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25899609 No.25899609 [Reply] [Original]

Every altcoin dumped except AVAX that pumped to 7$ again, I'm telling you anons, this token will moon this year.

>> No.25899739

AVAX could be the final coin that can incorporates all the good ideas in the blockchain space. Low friction, low fees, high speed, great talent. Just a strong bet all around

>> No.25899761
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What makes it better than Cardano? Legit question.

>> No.25899850

Will work with defi ethereum projects out of the box except with instant validation and small fees. Cardano is a competitor to eth, avax just solves a bunch of eth's problems while being compatible with it.

>> No.25900144
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You can port your shit right now from Etherium to Cardano. Look up KEVM testnet. Also interoperability is in the works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvIAgDEUC4o

>> No.25900156

i just bought in today, and all these shill threads are making me second guess.

>> No.25900345
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My question would be, though - what are the tradeoffs regarding decentralization/security/speed AVAX is taking?

Do they have peer reviewed algorithms that even the competiton (Polka, ETH 2.0 if it ever releases) uses?

Do they have formally verified functional code?

Can you use whichever coding language you want? (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8a6tX53YPs&t=1s))

>> No.25900390

Idk look at the whitepaper it's by the guys from cornell

>> No.25900485

Avalanche is considered more of a layer 0 than layer 1 blockchain like Cardano. You can't run blockchains on top of Cardano, only smart contracts. You can run blockchains on top of Avalanche, an infinite amount, each capable of a minimum of 4,500 TPS (On avalanche TPS is CPU bound, so when we say 4500 that is with the crapiest computer you can find in the past 10 years or so - i.e. raspberry pie). If you throw a 24 core CPU at it, it will be 15,000 TPS+++.

Cardano Ouroboros with the Shelley implementation will have 200-260 TPS. That's a massive difference from Avalanche.

Cardano has since also talked about eventually deploying a layer 2 sharding solution called Hydra which will increase that to 1000 TPS per shard. Shelley is not going to be released until at least July 2021 (if it doesn't get delayed yet again). Hydra will thus be much further out - Note ETH2 with Sharding is targeted at 2022-2023! Avalanche already has massive scalability.. today!

If Avalanche ever needed more scalability it could add layer 2 solutions like Zk-Rollups, or Sharding like ETH2 & Cardano Hydra, at which point TPS would be in the many millions/s!

Cardano in a way didn't solve the trilemma within their chain and stayed in the same ballpark as Ethereum.

Oh also, cardano has block times of 20 seconds (15s for ETH). Avalanche has an absolute max of 3s per block, with 90%+ of blocks confirming in sub-1second... WITH finality! (aka can't be reversed). This is the equivalent of 6x 10 min blocks on Bitcoin for example. One major advantage not talked about much is that with sub 1 second finality, DEFI projects can't have flash loan hacks occur. Before you can blink a transaction is confirmed, no time to execute flash loan hacks.

>> No.25900684

Now you are talking.
Every time I see AVA shilling here, its always memes. Now I'm seeing a real explanation of it.
Where I can download the wallet? And how many gigabytes to run its blockchain?

>> No.25900713

ZEC 1000 EOY

>> No.25900749

Also, what is the difference between AVA and DOT?
I tried to run DOT once, but it didnt have private keys, so got me worried.

>> No.25900772
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we fuck niggers

>> No.25900785

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC
>is the Number 2 in Cornells IC3 (Ari Juels is number 1)
>h-index of 46 (Juels h index is 83), nobody in crypto comes close to these 2 gigabrains (Vitalik has h index of 27 FYI)
>called out multiple attack vectors of the DAO before it was hacked
>recognized the importance of Chainlink from early on and is in close contact with the Flannel Man
>his PhD student Maofan Yin is the author of HotStuff protocol used by Facebook Libra, he's also working for Ava Labs

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos Proof of Work and Classical Protocols
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there, it’s a completely new family of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit account tricks, batching, or L2), sub 3 seconds finality
>already more decentralized than everything else in crypto running a Node is really easy and hardware requirements are low, anyone can do it
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>Resist 51% attack (need 80% network control to take over)

Full EVM support.

>Earn a passive income of 10% per year!
>The minimum-maximum duration: 2 weeks-1 year. Your tokens + rewards are unlocked at the end of the staking period. You can restake every 2 weeks but you’ll receive less rewards than if you lock your coins a whole year.
>You need 2000 avax to create a node. People can delegate to your node. You set the fees at 2% minimum.
>If you don’t have enough to create a node you can delegate your avax. So if you have 1000 avax you can earn 98 avax (1000x10% – 2%) per year by delegating them to a node at 2% fees.
>No slashing! Unlike other protocols, your tokens are not at risk. If you delegate to a malicious node the worst that can happen is losing your reward.
>Stats: avascan.info and vscout.io

>> No.25901044

AVAfag, can I trust this wallet to store AVA?


>> No.25901069

Yeah that's where you can stake them for profit

>> No.25901088



>> No.25901120

Yes and the token is called avax, not ava which is a shitcoin.
>Every time I see AVA shilling here, its always memes.
if you were /biz/ savvy you would know that it's a sign.

