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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 668 KB, 990x349, crypto-anarchy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2588418 No.2588418 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else optimistic for the next 10 years of cryptocurrencies? This isn't even about moon missions and lambos, this is about the libertarian fantasy we've all been waiting for ever since ancient Greek times. Another great leap towards freeing us from the corrupting forces of our world

Look at all the amazing coins coming out. This is a massive explosion. It's not just bitcoin, it's not just Proof of Work, it's also Proof of State, Proof of Storage Capacity, Proof of Network Capacity, even now Proof of Intelligence. This just keeps getting better

The cryptocurrencies being built on top of the blockchain through Proof-of concepts are just exploding and hardware is quickly becoming more inherently valuable than for just entertainment purposes. GPUs aren't for video games anymore, but rather computation

In the future, the most powerful people in the world will not be the "richest" in the traditional fiat or even physical goods sense of the word, but those with the most computational power and intelligence. That is the new social hierarchy. We're already seeing it with manual labor jobs dying out and being replaced with intelligence based jobs

There is so much going wrong with the world right now but crypto is getting it 100% right, it's a beacon of shining light for people living in countries with monetary corruption to join the world finally

I can't wait for all the amazing financial instruments that will come about through the blockchain. Old ones will be shattered, old methods are going to die and the people investing in them right now won't even realize until it's too late Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) will change things more than we can even begin to comprehend, they will be the new government.

It's all about computational power and decentralization now, it's all about intelligence, it's all about freedom. Thank you Satoshi, this is worth getting emotional over. Yeah "kys faggot lol" idc. This is so important for human history.

>> No.2588435
File: 67 KB, 679x705, 184d1de650f5739fcd25b649e3ef9e3c79c936c05109146a0aafc336181a3b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up retard this is about destroying the jews power over us and creating a new fascist reich free from central banks, in honor of him

thats what its always been about.

>> No.2588444

it's promising, but i'm scared about being in the wrong coin and missing out

>> No.2588447

>make containment board.
>they still sperg out in the other boards.

Like pottery.

>> No.2588454

He's one of the great monsters of history. A truly reprehensible "human" who deserves eternal torture for his uncountable sins against humanity. Crypto is meant to free us from people like this by helping to lessen peoples' dependence upon the financial system of the government of their geographical region.

I assume you're trolling, in which case you're doing this board, yet another truly shining light in humanity's pursuit of freedom, a great disservice by tarnishing it with your ethically disgusting viewpoints.

Places like this could be so truly amazing if people like you didn't fuck everything up.

>> No.2588466

No, it will be eventually used against us. Sooner or later, the government will use blockchain technology as a way of keeping track of its citizens.

>> No.2588478
File: 203 KB, 1600x800, landscape-1453504198-hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait faggot, but knowing this board you might be a real kike


>> No.2588480

nice bait

>> No.2588730

It's not bait. Are you cucks legitimately nazis?

>> No.2588766

OP you just made my dick hard.

I for one welcome the new age.

Literally no matter what coin you get into, you'll be wealthy and free of the chains of wage slavery.

>> No.2588778

Meh, don't worry, they'll eventually realize that playing nazi is not that edgy anymore... Great OP by the way, made my neurons fire.

>> No.2588792

Is there any profit in mining rigs this days?

>> No.2588809


Im fascist, if you think theres anything edgy about that you are sadly mistaken. Hitler was a great man, my personnel hero. Im in crypto to finish what he left off

>> No.2588845

Jews do control and manipulate the central banks... especially the FED.

>> No.2588855

>not edgy

l m a o

>> No.2588864


>> No.2588876

Do you feel proud for your Jew-controlled FED printing up money, inflating your currency and creating an enormous debts to fight wars for Zion?

>> No.2588896

>wanting an orderly, nationalistic, single party, anti-marxist state is edgy

You realize what fascism means right? you have read the fascist doctrine?

>> No.2588907

eventually the govt will find a way to control all of us since the use of force and violence is in the monopoly of the state.

If they walk in with guns you wil be scared and give your private keys.

