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25903185 No.25903185 [Reply] [Original]

Shorting Tesla
Valued at 835 Billion
Total earning 800 million (speculated)
800 percent gain in one year
this bubble has to pop

>> No.25903214
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>> No.25903230

How do you short? Explain to me as if you thought I was retarded

>> No.25903236

it will have to have a correction at some point anon

>> No.25903273

insert put
guess as to where you think the price will plummet and the time it will do so
if you are correct and it goes even further down
you will receive even greater gains

>> No.25903313

This isn't the 1990's
Nobody gives a shit about earnings or anything like that.
TSLA is a meme, a digital store-of-value used to escape USD devaluation. Same as BTC.
In fact, Elon is a genius for programming a TSLA<->BTC connection in everyone's mind years ago.

>> No.25903321

Borrow tesla stock and sell it, buy again in the future for less money and return it

>> No.25903334

right but who pays out based on how badly the stock drops? The broker?

>> No.25903385

Logically it should, but think of the amount of autism going into Tesla stocks. Elon funny meme man so all the funny meme followers throw their money at him

>> No.25903402

>Elon is a genius for programming a TSLA<->BTC connection in everyone's mind years ago.
it'll be amazing to see them both implode, both are up 10x in the same timeframe

>> No.25903437

Buy a contract set to strike at a lower price you believe the stock will drop to in the future

>> No.25903460
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>shorting a bubble

>> No.25903464

remember the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent

>> No.25903475

instead of opening a buy you open a sell , you make money if the stock price is below what you opened position at , but if price go up you lost money
why not regular short though? the pay is that good ? what's your strike price ?

>> No.25903484

Once they post a negative earnings it has to fall
Like Icarus getting too close to the sun

>> No.25903530

strike price 500/600
two separate contracts at late 2021

>> No.25903564

>late 2021
You think it will come that soon?

>> No.25903578

Every single other person who shorted Tesla and didn't cash out in March has been absolutely destroyed. What makes you any different from them?

>> No.25903582

I honestly think it could go down by next month

>> No.25903642

how much you betting ? % of portfolio ?

>> No.25903645

Earnings coming up
like I said the gains on the stock is too insane

>> No.25903666

They won't implode in nominal terms against USD unless The Fed starts tightening.

>> No.25903672

A put is the option to sell x amount of shares at a certain date, if the price falls below the strike price you get to sell it above market value. Also you can sell the contract for more and more as the price drops but the date hasn’t come yet.

>> No.25903679

even elon thinks its gonna

>> No.25903686

we're on /biz/ , how dare you ask that

>> No.25903702

>the market is being too irrational
>i will use rationality to short it

>> No.25903781

because the daily chart is literally fuckin as close as you'll get to a vertical line

>> No.25903811

So if I were to buy a put at 500 and the price went to 100 I can then buy them at 100 and sell for 500? Obviously exaggerating

>> No.25903814

not the market in general
however that is true
The market is only pumping thanks to the Federal Reserve
And majority of whale investors as well as normies are focused on the "never ending upscale rollercoaster" but only a fool would think it wont drop
and when it does everyone is jumping ship
including the elephants
Tesla is one big FOMO bubble
I'm so confident I sold all my shares and now I am submitting a contract tomorrow morning

>> No.25903982
File: 107 KB, 979x546, tesla and bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is the rugpull coming? Institutions are up over 4x on their investment and normies on robinhood and coinbase just keep pumping their bags. The lines are parabolas going straight up.

>> No.25904065

technically yes but with options if it expires at 501 you lose all your money

>> No.25904167

look at the usd index, it's bouncing back on the yearly resistance line. btc and tsla are going down and it'll happen when the head and shoulders pattern on btc daily chart finishes in 2 days time to coincide with the tether fud day and both will drop 50%-80%. im out of the market and if even one person reading this heeds my advice thats my good deed for the day

>> No.25904231

Right but who pays out? I'm imagining it's like betting at blackjack, but who then is the House?

>> No.25904338

The "house" is the person selling the options. Anyone can be a house, including you Anon!

>> No.25904662

Yeah but you have to do the math between the profit you make and the option contract premiums.

>> No.25904820

you think tsla drops 80% in one day? the fuck

i would be cautious about high growth, high debt tech stocks right now

>> No.25905067

how do I even short tesla with less money upfront

all the long put options i see on robinhood have price of $1000+ that means that the actual price $1000+ X 100 for these contracts

how can i short TSLA in the long term with less upfront money??

