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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25860403 No.25860403 [Reply] [Original]


we are back to normal fellas

>> No.25860643
File: 20 KB, 447x436, {D9162C9B-9CC4-4A28-90AF-25A0496A9184}.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had seen the nose sooner, I would have never bought this shit. Now all I see is a greedy hooknosed jew everytime I see this stupid logo.

>> No.25860676
File: 437 KB, 711x544, F7B58652-0092-4594-967F-3FB47E467FFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop reminding me I hold this piece of shit

>> No.25860727
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Not selling

>> No.25860752
File: 6 KB, 299x169, 1607992523498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this piece of shit never pumps with everything else but crashes with everything else
yeah we're back to normal

>> No.25860819

Only 4 more transaction approvals to deal with before I can finally become a delegating chad.

>> No.25861271

tired of this piece of shit. i sold and now im all-in nano

>> No.25861340

you drew it wrong

>> No.25861452

This pnd was a good reminder on how many underage newfags are on biz now.
Still laughing about you retards screaming at other to HODL after it started dumping.

>> No.25861501

Getting paid 20+% APR to not give a shit about the price for at least 28 days, I don't recommend delegating unless you're doing 10k+

>> No.25861598

I don't care, I'll take free coins any way I can.

>> No.25861653

> Hey Stacy don’t use Google, use the Graph instead
> Graph? What is that?
> It’s just like Google except your search is decentralized!
> Oh cool! Tee hee! Let me try. Wait... it says here I have to pay for each search I make? And wait up to 1 hour for my search to be verified? Wtf is this?
>They don’t even have a search bar! graph.com isn’t registered!
>Wait what? That’s so CREEPY
> CREEPY and WEIRD. Yikes. Let’s stick to Google

>> No.25862014

Kek, keep going I almost coomed

>> No.25862553

Usually heavy fud means acoomulation. Do the opposite of what biz says. Also, don't buy PRQ.

>> No.25862660

Kms bros I got liquidatd fuck CZ and his scamwick to 23c

>> No.25862678

Moar. What did Stacy Google?

>> No.25862719

Where to buy Himalayan pink rock salt

>> No.25862733

Do you use ethereum apps? If so, then you already use Graph every single day.

Uniswap? Aave? Yearn? Sushi? Compound? Whatever it is, chances are it uses the Graph in some way or another. Graph is essential infrastructure for ethereum apps, much like Chainlink and Ethereum itself.

In july they were processing 60 MILLION queries a day, and the growth rate is exponential so that's probably a lot higher now, I'm guessing 100 million plus. Every single ethereum app pays Graph for their data.

Now here's the best part. Graph is in the process of decentralising, which was the purpose of this sale + mainnet. Indexers and curators (people who are providing data to projects like Uniswap) will now need to buy GRT and stake it. Projects like Uniswap will now need to buy GRT to pay for queries. And people who do neither of the above can delegate their GRT, staking it with an indexer and earning passive income.

Don't make the mistake of thinking, this has pumped already. I am too late. This is unironically the only project that has come close to link, in terms of scaleability and broadness of use case. Not buying this here is like not buying Link after it pumped from $0.11 to $0.4

>> No.25862845
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm financially ruined.

>> No.25862936

>processing a quatrillion queries a second
>dumps eternally

>> No.25862940

Do it up, if you find the right indexer and time gas prices right it's definitely worth it. But you're paying the same gas whether it's 1k or 10k, so I suggest doing research on indexers and going big so fees don't cut into your APR.

>> No.25862970

Also based on supply alone this is like buying LINK at $3 not at $0.11. All the investors who bought this shit for a few pennies are going to be dumping for a long, long time.

>> No.25863021

shut the fuck up

>> No.25863048

So I know virtually nothing about crypto. All I know is people are talking about GRT and I wanna get involved. I have very little BTC but I decided to buy GRT. I have no idea what I'm doing. Should I just hold it?

>> No.25863062
File: 557 KB, 912x1024, 1593025618605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say you're financially ruined, say you're going to be financially fortified.

>> No.25863166

Yea, but give it a few years realistically.

>> No.25863211


>> No.25863312

You had to write an essay to get in which determined how much you could buy. Devs were selected as were indexers. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. What's next? Supply? LOL

>> No.25863339

Hold and learn how to delegate it, earning more grt. Good luck.

>> No.25863428
File: 87 KB, 941x559, delegate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to delegate
I believe this is good advice from a few threads ago

>> No.25863434

do we know who the grt devs are? i just wanna make sure none of them are indians before i buy some

>> No.25863474

It's a Jewish project, you're good.

>> No.25863621

Delegated 7k yesterday while keeping a 1k stack. Feels comfy

>> No.25863671
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, 1604758597434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the google of the blockchain

>> No.25863723

I have 1800
Is it worth delegating or should I just gtfo of this coin

>> No.25863747

I have bad news for you.