True freedom and libertantis happens only when are free from this physical form and are resistant to any sort of violece or force against us. If we cant be hurt or die then govt cannot exist.

but i wish the whole crypto movement is going in the right direction as it reduces their revenues as people try to conceal their wealth.

>> No.2588918


I dislike how the media portrays Jews as innocent. In the West, the majority of policy makers, federal reserve chairmen & financiers, media pundits, filmmakers, pawnbrokers, and various political and ideological tastemakers are Jewish. They occupy positions of power & influence far out of proportion to their number. Jews only make up 2% of pop. and control central banks!

I have a quote by Schopenhauer about this.

>> No.2588925

Schopenhauer notes that
""many great and illustrious nations with which this pettifogging little nation cannot possibly be compared, such as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and others have passed to eternal rest and entirely disappeared. And even so today, this gens extorris [refugee race], this John Lackland among the nations, is to be found all over the globe, nowhere at home and nowhere strangers. Moreover it asserts its nationality with unprecedented obstinacy and, mindful of Abraham who dwelt in Canaan as a stranger but who gradually became master of the whole land, as his God had promised him (Genesis 17:8), it would like to set foot somewhere and take root in order to arrive once more at a country, without which, of course, a people is like a ball floating in air. Till then, it lives parasitically on other nations and their soil; but yet it is inspired with the liveliest patriotism for its own nation. This is seen in the very firm way in which Jews stick together on the principle of each for all and all for each, so that this patriotism sine patria inspires greater enthusiasm than does any other. The rest of the Jews are the fatherland of the Jew; and so he fights for them as he would pro ara et focis [for hearth and home], and no community on earth sticks so firmly together as does this.""

Analysis from article:
As a formidably cohesive group whose loyalty to their ethnic kindred vastly outstrips their loyalty to the non-Jewish nations within which they dwell, Jews should absolutely never, Schopenhauer affirmed, be allowed to play any role whatsoever in the governance of these nations. If allowed to do so they would unquestionably exploit this power for their own ends — inevitably at the expense of the majority non-Jewish population:


Kikes control the fucking FED.

>> No.2588938

Fuck kikes. Decentralized cryptocurrency is the best way to undermine their power. The FED is already chimping out too. They're getting exposed.

There will be something far worse than Hitler in the future if the kikes do not improve their attitude, but I doubt this Semitic filth will do so.

>> No.2588962


Keep your stupid Nazi shit out of my thread you goddamn losers.

>> No.2588963

Thread about freedom, immediately de-evolves into repressive retardation. Grow up pigs. this is bigger than you or your deplorable values.

>> No.2588976

To expand on this

If Jews were truly some ruling class who is the actual oppressor then the Holocaust wouldn't have happened. All the poor innocent farmers and butchers and shopkeepers who did nothing wrong and struggled to survive in tough times. And they were killed by a psychopathic dictator. And you think this is okay? You're scum

You have all these quotes and buzz words like *zion* and *kike* and *new world order* and they make you look stupid. You're trailer trash not some intellectual revealing the truth to us.

>> No.2588990

>fascists don't realize the technology is fundamentally opposed to their ideology
this is too good
when does the bashing start

>> No.2588999

This shit is being eaten up by all the institutional investors. The jews will still own you

>> No.2589021

International Jewry banking and communism was why Hitler rose to power. He didn't just show up in a vacuum.

>> No.2589022

Separation of state and money will be a bigger deal historically speaking than separation of church and state.

I know technically governments don't make money anymore ... but the downfall of the fed and national banks can't come soon enough

>> No.2589030

Sieg Heil. Crypto was always implicitly against the (((bankers))) and their usurious system of debt slavery.

>> No.2589048
File: 174 KB, 385x381, 1486767928929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is being ruined by the fucking /pol/tard

>> No.2589061

Exactly this.

Chinese Communist revolution was largely Bolshevik Jews backing it. 90% of those backing Mao were Jewish, and I can give sources for it (have to find it again). The same is true for Russian communist revolution, less sources for that but lots of hints.

So Jews were behind Bolshevism.

