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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 634x632, dan-bilzerian-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
258492 No.258492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you accepted yet you'll never be rich?

>> No.258495

Define rich.

>> No.258500

Only poor people give up

>> No.258505
File: 195 KB, 900x486, ferrari-7580-website-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only delusional faggots think they'll be legit rich. Are you 12?

Legit rich. Not some of these people making some money thinking they are hot shi.

>> No.258512

I have challenging but realistic financial goals that I achieve.

I don't concern myself with fantasy.

>> No.258517

No, fuck you.

People like you get joy from putting others down. Others strive to be the best. Sure some of us will fuck up but some of us will make it. If none of us, none of us would make it.

>> No.258518


According to OP's picture, it means you are in your late 30s and drink cheap beer with skeletons.

>> No.258524

why would anyone want a disgusting house like that?

There's pretty much no difference in quality of life between someone that's worth 35 million and someone that's worth 700 million.

35 million is definitely achievable

>> No.258525


No, I mean, how much money do you need to be "rich"? A million? 10 million? 100 million? What?

>> No.258574

>35 million is definitely achievable
are you 12 m8?

>> No.258585


>> No.258631

Im doing god's work, aka putting your feet on earth. "You can be anything you want, including a millonaire". What are you, 12?

>> No.258636
File: 438 KB, 381x212, reaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35 million is definitely achievable

>> No.258645


>tfw not only is he richer/fitter/happier than you, he is also shorter than you.

m-m-master r-race.

>> No.258666
File: 226 KB, 860x1526, masterrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.258678

you mad, poorfag? some people don't blow their money away on lube and porn subscriptions

there's a containment board for virgins like you, called >>/r9k/

>> No.258681

>poorfag calling other poorfags
Welcome to /biz/

>> No.258730

There's millions of millionaires, and the majority are self made. Why do poor people think it's impossible to be rich.

>> No.258735

Children don't count, 100% faggot.

>> No.258737

I will be u bitchfuck

>> No.258739

With that many women moochers around him /hard alcholol he won't be rich much longer

>> No.258745

Rather be a healthy poorfag than a rich sickfag... enjoy your herps and rampaging alcoholism

>> No.258753

>There's millions of millionaires
and how many are poor?

you quote a number with no scale. sure there are millions of millionaires, but billions of poorfags. even more if you count developing nations

>> No.258757

sorry you weren't born into a family that helps you get started. my parents gave me half a million to invest at 21 and I've quadrupled it in four years

>> No.258762
File: 291 KB, 507x338, Picture-53[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$5m McMansion designed to look "old"
Sure is newly rich in here. No matter what you do, "old" money faggots will think of you as nothing more than a simple peasant.

It looks like shit, by the way.

>> No.258771

This. It looks like shit. Americans can't into wealth. Even going back to the Vanderbilts. I've been to one of their mansions, it looks so fucking gaudy and forcibly decadent, like the architect just designed it to "look" rich as opposed to using tasteful decor.

>> No.258777

Just passing by to remind everyone that Dan Bilzerian is everything they say about him, except a poker player.

bye bye

>> No.258784

What the fuck are you on about? $35 million is easy as fuck in the internet age. Well I don't mean easy in that way, but it's certainly in reach of anyone that has an internet connection and has a decent work ethic.

>> No.258786

Yeah, it's over the top. It looks a lot better than that ugly McMansion, though.


There are some tasteless European homes as well, but we definitely have the majority of the world's tasteless rich.

>> No.258787

wheres the money from then? heard he was a navy seal idk if thats even true

>> No.258792

Nah he got rejected form the Seals and made that movie that just came out lel, he inherited all of his cash. People think that his dad is involved in something illegal, wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.258797

wut. that guy is worth over 100 mil if im not mistaken

>> No.258801

Do you have any advice on making your first £100k? ($160k)? How much would you need to start off, and how much time.

When you get that money, you can own a decent apartment, and after that, costs go down, and you live safely until you can move up.

>> No.258803

Yeah, his dad was rich as fuck.
I also heard that he was one of the early investors at Full Tilt Poker, and managed to multiply his fortune this way.

