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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25861449 No.25861449 [Reply] [Original]

Why are nocoiners so obsessed with crypto? All they do is talk or tweet about BTC when they aren’t holders at all.

It’s not like we sit there making fun of gold or pokemon cards.

What’s with the nocoiner syndrome? They don’t hold crypto but they have folders full of bobos and are quick to shit on BTC any chance they get.

Is it an obsession? Are they seething? I tend to avoid things I hate.

>> No.25861527

Ya I don’t get it
I hold link and tsla and the amount of people who whine about all the money I made over the last couple years is pathetic
Just a bunch of coping faggots is my diagnosis

>> No.25861561
File: 535 KB, 1199x800, 76f2a4ea2353834c2673a199734b6dcf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they seething?
Yes. They don't know what crypto is about, so for them it's a ponzi which should not be allowed to grow. The fact that yellow rocks Elon are no too far removed from that either eludes them. because you can at least touch it with your ape hands, yknow.

>> No.25861639

Nocoiner here, I’ve been watching Bitcoin since 2013 and never bought in

I cope by telling myself that even if I bought a bunch of coins in 2013 that I would have probably lost them some how by now so I wouldn’t of had anything to sell anyway

It’s not exactly a giga-cope though, considering lots of people have lost their coins from those times

>> No.25861752
File: 123 KB, 1481x1079, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude crypto is still in its infancy. You have a globally free super-fast super cheap turing complete transaction network without rent seekers or laws that right now is used to buy drugs and gamble memecoins. Besides Uniswap not a single layer 2 is actually being used, prove me wrong.

Think of the guy who thought that 20$ per ETH was too expensive. Too tired/lazy to look it up now.

>> No.25861820

>Why are nocoiners so obsessed with crypto? All they do is talk or tweet about BTC when they aren’t holders at all.
It's the same reason trannies are obsessed with /pol/, they see a group of people that have found a higher purpose and a way out of the monotony of everyday life and they feel compelled to destroy that thing/person to preserve the illusion that they are happy.

>> No.25861831

They're jealous they're too stupid to understand it or buy it.

>> No.25861871

Also remittences and a bunch of other shit. Listen to this http://audiobookbay.nl/audio-books/blockchain-revolution-how-the-technology-behind-bitcoin-is-changing-money-business-and-the-world-don-tapscott-alex-tapscott/

>> No.25861917

This, its crab bucket mentality on a global scale. Knowing someone is making life changing money on something you are too stubborn, low energy or low IQ to get into causes you to hate and resent that thing, and wish it would go away.

No-coiners want to drag us down to the mud with them.

>> No.25861971

This is exactly what got me to say fuck it and get started.

>> No.25861994

Nothing ventured nothing gained broski

>> No.25862740

But I still can’t comprehend how I’m supposed to hold cryptocurrency safely and securely with 0 risk.

Because there are no regulations it’s a double sided sword in security and safety of maintaining your shit

I’ve gone over the way you can hold crypto and it all seems highly risky

>> No.25862810

Some day you're going to have to make a decision
either go through your entire life acting like a pussy
or don't

>> No.25862836

What I mean is

Holding on exchange = hear so many stories of people saying their shit just disappeared

Holding on PC - people saying the network or whatever the fuck program they use refuses to certify the coins they have after years of holding them

People holding it on their Harddrive and their harddrive dies

Like, how do you actually keep your crypto? I don’t understand

Help me understand im low IQ and just can’t comprehend it

>> No.25862911

Hardware wallet with pass phrase written down. If your hardware wallet breaks down, you can recover with the phrase when you buy another.

>> No.25862954

What’s actually stored on the hardware wallet though?

It’s what I’m not understanding.

If the hardware wallet dies, how does getting another one help if the crypto is stored offline on the dead wallet?

>> No.25863050

you have a collection of words which redeems your wallet. If someone could guess those words in the right order they get your wallet. But you keep it safe chad, along with the wallet.

>> No.25863075

recovers sorry not redeems but you get me

>> No.25863107

It’s like the people who hate /pol/ and spend all their time posting there about how they hate it. People have always been filled with resentment, but now they can reach you from their couch to tell you about it.

>> No.25863288

is this a rare mitch mconnel pepe

>> No.25863417

You've been spamming your shit all over the internet.

>> No.25863525

I also found out about bitcoin in 2013 and bought in immediately because I saw it as a way to fight the FED and I've hodled it ever since. I watched it 1000x and I'm going to continue hodling. I get the double satisfaction of getting rich by standing by my principles and beliefs.

>> No.25863760
File: 249 KB, 1886x295, seething nocoiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been a lot of /biz/bros on /pol/ lately talking shit about stinky linkies and XRP, so there are a lot of boomers there who are bootyblasted like Goldjew is about BTC pumping 800,000% in a decade and basically making boomers realize they wasted their lives wageslaving for Schlomo when they should have just learned 2 code. Anyway I found this faggot there bitching so I screencapped him.

Kek, seething nocoiners.

>> No.25863782

This. They can tell you how much it pisses them off that they're lazy tranny degenerates who can't be bothered to learn how crypto works long enough to make enough to pay for their dick removal surgery.

>> No.25863818

*notices your bulge*