Now, International Jewry Banking is obvious to anyone looking at the fed. The head of the FED were Zionist Jews three times in the fucking row.

"Muh oppressor!"

Jews are the ones who manipulate and oppress the "goy". Just read the goddamn Talmud. It gives specific advice on how to manipulate gentiles and such.

Judaism is an extremely elitist and ethnocentric religion that has influenced Jews into being leeches, which is what they are.

Also, elite Jews fund far left think tanks in the USA, to destabilize the country.

They're going to be exposed AGAIN in due time, and this time, thanks to Internet, they won't be able to lie their ways out. They are masters of dissimulation.

>> No.2589064

I want to believe
I want to kill the welfare state
I want the treading to cease

>> No.2589071

ruh-roh. i think the jew meme is going too far

>> No.2589072

Yes how dare they...Hitler was evil incarnate and personally killed a billion Jews. It says so on Wikipedia!

>> No.2589073

God you fucks are naive.

YEs the Jews with their big noses and pointy horns own you. they always have. The holocaust and thousands of years of slavery were all an elaborate plan to one day rule the monetary system. Naw bro the survivors got smart and learned how to play the dirty white mans game game and eventually won. Blame who you want but don't forget about the oil barons, the monsantos, the walmarts, the telecoms and the rupert murdochs of the world. They fuckin own you bitch just as much as those dirty jews.

>> No.2589084

All these butthurt jews ITT who think the usury will continue

>> No.2589089

OP is the one that mentioned libertarianism on a fucking Nazi board

if you arent a nazi, you might as well leave 4chan. you will be left behind when the civil war comes

>> No.2589091

The difference is Jews are 2% of the population, a small minority, in the West, the majority of policy makers, federal reserve chairmen & financiers, media pundits, filmmakers, pawnbrokers, and various political and ideological tastemakers are Jewish.

Explain to me how a small minority can rise to the tops of the FED? Like I've said, the lost 4 heads of the FED were Zionist Jews.

>> No.2589092

>a small minority,
Meant to put period after minority.

>> No.2589103

Hitler created the superman, just not the one he was intending.

>> No.2589109

Because those are the professions they choose to enter you fucking KEK

Go become an investment bank you moron. You can do whatever the fuck you want. THEY choose to be successful, YOU choose to be a fucking loser

>> No.2589119

The goyim in this thread definitely know.

>> No.2589126

The ability to create and inflate money is different than a corporate entity. Remember, it's also privately owned and only really loyal to it's own interests.

>> No.2589133
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x1398, 1430736974357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your entire ideology is based on a misunderstanding of materialistic self interest. Even if you kill all the jews, new people will take their place as the world's exploiters. Don't like the idea of that? Then either get used to being a wage cuck for a new group of manipulative greedy dickheads or do something about the system that allows for this.

>> No.2589144

You're an idiot. Jews are in powerful positions of this country and leeching from it for their own ethnic interests. They also fund destabilizing far left think tanks and feign innocent whenever anyone calls them out for their meddling.

This is precisely the reason Hitler hated them. They keep continuing this conniving, and then retards like you defend them going, "Oh well, they worked for it! High IQ and hard working and all!"

You fucking imbecile. A country is supposed to be for the benefit of all its citizens, not a goddamn small elitist, self-victimizing ethnic group that coordinates for its own ethnic interests, fucking everyone else over by utilizing the FED and other high positions.

At least acknowledge they're not completely "innocent" as they portray themselves to be.

>> No.2589145
File: 22 KB, 331x393, FascistsMachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple. They killed the rest of the smart successful ones.

Its easy. Asians are good at math, Indians are good at programming, blacks are good at sports, Whites are great at genocide, latinos know how to party and jews are good with money (and filmmaking- fuckers...). Who the fuck would you hire? I'm not gonna hire Steven Speilberg to play basketball. And I aint getting Kobe Bryant to make Jurassic park.

>> No.2589146

You are such a massive tool. It's hilarious actually.