>> No.258818

Definitely. This is the one that I've been to. My 8th grade class went on a field trip to Newport and just HAD to stop here.


>> No.258819

I accept I may never be a multimillionaire or billionaire by salary. But nothing is stopping me to make a good income and have millions saved/invested by the time I'm 65. Only ignorant people get mortgages, 2 car loans, and 4 kids with credit/medical debt before they haven't even at least pay off student loans.. They make good salaries but don't have shit to show for because it's all in monthly debt payments instead of investing.

>> No.258828

100 mil is one the bottom rung of what it takes to be called rich. He can't spend his money on literally any passing whim like actual wealthy people can, especially if he inherited it and doesn't have any significant income.

Those people think that minimum standard of living includes a family, a car released in the last 5 years, a spacious house in the suburbs with a backyard and a dog, and vacations to Disney World with the kids every few years.

>> No.258844
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>100 mil is one the bottom rung

Get the fuck out of here

>> No.258849

It is. Stop thinking like a poorfag. 100m won't even get you invited to any of the good parties. After all, people know you can't afford it.

>> No.258852


Money isn't all that defines a materialistic lifestyle. Celebrities get handed stuff all the time. Defining wealth solely on income is poor judgement.

>> No.258853

>not having significant income

Someone with that much not making significant unearned income is doing it wrong.

>> No.258857

I spend 50 bucks a week on lottery and scratch tickets so I would say I have better odds than you

>> No.258859


I bought a $1 ticket today and won $10. Payed for a Chinese lunch. Felt like a wealthy Arab.

>> No.258862

>comes into some money
>spends it immediately
You'll never be rich.

>> No.258878


new money trust fund kid

>> No.258993

that guys life costs £300k in the 3rd world

you can buy 400x more women, (though of questionable quality)

You can buy a fuckton more land, and have a row of mansions.

>get rich
>now compare yourself to even richer faggots
>feel poor
>compare yourself to zuckerberg
>you're a fucking peasant and old

>> No.258996

I hate this.
As much as I earn, I still feel poor.

>> No.259000


Do the opposite anons.
>get 'rich'
>browse /biz/
>feel much better about yourself

>> No.259002
File: 65 KB, 620x372, 2012-THE-GREAT-GATSBY-011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's worse, even if you did make stacks of money, you'd always be seen as dirt by the so called "old money". Like Gatsby, in the movie.

>> No.259004

Why do you think i come here?

But semi-seriously, here there's still the occasional poster who claims to be fabulously wealthy. Whether or not they are lying is another matter.

>> No.259057

I wonder how the successful start-up people feel like.

>> No.259080

Why do you repeat yourself, are you a retard?

>> No.259528

I heard a stat that if you're making only 45k per year, you're already in the top 1% of the world.

>> No.259535

It's because broke Africans, South Americans, Chinese, Indians, Eastern Europeans, and Russians are fucking up the statistics. In the first world, you're a broke piece of shit.

>> No.259539


45k a year is easy to live well on you pleb.

>> No.259546

Fucking this, i love the great gatsby, but knowing old rich will never accept you saddens me, Gatsby was played like a toy. I wonder why he didn't hire someone to assasinate tom

>> No.259547

Anything below $2 million a year is essentially poverty. Stop fooling yourself.

>> No.259573

I'm pretty sure I'll be a millionaire when I retire but that's not really an achievement.

In order to be a proper millionaire in your prime you need to either be given a great 6 salary job by connections, come up with an amazing idea, or inherit.

>> No.259579

If you aren't an idiot you would know that gatsby was a parody and a criticism to the aristocrats at the time

>> No.259581

That's why you are never going to be rich

>> No.259616

>Implying anyone should give a fuck about "old' and "young" money

You don't see people saying shit to Gates, Buffet, or Slim about not being part of the Rothschilds or Rockefellars.

>> No.259630

Rockefeller is new money. Rothschild can only recently be called old money but even that's pushing it.

>> No.259657



>being this elitist and uninformed.

My grandfather is on the Forbes 400. Come at me.

>> No.259673
File: 361 KB, 200x183, 1322168067712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound pretty insecure. I never said anything negative about nouveau riche trash, you just inferred it based on the phrase "new money."