>> No.25905131

>>25903185 (OP)
same question

>> No.25905180

You are paying the initial 1000+ to leverage 100 shares of the stock

>> No.25905197

>Earnings coming up
Last I heard you burgers are getting some free money in the mail.
Shorting a bubble before it's burst is like buying a crashing asset before it finds a bottom.

>> No.25905250

>how do I even short tesla with less money upfront
>all the long put options i see on robinhood have price of $1000+ that means that the actual price $1000+ X 100 for these contracts
>how can i short TSLA in the long term with less upfront money??
Go with Leaps, long term shit around 25 months, you can call or put, obviously not for short term gainz

>> No.25905511


the charts kind of make sense..

>> No.25905897

dont short a golden goose.

>> No.25906016

satan speaks

>> No.25906037

>earnings are negative
>stock price goes up again anyways
what then?

>> No.25906082

Options are too expensive to short. The options on TSLA give you NOTHING but a fraction of the price movement as the stock drops. Look at it on an options calculator. The only way to make money off of options would be to have $800,000 collateral to write call options with. But would you really want to put up that much just to make a long $20k?
You kids don’t understand what is going on here. This is a play by big Jews running the cabal. Look at all the news pumping this stock and learn who controls the media.

>> No.25906127


Do not go near options on TSLA. Look at them and any options position on an options calculator.

>> No.25906435

most of the people buying tesla stock are actually buying dreams and memes. they can't expect returns unless they confused tesla for SpaceX or something.

>> No.25906440

I got 3/16 $600 strike puts on tesla, thanks for the advice. Hopefully my $2k doesn't disappear.

>> No.25906956

what is the best way to short (for long term) in such cases without putting too much money early on?

i know TSLA is gonna go down i'd say atleast to 300ish cause the price hike is primarily due to cult followers and then ETFs and hedgies trying to profit off these cult in the coming few years

>> No.25906981

It's going to pop but you're likely going to get shrekt before it does

>> No.25907312
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>> No.25907377

Michael Burry is shorting too, but he's already worth 100s of millions so it's more of a game for him than for you and I

>> No.25907419

Michael Burry was brave enough to short the entire US economy in 2005, but he was still far too early. He's been shorting Tesla for a while too. So long that he might be deep in the red.

>> No.25907458

Afaik he started shorting in December

>> No.25907467
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>TSLA is a meme, a digital store-of-value used to escape USD devaluation. Same as BTC.


>> No.25907533

Weird I was just thinking about how TSLA was a bubble. Now im seeing more and more people talk about it. Is this it? Will we will it to existence? I think it'll dump hard as a result of a self fulfilling prophecy type thing. I'll buy deep otm puts 6 months out and im going to be rich. Screencap this

>> No.25907556

No, he started asking Elon on twitter to issue more Tesla shares "if there was real demand".

Aka, he's getting margin calls and growing desperate. He's probably been shorting since before the stock split.

>> No.25907573

Anons, ANONS, if you're completely new to options, you need to BUY a put if you think it's going down.

NEVER sell a call or a put if you have no idea how it works because your losses can be theoretically LIMITLESS. As in maybe you only have $500 to your name, but you can end up owing $50,000 if your your wrong or don't get rid of your options in time (before their close date or if someone executes the options before the close date)

If anything, only buy a put (if you think it's going up) or a call (if you think it's going down) for now. It's much safer and you can only lose the money you put into it. But I'm not a professional, so consult your financial adviser and don't trust me nor any other anons on this matter.

>> No.25907846
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>only buy a put (if you think it's going up) or a call (if you think it's going down)

>> No.25907957

I wait for the reports to come out that TSLA is closing factories due to bad earnings and enjoy a nice cheese plate while watching my puts skyrocket.

>> No.25908001

buying puts are to short...right......

>> No.25908013

robinhood doesnt allow naked options for newbies

>> No.25908034

This is a massive mistake. There will be no correction - QE will continue over the next 4 years - they cannot afford boomer pensions to explode at a time like this

>> No.25908112

People said whatever gayness you just said all the way up to october 1929

>> No.25908558

What if we have a crack up boom OP? Everything else simply rises in relation except the actual money? Bears and shorts get liquidated. Milk now costs $30-50 dollars for a 4L.