>> No.2589149

Youre dodging the main point. the whole reason its bad in the first place. the jews control the wealth, and the media, so they control the masses

They are cultureless nomadic peoples, they are trying to push their marxist agenda across the world. so thats why they need to be exiled

>> No.2589161

Hitler didn't want to kill the joos. He just wanted them the fuck out of his country. He was even involved with Israel deal makings.

>> No.2589162

The difference lies in the Jews' modus operandi being for the benefit of their ethnic group even at the costs of others, including the country's natives. They work for their own ethnic interests by leeching the gentiles as the Talmud dictates.

Just look at how the FED works, which is pretty co-opted by kikes.

Jews need to own up to their own clandestine crimes for this movement to stop.

>> No.2589166

they were already exiled. For thousands of years... They got tired of that shit and took over so they could survive fucks like you.

>> No.2589183

>they were already exiled. For thousands of years... They got tired of that shit and took over so they could survive fucks like you.
I hate how self-victimizing Jews are.

Get over yourselves, kikes. Cyrus the Great should have helped the Babylonians massacre every single last one of you and spare this world of your endless drama.

But watch, Jews will ignore the basic point I a making, victimize themselves more, and continue justifying or feigning ignorance of how they infiltrate countries.

>> No.2589193

Hitler would hate crypto though.

I dont know why some people like to pretend that hitler was libertarian. He was just a gibsmedat nigger who wanted to build a huge army for free.

>> No.2589201

>jews are greedy and own mega corporations
>marxist agenda
Their sources of production would be made public in marxism, that would be the furthest thing from profitable.

>> No.2589204

They LITERALLY are the victims of constant oppression throughout history

You know you're delusional and your theories aren't supported by reality, right? Honestly this is absurd reading this

I've never actually interacted with a Nazi before because I don't use pol much, but I find it hard to believe that you're serious

Are you serious or just retarded?

>> No.2589206

Completely wrong. If the jews were purged from political positions, and infact the whole country, it would solve all problems.

the west doesnt REALLY depend on africa or the middle east anymore

>> No.2589209
File: 751 KB, 1280x800, anonymity saves pol from risk, enabling free discussion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread successfully derailed and meme/pol/ has come out in full force. Don't fly too close to the sun OP, because they now know how to destabilize imageboards, and they will try to melt wings' wax.

>> No.2589211

If you need sources for my claims, then I can provide them. Nothing I say is unsubstantiated.

>> No.2589223
File: 207 KB, 925x533, 1432742962346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jews would benefit from keeping our quality of life up, otherwise we'd revolt. If what you say is the case we'd also be making a few cents a day like the majority of countries

>> No.2589231


Nobody's innocent.

I'm not jewish.

Your words are hypocrisy.

Israelites aren't even OG jews. And yes they are just as fucked up as you.

Get over yourself.

This is fucking valid

>> No.2589238

The issue with /pic_related/ is that it's not some sort of free market of ideas where unsubstantiated ones die out, and serious ones that match reality remain.

It's more about which side has the most no-lifer autists to support it than anything. They will post in threads all day long with their conspiracy theories and convoluted non-arguments. It's sad

I don't even dislike you disgusting Nazis, I just sort of feel sorry for you and find it absurd that mind-parasites like this are so easily infectious.

>> No.2589243

what you said right there was beyond retarded

typical normalfag that thinks all nazis are "skinhead retards" and that its not a real political opinion

Read mein kamf, and then read James Mason. You stop sympathizing with the jews when you realize the holocaust was a lie and theyre brainwashing the children

>> No.2589251

People all over the world have been kicking jews out of their countries for thousands of years.

Often, it was for taking usury too far.

Other times, it was for performing ritual sacrifices on children.

They do this shit over and over and yet claim to be victims.

They're so full of shit and always have been, and thanks to the internet and free speech, we fucking know.

The truth is your death sentence.

>> No.2589252
File: 28 KB, 1162x850, Muh+freedoms+_27f2705dc128860c23b018f420dec141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's why we're fighting in the middle east right? Or is it for your freedumbs?

>> No.2589270

Jew jokes = Funny

You = utter retardation

>> No.2589275

>you disgusting Nazis
How long have you been using anonymous imageboards anon?

