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25850708 No.25850708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This pajeet exchange got me.
They did a nice shilling.
I deposit 3 BTC and then I couldnt login anymore. 'Technical issues' they said.
William aka Ranjeet was also very rude and I still cannot withdraw my BTC.

Guy what can I do about it?
I think they scammed me.
How is this shittoken allowed here?
Make a filter guys.

>> No.25850733

I hope you, your family and your friends die in the most awful way very soon

>> No.25850773

enjoy ban u autist.
U are the only dieing soon

>> No.25850788
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>> No.25850800

Go die in a river liar, never post lies about CoinMetro (XCM) ever again.

>> No.25850821

you can use VPN to defend the token.
better work on your product.
its so bug and bad.
let me withdraw u nugget

>> No.25850875

.15 EURO

>> No.25850926

>its so bug and bad.
kys already you subhuman scum

>> No.25850940

one thread wasn't enough?

>> No.25850942

tfw normal xcm threads get banned but not this shit

>> No.25850979

Digits are on the good guys (us) side. What do you have?

>> No.25850984

u autist. u are literally creating 3 different accounts with VPN to make it look like 3 people are against me.
please get the rope you fat fuck lmao

>> No.25851014

stop talking retard, we hijacked your thread
step down kiddo

>> No.25851072

make a third thread i dare you

>> No.25851094

hahahahaha you cant do shit you are losing hundreds of user because of my realtalk.
go hang urself or try HONEST marketing.
cancer faggot

>> No.25851172

dude i wish i could talk to you like a human but every time i try you just start freaking out

>> No.25851191

stinky brown id
wash your poophole you rancid degenerate

>> No.25851229

Yes I agree this site fucking scam SELL EVERYONE PLEASE

>> No.25851605

u r right anon