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25833418 No.25833418 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>25822353

>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bMGWE6dJiw [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvoaU44ngTY [Embed] [Embed]


>SEC lawsuit

>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance source code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ threads:

>Insiders threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet
Do not use Droplet wallet, it is a scam.

>> No.25833484
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if digits we dip
>i want discount zerpees

>> No.25833604
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>> No.25833635
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Checked, you're going to make it fren no worries.

>> No.25833639

do you guys think he actually declared the IA? as well as would this give him another term

>> No.25833672
File: 23 KB, 380x272, Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 16.11.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this normal?

>> No.25833699

Trump is the last president of USA INC.

>> No.25833706

nobody really knows, not even DS (if you take it as face value)

>> No.25833736

Asked at the end of the last thread so I'll ask again. Besides xrp and xlm what other currencies would be a smart buy right now?

>> No.25833742

Yeah if you're gonna make it

>> No.25833764

Not gonna make it this time, but at least I will be right in 6 months. A year of rent is enough for me, and I will take it gladly.

>> No.25833780

Yes completely normal. It's being tested and you can see the numbers. Few threads ago (in the morning for me) there was a 5 billion dollar / second thing. It's closer than we think

>> No.25833798

FLR (IOUs for now), but the volume is really low so thats risky

>> No.25833817

>Asked at the end of the last thread so I'll ask again. Besides xrp and xlm what other currencies would be a smart buy right now?

If the conjured Schizo visions are right, none.

>> No.25833833

Xdc, algo, iota, AGI

>> No.25833883
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Checked and agreed with.

>> No.25833965

Sell your crypto. If you can

>> No.25834024


agreed, but do you specualte he signed it

>> No.25834027
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>> No.25834044
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>> No.25834061

how come this doesn't affect the price?

>> No.25834098

because it is USD to USD

>> No.25834105

Nope, everything is on my Ledger and I’m going to smuggle it out of the US in my asshole.

>> No.25834106
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checked and also never stop posting this

>> No.25834107
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if IF digits, we dip
>also want a discount bro

>> No.25834143
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>> No.25834159

Would not be shocked if this was true. If Biden gets in and they end up winning even more seats next election, the Democrats will probably start talking about reforming the government because the president has too much power while also eliminating the two separate chambers system and make the elections a completely federal affair rather than state affair.

>> No.25834203
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>> No.25834227

so XRP is not involved?

>> No.25834267
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where the fuck do these clock images even come from?

>> No.25834282

do u think trump will pull it off

>> No.25834332

We're in the fog of war right now. I think he did but I'm ready for whatever.

>> No.25834341
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>next election

Thanks, got a good chuckle.

>> No.25834342
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The phoenix is rising

>> No.25834357

probably not XRP, but idk; XRP is meant to be a bridge of exchange with other assets

>> No.25834360
File: 419 KB, 1083x1600, cfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Insider/UHNWI/Mellon references to Jesus and scripture:

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

New world reserve currency. Back to gold. It's happening this year, all of it. They are using this virus to push through blockchain in months rather than years.

They wanted more control, more checkpoints, so they blew up 2 towers and told everyone their safety and lives were at risk.

Trump is a tool of the NWO, he is not a patriot, he is a slave to the luciferians who control him. He however believes in this wholeheartedly. And they will sacrifice pawns, like pedophiles and child traffickers for this NWO to work. -UHNWI

>> No.25834361

Never stop telling him to never stop posting this

>> No.25834403
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>> No.25834411

based OOOOOO poster, green id, checked dubs. WAGMI XRP 2K EOY

>> No.25834478

Doubtful since he probably has few allies left. He'd basically have to dissolve Congress.

>> No.25834481

Yes. This is the timeline of prosperity and abundance.

>> No.25834487
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look at these fucking numbers everywhere, we are truly in a blessed thread.

>> No.25834509

Checked 2k eoy confirmed.

>> No.25834597

All of the fud around exchanges and xrp really has highlighted the importance of the on-ledger exchange and uplifted partners like uphold. Funny how that works...

>> No.25834617

More like 2k eow

>> No.25834636

wanna elaborate fren?
interesting post.

>> No.25834707

he already has

>> No.25834750
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Algorand, Tron, Iota, Vechain, Waves, Bittorrent, Haderra hashgraph, Sia coin, Holo, Pundi X, filecoin, Golem, Kava, Storj, steem, morpheus.network

Mind you i'm 100% XRP

>> No.25834753

Btc devil is dying muahahahaha

>> No.25834799

>Btc devil is dying muahahahaha
All my five dollars in BTC, a friend gifted to me to make fun of me, oh nooooo.

>> No.25834861


>> No.25834882

Retard-tier question but I need guidance:

I can't buy GRT off Kraken or Coinbase pro. Where the fuck do I get it. Those are the only two accounts i have.

>> No.25834895

checked and agreed with
I would also add EWT as Ripple have partnered to create a sustainable blockchain, climate change will be a huge contributor to policy and adoption. Looking at you BTC

I would consider adding XMR to the list, I like it but im unsure on it. Its what BTC should have been

>> No.25834987

Uphold has worked closely with ripple as a partner. After American fud and delisting, where have American retail holders run to in droves? Ripple partner uphold. About the dex, it had the potential to become the de facto global exchange with xrp as the native asset. XRP being shafted by exchanges only highlights the fact that xrp can continue inherently due to its own on-ledger exchange. This will ultimately become the most efficient tool to exchange as their is no third party. Any paring can be added to the de-centralized exchange. Norman probably won’t even know about the dex and it will be how the big boys settle payments around the globe.

