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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25841486 No.25841486 [Reply] [Original]

time to buy?

>> No.25841571


>> No.25841598


>> No.25841607

Lol no

>> No.25841613

This is called the unicorn pattern. We are expevting a horn.

>> No.25841615


>> No.25841622
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>> No.25841627

Yes and sell the bounce. And then rebuild 27k

>> No.25841628

Buy at 6k.

>> No.25841629


>> No.25841631
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>buying before the 15th

>> No.25841632

It'll drop down to 10k

>> No.25841653

Always push in. Never pull out. Not until youve made it.

>> No.25841656

time to cry

>> No.25841664

Unironically yes

>> No.25841665

time to die!

>> No.25841702

you better be right because I want my cheap BTC

>> No.25841703

Fucking this.
Buying now is basically just burning money for shits and giggles unless you're a swinger.

>> No.25841712

just bought today, will buy more if it dips

>> No.25841721

Not sure that it will go to $10k, but I don't see any way that it doesn't dip to at least $20k.

>> No.25841743


The market is going to crash once beijin biden gets in office. Then we gonna bear for a few months.

>> No.25841784
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go back to /pol/ retard

>> No.25841829

Stfu poltard

>> No.25841888
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For newbs that dont know what

>> No.25841908

are you retarded? Biden will devalue the dollar making bitcoin worth more.

>> No.25841926

The difference is theres evidence for one. Ill let you both figure out which one.

>> No.25841928

what happens on the 15th?

>> No.25841941

litrally nothing iwll happen, just ignore the schizos

>> No.25841953
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go back to /pol/ too, /biz/ is a pro-china board

>> No.25841963


>> No.25841998

are these kind of places doing it wrong ?

>> No.25842008

Zoom out.

>> No.25842010

Based chinkike colluder

>> No.25842023

but what’s on 15th exactly?

>> No.25842038

woah no worries my mistake i thought this was a thread about haircomb
you know the quantum resistant anonymous token on the bitcoin chain
but i can see thats not what y'all are talking about so i'll leave you too it my bad ttyl

>> No.25842043

Checked, but check mine!

>> No.25842052

tl:dr China will ban cryptocurrency

>> No.25842066
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Guys, who told you it is going to recover?

>> No.25842076

Tether needs to prove that 1 USDT = one real dollar by the 15th

>> No.25842088

Federal investigation into Tether on whether they committed fraud. Docs due to court on the 15th.

Correct me if wrong. Just spent 30 seconds on jewgle figuring it out.

>> No.25842122

>le rebbit poast
>tether food

>> No.25842155

And if they prove it to be true the price will pump?

>> No.25842162

So many chink shills in this board.

>> No.25842194

Dont shoot the messenger, faggot. Ive been here since you were incubating in your daddies nut sack.

>> No.25842207

obviously yes. It means USDT is not a scam, people gain more trust and start investing.

>> No.25842237

No D U M P

At least thats the fear porn people are spreading.

>> No.25842248

You had 3 years to buy it under 10k.

You're going to cry like a bitch when it hits 250k and you didn't buy any on the way down.

>> No.25842260
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I recognize that tree

>> No.25842291

Read u wrong. Yes, pump if they prove 1 = 1

>> No.25842304

There's no way they are not printing USDT out of thin air. Crypto is dead.

>> No.25842306

Not yet sir

>> No.25842319

tether has to proof they didn't fraudulently inflated BTC price
many leaks already that they are shitting their pants and can't provide jack shit
several people behind tether already trying to flee abroad as far away as they can

so to sum it up: they got caught for frauding normies, zoomers and newfags out of there lunch money hence also why oldfags sold everything this weekend to liquidate before the tether fraud really hits the fan

>> No.25842343

Terrible advice

>> No.25842349

>"Crypto is dead"

Yeah this correction is almost over.

>> No.25842361

This wouldnt kill crypto. It would devalue it, certainly. But this wouldnt change the eternal, unbreaking use case of daddy BTC by itself.

>> No.25842376

Cope, bagholder. Bet you bought at the top.

>> No.25842390

Cope. See you at $24k

>> No.25842426

4h MACD is ideal

>> No.25842441

Not him, but when you bought in at 800, people call you a bag holder all the way to and from 40k.

By weekly, hold for 10 years, then worry about price, friendo.

>> No.25842446

I've had it since 300 dollars and I hear from dipshits like you who cry and piss their pants every red day and can't think beyond a couple weeks, let alone the macro 4 year cycles.

>> No.25842450

>many leaks
Show us some
>several people behind tether already trying to flee
Provide a source.

>> No.25842498
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>> No.25842501

This is the only way to make it, keep buying untill you make it. It's literally that simple

>> No.25842524

No, wait for the crash.

>> No.25842530

No, they're just planning long term 10 years is nothing to them and any short term movement is meaningless.

>> No.25842533

So many larpers ITT. Show balance, faggots.

>> No.25842551

>there was some research done speculating

>> No.25842566

>Threin lies the problem
No, therein doesn't, he's dumb af.

>> No.25842594

yes, pls buy my bad sir, do it motherfuaker my son is sick and dying, pls sirs

>> No.25842599

>50k€ profit rn
Not sure if I cash in now or wait
This was a very fast and dissapointing bull run if it stops here

>> No.25842645

my guess is BTC will crab for a few months. maybe alt szn finally.

>> No.25842708

50k is good enough for 2021, we're not in 2001, just relax till 2025

>> No.25842724

lol just look 2017/2018 case
The best option will be only on 2022 q2

>> No.25842795

All the FUDding here probably just makes it worse. I guess most people are used to just ignoring biz by now

>> No.25842899


>> No.25843979

i just bought 200. i'll sell as soon as i hit 220 in value. then i'll use it to buy beer.

>> No.25844115

I hope you die of asscancer.

>> No.25844289

Bitcoin has had a 11 year history in 99.994% of the time it has been cheaper than it is now.
Totally time to buy.

>> No.25844298

Nothing actually. 15th is just the deadline for bitfinex to give necessary documents to the NY DA's office. It will still be a very long time for the case. People are using that date as if it's going to be the exact moment that Shaniqua Esquire comes out of her office and declares tether is worth zero, and then bitcoin starts trading at negative values like oil in march.

>> No.25844476

>in 99.994% of the time it has been cheaper than it is now
Nice manipulative sentence.