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25883120 No.25883120 [Reply] [Original]

>install Tinder
>mach 0 (zero) girls in US
>change location to Philipines
>tons and tons of matches
how do I profit from this?

>> No.25883139

Move to the Philippines?

>> No.25883167

short $TSLA

>> No.25883181
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>install Tinder
>match loads of mediocre 6/10's that are below my station
>actual hotties quite elusive
>switch location to any country in South America
>suddenly matching with a constant stream of 9/10's

I don't think this American market is for me

>> No.25883279
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White dudes need to realize that if you come to SEA you can live an existence like it was still the 1950s there is no trace of feminism, false rape, or anything like that. Everything just goes smoothly without pathologized moral outrage plaguing everything. In 6 months I fucked more girls than I fucked in 15 years. (66)

>> No.25883324

chinese chicken legs

>> No.25883363

>here is no trace of feminism, false rape, or anything like that.
The best way I'd sum it up is "you'll forget that feminism/MGTOW shit even existed"

I'm perma moving this year

>> No.25883419

id blast that meaty cooter out from behind

>> No.25883439

Does any straight man actually find picrel attractive? Looks like she would be a terrible fuck

>> No.25883487


That's pretty degen dude. Just going for sheer volume like that... what's the point? Lol.

>> No.25883508

>is degenerate and fucks 100s of girls
So trad

>> No.25883539

i dont need to look at the face besides the facial nut
the entire time you can plow it from behind. banging a skinny girl from behind is literally the best thing in the world bro.
hes going for max STD's

>> No.25883565

>matching with 3rd world prostitutes for confidence boost


>> No.25883566

asians aren't anywhere near as hot as white girls though. How many actual hot/beautiful asians have you met there that don't look like they live in the jungle and in what parts of SEA? I'm thinking of going to surfing in Bali if LINK goes ATH. It's a long flight from Europe, so I want to know if it's even worth it.

>> No.25883575
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>install tinder
>wine, sushi, The Office, travel
>uninstall tinder

>> No.25883598

There are two types of guys: those who like them young and thin, and those attracted to hamplanets with massive knockers and fat asses. Obbioisly you're the former. Q: is your mother overweight?

>> No.25883620

matched with this 52 yo cougar yesterday

she wants me to go over and smoke later, i might

>> No.25883635


that's why you go for Latinas

>> No.25883640

how do you change location on tinder? VPN?

>> No.25883657

>The Office
Hasn't even been on for years, yet people still obsess over it.

>> No.25883692

Not him but if you think you can't find a hot Asian at a bar or some shit when there's millions of them then you're just not into Asians.

>> No.25883700

sorry I don't like robots faggot

>> No.25883702

do yourself a favour and don't.
Put some fucking effort in a pull something besides used up old hags

>> No.25883722
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>asians aren't anywhere near as hot as white girls

>> No.25883735

Same here in Germany. Only low class dirty skanks. If you happen to talk to a women on the street randomly and you do not look like a millionaire and a fashion model, you can get in trouble. This was somehow no problem a few years ago. Did that in 2010-2012 all the time and Sneed and Feed formerly Chucks 24/7 was possible and I am maybe a 7 on a good day when fit. Even with a million in the bank and expensive clothing you get the police on your ass fast these days. Had the pleasure once, while just jogging though my local park area. Only looked at that bitch for like 5 seconds, locked eyes and all, and thought nothing about it. She instantly called the cops for real lmao. She was a 6,5 maybe. I just left the area asap.

>> No.25883760

You forgot
>i have 3 kids and no job. Need a man and im tired of playing games!
The sheer audacity of some tinder pigs to think they get to call the shots when they have so much baggage is insane. Then again, plenty of cucked dudes willing to take their offer.

>> No.25883812
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>not taking yourself too seriously
>I’m usually not on here, DM me on insta

>> No.25883821
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I visited Tokyo last year and their girls mog the fuck out of ours, Far cuter and more youthful. White women look like nasty hags in comparison.

>> No.25883824

How do you communicate? Do they speak engrish or do white people smell like money to them?