>> No.25835012

he's in a secure location probably out of the country, military is in control. they put up fences around the capital building so no one can come in or go out. this is where they may hold live stream video of military tribunals.

>> No.25835039
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Oh no no no

>> No.25835041

The fact you can't figure out how to buy it should be taken as a sign. Get XRP instead.

>> No.25835074

From cinmarketcap.com (a great source for infon on where to buy):

>The top exchanges for trading in The Graph are currently Binance, Huobi Global, OKEx, FTX, and CoinBene.

>> No.25835100

You can access the inbuilt dex here.


>> No.25835104

>etoro takes up to THREE DAYS to send funds to an etoro WALLET

ARE YOU FOR REAL? Shit exchange.

>> No.25835121


>> No.25835214
File: 82 KB, 300x300, mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand I'm stoked BTC and ETH are crashing and all those smug cunts are getting their just desserts.

On the otherhand, I hate that they have to take the whole market down with them. I mean BTC was pumping big green dildos for nearly three weeks while we crabbed at 20 cents. We got NOTHING out of the BTC pump, but now all of a sudden we just have to scale with the current dump? Because why? NOW our price reacts to BTC when it's dumping? What bullshit. Fuck this gay earth

>> No.25835241


I already have 52,000 XRP.

>> No.25835275

same was thinking that just yesterday

>> No.25835297


Thank you for being helpful anon

>> No.25835321

Yes, but I am talking about when xrp starts to realize it’s primary usecase by institutions. How many normies do you think use the dex as opposed to scambase etc? I don’t know what to fully make of all of it, just an observation based on the delistings. Also if we hit 2k imagine needing $44k just to open a wallet.

>> No.25835397

>yfw Flare is almost the same price as XRP

>> No.25835405

Np. But note that it likely isn't Binance US, just Binance. Seems like I looked into GRT before

>> No.25835487

yes it would price out a lot of people but the minimum deposit could always be scaled to whatever, its arbitrary and only there to fight scam otherwise it could be 0. many normans will want to close their wallets just to return their 20 xrp which could be like $200,000

>> No.25835542

Volume is start to pick up with the Euro

>> No.25835567


How are they trading when flare hasn't been distributed yet?

>> No.25835573

Any leafs ever use krakens pay in person at canada post? I havent been in public in months since the mask mandate came out but i think its time I return and i plan on telling almost nobody about zerps because i dont trust them but i feel like it could be fun to tell the cashiers at canada post and the grocery store. Theres lots of cute girls at the grocery store and id like to have blonde millionaire wife.

>> No.25835572

anyone know why that number drops $28 every second now?

>> No.25835697

>tried to get his own GOP members killed
>is a fucking moron and failed upwards at everything he's done in life

>> No.25835739

But wouldn’t that have to be voted on by network participants? Who would likely be mostly instutions? I wonder what their thinking would be.

>> No.25835791

This general is very based and redpilled.

"Fell upward" is a cope for jealous poors.

>> No.25835823 [DELETED] 
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who else comfy here? im all in on XRP and it's only down -15% instead of BTC's -20%

>> No.25835829

>How are they trading when flare hasn't been distributed yet?
It's trading as an IOU basically the exchange promises to distribute the real FLR once they become available. Do some research for IOU because I don't know enough to give you more info.

>> No.25835841

It's been called that before but not by you.

>> No.25835844

ok explain how you manage to bankrupt a casino

>> No.25835876
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>> No.25835921

Seeth more, dilate tranny

you'll learn who you are defending and who you are insulting.
your world view will be turned upside down and only GOD can forgive you for your complicity.

>> No.25835954
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Wonder where is "proffesional day trader" anon that yesterday recommended investing in nano to do 2x today, much good it did

>> No.25836001

If you buy anything else besides xrp then you are betraying god

>> No.25836041
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So you are saying it could be used to trade directly, rather than using exchange?

>> No.25836046

you are poor and don't understand finance.

to a poor person going bankrupt is a bad thing, but to a rich person bankruptcy is a way to make a lot of money. there is no limit to the amount of times you can go bankrupt, the government bails you out. you can even sign your business over to another person and have the business go bankrupt, the person can't borrow for 5 years but all your debt is wiped clean and you get to keep all the expensive things you borrowed money to buy.

when libards bitch about trump going bankrupt multiple times, its because they are stupid poor retards who don't understand loopholes and how to benefit from bankruptcy.

>> No.25836069

>God gives a shit which internet meme you drop cash on
Let me guess, God wants your team to win at sportsball, too?

>> No.25836080

the only God is Allah. All praise be unto him & the Prophet Elijah Muhammad

>> No.25836093

May he forgive me for buying xlm some time ago then, as i swapped it in xrp later

>> No.25836102

XRP ledger has a built in decentralized Exchange, has been there since day 1.

>> No.25836153

Ok explain how Trump University got shut down? lol everything this guy touches goes to absolute shit homie

>> No.25836167

You need to have faith in something. Having faith in a corporation will always be weak. Having faith in the future of the worldwide financial system when you have skin invested in the game is telling the universe that you believe in the power of XRP and that you know you're already a millionaire and youre just displaying patience while the rest of the world realizes it

>> No.25836254

Trump university was licensed by trump organization they are not the same or owned by trump.

