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25910338 No.25910338 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like crypto is just really bad for your mental state? Ive been in the game a long time, haven't made nearly as much money as I should have, I check charts and my wallet all day long, I browse /biz/ to find the next Link, I give up on my hobbies and passions because I don't have the brain energy for it, I wake up in the middle of the night to piss....check my wallet price.

I just want to sell it all and move on with my life.
Anyone else?

>> No.25910387

HAHA, fuck this is me, my mood fluctuates with the Bitcoin price

>> No.25910390

Yep, except I'm here forever. The sad thing is I made it already, but now my bar is higher.

>> No.25910408

Yeah of course man, it's gambling

>> No.25910416

Yep, except it's not crypto that's sapping my brain energy it's my job and, well I guess lack of sleep, which crypto isnt helping lol

>> No.25910421

I feel that I just want to cash out break even and just wageslave normally and save hardcore invest in gold... that way would be low risk and get me rich but crypto is my opportunity to not have to wageslave in an awful job for my young years

>> No.25910431

this, slots for the modern day man

>> No.25910435

Yes. I'm pretty sure we're a certain kind of NPC. We can't help it.

>> No.25910440

Just get in some comfy long term holds and check them once every few days, dont browse biz. Some suggestions: QNT, RSR, FTM

>> No.25910443

My mental health definitely suffered, its exhausting. On the other hand, its the only hope I have to escape Mr Shekelstein. So I just hope its worth it

>> No.25910446

Seen Layer Cake?

Have a plan and stick to it.

Choose a target. Figure out how to get there. Then walk away once you’ve gotten it. Or die trying.

>> No.25910465

You're clearly wasting your time retard cause the next link is link. If you browse constantly but still don't realise it, you should give up cause you're never gmi

>> No.25910476
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i wish i had never learned about crypto at all in 2016. Knowing that i had 10btc in 2017 Dec and lost it all HODLing alts, that is what bothers me to the core. I will say, watching the no coiners seethe these past few years is probably the only redeeming part for me. i born sub room temp IQ so i had no chance to make money. I am a NEET khv so it is hard for crypto to make my mental state worse. The only thing i can't stop thinking about is that fact that all i had to do was HODL

>> No.25910482

>sell it and move on with my life
why not just leave it alone and move on with your life? check back in a year and you at least 3x

>> No.25910503

you sound like a poor fag trying to gamble shit coins to the top.
literally a recipe to get fucked.

>> No.25910525

You've never hugged a girl? how

>> No.25910547
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The next LINK is PNK. No wonder you don't know, considering how you describe yourself.

>> No.25910549

Few months ago I pounded kratom and danced in extacy daily because I thought RLC would make me rich.
Now its not so sure, and my dopamine receptors are fried.

>> No.25910558

No because I'm not a weak retard.
>DCA every week into BTC
>enjoy my hobbies (music, workout)
>sleep good
>eat good
>check Blockfolio once a week

>> No.25910612

this, even though i don't have all my life savings in crypto my mood still changes based on my holdings activity so i think its mostly based on the hope, the dream, the possibility of making it

>> No.25910631

Its affecting me right now. Waking up with Adrenalin and heart racing now because of price action.

I can hardly look at the price of things now because it affects my mentalstatr kinda like how seeing something horrific like a kid getting killed in a liveleak or something awful.

Worst is it feels like as soon as I adapt and start putting my life together, stuff happens in crypto that draws all my attention back in again. If my coin goes up, I don't feel happy I just feel extremely nervous. If it goes down, I feel sad, depressed and self-loathing. I've never felt this "euphoria" people speak of. If I somehow become a millionaire at the end of all this, I'll have deserved it for all these feelings I think. If not, it'll be another long and pointless chapter in a miserable life.

>> No.25910634

I have seen this thread before.

>> No.25910680

i dont give a shit i like it

>> No.25910679

we're just copy/pasting from the archive bud

>> No.25910719

Anon LINK wasn’t even in top 100 coins that pumped so much since inception.
Keep looking you just need a few, and don’t go all in.

>> No.25910745

That was my assumption. I'm high though, so I was a little spooked I was getting deja vu.

>> No.25910809

Diversify. Will ease your mind anon. I need to to practice what I preach more. There's alot of fun in crypro rn so its hard

>> No.25910851
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Unless you are really lucky, you will be dead inside by the time you make it.

>> No.25911116
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i spent too much time on /r9k/

>> No.25911140

no, not any more. consider crypto to be an opportunity to strengthen yourself against unexpected hardship.

