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File: 71 KB, 672x671, be_careful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25847807 No.25847807 [Reply] [Original]

>be careful, pepes and anons

>> No.25847852

i lost my private keys in a boating accident, 2021 version.

>> No.25847873

>partially my fault

kek what a fucking retard to give a private key to fake admin in Telegram

>> No.25847949

Giving a private key to anyone is dumb. Here's my bank account, anonymous stranger on the Internets. Please don't steal it.

>> No.25847952

I might say fuck it and start scamming if it's this fucking easy lmao

>> No.25847969

haha retarded boomer

>> No.25847970
File: 184 KB, 2000x2000, 1608110057422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.25847988

I don't think either of these people actually exist.

I think accounts like this are AI generated and just talk to each other all day long to create sentiment one way or another.

>> No.25848010

is he retarded

>> No.25848023

>Altcoin Dad
Please tell me this isnt real

>> No.25848045

Checked. Nobody exists man.

>> No.25848048

Someone needs to reply ‘Many thanks for your coins sir the village appreciates it’

>> No.25848067

>I don't think either of these people actually exist.
Fair point. They could be throwing shade at tomo, whatever tf that is. Who trades crypto for seven years and gives up a private key under any circumstance that doesn't include a lead pipe to the kneecap?

>> No.25848094

I lost 100k, but it was the old fashioned way with shitty high risk trades.

>> No.25848110

what the fuck are we doing all day long, scalping and looking at charts until our eyes bleed, just in the hope of making 0.25 ETH/day when we could just be scamming retards out of their private keys and emptying their wallets?

>> No.25848118



>> No.25848141

Lmao how do ppl keep falling for these anyway

>> No.25848149
File: 25 KB, 671x334, 9cfdf28c0ab7b8554b38e9f33ba9cf98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


altcoin daddy got saved

>> No.25848316

100k after 7yrs is the real story here

>> No.25848394

>7 years in the space
>gives away private keys
I call bullshit. Most likely a bullshit story to solicit donations.

>> No.25848486

Nah it's just a couple of us. The rest are ai photos we live in a Truman show. Except it's look at these 4500 retards go.

>> No.25848529

Twitter white knights now occupy the crypto space. Fuck this whole crypto shit now. We can't have anything to ourselves

>> No.25848673

all fake
nothing in this gay little story happened
I'm telling you its pure narrative

>> No.25848680


>Stopping people from stealing 100k is bad and white knight

Yeah he's a boomer and fucked up huge, but why wouldn't we want more "white knights" in the space? It's good for adoption. Boomers have the most money in the world

>> No.25848834
File: 24 KB, 661x578, 1557540311572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give private key to anonymous stranger
>partially my fault

>> No.25848887

why would you give your private key out to random pajeets?

>> No.25848931
File: 42 KB, 680x780, 1610388742666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see you invest in xrp as well

>> No.25849636

>sorry the address you are sending funds from was used on the decentralized exchange "Uniswap"
>uniswap has been suspected of being used by white supremacist's that support Trump so we no longer allow deposits from addresses that have used it
>we have automatically resent the funds back to the address they came from and collected a 2% fee from the total amount sent
>thank you for choosing Coinbase XD

>> No.25850250

>you had 7 years

>> No.25850394

The old lost the crypto no taxo switcheroo. Fuck the taxman

>> No.25850421
File: 158 KB, 768x768, ,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stealing is so BASED

>> No.25850572

idiots don't deserve to keep their money

>> No.25850650


>Altcoin Granpa

>"OK Suresh, I'm here at the bus station, and have the 50000 dollars in a paper bag. You want me to put it in which locker number again?"

>> No.25850657

This but white people

>> No.25850675

>he says as he willingly gives the government his money without getting anything in return

>> No.25850716

funds on coinbase aren't actually held by you. is this news? if a simple bitcoin wallet allowed that kind of outside meddling crypto wouldn't be crypto

>> No.25850857

dunno about you, but I get plenty out of living under a government. Feel free to move to africa and live free.

>> No.25850919

I saw it on twitter, why post it here

>> No.25851021

Dumbass. Most African governments are even more corrupt and greedy.

>> No.25851082

This. 7 years? Lol

>> No.25851182


>Gives anyone his private key
>Partially his fault


>> No.25851192

I honestly feel really bad for him. Obviously he's not the brightest, and someone stole all his money because of that. It's kind of like those sick fucks who pretend to be you so your grandma will send them money.

>> No.25851880
File: 66 KB, 240x240, 59 - SR5VH20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of the circumstances, it just sucks to lose 100k at anything

>> No.25852226

Jesus Christ that's stupid. Why would you ever give your private key to anyone? Almost seems like a fake story to cover his ass.

>> No.25852663


Oh, you're a stupid conservative with worms in your brain, nvm

>> No.25852922

if you lose 100k dont talk about it, especially dont tell your wife/friends. It only compounds the damage.
Just suck it up and rebuild your stack.
Lost 70k there, 30k there, 45k there etc...(not due to outright scams but shitcoins)
Doesn't even phase me anymore. Win some lose some