>implying Forbes is any better than your average gossip rag

>> No.259681

As long as I use better grammar than you, I'll be okay.

>> No.259692

So who is old money in your mind?

>> No.259697


Nah it's just funny seeing plebs who will never make more than 6 figures try to say shit like "Rothschilds are baaarely old money and Rockefeller is definitely new money."

You're talking about families with assets in the trillions like they're barely living up to your standards.

kek m8

>> No.259701


That's what I'm saying.

If the Rothschilds (who were considered the elite in the fucking 1700s) aren't old money, who the fuck is?

Get a load of this peasant.

>> No.259704

No one said they didn't have money, simply that their money is new. Do you know how to read words?

>> No.259713

Old money is nobility and/or descendants from a family of aristocratic landowners. Your money should go back 7+ centuries and you should have ancestors with official titles going back at least 6 centuries.

Stop thinking in terms of human lifetimes, you should be thinking in terms of ancestral lines, many of which go back more than a millennium. If you're an American and you don't know what your family was doing prior to the formation of America, then chances are they were peasants and you're new money. Sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.259716


>implying any of the aristocracy is even wealthy anymore
>rothschilds are "new money".

Sure smells like peasants in here

Enjoy your janitorial work, boys

>> No.259747

Most descendants of medieval nobility are, in fact, not wealthy. Simply nobody shares your definition of "old money". Search anywhere for the term, and the most common names you will find are Astor, Rothschild, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Du Pont, and so on.

>> No.259754

>Simply nobody shares your definition of "old money"
Wikipedia does.

>American locations such as the Upper East Side of Manhattan; Westchester County, New York; Long Island's North Shore; Fairfield County, Connecticut; Newport, Rhode Island; Boston's Back Bay and Beacon Hill; Weston and Wellesley, Massachusetts; Philadelphia's Main Line; Chicago's North Shore suburbs; and the Grosse Pointe area of suburban Detroit, Michigan are associated with old money. Ironically, these areas' inhabitants that are colloquially described as "old money" are almost always descendants of the people the term "nouveau riche" (new money) was originally coined to describe: nineteenth century industrialists, bankers, and builders. Traditionally, wealth was associated with landowning and these Gilded Age fortunes made money in a new way, hence the term new money.

>> No.259759

And another:

>The Rothschilds were not, however, considered "old money" by their British counterparts. In Britain, the term generally exclusively refers to the landed gentry, usually the aristocracy and nobility who traditionally live off the land inherited paternally.
American's idea of "new money" is a joke to the rest of the world.

>> No.259792

>referring to a 100 year old definition

The portion you quoted literally says that they were called new money in the NINETEENTH CENTURY, and goes on to list many of them as old money.

>> No.259802
File: 17 KB, 420x570, 1396590552355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>define rich
>"legit rich"

Define "legit rich".

>> No.259804
File: 60 KB, 694x384, 3036_quattr1_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can just deal drugs if all my other plans fail
And no that's not just an offhanded statement, I really can... so could you.

Drug dealing is the most proven MLM scheme in existence.

>> No.259807

>and how many are poor?

Irrelevant. Fact is it's very possible to be greatly wealthy, & countless people beforehand have already done it.

>> No.259813
File: 811 KB, 1930x1266, 1396590982909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to be old rich
fuck that right off
>o-oh no reginald I left the golf clubs in the bentley! yes yes I'll get them pronto!
I'd rather be that asshole driving around in a straight piped yuppie spec Lambo

>> No.259815

lol This is the kind of putting down other people but from /biz/?

>> No.259831


And guess what. The aristocracy is largely BROKE now.

Here's your definition of 'old money' now:


The Fucking Fulfords

>> No.259842

You're right, most of them are broke, but that still doesn't change the definition

>> No.259846


Ok so that settles it. nobody wants to fucking be old money if there's no money involved.

>> No.259854

All it takes is one ambitious person to revive an old money family, and when he does, he has all the property and history behind him. Even the new money families (your old money) went through hard times, most of them aren't even that rich now.

Most of your supposed old money families' fortunes pale in comparison to the Walton's anyway, but would you call the Walton's a dignified family?