>> No.25911223

Like I am right now. Maybe someone else will get to enjoy my money

Felt euphoric at over $1m yeah, but that was about it. The rest of the time Im scared that I will lose everything

>> No.25911224

Yes, my stack has grown to 500k and well... been in this ride since 2017 and been thru all the ups & downs. Krypto has also opened a door that can never be closed. I mean if I lose it all how can I ever again go back to waging when my portfolio on the very volatile days swing as much as a averige person makes per year? It is fucking crazy. Atleast I'll be able to pay for a good therapist when I make it or take OD from smack if everything burns.

>> No.25911271

lol... i havent looked at a chart in like 4 months (80% of my liquid wealth is in crypto btw), only started looking again now since i think we might be close to a local top for some of my coins... get a hobby or something man, draw or lift metal idk.

>> No.25911358

I fear I will never make it. I just slowly continue buying BTC and XMR though.

Maybe in the future I will just try to get a remote job and move somewhere warm here in EU or Asia

>> No.25911469

That's because you either put too much money in there or you're clueless, set stop losses for peace of mind. Checking it constantly wont change the market. Set goals and don't daytrade what you dont want to lose.

Finally think of the money you have applied as a learning experiment. People put 100s of thousand into college, you put some money to learn how the market works. IMO that is a much better investment, college teaches you to be a drone while being good at reading the market will make you much more money through your life than earning money for someone else everyday. Not a dig at workers but this is where the real money and fortunes are made, not working 9-5 for someone else

>> No.25911567

Nope, I have a comfy job and this is one of my hobbies.
Sometimes I'll go weeks without making an investment but it's not time wasted cause the shitposting here is funny.
Every investment I've made though due to shit I read here has made me money

>> No.25911581

If and when I hit 1m on crypto I'm putting 25% into traditional market. You got to prune that shit and make your gains a reality. The goal is to always be better off than you were before. the 1st million is the hardest so you got 1m in crypto now get some money in the traditional market and make 1m there. Get 150k in bonds then make a loan for a decent home around 150k and use those bonds as collateral. Pay off the home rent it out and buy yourself another or two 150k home to rent or live. Once you got thoe 3 homes buy yourelf a half million home and now you have 1m in property, hopefully 1m in stocks/bonds and you're set with a good diversified portfolio.

>> No.25911582

I wanted to sell and keep my gains as crypto

>> No.25911613
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Precious metals man here. They don't effect my mental state except they are beautiful too look at. Sometimes I like to just look at my metals and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

>> No.25911679

XSN is getting listed on Bitfinex this month.
Look it up, whitepaper etc or stay poor. Your choice.

>> No.25911743
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well if i were you guys, i would take profits before the end of this month. Because there will be a huge dump in BTC. Thats head and shoulder formation.

https://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/121201.asp more info here.

>> No.25911898

I invested 50$ recently. Figuring this shit out, but I mostly do daily trading while listening to podcasts after work. Sell everything back to bitcoin as I go to sleep. Consistently going up 5% in total btc every day for an hour of two of clicking shit for fun, it adds up. Maybe I'll put more in some shitcoin and let that lay low until it moons, ROSE looks promising.

>> No.25911999

For me it was 18

>> No.25912005
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Anon I noticed the same. I'm at my best during bear markets because at those moments I focus on my real life (excercising, tinkering with stuff and I'm motivated at work). During bull markets I gain weight, lack sleep and I'm constantly stressed.

What I did was selling 30% of my crypto for fiat. This gives me some rest (taking profits and knowing I can buy any dip if I want to).

Uninstall block folio or exchange apps. Only check price after every chore is done.


>> No.25912069

If you were me you would be over 10x richer than you are now and wouldn't be invested in a shitty token that was created because people were hyped about staking on real projects like eth and link. Pathetic.
I will not be selling my btc, neither will I be buying a single decimal of your shittoken.

>> No.25912082

wow, lots of honesty in this thread. really saddens me a lot, because I know if you were spending your time building virtue instead of crypto wallets, you'd be enjoying the fruits of that.

crypto gains are fruit of the poison tree - just another ponzi, people who think this is an exit from the rat race are sorrily mistaken: it is like building a second rat wheel inside your extant rat wheel.

i'm pretty smart, i never bought crypto because frankly, the stress was/is not worth it to me. money is just not that important past living expenses and hobbies.

gay quote time: there is someone out there right now who wishes for nothing more than what you already have.

corny, but true. happiness is a choice, a choice that has almost nothing to do w your investments.