>> No.25836258

Obviously god didn't gift you any sense of humor

>> No.25836278

this >>25836102 fren and it has been used since day 1. Central banks and other institutions won’t be playing around with a third party exchange. The on-ledger decentralized exchange is as trustless as xrp itself.

>> No.25836376

i think eating too many Trump Steaks put holes in your brain anon

>> No.25836387

Guys look at the 1 hour chart. It looks manipulated asf

>> No.25836391 [DELETED] 

what if every other crypto will be globally banned in the west but XRP, XLM

>> No.25836407


>> No.25836422
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Thank you, very cool
Now, what's the pros and cons of using such exchange?

>> No.25836435

Just the second largest payment platform after PayPal.

>> No.25836462

stay poor, even with xrp you will lose all your money very quickly.

>> No.25836492
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HOLY SHIT FRENS! I don't know which one of you did this but thank you a lot for those 25 XRP's! It means a lot to me and you made my day a lot better! Thank you a lot and we all are going to make it I'm sure of it now! I love you guys and keep up the good work my fellow schizos! Proof: >>25833188

>> No.25836599
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The sad thing is, because the whole world agree on a subconscious level that things will only get worse, this reality ends up sucking everyone else in it.


>> No.25836659
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lol XSG is based.

>> No.25836706

We're all subconsciously thinking xrp will moon so do something with your gains and help your community, local small business, and be wise.

>> No.25836756
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Wow look at that, schizos helping out other schizos. These threads just get better and better by every day. Based anon.

>> No.25836765

>I've already done my part, little one
For sure,
the greatest achievement of fascism is the creation of Israel

>> No.25836837
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An anon sent me $2 worth of ETH a while back because I needed to transfer some XRP and couldn't buy ETH because no ID.

>> No.25836848 [DELETED] 
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Bullish for decentralised finance?
Will the blockchain rise from the ashes of big tech?

>> No.25836859

i'm gonna pay off a bunch of BLM trannies to shit on your front porch and smear their vaginal discharge on your front door first thing with 50 XRP

>> No.25836890 [DELETED] 

Hitler is the father of Israel, the jews would erect a statue of him if it didn't destroy their narrative.

>> No.25836916

The whole goal is to target payments. XRP does nothing but provide near instant liquidity for settling transactions anywhere in the world you can access the internet. The XRPL’s exchange has a native asset (xrp) that is the most efficient tool for settling in your desired currency.
Consider this scenario:
>Bank 1 has usd and bank 2 has Mexican pesos
>bank 1 wants to settle with bank 2
>bank 1 uses usd to buy xrp to send to bank 2 so they can exchange for Mexican pesos
>banks 1 and 2 both realize they can save time and cut cost by simply holding xrp
>xrp becomes de facto world standard

>> No.25836937 [DELETED] 
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>Jews start war
>Jews lie about WWII to justify Israel
>That's somehow Hitler's fault

>> No.25836948

Just bought 1k worth of xrp. are we good ?

>> No.25836959

sure thing faggot, very soon very very soon everyone in the world is about to find out who BLM is and the blacks are going to be very angry at them. you using your 50 xrp to pay them is only going to be used to trace back to you where you will get the shit beat out of you, i will then transfer your xrp and donate it to causes that you hate based on your internet search history.

>> No.25836976

100,000 USD to do that, damn anon you really are gonna go broke

>> No.25836992
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well well well. BTC is plummeting, Chinese ponzi scheme. XRP will rise from the ashes. I haven't taken my meds in 5 weeks.

>> No.25836995
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Does this spell the end for big tech/centralised finance?

>> No.25837013

No one important in the long scheme of things then

>> No.25837015
File: 240 KB, 1200x1074, 80DA404E-019D-4501-A989-2C9C1401C34B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont waste your time fren some people don’t have the big boy brains to do this.

>> No.25837036

idk why retards think XRP is linked to Trump.

>> No.25837045 [DELETED] 
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Research Haavara Agreement
and Zionist federation of Germany who funded the nazi party.

>> No.25837064 [DELETED] 

>Jews start war
>start war
>Jews lie about WWII to justify Israel
>Hitler and fascism was somewhat not at all controlled opposition

>> No.25837068

Wouldn't be so sure, that means that all Coinbase partners have to pull out (for now) until the SEC gives their veridict.
That's a huge chunk of marketcap.

>> No.25837090
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>> No.25837109

It’s fud

Breaking news frens:

>> No.25837146 [DELETED] 
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>Hitler was financed by Zionists


I know all about the Haavara agreement, all that proves is that Hitler didn't actually intend to gas anyone.

>> No.25837159

ex-Amazon joins Ripple


>> No.25837198

It is manipulated, always was and always will be.

Just relax, it is in your best interest.

>> No.25837209

I didn't say he intended to gas them, the holocaust did happen but it was the Zionist that ran the camps. why the hell would you waste time feeding people and building entertainment if you were just going to kill them. a pullet would have been quicker.