>> No.25883914

>>I’m usually not on here, DM me on insta
this just means she is here to prop up her insta profile

>> No.25883916

All in SXP

>> No.25883957

only digusting whores use dating apps

>> No.25883958

>Does any straight man actually find picrel attractive



>> No.25883968

I mean hes right, I went to Japan expecting to have a boner 24/7. They were so dogshit, okay bodies but the faces where just so foreign and most lacked any kind of woman shape to them. They actual hot ones only existed as prostitutes or softcore sex work, even the maid places were pretty lame. Sure there are hot blacks, jews, whatever.. but I feel like its so much more rare. Didnt realize how much in group preference I had till I got to Japan. Those asian girls you beat off to are the exception not the rule.

>> No.25883970

>Had the pleasure once, while just jogging though my local park area. Only looked at that bitch for like 5 seconds, locked eyes and all, and thought nothing about it. She instantly called the cops for real lmao. She was a 6,5 maybe. I just left the area asap

lmao, are you a rapefugee?? Im also german, and this shit doesn't happen to me and I constantly talk with cuties in the street. You are either a rapefugee or ugly af if some girl called the cops on you for looking her in the eyes kek.

>> No.25883971

True, can confirm 100%, even the super average Japanese women that puts slight efforts in her appearance absolutely annihilates the average here. Even the chubby ones do. Here, they all have cottage cheese ass the moment they gain 5kg.

>> No.25884016

What you mean, just move to the philipines, you could probaply live there as a king with 2k a month

>> No.25884024

I completely disagree see my post >>25883968
Go to Austin or any college town and that shit completely destroys anything Japan or Tokyo for that matter has to offer, unless ur paying for it

>> No.25884028

someone in a thread on /biz a few years ago said he basically went there and would film himself fucking random girls and make money off ponrhub premium.

>> No.25884098

how do you communicate with people there?

>> No.25884112

???? You can't be this removed from societal norms

>> No.25884149

I lived in asia for a while (imported my wife) here's the secret that weebs don't understand: plastic surgery is very very common (and affordable) in asia.

>> No.25884212


>> No.25884233

>using Tinder

>> No.25884262
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>True, can confirm 100%, even the super average Japanese women that puts slight efforts in her appearance absolutely annihilates the average here.

Where the fuck do you leave where women look worse than some 5 ft 40kg japanese girl with a shit ton of plastic surgery and makeup?? Go to any major western city in germany, denmark, netherlands and you will literally see 5'9 blonde cuties with big tits and big asses walking around the city center

>> No.25884289

With your cock.

>> No.25884292

Nope. Oldest record of my family living in Germany is like 500 years old. But I have darker hair, so you might be on to something desu. Too much Roman genetic maybe?This extreme case only happened once, the others were just bitchy cunts and left. Got hit on a few times by some roasties last year, guess Chad was in quarantine or something. Well, I am not into white women that much these days anymore. German women are boring NPCs that all want to be american insta sluts it seems.

>> No.25884304

ive done pretty good in tinder in the us (tall,good body, live in a big city though) but i dont want an american woman for anything other than sex. i fucking hate them. how do i convince myself its not a mail order bride if i go after one in south america? i would like citizenship in another country

>> No.25884357

>100s of girls
>banging a skinny girl from behind


>> No.25884424

Just meet white women in person, your value is much much higher if you learn to flirt in person. Apps are for low social value and good white women are for high social value.

>> No.25884453
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Online dating is so cringe. I never followed the "Have a funny bio, take pics with dog, have a s o yboy smile" mantra that a lot of people seem to follow yet Im still able to get matches easily. The other dudes on the other hand have pics that just feel so forced and cringey that its no wonder why some of them arent getting matches. They are the living emboldenment of the basedjak meme.

>> No.25884493

that's fucking disgusting and you will hate yourself after. bitch is 52 cmon dawg. jack off and clear your head you filthy ape

>> No.25884503

>Nope. Oldest record of my family living in Germany is like 500 years old. But I have darker hair, so you might be on to something desu

I have seen turbomanlet rapefugees hitting on girls in clubs and shishabars and getting their numbers or taking them with them. You must be giving off major creep vibes if girls call the police on you

>> No.25884526

Lol, non of the girls you saw was probably naturally blonde and had surgery and tons of makeup too. Japanese are bad with it too ,yes. I once fucked one like the one you posted, did not even came, absolute boring trash. Had to use expensive interior cleaner on my car seats because her stinky pussy cream oozed everywhere. Next time, If I want to fuck a bimbo I go to a prostitute and that women will at least know how to please my dick and will fuck off.