>> No.25912245

>because I know if you were spending your time building virtue instead of crypto wallets, you'd be enjoying the fruits of that
okay tell me how to build virtue faggot

>> No.25912310

>money is just not that important past living expenses and hobbies.
Money, in a capital driven society, is freedom currency. Any multimillionaire could walk up to your mother/sister and pay her enough to agree to suck his cock in front of you. If you can't see this, you're blind.

>> No.25912351

>I check charts and my wallet all day long
stop, there's no point in that if you don't trade, and even traders don't do that all day
>I browse /biz/ to find the next Link
this is not going to happen

>> No.25912416

Yes, even though i have way more in stocks i dont care much about that but with crypto im staring at the charts and making panic moves over small amounts.

>> No.25912450
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i did it by learning math & physics, long bouts of contemplation, making meaningful friendships, working on showing vulnerability while also smacking down people who disrespect me.

generally, you want to be in harmony with your archetype and strive to better your embodiment thereof. that means not faking it, but instead embracing who you are. this doesn't mean give up on society, but rather: build up your inner life so that the filth of modernity does not stain your soul.

i am very much aware of the fact that merchant values dictate the society/culture. i am also aware that such a system is unsustainable in the long term, so it will be I who has the last laugh and you who suffers under your own delusional thinking. money buying happiness hah!!! drank your own koolaid there mate.

I dont deny that there are degenerates around who are whores. its in the bhagavad gita 1.40, literally the first step of societal degeneration is the degeneration of women.

>> No.25912472

I just close my eyes and start buying EVERYTHING. For the most part it just works

>> No.25912527

This is retarded, i don't plan to live long, i want to have money to spend rest of my life comfortably, not wageslaving barely making ends meet. If money doesn't make me at least a bit less depressed, i'd still rather be depressed and wealthy than depressed and poor.

>> No.25912627

forgot to mention, after death, you reincarnate.

so you can "YOLO" all you like, but you can't die.

consciousness contains energy & energy is conserved... have fun living out this exact same nightmare over and over and over and if you commit suicide, have fun being reincarnated into an abortion until you lose the will to die.

have a lot of fun with that. golly gosh, im so jealous! BRB, going to enjoy my poverty!

there's a reason merchants are 3rd on the varnashrama, you have no ethics, no virtue, greed, self-loathing, contempt for commoners and poor grammar. you need spiritual guidance in short order. for your own sake, i hope you get it!

I'll be food doesn't taste good, fucking hookers feels empty and you do a lot of drugs. am i right?

>> No.25912768
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I was there for the 2017 moon but hold and then the moon came down again.
I went into a project that seemed quite great but the devs ended up being shizo and there were internal fights and the project fizzled.
I was 2 years in crypto and went from /fit/ to ugly fat.
Mid 2019 I hated the space and all the hype fuckers. I took out 2 BTC, keeping 1 on an exchange and left the space for 1.5 years. Got back into it a few weeks ago and feel bad for the 3 monetary blunders listed above.
I checked in with all the people I know in the space and it seems most who just traded didn't actually make much. (The ones who made money in crytpo made it not via crypto but through building an audience interested in crypto)
This is my blog, thx.

The fourth and biggest regret is that I know that if I had done 25 mins of workout every day, I'd be swimming in much more pussy right now. I earn a shotton of money in my dayjob, so at no point I actually needed money.
After the 1.5 year break, I have no hard feelings about crypto anymore and I hope to get back into a healthy rythm.
I totally support you taking some months off, it's no a good time investment - especially if you're under 40.

>> No.25912791

Not the anon you replied but I’ve been a holder since 2012 now and never cashed our because I don’t even know how I’m gonna provewhere these Bitcoins originated from. Even my memory is fuzzy. How am I even gonna claim tax on this shit if I cant prove where they came from? My only hope now is when 1BTC = 1BTC

>> No.25912808

>I'll be food doesn't taste good, fucking hookers feels empty and you do a lot of drugs. am i right?

I'm not a degenerate, i said i want to be comfy, not party rest of my life with hookers and drugs. I've got some untreatable genetic disease so 50 is my final call to end myself. I don't want to spend the rest of my life wageslaving 40 hours a week in a place that is an hour drive from where i live.

>forgot to mention, after death, you reincarnate.


>> No.25912840

Put all your money on link
Btc and a couple defi moonshots and forgot about it all until end of the year.
Go live your life you're no trader why are u acting like one.