>> No.25837213 [DELETED] 
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>“We painted Hitler as a monster, a devil. And that's why we could not move away from that portrayal after the war. We had mobilized the masses against the devil incarnate. And so we ware forced to continue in this satanic scenario after the war. We could not possibly have explained to our people that the war had actually been only a preventative economic measure.” - James Addison Baker, Secretary of State of the United States of America (Quoted in the German news magazine Der Spiegel, issue 13/1992.)

>> No.25837269
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This is really a magical place. Looks like these threads are safe havens from the shills. Is there a way to put based anon links into the OP post? It really makes my day to read such stories

>> No.25837274
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It has nothing to do with Trump, the obvious abuse of power by big tech/centralised finance is something that has affected us all for a long time. Them censoring / unbanking the president of a top 10 country shows how much power they have and the extent of their abuse in a very obvious fashion. Even Merkel has spoken against it

>> No.25837395

but why would said banks support a platform that would take power away from them

there's a lot of contradictions with the xrp = good for humanity or pro-trump

>> No.25837424

Has everything to do with trump.
and us making it depends on him, otherwise you better sell your xrp and invest 100% in bitcoin.

>> No.25837437


>> No.25837439
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>> No.25837474

they have no choice.
adapt or die

>> No.25837486

>us making it depends on him
KEK. No.

>> No.25837500

Just picked up 50k XDC... I now have the full ISO20022 collection.
Any XDC red pills available? I don't really know much about it, but wanted to cover all the bases

>> No.25837550

I dumped mine for ALGO.

>> No.25837560

To save money and decrease transaction time. Both by nearly 100%.

>> No.25837571

I thought something would happen completely opposite to what is going on and xrp will suprise us all but i really think we will have a to wait a few months before it really moons. There's no way everything is ready with all the legal issues even if the infrastructure is there. Riddlers are fags all the meme dates are completely irrelevant to price

>> No.25837573
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Never said it would be good for humanity / pro-trump. I've always been in the camp that XRP will basically be the banker's tool in the new financial world

Making the switch is difficult, but all it takes is a push

>> No.25837603

advice of the day: buy low, sell high

>> No.25837750

It is the verge of insanity though.
If Trump is pulling out of this, he indeed managed to make everyone see who is the true enemy and who is the ally.
Even Alex Jones showed his true colors.

But on the other hand, it may also be simply people folding, seeing there's no way out and that the game is settled.

We will see.

>> No.25837790

Larping fags with photoshop

>> No.25837807

Right. The stages are
>Tether lawsuit kills other crypto (or severely hurts it).
>SEC clears up confusion
>XRP is adopted widely either organically or by Bretton Woods-style agreement

The first two will take at least months and might get us to $5-10. The last one would be the real moonshot.

It's incredibly sad that such advice is needed, but it really is needed.

>> No.25837851
File: 504 KB, 593x679, devraj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devraj Varadhan joins us from Amazon as Ripple’s new SVP of #Engineering leading the team that’s building the infrastructure enabling the #IoV. Learn about his approach to building customer-centric technology.


>> No.25837903

how is that any better than bank 1 just using usd to buy mexican pesos?

>> No.25837927

>XRP is going to craaash bros
>everyone keeps leaving their comfy ass jobs at credited institutions & businesses to come work at Ripple

>> No.25837995

>how is that any better than bank 1 just using usd to buy mexican pesos?
that would be the current system we have now. it is highly inefficient for banks to hold amounts of all different types of currencies to transact with, and convert each amount each time they want to transact. this creates a trustless environment wherein you only need to hold 1 asset and you can instantly transact to any other currency you would like.

>> No.25838078

Yeah, it is all a scam and we know it.

As soon as the lawsuit ends, we moon, all the fud in between is just filler.

>> No.25838103

>Devraj Varadhan

FOR FUCK SAKE PAJEETED AGAIN. Sold everything, at least i made some money this tiem

>> No.25838127

Just stop spewing combative political bs in biz thread. Trump has won. You won't convince anyone other than your fellow trannies that you still have a chance. Seethe cope and dilate

>> No.25838128

Just bought more zerpies am i retarded

>> No.25838153

no, you're schizophrenic not retarded.

>> No.25838161
File: 559 KB, 800x800, 1605467184752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people have literally left the cushiest jobs in legacy finance and the most prestigious companies to join ripple
>mfw people leaving ripple have gone on to work at exchanges and ripple partners

>> No.25838190

No, keep at it until you become price locked by the mooning.

You are going to make it.

>> No.25838217

i was actually diagnosed schizophrenic 2 years ago and if that never happened i wouldnt have bought xrp

>> No.25838261

Yep. Some of the hiring news can be explained away and isn't necessarily good news. Like Ripple putting out employment notices for certain jobs involving central banking support. Contingent employment offers are absolutely a thing. With those, the listing is created and people are hired but they are on-boarded. Basically, they're there to show that the company has that person and that slot and its part of the bidding process for certain contracts. Meanwhile the person who has been hired but not onboarded doesn't get paid, doesn't have an actual job, because employment is contingent on the award of the contract or other such verbiage.

Named individuals leaving a lucrative position with one company for a specific position with Ripple are a slightly different story. Sure, there could be a bit of showmanship there in that they can demonstrate they have the people necessary to do the task. And Ripple also has cash to burn, so it's not like they can't afford to flex like that if there's a ROI at the end of the tunnel.

All the same, these types of announcements are good for Ripple and while they aren't concrete proof that everything is fantastic they are a sign that things are moving in the right direction.