>> No.25884536
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>> No.25884538

whatever other options are there if you have no friends and are in the middle of a memedemic?

>> No.25884621

Do yourself a favor and don't zoom in too close.

>> No.25884648

yea this is cope for a white guy that can't get cute white girls. hot white girls are all over and they are 100x hotter than hot asian girls they just don't give you the time of day. the real argument is that white girls have been mindfucked so hard by jews they have no idea what natural is. they have lost their feminine nature. the west has been completely pozzed. but by pure beauty standards no other race even SNIFFS beautiful white girls. why do you think they all try to look and sound like them? blond hair blue eyes is what every non-white girl secretly wishes they had

>> No.25884700
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>> No.25884699

>Lol, non of the girls you saw was probably naturally blonde and had surgery and tons of makeup too.

They are 100% natural. I have known many girls like that during school when they were 13-14, they had legit acne free perfect faces with huge tits and asses without makeup. German and generally western european/nordic girls have legit 11/10 genetics. They are tall af (usually 5'9) and go to the gym almost everyday. Heck, even most of the turkish/arab girls are hot af, but although they tend to use excessive makeup and they tend to be smaller like 5'6 or so.

>> No.25884736

That girl is a literal 10/10 anon

>> No.25884747

Filipina and thai girls look like monkey fridges though. 90% of them are fucking disgusting.

Vietnam and Japan are the only decent asian countries to find a wife. Maybe Korea but you have to also be rich and semi aesthetic. In Vietnam you can pick up a legitimately beautiful girl just by being normal.

>> No.25884805

Could be. I was just jogging and she was kind of in my way so I stopped for a second, said hi and went my way basically. She pulled her phone out and I could even hear the operator. She must have called the moment she saw me. Very strange. I was definitely mogging her with my looks though. She was super average. Maybe a crazy person.

>> No.25884876
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>> No.25885014

>>wine, sushi
I legit though you were laying down your personal development: wine (linux), sushi swap - but ngl I was kinda lost at what shitcoin "the office" was supposed to be

>> No.25885029

the state of american womn is dire

>> No.25885051

Lol dude this is 2021, it's how most people meet by far. Hundreds of millions of people use dating apps and you think you wouldn't match up well with one? I used to think that 5 years ago but it's just wrong

>> No.25885078

I tried this in Peru. I got 3 girls trying to meet up with me within the first hour, all contacted me first. Being white in the third world is a cheat code to life.

>> No.25885098

Most Turkish girls I know are 10/10, comfy and family oriented. I may get me one.
Never saw a German girl above 7,5/10. They are often massive whores too and have ugly hidden tattoos and love communism and shit. Cold NPC mindest too.No love. I would rather have me a weird French women or something. German women are super overrated, trust me. If you love being the pay pig slave and watch Netflix and TV all day while having to look at cottage cheese ass and pimple faces after the caked makeup is off, I wont stop you.

That is a insta thot bimbo you can get for 200€ easy lol.

>> No.25885201

>Most Turkish girls I know are 10/10, comfy and family oriented

They are just as slutty as the german girls, if not even more. Just go to your local shishabar/club and see what slutty things they do.

>> No.25885245

>Doesn't know the difference between former and latter

>> No.25885268

I had the same experience visiting Bosnia, except they were all white.

>> No.25885293

she's a thot/10

>> No.25885306

Get nudes, catfish old dudes online

>> No.25885407

Yeah, you can spot those by the ungodly amount of make up nose raping perfume stench.

>> No.25885517

nobodies taking the offer dude. of course it's no problem finding guys who want to fuck... but there's a reason so many of these 30 something roasties with baggage are still on tinder.

>> No.25885650

Same happened to me, it was literally like 50 in one day in Lima. I was only there for one day unfortunately the rest of my time was in Cusco and I wasn't trying to meet girls. When Im ready to marry I'm going to go to Colombia and pick one. Fuck American women

>> No.25885671

Depends what you mean by hot. By burger standards, anyone who isn't obese with blue hair is hot. I live in Tallinn. Every 3rd girl is a model compared to burgers.

>> No.25885769

They need that papel

>> No.25885974

You sure they were all girls?