>> No.259881

old money families don't need to be revived. they control what they need to control, and have unheard of influence in society. that's real power, not "i live in a mansion, drive a ferrari, and pop bottles in the club"

>> No.260051

Gates had a wealthy Lawyer father and went to Harvard.

>> No.260213

I am well on my way to being rich off of your back fagget
Your old lady is paying me 10 grand a week to fuck her brains out on the days you work, she says you can`t get your little pecker up anymore.
In no time dick head with great investments I will be wealthier than you, while you raise my kids
The jokes on you fagget, BTW how do I taste anyhow?

>> No.260256

>I haven't failed in easy retard mode

Congratulations, if you aren't born into that you will never be rich, hence OP is right.

>> No.260260

>two poorfags living on a shitty basement complaining about a mansion parked with a ferrari on it

This is /biz/

>> No.260262

He can't give you advice because he is as broke as you and me.
Here: Luck

>> No.260264

Being a delusional NEET is fun!

>> No.260266

But you are a poorfag.

>> No.260269

Pretty much this. Even the richest among /biz/ were just lucky and never offer any real advice besides work hard in school and start your own business. Like the tripfag Wipe, for example.

>> No.260279

Yeah have fun never sleeping in comfort again. Would rather be a poorfag.

>> No.260280

>being this mad at the fact you will never be rich

>> No.260283

It's like he never watched Breaking Bad.

>> No.260287

coulda shoulda woulda egad

Also this >>258495

>> No.260293

I am 18, still in school an unconditional offer from oxford to do economics and management. I deal and make around £2000 a week. I own 5 Twitter pages each having in excess of 1m followers. I make ~$2500 a day from Google Adsense, directing my audience to websites that I have made. My most popular site is within Alexa's top 400 globally. I achieved 11 A*s at GCSE taking 3 a year early. I am predicted 5 A*s at A2. Trust me, i'm going to become rich.

>> No.260301

I've pretty much abandoned hopes of becoming rich, famous or extremely successful in any particular way. I simply lack the focus and drive.

However, I do think it's realistic I'll become wealthy eventually. By wealthy I mean being financially independent, living off investments at above median household living standards without having to work.

Let's assume $50k as the median household income. To achieve that, assuming 5% real return on investments, I need $1M in capital. I'd need to save $1700 per mo over 25 years to achieve it.

If I earn median wage + $1700, I can keep a comfortable middle class living standard while saving. That's about $5900 per mo income required, divided between me and my partner. I'd say it's very achievable, even probable in my field of work.

>> No.260336


please go into detail!

>> No.260359

>hurr you can't have taste unless you can afford it.
Sorry, do you own a McMansion? Did I offend you?

>> No.260528


How did you grow your twitter pages?

What are their topics?

>> No.260537

lol @ those estats

>> No.260600

I own@girlposts, younger girls have the highest propensity to share and don't question a picture to my custom domain: pic-image.net. The best way to start is massing and then shamelessly retweeting an account that you wish to gain an organic following on.

>> No.261418

prove it. tweet something /biz/ related from it right now.

>> No.261447

just visited the twitter page

are you a girl? how can a straight guy make something so gay?

>just saw you posted a pic
>used the hashtag wcw
>google it "Women Crush Wednesday"
what in the fuck

>> No.261482

Why do you need the approval of old money anyway?

Have money, do whatever you want. Isn't that the point? What do you need the approval of other people for anyway?

>> No.261540

OP is butthurt they turned down his business plan at the bank

>> No.261948

murricans in charge of architectural terms

>> No.261962


Your page is called Common White Girl? Lol.

I'm actually pretty fascinated by this concept, though. How did you initially get followers? Walk me through acquiring the first 1,000.

>> No.262289


Bump for answer to this

>> No.262317

He was most likely bullshitting, just like 90% of the people on this board.

>> No.262366

Sorry, just saw this and well if you go back to my previous post. I talk about massing, there's lots about it online especially on the forum black hat world. It used to be that you could use android and bypass follow limits. I then made a macro to follow around 50k a day. Do this and just get a shit ton but awful ratio and not organic. Then just shamelessly advertise a fresh account on there. I don't know why i'm posting this on here but whatever. You can also RT ads from your new account on your main to not only grow follows but also gain revenue that way.