>> No.25838321
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>> No.25838563
File: 281 KB, 300x440, 2k RIGHT NOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I activate my spell card.

>> No.25838635
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>> No.25838651

It's the average of a few large transactions, not literally $1,000,000 per second. As the time interval between transactions increases, the avg $/sec decreases.

>> No.25838656
File: 229 KB, 859x960, 954gcji3tjv41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding XRP has really made me antifragile. I feel nothing on days like today, and watch on in bemusement at the rows of pink wojaks on biz. My hands are adamantium

>> No.25838658
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>> No.25838736

How much XRP should I hold if I intend to make it? Got 120 so far.

>> No.25838746

Blm trannies would do the job for $50 each, easy

>> No.25838769

That happened in 2018, sperg.

>> No.25838771

100,000 XRP

>> No.25838816
File: 3.58 MB, 2881x1920, InShot_20210105_135829652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The swamp runs deep

DRAIN the swamp

>> No.25838861
File: 86 KB, 212x352, 6E4CE1D2-237A-4DEA-909F-3EE8E6FDA5F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left my wife and currently invest in xrp.

>> No.25838867


>> No.25838884

Minimum suicide stack

>> No.25838913
File: 25 KB, 598x598, 0_j1Tz8Z1TCFRaGuiY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello to all the future historians researching yet another epic XSG

>> No.25838936

I have not seen one schizo even suggest selling yesterday. We will make it because we r just better

>> No.25838981
File: 1.71 MB, 382x239, 1605367855996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most based post in this thread holy shit.

>> No.25838997

Whenever I see this on that website, how do I interpret it? Any kind XRP bros (no pajeet pls, they stink) wanna enlighten me on this?

>> No.25839024

Schizophrenia gives us the ultimate hands. Blessed be the baker. The divine OOOOOOO chad.

>> No.25839062

That depends on where you live and what are the living costs you plan on having once you make it.

>> No.25839111

Nigger subhuman get out

>> No.25839148

XRP is rotten as fuck, yet God is pointing to it as a way to mitigate some of what is to come. The satanists aren't going to crash their own rocket ship, all we're doing is using it as an escape pod, reconvening and setting forth on our own destiny under the guidance of God. In all honesty, i'd quite like to form some sort of community innawoods with like-minded anons somewhere.

Who knows, maybe it's all still part of the elite's plan that we do survive, you know they play both sides of the story, it could be that we're a hedge against their utopia going to shit and trapping themselves inside it at the mercy of the AI they've created.

>> No.25839152

So the numbers next to the flags are the amount of their currency that is being sent on the xrp ledger. It can be IOUs or actual XRP. Last night it rose to 5.5Million IOUs per second. Totaling to 18Billion an hour. It was most likely the SEC or banks testing the ledger. Basically, they sent 5.5 Million IOUs between two accounts they owned to stress test the network. Very unlikely to be anything besides gov, banks/institutions doing this.

>> No.25839171

There are two ways to look at it. One would be that it was a stress test involving the SEC or something to see if the XRPL can handle certain amounts of money going through it at one time. The second is that it is a whale or someone with a lot of XRP simply putting an exchange through the ledger even tho it might not be backed by real cash.

>> No.25839188


I disagree.


>> No.25839251


>> No.25839281

Amen broda

>> No.25839288

Well N id... are you in a fact a nigger?

>> No.25839359

Innawoods christian commune is the fucking dream bro

>> No.25839682

Too many digits today, I guess it's time for me to go to bed. Take care my schizo friends and stay based like that anon who gave some XRP-s to that guy.

>> No.25839721
File: 107 KB, 800x708, e1701d3232b4ffb3d46c9d844ffcf315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my first purchase with xrp

>> No.25839998

Beef wolverine.

>> No.25840005

Can anyone explain to me where the spark token will get distributed to? I used XUMM to set my message key up for my metamask wallet but spark isn't an ethereum token so it won't be sent to metamask right? And it says on the flare website that Spark tokens will notend up in your XUMM wallet because Spark will"live on the flare network," so where do they go and how do I access them once they're distributed?

>> No.25840078

Its going to have its own wallet when flare launches

>> No.25840204
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>> No.25840212

Interesting, how will we know how to access the wallet with our corresponding spark in them?

>> No.25840218

Pompeo about to go live on youtube.. any idea what he is going to talk about?

>> No.25840274


>> No.25840277

He's gonna reveal that he's Q

>> No.25840282

just the Taiwan thing and diplomatic stuff

>> No.25840322

Is this really all the bogs can manage?

>> No.25840353
File: 66 KB, 640x360, 1609947772583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theez was just zee warm up, mr anon

>> No.25840520
File: 1.13 MB, 360x360, rsdance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 5500 xrp where do i rank in the xrp army

>> No.25840725

Ammo loader

>> No.25840800

you're making no sense. they don't need to hold pesos. they can just buy pesos with dollars the same way you're saying they'd have to with xrp.

why the fuck would anyone do
USD -> XRP -> Pesos
when they can just do
USD -> Pesos

>> No.25840852

nobody spoonfeed this retarded piece of shit, he doesnt deserve it, fuck off dumbass

>> No.25840870


>> No.25840951

>cant explain why the hell anyone would have a useless middle man
kys retard

>> No.25840976

Christ differently led me here. I cant believe I use to mock and curse his name. The world makes much more sense when you realize that there is an omnipotent being and his prophet. I plan on doing great things and went thru many trials to come to this conclusion. Christ is king! 2k EOW