>> No.2589277

I am saying to acknowledge the corrupt, destabilizing actions many Jews have a tendency to engage in.

My claim is that Jews are leeches that work to serve their ethnic interests first. If you need sources for my individual points, then I can provide them.

Stop changing goalposts.

>> No.2589284

>Other times, it was for performing ritual sacrifices on children.
You mean like Hitler did

You're all delusional lol it's not even funny

>> No.2589292

>Anyone else optimistic for the next 10 years of cryptocurrencies?

Yes and no.

Yes because there's a shitload of money to be made in the near future as this market grows and expands into every day life.

No because of instances like what happened with GDAX and ETH 2 days ago. That's the kind of shit that's going to bring regulation into the market. All it's gonna take is the wrong (/right) person to get burned and file a complaint with a state or federal AG. Legislatures will swoop in and start requiring all kinds of rules and regs on cryptos.

Enjoy it while it lasts, because inside of that 10 year timeframe this market is gonna get buttfucked by the fed.

>> No.2589298

Uhhh not sure if your serious but the reason we fight in the middle east is to Protect Israel. Obviously, isis isnt a threat to america., it all stems back to world war 2 and the jews creating israel in palenstine

>> No.2589309

Murdoch is a Zionist jew

>> No.2589310

Everything is about Hitler for you, huh? The Jews dindu nuthin', huh?

You fucking idiot. If you just acknowledge how Jews infiltrate to the top positions of countries, like the goddamn FED, and act like leeches, then we can move on. The evidence is copious, and I can provide sources for each one.

Constantly victimizing the Jews who do not own up to their corruption is partly the reason why they have been so hated throughout history. Very few Jews, like Brother Nathaniel, ever criticize the extreme ethnocentrism and Machiavellian scheming & nepotism of their own.

>> No.2589311

Exactly, i'm responding to the idea that they don't care about the people of their nation. And let me tell you, the rich ones don't, not a fucking bit, they only care to keep us from revolting. I'm also saying that they don't care about other jews either, it would be fucking retarded of them to. The rich don't cooperate, they compete, same goes for rich jews.

>> No.2589330
File: 98 KB, 960x960, remove-collectivists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nazis a real political opinion

>> No.2589332

Who's the leech? How much money do they have? Where do they live? What properties do they own and utilize?

You're fucking delusional

"Hurr Jews are secretly all in power that's why most of them live normal lives in crappy houses in the suburbs that they earned through their accounting degrees"


>> No.2589339

Im saging by the way

Hitler will be remembered forever, because he was as influential as jesus christ or alexander ther great

the lies you kikes come up with will only increase his fame, and make people angrier when they realize the truth

>> No.2589353

Exactly, protecting Israel because it serves our material interests to have an puppet within the region, and supporting Israel because they diminished palestinian power and to replace it with a government that would ally with the US

>> No.2589358

*a puppet, I'm a halfway grammar nazi

>> No.2589361
File: 16 KB, 300x390, 1320791257234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a containment board newfriend

>> No.2589363

Rich ones like Sheldan Adelson care enough to finance pro-Israel conservative think tanks, and George Soros cares enough to fund far left think tanks that demonize White people.

Who had been the head of the FED? Zionist Jews the past three times.

Also, I gave a lot of claims in my previous posts, and I can give sources to each one.

>> No.2589366

*and replaced it, eh it's late as hell so i won't bother with grammar

>> No.2589368

>Who had been the head of the FED? Zionist Jews the past three times.

>> No.2589375
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK fucking moron the reason we fight in the middle east is for oil. Period.

Jesus get your head out of your ass.

Any whoooo. Back to the real reason for this thread... Yes I am very optimistic for the future of crypto and its ability to de-shackle us from the white man and the jews and the power-hungry tycoons.

I have a dream. that one day the fascists, the fundamentalists, the war mongers, and the westbro baptists will lay down their arms and join together to celebrate the new world order, the one true allegiance, the all mighty BEAN.

>> No.2589377

100% circumcised.

>> No.2589380

That's hard to say. He was defiantly a socialist though.

