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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25848395 No.25848395 [Reply] [Original]

newfag and poorfag with $60, do your best shilling bros

>> No.25848426

With $60k, I'd buy 1 BTC and the rest in ETH.

>> No.25848441

do this if you want to lose money and/or make boomer gains

>> No.25848578

>With $60k, I'd buy 1 BTC and the rest in ETH.
i haven't seen $60k in my lifetime, i'm a poorfag college student $60 flat take it or leave it

>> No.25848719

They know what you meant.

Put it in
Ethereum safest option

>> No.25848721

learn to read. he means plain 60. I am in the same spot as you anon so I'll bump you.

>> No.25848773


>> No.25848835

BOND bonded.finance, it will 100x within 6 months, then use the 6k and put it all in Monero long term to reach a portfolio value of ultimately around 100k. If that's too low find a good multiplier at 6k and after that put it all in XMR

>> No.25848864

im a poorfag of immense proportions, but at least I have 500 dollarinos

>> No.25848908

Buy a bunch of under 5 dollar.

>> No.25848922

$60? Buy a nice steak dinner and a couple beers. It will help you cope

>> No.25848937

don't buy shit now because bear. i already lost over 60 dollars. wait til we hit the bottom then go all in on btc or eth. crypto is very risky though so be ware that you might lose a good portion of your total 60 dollars.

>> No.25848954

You have more you're just a pussy

>> No.25848973

lel unironically this
>buy BOND on bitmax
>delegate and stake it for some time before the V1 of the application hits, for $60 you'll get like 7 or 8 BOND a day just for letting it sit there
>DON'T sell
>sell for X-times the price you bought it for

then you can do whatever, with your spare money you can probably put that into GRT for some easy not that big gains

>> No.25848974

this thread smells like curry, someone opens a window pls

>still they try to shill you shitty ref link to trash shit

ROFL someone even try to give staking pools.

You should know one thing, I have already used Poolz and their NFT for cashflow, I wouldn’t believe in your scam

>> No.25849052

RSR, Keep, and Tangrams.

>> No.25849181

There is never going to be another 1000x opportunity like bitcoin within the crypto space. All you will get is scammed. If you are too dumb to not be poor you'll never find that next big jackpot investment.

>> No.25849206

not worth it, you should sweat and bleed as a wageslave for 12 years and then we'll talk. maybe

>> No.25849250

wait until the 15th. Buy ADA or Algo. These are long-term though. If you are looking for short-term gains you're better off lurking.

>> No.25849570
File: 26 KB, 720x680, mirust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy mir
If you're wondering where to buy UST, you can do so via their platform or via moonpay
Remember it exists on both eth and Terra blockchain but you have to pick Terra one (just follow my links) to save fees and get better APR.
You're welcome in advance, future millionaire kun. Don't listen to anyone else.

>> No.25849689
File: 118 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20210111-172440_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the charts for these. I think nu and steller have good shot of going up. Civic too. Wait until the 15th though, right after the market reacts to the teather thing. Also if you dont have alot of money best to find stock/coin that cheap and is on the move both up and down 60÷.11×.19 will give you more than 60÷33000×40000

>> No.25850518

Do you want slow but steady profits or riskier but lucrative gains?
If former, BTC and ETH split
If latter, find some altcoin or two you like

>> No.25850593


>> No.25850738

All on IOTA