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25912078 No.25912078 [Reply] [Original]

Going to work is fucking awesome.

>steady Income
>monthly/bi-weekly Revenue for coin funding
>overtime opportunities for more income
>get to laugh at bedridden newfriends on /biz/ with your IRL qt3.14 coworker who is interested in you
>can get paid to secretly better yourself with downtime by studying
>gets you out of the basement, away from toxic family situations
>vitamin C & D exposure
>get to meet cute women (3-D)
>people who work are more likely to get a gf and get laid than NEET scum.
>no cabin fever
>saves on electric bill and heater costs
>it's the most available opportunity for most coomers to become bloomers
>can literally get paid to invest money into a 401k
>based low income tax rates in free red states
>get to make real memories and friends even at the shittest of jobs
>builds a network which will profit you long-term
>can plan side hustles and projects with cool co-workers
>all the while, can apply for other (better) jobs while getting paid at current job
>burns calories, unlike NEETs who don't
>build up Covid immunity
>develops daydreaming skills
>easy way to get healthcare and other benefits
>employee discounts like buying any gun AT COST through the gun store (my example), free/discounted food (fuck ya), free roller coaster rides, free bowling games, unlimited movies to watch, ect...
>access to cool work merch
>can move up any given ladder the harder you apply yourself
>strengthens the economy

but don't worry, I am sure you are just as likely to impress her once she sees you again and you tell her all about you moon missions on your online video game / coin hobby thing and how it made you some money from inside of your bedroom.

>> No.25912128

>fall in love with qt3.14 coworker
>ask her out
>get fired for making her uncomfortable
>consider suicide every day for the rest of your life
Yeah work is based

>> No.25912173

or you leave or she leaves for another job and then make your move, or a customer gives you her number, booya

>> No.25912193

This shit actually happened to me bro. Worst thing that’s ever happened

>> No.25912225

story? I want to see where you fucked up
there is a right way and a wrong way to go about this

>> No.25912376

Alright give me a sec, driving atm

>> No.25912430

slave mentality

>> No.25912797

Alright so basically I worked with her and her bf for 3 years, though for the first few months I didn’t know they were dating. When I found out, I basically wrote her off as not being an option. Fucked around with a few girls, got dumped by what was basically my booty call. Time goes on and I get closer to all my coworkers including her. Start to come out of my shell a bit which made me a lot more fun to be around. She flirts with me, teases me and whatnot and eventually it becomes clear that she has some sort of attraction to me. Start developing deep feelings of admiration for her. Try to pretend I don’t have feelings for her, think about it all the time. Eventually decide I need to confess. Send her a text saying
>I’m crazy about you
She responds with snake microphone meme
>wat the heck
Go back to work. Too shy to talk about her. Everyone giving me side eyes. Her bf threatens to break my fingers if I text her again and starts harassing me and trying to intimidate me. Text her and tell her if there’s a problem with the message I sent her then she should tell me herself instead of sending her bf after me. Next day get text from boss saying I’m fired. I don’t want to get too deep into the details, but based on what some coworkers said to me and overheard conversations, she seriously considered breaking up with him. Even if that’s the case, now everyone thinks I’m some crazy sexual harassment guy. It’s been years but I still feel so many things related to all of that shit and my life has been irreversibly changed. I was basically a normie, now I’m a Nazi incel who hates pretty much everyone and everything and I always feel like everyone’s out to get me. That shit fucked me up fr

>> No.25912837

>worked with her
>worked with her bf for 3 years
Didn't even need to read much further, you fucked up already

>> No.25912863

Also, her bf is a Jew

>> No.25912882

Well, they didn’t have to fire me. That’s just sadistic

>> No.25912967

this i think is a case of her being retarded in my opinion, some women are fucking idiots, she actually probably enjoyed seeing her bf threaten you, very BPD
but this should not be lingering over you, get a new job and a completely different circle of people around you, discard everyone from that previous job, they don't matter.
Now if a qt13.4 flirts with you again, very politely ask her out but leave an easy out for her to say no, and do this outside of work. Tell her you respect her professionally but would like to have a coffee to get to know each other better or something. But that is just if the same situation happens again, hopefully next time she won't be fucking crazy.

>> No.25913025

Seems pretty brutal to fire you for this. I was in a situation where I was the boyfriend and I gave my coworker some shit when he was trying to make a move. But nothing that affected his life.

>> No.25913077

Thanks for listening, anon. Felt kinda good to talk about it. I’ll remember your advice

>> No.25913116

Yeah, rejection I can handle but it really felt like I had the right pulled out from under me. These people were my friends

>> No.25913130

absolute cope
cringe and slavepilled
you have to go back

>> No.25913135


>> No.25913170

nothing say "my life rocks" like a pathological need to brag in front of supposed losers

>> No.25913260

This. Stop believing the wageslave meme shilled by neet losers or trustfund babies.

>> No.25913317
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yep, and thx for bumping my shitty thread
>mfw she messages you in 7 months after her bf leaves her

>> No.25913434
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>> No.25913468

fuck the FIRE movement too, ya know what Warren Buffet does these days? Works.

>> No.25913484

Don’t care
Hate people
Hate society
Hate work

>> No.25913614


>> No.25913812

>Eventually decide I need to confess. Send her a text saying
>>I’m crazy about you

Lmao, confessing your feelings to a girl is never a good idea,
especially when you haven't fucked.
>Life isn't a hollywood movie, corny shit like that doesn't work.

I thought everybody learns this shit in their middle/high school days.

>> No.25913882

I realize that now. I wasn’t redpilled on women back then

>> No.25913951

>motivation: trying to impress her

>> No.25913974

>I wasn’t redpilled on women back then
stop being this analytical, stop being redpilled, just remember variance, if you try 25 times, you'll get a bite so long as each try is passionate. Maybe try tinder too idk. But drop your guard a little.


>> No.25914005

Save and scrimp every day of your life and maybe you can retire ten yrs early! Kek