>> No.25912871

tell you what, i used to feel exactly the same when i was heavily addicted. i ended up selling all my crypto holdings. the stress and time wasted wasn't worth the small gains. ive got no skin in the game and have never felt better. for me, the entertainment is far more enjoyable from the sideline. i usually just troll now. Once you sell all your crypto you can really see the ponzi for what it is. when you're invested its easily to get emotionally attached and blinded. this is how the top makes millions off all the retail investors like us

>> No.25912875

based retard is winning. kek

>> No.25912895


>> No.25912940

ask me how i know you are lying

>> No.25912988

I agree and also about the scam part (BTC won't scale and is too complicated - no progress onchain has been made on this core issue and no small coin can take over BTC).
But still, the gambling game is not going away and so BTC will grow even despite it's flaws.
I don't think holding BTC is bad, even if you think it's fundamentally not doing anything the is set out to do.

>> No.25913029

I've only been in crypto a week and I'm sleeping like 2 hours a night, really. I know it's not doing me any good, but I'm actually not tired because of it, which is really weird. I'm watching my wallet and graphs non-stop for 95% of my awake time. Before I know it, hours have passed. The only time I'm not doing that is when I cook, bathroom, or play DOTA with my guild, but even then, I'm tabbing out of the match at every opportunity to check the wallet, which results in AFK match time and is probably making our matches a lot harder than they need to be. Guild is picking up on it too which might get me benched from the main team if I keep it up, lol. So yes OP, I relate.

>> No.25913051

No, it's actually better for me, I feel alive again.

>> No.25913098

yes i also agree BTC is fatally flawed in many ways. But you can still make money, as there will always be greater fools. Don't get me started on market manipulation and the rest

if you can buy some and leave it for a few years, you will probably come out on top. there is 0 need to check it in between, only bad comes from it

>> No.25913283

I hear about people having these sort of problems all the time and I don't get it. You're either
A) overleveraged or more than you can afford to lose
2) in risky projects with, again money that you aren't ok with losing
D) don't believe in crypto

I have the majority of my portfolio is BTC, ETH, and PRQ and I'm up at least 2x on all three so it will take a catastrophe for me to be in the red on those. I have like 6 or so microcap shitcoin bags that I'm not exactly in the green yet on but I put an amount of money in that I've pretty much written off already. I don't ever stress or worry about dips or whatever. The shitcoins will have their day. If it dips really hard, just buy more.

>> No.25913316


>BTC won't scale and is too complicated - no progress onchain has been made on this core issue and no small coin can take over BTC).

Haven’t been keeping up on the developments have you?

>> No.25913400

are these posts larps? secretly you're holding 7 figure portfolios in crypto and just trolling?

>> No.25913529

My greatest dream is when all the lowly normies and redditard plebs who fudded crypto finally jump into crypto, gain the first 20x or 30x of their lives, sell crypto, fud it again but their fiat they cashed out into gets annihilated the moment they sell, it becomes worthless. Can you imagine their facial expressions, their emotions and the mass suicides that would follow? Bliss and heaven on earth.

>> No.25914159

id say the problem with crypto and mental health is that the market is 24/7

you decide to blackout after 3 days of watching and in that time the CRAB hits

>> No.25914161

Why would they further develop a technology with a marketcap of 500b, jeez its the same as it was in 2009 and eventually hackers will sell btc then steal it right back off of you

>> No.25914210

Yep but that's what enables it monstrous play. I remember cashing out on the 24th of december thinking the 25th would have a correction and I was very wrong. That christmas weekend it exploded and then the week of the first exploded again. If it was a traditional market we would be hitting the prices that BTC is right now around this time and it would be a nice linear curve instead of the graph we have.

>> No.25914376

I actually had a psychotic break back in 2011 over crypto. Full blown, it was fucked up and I wish that on nobody. I had a lot going on as well, but I feel crypto was the trigger. I'm not a pro trader, I'm not built for this. I was a young kid.

I've gotten much stronger and forged a life. But holy shit, I've had bad months where I couldn't enjoy my friends or family because my bitcoin was down, lost, stolen, whatever.

Followed by happiness if I was up. The coin made me bipolar.

I learned that it's just a number on a screen. And I could be rich AND miserable. So might as well try to be happy no matter how much I had.

I could go into details about how fucked up my crypto journey truly was, but it's behind me now. I can see a 40k btc and not feel overwhelming grief.

I am much stronger now.

>> No.25914591

Invest and forget. Play video games. Ch ck price once a week.

>> No.25914622

this is pretty much me except Im not a virgin