>> No.262385

I don't post my tweets myself, I give people promos for running my account. Do this through tweetdeck and obvs not through giving them my email and pass

>> No.262604

Rich people have millions (or billions) of dollars.

From your images and demeanor you seem to define rich as people who spend millions (or billions) of dollars.

I'd rather just remain rich and not spend my money on cars and mansions and parties. That stuff is for (soon-to-be) poor people.

>> No.262965

No and I never will!

>> No.263608

and then the revolution happens

oh keks

>> No.263613


then whats the point in being rich you retard?

>> No.263628

>Defining wealth solely on income is poor judgement
Ya but that's what every poor fag does because they think everything will be great if they can have a bunch of nice shit, until they run out of money because poor fags are poor for a reason.

>> No.263634


Having money can be its own reward (think Scrooge McDuck).


Well income can be tricky depending on how your defining it. Net worth is probably a better standard.

>> No.263676

Is there any way you can think of to prove this, since I guarantee nobody believes you?

>> No.264087

Security, peace of mind, freedom, quality of life for your family, a whole lot of this other than vapid consumerism.

>> No.264094

ha I'm wearing the same pants as him right now awesome.

>> No.264135

Coming from a somewhat rich family (fuck 'old money' or 'new money' concepts), I can say I don't care that much about having an absurd sum, I care most about having time to spend doing the things I like with the people I love.
My life is 1/3 over (all my relatives usually die around 60-something years), so..

I will (probably) inherit a couple millions when my parents die, but I consider that a matter of luck, not a reality. As if someone told you you're gonna win the lottery for sure, would you live blinded by that fact? I wouldn't, I don't. I just accept it might happen someday.

At the moment my only worry is that the industry I chose to work in is slowly sinking in my country, which will either force me to pursue something else or move abroad. Both are kind of a bother, so I'll just move slowly and wait for the right moment to make a move.

>mfw at 23 I've done all the things rich people do
I've done more than my fair share of parties, drugs, sex and general fuckery. Trust me, you grow tired of waking up in the aftermath of a drug-induced orgy in a luxury hotel somewhere. It's empty feels.

>> No.264138

>Coming from a somewhat rich family (fuck 'old money' or 'new money' concepts),
nouveau riche detecté

>> No.264164

>implying I care
>implying I'm not european
>implying I don't come from the only country not involved in WW2
>implying I'm embarassed that my family of FARMERS made srs money constructing and owning two factories overseas during what was probably the hardest economic moment of the world so far
>implying nouveau riches can grasp the concept of living a meaningful life of constant learning, improving of the self and having a noble heart

If I should be embarassed of inheriting money from hard-work and strategical thinking, then fuck me sideways.

>> No.264182

No need to get angry, I merely made an observation. It seems to bother you more than you think.

Also, old money also comes from hard work and strategical thinking. War and conquering is no joke.

>> No.264196

>implying I care
>proceeds to write another long as fuck post to justify himself

>> No.264212

>OP makes thread saying people can't do something
>people make testament to saying they can do it

I think those that fantasies the idea of 'rich' ultimately become to the lower class who spend all their money on this perceived image they want to portray.
>Rent due? Nah man. New Air Jordan's.
>Unpaid lunch with executives? Lol get fucked, hit the clubs with this weeks pay check.
>Tax return? fuck yes free money! New iphone!

>> No.264215

That's the beauty of it though. Only the people who can be frugal to an extend secure capital, the rest just falls into the trap of conspicuous consumption and hyperconsumerism and pumps their fortune back into the economy because they're degenerate plebs. Staying rich is the true art.

>> No.264227

>these incomprehensible posts without direction
kek. learn to write m8s

>> No.264232

He made it playing poker. Name one thing besides a fucking entire company you can't buy with $100m dollars?

>> No.264241

>he thinks someone can make $100m from poker
top kek

his dad was a corporate raider in the 80s. dad put money in trusts for his kids

poker is his cover to give himself some self-worth. just like how many trustfund kids are calling themselves app developers and entrepreneurs

>> No.264246

> 100 mil is the bottom run of rich.