>> No.25840989

you are here baiting people to spoonfeed you because you are too retarded to do your own research, fuck off retard

>> No.25841030

so you're telling me banks will have to hold systems tracking all variations
usd to pesos
usd to jpy
usd to korean wons
and so on
and then
jp yen to korean wons
jpy yen to pesos
jp yen to brazil reals
jpy yen to and so on
and then
korean won to pesos
korean won to usd

instead of korean won to xrp
jpy to xrp
etc. to xrp
and xrp to usd
xrp to jpy
xrp to brazilian real

do you see how that ends the redundancy?
do you see how retarded you are friend?

you might as well kill yourself right now, you aint gonna make it

>> No.25841046
File: 2.39 MB, 383x200, 1598568961651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant figure it out himself

>> No.25841098

honestly feel better spoonfeeding sometimes

it really dawns on them how retarded they are and makes them kill themselves sooner rather than later.

>> No.25841124

Same. Even if XRP is a tool of Satan to usher in darkness, it's pretty damn cool that there are some of us brought to it through Christ to try to do good to counteract it.

>> No.25841132

they have the values of all those currencies calculated in USD so it really isn't an issue.

they can handle it all in one transaction that very simply compares the prices of the two currencies in USD and do the basic maths to make the conversion, instead of your retarded idea of having two transactions where they have to compute the new value twice for no reason.

>> No.25841147

Just as satan thought he was winning when he plotted against Christ

>> No.25841248

you can't be this retarded friend, but im sure you are so let's break it down for you

yes, usually they have to make these conversations X currency -> dollar -> Y currency

but the dollar is tied to the US government, which makes these fluctuations at mercy of the stability of said government

hence ripple is set to solve this issue by setting this central corridor without being tied to the stability of a nation

there you go, now do whatever you want to do with this info

you're not going to make it friend, just go on /biz/ and make a "most painless way to kill myself" now and end this charade

>> No.25841282

there is no point in spoonfeeding a retard who doesnt even know how transfers in nostro vostro acounts even work, you are getting baited

>> No.25841301

holy fuck you are financially retarded

>> No.25841329

>hence ripple is set to solve this issue by setting this central corridor without being tied to the stability of a nation
xrp's value is far less stable than the dollar's.

>you're not going to make it friend, just go on /biz/ and make a "most painless way to kill myself" now and end this charade
i guarantee i have more xrp than you
i'm just not a stupid faggot

>> No.25841368

>why the fuck would anyone do
>USD -> XRP -> Pesos
>when they can just do
>USD -> Pesos

how do you not know the answer to this? its the whole reason xrp exists in the first place

>> No.25841374

no amount of xrp in the world will save you friend.
you will die in less than 4 years

>> No.25841441

To me the common nostro/vostro narrative really doesn't capture the full power of the XRPL or what XRP is for.

On the XRPL you can issue debts in *anything* as a trustline....you can issue *any* stablecoin. However, the issue with trustlines is that you have to trust I actually have this asset I claim to. With XRP, I can trustlessly settle the debt - no questions asked. And that barely scratches the surface when you take a look at what Flare is doing, or what Sologenic is doing with the XRPL (which is pretty mindblowing if you play around on their test site for securities/stocks).

>> No.25841453

>i'm just not a stupid faggot
Everyone seems to think you are. They have a good case

>> No.25841514

FUCK big organized religion, how will me make the world a christian utopia again without being pedophiles and using propaganda? I plan on making a christian family and passing the word of the values that Christ instilled on us, the world lacks these values nowadays and are brainwashed by the corporate media and the elites that control them.

>> No.25841518

You are unironically going to live in the pod, take the vaccine, and eat the bugs. Never seen somebody so clearly NGMI in these threads before.

>> No.25841553

watch your back.

>> No.25841586

what is that supposed to mean?

>> No.25841642

even though this is a blue board, you really are still supposed to be 18 to post here.

>> No.25841681

Be careful nate

>> No.25841695

also how is 100k the make it stack? That is beyond make it if XRP gets to the prices it is being setup to

>> No.25841742 [DELETED] 

My XRPToolkit says this:

Flare address: 0x6....19
Spark claim: FLR XXXX.88

They mean "Spark to claim" right? Somebody help a dumdum out please.

>> No.25841763

how is the weather in Iowa?

>> No.25841819

haha oh no you actually did that to check? now they have your Wallet address and are gonna have it robbed from you one morning you woke up. Jesus christ people on here are fucking dumb

>> No.25841885
File: 252 KB, 1723x1555, solo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever is interested should check out the sologenic test site which runs on the XRPL testnet. https://trade.sologenic.com
Pretty mind blowing when you see the full capabilities of the XRPL at work.

My transaction to buy AAPL stock is in pic rel and a transaction on the testnet (all test data and test money of course):

>> No.25841886

I have 910, who am i?

>> No.25841896

Thank you kind sirs. Yes, I've witnessed it last night too and amazed by the numbers it presented -- some big number/second. Per second.

>> No.25841952


>> No.25842000
File: 64 KB, 475x518, 1610069402792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never used it in person but I have a question. Im also a leaf, how do you plan on cashing out? Thats my biggest concern. Im in Qc so its the shittiest province. Im planning on moving to BC or AB but idk what to use to cash out. Is kraken safe/good?

