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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25859340 No.25859340 [Reply] [Original]

Tick tock. $100 will be the new floor soon. ZEC will be at least $1,000 in 2021.



>> No.25859437


>> No.25859551



>> No.25859562

see the volume? billions. the supply is limited.

this may as well be like buying bitcoin as $500.

>> No.25859593


>> No.25859597

So basically like a shit Monero?

No ty

>> No.25859768

>Gayer id
the ZEC gods have a sense of humor.
>Vultan id
>Prince Vultan is a fictional character in the Flash Gordon comic strip and its adaptations. Vultan is the ruler of the Winged Bird-Men, a race of flying extraterrestrials who dwell in Sky City, a metropolis that floats in the sky.

>> No.25859805

looks good, all in.

>> No.25859843

Just when privacy coins start to get delisted. https://bittrex.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360054393492-Pending-Market-Removals-01-15-21

>> No.25859987

This is the suit and tie monero. Probably not truly pricate but some privacy. Got a bag autists.

>> No.25860082


>falling for the shakeout


ZOOM OUT on ZEC. lol.

$1,000 is FUD.

precisely why it will moon harder than XMR short - mid.

volume is everything. follow the money.

>> No.25860212

idk on one hand if grayscale n winklevoss in prob good, but i heard privacy coins abt to get wrecked

>> No.25860246

Imagine shilling a 10x

>> No.25860252

monero is for spergy edgelords who yearn for the early days of the internet that they never actually did anything on (or were a part of). smart money has been buying and stacking ZEC and won't be selling once liquidity dries up for XMR and it's officially an esoteric literal who coin akin to AOL. but hey -- at least the bussling /biz/ XMR community can still make those cringey /XMR/ gen threads, r-right?

>> No.25860313

more like 600x, Ranjesh.

>> No.25860691

stay poor

>> No.25860775

Suicide stack?

>> No.25860906

Unironically, 21. Same supply as BTC. It's just 7 years behind.