>> No.25901127


>> No.25901176

I really hope I didn't just sink 5k at it's peak

>> No.25901435

$10 then $20 incoming soon!

>> No.25901485
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Cool thanks for the elaboration, reading the whitepaper right now. SOme more questions:

- Does it have smart contracts already?
- How does Avalance relate to Snow - if the Etherium-stuff starts using Snow will AVAX-Holdlers profit? Related - what is the use of the token, besides staking to get more of it?
- What is the timeline?
- How many peer-reviewed papers do they have?
- What language is it coded in and is it formally verifyably correct?

Also, to correct some errors in your post:
- Shelley is already released
- With Hydra like you said we will have 1000TPS per head, which is considering 1000 heads one million transactions per second. More than enough I would say, at some point it becomes a vanity metric.
- Cardano is anything but in the same ballpark as Etherium. It is both faster, cheaper, and more secure. And has better incentives for decentralization.
- I would say you can execute flash loans hacks irrespective of blockchain speed. It's automatic, no? If you run the slot node you can put in your orders in any order you like.

Thanks again for being a bro.

>> No.25901649

Also, what about governance?

I feel I'm missing something, could you please elaborate in more detail?

>> No.25901691

I'm feeling comfy rn.

>> No.25901826

If you run a node you get to vote on governance, I think the threshold is 80% and it covers rate of stake rewards, fees, all types of stuff

>> No.25901827
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>How many peer-reviewed papers do they have?
>What language is it coded in and is it formally verifyably correct?
Charles pls

>> No.25901842

also lmao at the papers question the guy was a cornell prof on crypto before btc

>> No.25901918
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Do your own research nigger.

>> No.25902376

Speed speed speed....blah blah blah.

Where’s the ecosystem? Where’s the network? Where’s the USAGE.

That’s right AVAX currently has no network worth mentioning just like all these other ETH killers. It’s not gonna dethrone the king, sorry.

>> No.25902707
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It's leveraging the eth ecosystem my guy.

>> No.25902745

To be honest I'm mostly biased towards Cardano because I got a raging boner for Haskell and formal verification. People's money is not something you trust onto some hackathon bullcrap.

I have to admit that Avalanche seems indeed alright; normally I despise other Etherium-Killers because of their technical inferiority to Cardano. Will research it further, thanks.

You realize there are no actual use cases for the whole cryptospace yet besides meme gambling, drugs and tax evasion right?

>> No.25902919

>To be honest I'm mostly biased towards Cardano because I got a raging boner for Haskell and formal verification.
why because its reducible to lambda calculus or something - genuine question I've never touched it

>> No.25903131

What are you talking about DeFi is here now. Right now. I can make 18% on TUSD on yearn right fucking now.

What are you talking about?

>> No.25903175

Show me the network and show me the usage, integrations and partnerships and I will take back what I said.

If you can’t, then gtfo

>> No.25903366

he's a rebbitor

>> No.25903965
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I find Haskell is just a lot of fun to code in since it eliminates whole classes of bugs. Also trippy af, pic related. Also regarding the lambda calculus - I think so. Being free of side effects and being closer to math or something has surely something to do with it.

Did not know that, neat. How does it work, where do the 18% come from?

What I mean is - all those fancy projects I read about (and which excite me) didn't have any actual user counts last time I checked. Except uniswap, which's usecase is memecoin gambling. Exchanges are needed but have no connection to the real world.

An example for a real-world project I'm a fan of would be Kleros for example. Won't buy again until they switch from Spaghetterium to something cleaner though. And still not really used as far as I'm aware of.

While researching a bit I found the good point not to be such a fucking nerd and only care about the tech but business too. So - what do they have now? What do they plan to have when? Can I use this Atherium right now? If not, when?

Smart people still make mistakes or gloss over inconvenient truths. This is why we need to discuss it with others so they can point out the holes. Which is why this has been a relatively qualitative thread thus far.

For ex.: Oracles and Kleros gloss over the fact that 51% of their market cap posits an upper limit to how far you can trust it. If i.e. the mcap of Link is 10bil and the volume of derivatives based on it's inputs is 100bil this is a huge powder keg.

Or the byzantine thing. What if I coordinate my attackers with a smart contract? I remember reading some refutation of this but can't remember what it was and if it was legit.

Or Dexes seem fishy af too. "We need arbitrageurs to adjust the price". What bullshit. "Impermanent" loss swept under the rug, etc. Maybe I'm too dumb but I am also able to simply complex topics to brainlets, why can't they? Either bc autism or bc shilling

>> No.25904055

just buy it dude

>> No.25904184
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I don't believe in halfassery so If I buy I buy with a relatively big chunk of my folio. And for that I need to believe in the thing, hence my questions.

There are a million cool sounding projects out there and I sold them all for Cardano, which in my opinion has the best chances right now to fullfull blockchain's promise of bringing ancapistan to life and deleting rent seekers' career descriptions.

>> No.25904246

Holy shit man this is an image forum, not a fucking business pitch, DYOR.

>> No.25904289

business and finance

>> No.25904381

thanks just bought another 100k

>> No.25904542

Ok, they have given you tons of info about AVAX, and you keep asking, you can actually search for it, you know right?