>> No.2589384

Always keep $ in the top 15. I bought a bunch of shit coin last year when i should have kept it in the top

>> No.2589386
File: 420 KB, 2143x1661, X-thin-mid-petite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless the people rule the governments, having all money balances public is surely not much better than them being controlled by a bank.

The only positive aspect is that we may get rid of bank - they are bad in part because of the speculation bullshit. But that doesn't make us more free.

Besides, let's be honest.
Crypto trading is the shitty part about blockchain technology. It's exactly that bad aspect about the banks above.
Like people who play poker for a living, trading is a job that benefits one person only and doesn't produce any goods.

Right now, crypto is young, and most people try to see how they can make the most money out of it and scam others.
Wow, such idealist.

>> No.2589390

why not Armenia?

The jews have only backstabbed us. America is a puppet of Israel now

>> No.2589391

communism is as bad as mohamedan death cult as far as inhumane and unnatural political systems go

both of them promote negative selection and produce mentally diseased idiots like some useless envious fools ITT

>> No.2589392

Why do you want Jews, who have books encouraging the exploitation of the gentiles, to have such significant power in a country where they're very small minorities?

You wouldn't be so nonchalant if it were an Islamist, now would you?

>> No.2589395

Absolutely. It's all about disintermediating the state from our lives, getting rid of the feminists and parasites who fill up the bureaucracy, about creating our own parallel civilization that will ultimately supplant the existing order.

He who owns the coins owns the future.

>> No.2589401

Because it's in their material interests to support an imperialist puppet within the region. By far left you mean by supporting BLM right? They're the furthest thing from far left, they're killing the class consciousness of the people by directing problems towards race and away from class and the self interests of those classes. Soros is probably one of the smartest/disgusting neoliberals for doing so.

>> No.2589407

Actually yes, if you control the world reserve currency backed by oil you will stop at nothing to uphold it's dominance.

>> No.2589424

>world reserve currency
there is a whitepaper that advocates the introduction of a world currency backed by commodities called Terra TRC, google it
an interesting read and a suitable proposal imo

>> No.2589434
File: 1.67 MB, 260x200, killing OP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Communist OP gets BTFO like the fucking faggot cocksucker that he is. The day of the rope will come, and you will be the first one to be sacrificed for the greater good.

>> No.2589435

Soros has funded way more than just BLM, and I'll have to find the link again.

Anyways, you're missing my overall point. The way the culture of Judaism works, which I know from experience, is it fosters a very strong in-group mentality, where the material interests of all Jews come to coincide with the preservation of their ethnic group's prominence, welfare, and so forth. Jews have strong ethnic coordinating and a very, very solidified sense of elitism, viewing gentiles as beneath them, hence they practice ethnic nepotism to an insane degree.

Like I've said:
"In the West, the majority of policy makers, federal reserve chairmen & financiers, media pundits, filmmakers, pawnbrokers, and various political and ideological tastemakers are Jewish. They occupy positions of power & influence far out of proportion to their number. Jews only make up 2% of pop. and control central banks!"

Jews are like one demonic, rhizomatic body that is like a black dragon with multiple heads. Cutting off one head is not a significant blow, for it can also regenerate. The way to undermine the Jew is to expose their crimes, their lies, throughout recent history, the two main ones being Bolshevism and International Jewry Banking.

Decentralized cryptocurrency offers this approach. Finally, another way is to promote far-right groups that expose the crimes of the Jews.

>> No.2589448

Because Israel is far more profitable for us to ally with than Armenia, and even still we invested in them. You don't explain how Israel does so, but it seems you're misinterpreting our relations with them. We support them, many times unconditionally, because we benefit from having an allied government there, that's benefit enough in most cases.

>> No.2589463

There's no reason to ally with Israel after decentralized cryptocurrency makes us abandon the petrodollar system. There's no reason to keep it afloat with its recycling mechanisms or w/e.

But of course, ((they)) will do everything in their power to continue forcing us to be allied with them.

>> No.2589478

Then you agree we ally with Saudi Arabia for the sake of profit. I don't see a problem here.

