> No.25913835

>I’m retarded so everyone else is too
Margin is for bigdick gorilla niggas not pansy boi like you
That’s why I don’t believe this fuckers who tried to shill me shitcoins

>remember tards, I use fucking top poolz finance, I don’t need you shit

>> No.25913900

Gorillas have smaller dicks than humans though, this comment makes no sense

>> No.25914582

I didn't even know USA were mining BTC.
I heard China, Russia and even Iran did, but never heard that about USA.
Did they trade it all?

>> No.25915044

idk how they accumulated it, it was just a screen cap of all the different entities in the world with how much btc they had

>> No.25915086

Not long but it won’t be on fake bitcoin

>> No.25915364

Way too easy to steal from the inside and out. Governments get hacked all the time, and even when they're not, it would be easy for whoever is in charge of the keys to send the reserves to another country/themselves. Even if they had problems cashing out as an individual, if they could Snowden their way to Russia they would be fine, as well as hundreds of billions of dollars richer.

Gold is a much better reserve because it's quite hard to carry out of a vault. You can't just empty the bank of england in a single transaction.

>> No.25915384

1 year