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File: 40 KB, 750x1000, ethereum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25886025 No.25886025 [Reply] [Original]

I mean really, does Ethereum have a future? How is it ever supposed to moon when it has an unlimited supply? I hardly hear anything about it these days.

>> No.25886063

EIP-1559, nigger

>> No.25886120

>brown id
I know this is bait but for the newfags look into eip1559

>> No.25886183

SO fucking weird. Literally no one is talking about it. Also, the unlimited supply, I never hear of it. NO ONE EVER MENTIONS IT. This is LITERALLY the second time someone mentions it on a forum. Its like no one has ever looked at the monetary supply of Ethereum. I feel like I am taking crazy pills.
How can the price go up with unlimited supply? Unlimited supply should mean the price is zero. I am sad to have missed out on the gains, but it will all come crashing down very soon, once we get the word out that ETH has UNLIMITED supply. Crazy. THey will learn soon tho

>> No.25886287

“In order to ensure the economic sustainability of the platform under the widest possible variety of circumstances, and in light of the fact that issuing new coins to proof of work miners is no longer an effective way of promoting an egalitarian coin distribution or any other significant policy goal, I propose that we agree on a hard cap for the total quantity of ETH.”
~Vitalik Buterin, April 2018

>> No.25886330

If you apply all the burning/lockup mechanisms mentioned above to that rate, plus the fact that in Ethereum 2.0 a part of the ether from TX fees will also be burned, and then you apply the fact that in Proof of Stake to be a validator you need 32 ether and this means only 3 million validators can ever exist before the Eth supply runs out, you’ll realize that Eth will actually become deflationary.

>> No.25886470

Vitalik really cant be very smart to create an UNLIMITED SUPPLY COIN. Maybe the dumbest smart people in crypto. I have an economics degree and I know big supply is never good. How is no one talking about it? Are people in crypto really that dumb, OP? You should be a prophet and tell everyone. I dont think I have ever heard about the UNLIMITED SUPPLY ETHEREUM thing here or on Twitter. Do people really not know? THe price should be ZERO right now. What is going on? No one is talking about it. No one knows. Or are they all trying to scam people?

>> No.25886577

Bitcoin is the real coin. It doesnt have UNLIMITED SUPPLY. We should tell people, I never hear people talking about it these days. All these noobies dont know about it. How is no one talking about it? SOmeone should teach them about the supply. OP, what do you think? Are you up to it? This might be the single most important thing to focus about in crypto.

>> No.25886672

OP, why are you silent? Did something happen to you? Answer us. Should mods look up your IP and call an ambulance? I am getting scared for you

>> No.25886694


>> No.25886714

of course everyone is going to pay $1+$15,34 (gas fee sweetie) for snickers bar

>> No.25886734

get rekt

>> No.25886741

Vietnam fucking shit

>> No.25886963
File: 12 KB, 443x168, Screenshot_2021-01-12 Ethereum price, ETH price index, chart, and info CoinGecko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one is talking about it. No one knows. Or are they all trying to scam people?

>> No.25886992

sphaggeti code

>> No.25887041

Thank you

>> No.25888067

This. fee burn

>> No.25888145

Poorly written ESL FUD only increases my confidence in ETH

>> No.25888646
File: 67 KB, 945x745, 1610364198190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because Vitalik still hasn't sorted out scaling issues.

>> No.25889121

1 post by this ID

>> No.25889191
File: 41 KB, 816x367, 1610145785056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25889344

With projects like API3 coming along well, yes the future is bright.