>> No.2589493

why do /biz/ oldfags sound like the worst newfags by any other board's standards

>> No.2589505

Because you're a faggot and your words have no meaning.

>> No.2589509

Who the fuck do you think is profiting exactly?

>> No.2589521

kikes, every single time

>> No.2589532

I see where you're coming from, but the idea that judaic brotherhood benefits them is not true. Would it make much sense for George Soros to ally with a jewish small businessman, do you think they'd be all networked like a web. If this were true it would be a massive hindrance to help up the hundreds of thousands of small jewish businessmen for no better reason than brotherhood. Much of the upper class is jewish, including much of the richest people right now. But they don't cooperate because they're jews, but because they're rich people who happen to be jews, name of the game is profit and a rich jew will stomp all over a poor jew to get ahead, same goes with any other rich person. I agree with exposing the crimes of jewish people and nations, but same goes for the crimes of all others.

>> No.2589546

Israel and America, it's essentially killing two birds with one stone, our puppet becomes stronger and therefore we have a stronger presence there, plus we're still hugely dependant on them for oil. (I'm not sure if I understand where you're getting at here)

>> No.2589548

We're still dependent on Arabia for oil I mean

>> No.2589555

But I mean, these Jews do conglomerate with each other and tend to strongly prefer their own ethnic group over others, hence why you seem them dominate Hollywood and the FED. It's reminiscent of how Vietnamese dominate the nail industry, but with Jews, you tend to see them overrepresented in more crucial positions of power, as I pointed out.

I agree with you that not every Jew is in on it, of course, but my point is there is a kind of overall collaboration among wealthy Jews. Whether it is tightly or loosely coordinated can be debated, but we do see a kind of a trend with this small minority (2%) in these top positions. At a certain point, you have to step back and question what's really going on, you know?

>> No.2589580

>it's all about intelligence
Prepare to all be ruled by the top 0.0000001% of humans in intelligence

>> No.2589614


read the intro to macdonalds culture of critique and you will understand

>> No.2589621

Yeah I get it where you come from when it comes to them preferring a jew with a million dollars over a black with a million dollars, but same went for muslims with trade during the islamic golden age. It's natural to prefer people you have things in common with, but it gets to a point where it simply isn't worth allying with them. Hollywood and the FED are cases where they are dominated by jews. But take the rap industry for instance, Drake is jewish, but you don't see him trying to help up other jewish rappers, it simply isn't profitable But hey man, you're at least reasonable.

>> No.2589629

You do know /biz/ was actually created as a cryptocurrency containment board because that shit was getting spammed on /pol/ 24/7?

>> No.2589652

luck as always will remain the most important factor in success. We're lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

>> No.2589654

You do know everyone in the real crypto community thinks you're scum?

>> No.2589658

>thinks you're scum
What am I?

>> No.2589666

/pol/, I misread your post.

>> No.2589668

as in muslims preferring other muslims

>> No.2589673

But that's wrong. Crypto is magical because it's blind to ideology, even for faggots like you.

>> No.2589676

even if I was from /pol/ I don't know why the crypto community would care. /pol/ has absolutely nothing to do with crypto.

>> No.2589700

I hate to break it to you, but crypto-anarchy is still an ideology.

The theme of the board still does even if the idiots who post there just want to get rich quick off of it

>> No.2589714

Yes, because only anarchists use crypto.

>> No.2589719

>The theme of the board still does even if the idiots who post there just want to get rich quick off of it
You're describing /biz/ and not /pol/, right?

>> No.2589766

That's not what I claimed and you're still wrong, it's still hugely black and grey market which is basically anarchistic disregard for the state.

Both, apparently? I haven't gone to /pol/ in months. I wasn't aware there was crypto shilling going on there.

>> No.2589775

No, I thought you were talking about /pol/ but it didn't make any sense because cryptoshilling is banned there. I'm just confused.

>> No.2589781

>no middlemen in transactions
>mutual currency

The banks can still cuck us, they can become the ultimate whales, give BTC loans and dump the price. Governments will make laws to tax us for cryptogains if we capitalize them or not.