No, it isn't. Technically, anyone with a household income above $92k is 'rich,' as they are the top quintile of earners (although you have to adjust this for local cost of living). The top 5% starts at 167k.

So based on that, being rich is fairly attainable.

>> No.264252


>> No.264275

It is easy to point at people to tell them to be frugal when you are in your late teens/early 20s and the only person that you have to provide for is yourself.

It's another thing to tell a family to stop providing things to their children so that they can get a big number in their IRA.

>> No.264283

I'm also quite comfortable with pointing fingers at people for having children. It's among the most devastating financial choices to make.

>> No.264298

You have to make a choice. Do you want to be rich or do you want to devote at least 18 years of your life raising some brat?

The choice is easy for me.

>> No.264363

> Implying money is everything.

>> No.264374

I'm not implying that at all, just that actions have consequences and having children is one of the worst actions you can take from a financial point of view.

>> No.264389

You couldn't even be a worthwhile art collector with only $100m.

>> No.264391

>mfw old middle class women complain about money

>> No.264399

Upper-middle class parents do things wrong like 70% of the time.

All throughout high school I saw kids who don't understand money or consequences because the stay-at-home doesn't know how to impart values and the bread-winner gives zero fucks and uses money to buy their kids' love.

>> No.264440

The highest man rises from the lowest depths.

>> No.264614
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, 1375999704143.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread

>> No.264677

how do i into money?
is the easiest way to steal?

>> No.264777

It's not just about upper middle class. The point was that if you ever decide that having a family is more emotionally fulfilling to you, you'll realize that living in a 350 square foot room with a mini-fridge and microwaving rice and beans so you can invest over 50% of your income is no longer an option.

You can wait until you make it into the top 20% of earners before you have kids, but statistically 80% of the people reading this will never get there in their entire lives.

>> No.264833
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, 1396822522116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. I still play the lotteries regularly, because i'm too lazy and mentally challenged to attempt it any other way

>> No.264835
File: 1.16 MB, 640x480, leshiggyface2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still posting gifs

>> No.264937

>Can't even link to other boards
>Thinks he's going to make it
lel. Middle management general?

>> No.264979

Fuck off, Moot. We're full.

>> No.265182

Again you're missing the point. If you decide to have kids and thus decide that a bigger house is necessary, you lose the right to complain that being broke is out of your control, because kids, like everything else, is something that requires financial planning and security.

>> No.265221


The goal of all life is to reproduce.

>> No.265466

I'll never be rich. I'll just live in poverty like millions of others. Fortunately, the living standard of poverty in this country really isn't that bad. Eventually when a basic income is put into place, I won't even need to work useless manual labor jobs to get by. The future is going to be awesome.

>> No.265490

>tfw upper middle class due to parents being bleeding heart liberals and using their fucking stanford law degrees to help people instead of making bank
>tfw my rich as fuck grandparents (harvard professors and lawyers for the most part) are giving me a decked out meryll-lynch account as one of my college graduation presents
>tfw my favorite grandfather has told me that when he dies (he's 98) my sister and I will be inheriting his land and house on marthas vineyard (5 acres and two houses, one is a 2 bedroom guesthouse and the other is a 7 bedroom beachfront mansion, total property value is about 20 million)
>tfw have a decent chance at being rich thanks entirely to my family
>tfw stanford legacy and plan on applying there as a Jag officer with the marines

>> No.265497


That's deep man. Your favorite line from your latest fantasy novel?

>> No.265504

Everything sounds good except the marines part. Why the fuck would you volounteer to be cannon fodder man?

>> No.265506

>confirmed for not knowing what a JAG officer is

Anon will be fine, and starting a legal career in JAG is a good professional and political decision.

>> No.265517

JAG = marines pay for me to go to stanford as a legacy. Its also a great stepping stone for working my way into my eventual goal, which is politics. Its a long road and will take some time, but that's my plan.

Also, i'm not some rich silver spoon pussy. I've wanted to be a marine for a while. Its not like i'll be enlisted, as an officer i'll make more money and more connections for use in my future career.

>> No.265778

You don't understand how evolution works, otherwise you wouldn't be ascribing teleology to it.