>> No.25842018

you fucked up man

>> No.25842028

if you are a leaf you better get out of there asap, your country is going on full curfew communism mode forever

>> No.25842067
File: 38 KB, 780x438, C2B04575-14C7-41FC-943E-B62CEABF110E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros when the market crashes and burns all the money gets siphoned into xrp because le pheonix is the rest of the market (btc and eth maxis mainly) gonna hate us and try and kill us?

>> No.25842093

you'll be holding the lord's currency
the great reset will set you as nobility

>> No.25842095

Have you tried trading on xrptoolkit dot com? It's a dex, right?

>> No.25842119

Some will kill themselves. Some will indeed look for scapegoats. That's why discussions on laying low aren't just pissing in the wind, they might save your life.

>> No.25842120

Checked and XRPrice

>> No.25842128

Go to where though? I think BC is a nice place. Canada is cozy and nice if you're rich. Millionaires in this country have it so easy you have no idea. They're not paying 50% tax, have tax credits, tax rebates etc...they hire kikes to do their accounting

>> No.25842131
File: 39 KB, 220x124, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news

>> No.25842163

>ripples new infrastructure dev
>Is indian
>Name is dev Raj

>> No.25842172

>no GBP
bong here
not sure if good or bad?

>> No.25842174
File: 31 KB, 323x546, coinfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try using newton or coinfield. I think newton has a bit more volume/liquidity though. Usually I just buy on one of those two platforms, then if I want any alts I send xrp from there to kraken/binance

>> No.25842182

you clearly dont know whats coming to you. good luck
you actually scared the poor guy kek

>> No.25842205

Built for BGCoin

>> No.25842226

Based thanks

What country do you recommend?

>> No.25842232

are you a mason too
aka does moon = crash

>> No.25842272

we are all pretty much fucked one way or another anyway, you can check thailand or singapore though

>> No.25842275


>> No.25842284

Can someone help me out here why do some of u guys have multiple hardware wallets what’s the advantage?

>> No.25842287

Portugal, Gibralter

>> No.25842310

I imagine that wehn ripple hits 2k (which i delightfully figured out last night will be about 2500 here) that i can use the infrastructure in place for normans that are recieving their monthly UBI zerp and fly under the radar

>> No.25842337
File: 28 KB, 1160x462, solo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never tried trading on XRPtoolkit. It does seem to give you access to the DEX if you connect through xumm though.

It looks like Solo has plans to rollout access to the DEX too

>> No.25842347

the party in portugal is going to be over soon, gibraltar is gonna be a tough one no matter how much money you make

>> No.25842352

Any small country that keeps to itself in europe like hungary, austria, portugal, any eastern euro country, you have brazil, some parts in america, russia might be cool, japan...

Lots of places that arent a commie dystopian hellscape like leafland

>> No.25842379

Belarus, Mexico, Tibet to name a few

>> No.25842431
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>Canada is commie

Makes sense.

>> No.25842453

i just bought more xrp fuck niggers and fuck jews

>> No.25842488
File: 12 KB, 343x343, 1604471423462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25842490

I love Japan, but my concern there would be if China succeeds in fomenting civil war in the USA, then American troops will be unable to help repel Chinese invasions elsewhere. HK and Taiwan would be the first places they'd go, but Japan would likely be next given the historical grudges. Now maybe that give Japan times to get ready, I don't know.

>> No.25842542
File: 127 KB, 785x590, wordstoliveby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and true thanks

>> No.25842586

Just tried Sologenic. I'm just speechless bro, can't wait to try this out lol. That Pool-Order looks neat.

>> No.25842671

Paraguay, Uruguay, UAE, or some far off African shithole but your security costs....

>> No.25842729
File: 100 KB, 1051x434, ???.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do they mean by this?
>2.2k EUR/second
>1.4M USD/second
>1 BTC/second

>> No.25842821
File: 88 KB, 334x334, 9D48F911-6111-4AC7-996A-AE78B47BECE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem some numbers

>> No.25842930

pretty good explanation but not the full story.

hey dumby dumb dumb, >>25841329 when you go to the bank to exchange USD to Pesos what is the fee to exchange it? sometimes it is a percentage sometimes it is a flat fee.

>> No.25842996

what website?

>> No.25843042


>> No.25843050

They are starting to see that XRPL is the standard

>> No.25843125

>not the full story
yeah but it gets the job done
i suppose the full story makes it for a way more bullish case?

>> No.25843167

nice op image
is trump gonna andrew jackson?

>> No.25843323

Dont put all your eggs in 1 basket

>> No.25843342


He better be careful if he does, didn't end well for Lincoln, JFK or Hitler.

>> No.25843373

how many FLR to make it?

>> No.25843490
File: 28 KB, 309x293, ConfidentialBySpamfilter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am heavily being Zogged ATM, but it's cute comparing all the different system with eachother

>> No.25843575

Thought I've seen that you only need a fraction of FLR to put your XRP to use, but I'm not sure what that fraction is exactly.

>> No.25843603
File: 457 KB, 743x734, Feeling the vibes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump ended 2921-01-11 19:40:41.

>> No.25843635

>900 years to go
anon, please...

>> No.25843650

did the math on todays avg USD and its looking like another 100billion being moved rn.