>> No.25904818
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oh come on now. I am searching and asking for the things I can't find. If you want to shill your shit be ready to sell it. I'd do the same for Cardano or whatever else I happen to like.

>tons of info
a few infos and a bit of misinformation. And most questions are still unanswered and will likely not be answerable by researching myself, since like I said fanboys tend to gloss over inconvenient truths.

>> No.25904868

I like you anon, you seem genuinely interested and level headed.

The main thing that gets me excited about avax is their new consensus mechanism which is based on gossip theory. It's pretty much a game changer and it is the reason they are able to achieve < 3s finality.

Everyone will regurgitate bullshit about tps, but really you only need a couple thousand tps (visa averages around 1,700, regardless of its theoretical capabilities that is the actual usage). The thing that actually matters is the time to finality, in most cases avax has proven to have sub second finality but they are advertising a <3s finality (ie. They aren't trying to oversell it, they're being quite reasonable)

Finality matters because once a transaction has finality it is irreversible, the stuff about avax being immune to flash loans etc is based on the finality I mean technically it's still possible but considering in most cases finality is reached sub second it would be insanely hard to achieve a flash loan considering finality and how the consensus mechanism works fundamentally (there's some good vids on this).

You've also gotta keep in mind that this has only been live for around 4 months and the network already has over 700 validator nodes.

>> No.25904894

White Paper
Source Code

>> No.25905068

thanks just dumped my 5 btc bags into this

>> No.25905139

Go to Binance.com setup an account and buy Tether or BTC with your cash, then trade it . just look up AVAX under coins.

>> No.25905210

Part 2.

The other major feature of avax is the subnetting, everyone seems to confuse this with sharding (ie a scaling solution) but it isn't, avax doesn't need a scaling solution because it's already capable of 4,500tps+ (which as mentioned in previous post is already way more than needed).

Subnetting is actually the ability to spin up complete blockchains that are connected to the main chain but are validated independently. This means companies can actually create their own blockchain (which shares all the benefits of avax consensus) but it can be privately controlled such that the company controls the Validators of their blockchain.

But there is still interoperability between the main chain and the subnets and those subnets still run on avax token for transaction payments etc.

To tldr; avax is the only project that I know of which allows companies to benefit from, build on and interact with a decentralized network full of dapps without losing control.

>> No.25905211

clearly 120 iq loosing out to 85 and 180 Iq Avax monsters. Fuck Ada and centralized shit fest

>> No.25905240

Cardano has been around years and has no adoptions and no smart contracts

Avalanche has been around months and will be the first non ethereum blockchain to have serious dApps this month.

>> No.25905252
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Didnt read a single thing except where you mention Avax

>> No.25905269

Here's the consensus explained in 2.5 minutes:

You can play with the consensus here to get an understanding:

>> No.25905409
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Thanks mate, appreciate it. Gossip indeed sounds cool. I don't know much about flash loans but if they are somewhat similar in a rough sense to frontrunning this could easily be solved by time discrete auctions.

Maybe I'll buy some off my next paycheck. Not selling my ADA a few months before Goguen. Even Charles likes it.

My main criticism would be admittedly quite irrational from an investor's pov - but functional programming is so great and everyone starts projects with shit language because they are popular. Solidity is based on fucking javascript, what ze fuck? Pyhon is for scribbling on napkins and data analytics, if you find yourself using classes with it reconsider your choices imo. Sure you can type and compile it but you could also just use Haskell.

Thanks have been reading that

Hm alright but I can also just put the control aspect into my smart contract and profit from the largest possible number of validators, no? I mean there is for example the threat of validator compromise. But yeah might be too expensive, does indeed indeed look interesting. Thanks for not having/showing ADHD like those guys below you.


>> No.25905472

Bruh the whole thing was me shilling what gets me hyped about avax

>> No.25905486

When will this get listed on a major exchange?

>> No.25905574

How do you fucks login in to you avex wallet? Ledger? Ive become paranoid about typing and copying my seed phrase.

>> No.25905681
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By the way what do you think of Holochain, is this even still alive? Also uses gossip.

What other projects do you like? I shortly was interested in Algorand for similar reasons but dropped it since Cardano had the same pitch and is further ahead.

Unrelated but I wonder why Tezos is so unpopular. Seems like the budget version of Cardano and was further ahead for a long time. Also I heard they work on zero knowledge which is incredibly neat.

Polkadot and Cosmos and Tron I haven't even looked at.

Arbitrum seemed also quite okay, did something come out of it?

>Maybe I'll buy some off my next paycheck
What I meant maybe I'll start accoomulating from then on.

>> No.25905854
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Also now that I recalled Arbitrum I got the hunch that this whole sidechain business is quite easy to implement. Would need to find out why it is better to have it in the base protocol. Well, got two weeks left to do so.

>> No.25905981

Someone answer this pls. I want to buy more but dont want to be cucked from future millions. Not again.

>> No.25906268

$1000 EOY, $500k 2021, 20MM per coin Q1 2022

>> No.25906601
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imagine not buying and staking