>> No.265820
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1345606456713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw old British nobility.
>tfw somewhere along the way the fucks lost it all.
>tfw my grandfather as a result worked at the Liverpudlian docks.
>tfw my father took that as a lesson, got a law degree and now earns 3 figures.
>tfw I've took this on board and have already earnt £400,000 from my business.
>tfw I am 19.

>> No.265917
File: 99 KB, 400x300, leoleo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna take a little time, but we're gonna get it all back --every fur coat, every goddamn piece of silver!

>> No.265935

No, the will to is an obvious and natural consequence of natural selection. Nature doesn't deem anything right or necessary. Its an aggregation of living things doing whatever they do.

>> No.265958


It's pretty disturbing how many people are completely ignorant of natural selection and turn it into some weird religion.

>> No.265990

Old moneyfag here.
Obviously the term "old money" is subjective.
Direct decedents from noblemen back when conquistadors were burning scrolls and wiping the ancient history of The Philippines. I think that's old enough.
Just a small rant, I am sure everyone feels the same, though.
You know what's really pathetic? When wall street douches are in the club, trying to pick up chicks and they drop the keys of their Ferrari to impress the lady.

Teachers in public schools have Ferraris.
Public school!
Anyone with a stable income can buy big ticket items.
What's pathetic is their need to show off, to namedrop, brand-drop and air their poor life choices.
These people come and go.

>> No.266016

>tfw also old British, Danish and Finnish royalty
>family moves to US a few generations ago
>one side changes our name to "Earl" literally for some reason, thought it would gain respect in the US or some stupid shit
>tfw it's a redneck name in the US

I've never told anyone that, doesn't really matter anyways since I don't have much to show for it.

>> No.266030

Most millionaires in the US live in homes worth 300,000 usd or less.

>> No.266213

> father made around thirty thousand dollars a year
> mother even less
> then divorce, single income with mother
> now twenty, thirteen dollars an hour and ten thousand dollars in medical bills


feels sucky

>> No.266254
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Are you from Zimbabwe?

>> No.266269

>anything below $2 million a year
>essentially poverty
>condition where people's basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being met
>$2 million a year
>can't cover basic needs

>> No.266418

you guys act like it matters. status whores

>> No.266546
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I'm poor and alcoholism. the struggle is real.

>> No.267935

Now that's just bullshit.

>> No.268382

>tfw I've took this on board and have already earnt £400,000 from my business.
w-what's your business?

>> No.269500

maybe, just maybe you should figure out what rich means. Money right> well what does money buy? Food water shit like that.
Food water and all that shit does grow on trees... hm..... Im on to something here David

>> No.269526

*tips fedora

you guys are very class obsessed its disgraceful. It reminds me of the 'nordic master race reporting in' people - every time they post their pic they're ugly as fuck.

They brag about these things because they literally have no achievements themselves so they need to find achievements of race, nation or family history to make them feel better.

go out and make money yourself you fags - its possible for a poor person to rise theres no excuse for upper class people to do nothing with their lives.

>> No.269534

>go out and make money yourself you fags - its possible for a poor person to rise theres no excuse for upper class people to do nothing with their lives.
>being this petit bourgeois

You will never understand old money people.

>> No.270188


Boring and easy life = boring and uninteresting people

all I need to know

>> No.270254

>making money is the only hard and worthwhile thing in life

You're truly a pleb.

>> No.270640

>someone who spends all his time enriching himself with study and art consumption is less interesting than someone who works all the time
top pep

>> No.270653

if being rich is being a millionaire then sir you are mighty retarded to think that a good amount of people can't make it. If by legit rich you mean lambo's mansions, trips to monaco, then yes. Your right. most of us will not be legit rich.

>> No.270665

I suppose I'd also like to add that I'm striving for somewhere around 10 million for an entire lifetime. Enough money to buy a decent home with decent land somewhere in southern France or northern Italy, a nice family car, a nice workshop car, all the "appliances techs I need, a small home for future wife's and my parents and the rest is for me to chill out for the rest of my life doing whatever i want with my free time. The beauty of growing up poor is you learn to make due. When you can survive and have fun with less than 2k in an entire year, you can have a paradise life with the kind of money I envision.

>> No.270691

If you can sustain a good lifestyle for six months without working at all you are doing well.

If you can sustain a good lifestyle for two years you are very well off.

Only if you can sustain your high lifestyle indefinitely without working are you truly rich.

>> No.271615

>high lifestyle

You don`t need to sustain a "high lifestyle" to be rich, you merely have to sustain the lifestyle you`ve adjusted to. Some people could live off capital gains of 500kdollars, some off 200, some off 1 million. Some would need 50 million because there is no end to their greed.

The latter group of people (the guys who want tens of millions) are the ones who will never be happy as they constantly strive for more. Don`t be one of those guys.

Money is just an instrument that can be used to live a comfortable life without worries for bills and needing to do some tedious work to sustain your life. Freedom from wage slavery, basically.

>> No.272077

>tfw I can sustain my preferred lifestyle on welfare

Feels like I've already won.

>> No.272100

I just want a few hundred thousand so I can live in a cheap apartment alone with a fiber line. I don't want to be rich, just a self sufficient NEET.

>> No.272350

You seem to have won the game of life, yes.

>> No.272510

my income: 74,000
my missus: 65,000
rental house: 16500

I guess I'm rich then?

>> No.273026

Is this the guy whose instagram got put on Huffington Post and women in the comments raged about him?

>> No.273038

Not with that thinking.

>> No.273040

Do you work for a living? Then no.

>> No.273058

>Name one thing besides a fucking entire company you can't buy with $100m dollars?

Class, taste and talent.

But anyone arguing $100 million isn't significant money is a fucking retard.

>> No.273308

We do. Guess not then.

>> No.273653

>made it by playing poker

No he didn`t you dumb fuck. His dad was an agressive takover-shark at wallstreet in the 80s, Dan himself has repeadetly stated he isn`t good at poker and only plays vs bored rich people looking for a thrill. He gets a trust fund that sets in every 5 years, starting at 30. So 35, 40, 45 etc, always a new fund waiting.

His total net worth is about 100m and that comes from his father and he has then invested the money further.

He is not "self-made", not that it matters, just wanted to correct you there though.

>> No.273669 [DELETED] 


I think Wipe is just fake. Either that or he's a stereotypical American Psycho wannabe sociopath.

>> No.273896

He also pays people for roles in their movies so that he can call himself an actor. He's a pathetic little shit.

>> No.274149

given that i was born rich... no

>> No.274208
File: 205 KB, 1179x742, 1390940027191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from a disfunctional family, my dad went off to do his own thing before i turned 10, my mom spent the last 20 years country hopping and never really had a job that paid more than $30,000 a year

Im in Canada now and i am provided the necessities of life, clean clothes , food , access to public transportation and internet

I could easily live off of $800 a month, by living in some room somewhere at $300 , this is to show that i come from a cheap lifestyle and being frugal is just the way i was brought up

None the less i feel this overwhelming sense of hopelessness , unable to provide for my family or my nation or people in general. If i could help i would but im too busy mopping around in my room stuck in some mental loop of going on 4chan, fapping , smoking a bowl , playing video games and repeating that over and over

Im almost 23 years old and i feel truly pathetic and i deserve it for the most part, im too old and inexperienced to find entry level work - ive been trying to find work for a long time

I have no money , past a few hundreds ive saved from tax returns or odd jobs, i have no family connections or jobs of any sort. Its just me and my mom

The only way out for someone like me is to win the lottery of some sort, either literally or by being offered a chance to do a well paying job

My mom is $15,000 in debt because of me leeching off her, we pay $300 just in interest alone a month

All my friends have cars now, girlfriends, getting their own apartments soon etc

I dont want to keep ranting , ive been lurking since 07 so i know how you people think i just needed someone to share my problems with

Im thinking of going to Seneca College for something , anything to pass the time with because ive been NEET so long that Suicide just becomes a more reasonable option everyday

Id kill for a nice steady $20 per hour job, im always the most liked and respected hard worker in any job ive been in and ive worked almost every odd job under the sun

>> No.274515

The real trick to money management is that most things that people work their ass off for aren't worth having. When you can really see that, you won't feel deprived.