>> No.25843654

There are parallels to be drawn between the two Presidents. Both of them were populists. Both of them were abrasive. Both of them cast their Presidencies as a mandate of the people. Granted, that's not anything new right now, that rhetoric is used by every politician, but prior to Jackson the idea of the President as a reflection of the will of the people was very foreign. Trump, with his anti-establishment cast, can probably make a better claim than most Presidents to have a real mandate from the people. There are differences though.

Jackson was wildly popular prior to taking office due to his status as a war hero. That's something that Trump cannot claim. Jackson was denied his first Presidency through legal fuckery of establishment actors. Trumps loss is more complicated than that. The biggest difference is that when Jackson lost, or rather had his win denied to him, he didn't suffer a hit to his personal persona. There wasn't a massive apparatus aligned against him. Trump has burned bridges and, despite having high favorability ratings right now, is being targeted by every organization that is even remotely adjacent to power, let alone those with real power.

The push to impeach Trump is absolutely about denying him the ability to run in 2024, though. If he is impeached, which he won't be prior to the inauguration because McConnell won't call a special session and that's what'd be what's required, he would be ineligible to run for office again. There talk about impeaching him after he leaves office, but that's absurd. No one has been impeached after leaving office, there's nothing in the text of the Constitution or its associated statutes that suggests you can impeach after the fact. However, 2020/21 is all about absurdism so who the fuck knows.

>> No.25843668

(fixed typo of 9)
2021-01-11 19:40:41.

>> No.25843681


Would this be everyone taking their XRP off the exchanges for the coming hodling?

>> No.25843688


>> No.25843787
File: 1.06 MB, 1125x2436, 31243F4B-4CE3-443B-B526-431EA654D046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um guys.... was silver and gold always moving on the XRPL?

>> No.25843794

This is a corridor swapping USD worth of XRP
>Atleast 1.4M USD Moved over the XRPL
every second
This could be a very big payment that's beiing streamed over the Proto-IoV

>> No.25843826

silver has previously. not gold

>> No.25843832


>> No.25843845

gold is new, but It was moving silver already
>look at other
all those new corridors

>> No.25843855

Hope we can impeach obama and clinton and the bushes

>> No.25843863
File: 13 KB, 474x300, dgfdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is The Standard The Standard

>> No.25843903

Never stop posting this

>> No.25843930

Yes, but it was always sub 0.01... now it’s 2.0+
Gold has never moved in the XRPL, the real ripplers know that Credit Suissie opened an XRP account for gold, does anyone have the link to its GitHub?

>> No.25843958

That thread regarding Jack Ma and CCP nationalising AliBaba is probably the most current and strongest argument for XRP at the minute, people just haven't connected the dots yet.

>> No.25844002

I dunno, but I have their trustline on gatehub
I can order gold and get it home though the DEX

>> No.25844019

Never stop telling him to not stop posting this

>> No.25844027


>> No.25844029

Glowniggers tongue my anus

>> No.25844083

No. Last night it was up to 5.5Mil. It is coming down from that.

>> No.25844124
File: 1.37 MB, 2528x1420, Ereeg-wXIAIQ5Ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes https://archive.is/2OGQi

>> No.25844210

Never stop telling me to never stop posting this

>> No.25844225
File: 117 KB, 1280x795, 15235235235325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is moving on XRPL. Fuck, I am hard.

>> No.25844229
File: 45 KB, 640x601, 1606583666911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have time for all the schizo shit. What's a good reason to buy XRP right now, in brief?

>> No.25844323

Lurk faggot. Silver, gold, and over 1M USD are moving on the XRPL right now.
Understand that these assets are not interoperable until they have a bridge asset between them.

>> No.25844330
File: 14 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25844336

Banks around the world want to use XRP. SEC lawsuit is for regulation and clarity. Last night 5.5 Million. IOUs were being bounced between USD accounts to stress test it. Dump a grand in. If we are right, you never have to work again. If wrong you lose 1k.

>> No.25844338

we don't care if you buy, that should be reason enough

>> No.25844628

This. Spoonfeeding is beyond officially over. Especially considering how it went with the retard above.

>> No.25844652

retail is the flea in the pelt, (((they))) don't really want it, but removal is too much of a hassle as doing so proves futility of the system by it being solo-party manageable
>your luck is without bounds for stumbling upon this

>> No.25844721

check through the catalog, its on page 2 atm

>> No.25844723
File: 2.94 MB, 700x700, 1607707899669.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want filthy niggers like you to join me at the brap buffet so no XRP is a shitcoin go buy the bitcoin dip

>> No.25844831

where can I buy one of those

>> No.25844906
File: 244 KB, 1090x605, Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 3.29.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25844970

Man, I really want to play with those milkies

>> No.25845236

Is that Anri?

>> No.25845302

what did pompeo say?

>> No.25845347

It's crazy how much btc dropped and xro barely moved.

>> No.25845468

pretty much nothing new; china bad

>> No.25845566

> it will happen when the flea sleeps on the lions back
post by alleged insider exposing elite plans

>> No.25845596

>˙ssɐןɔ ɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ʎɯ ɥʇıʍ sǝɯoɔ ʇɐɥʇ ʎʇıןıqɐ uɐ s,ʇI


>> No.25845831

Who that u know personally have u told about XRP do u want them to get rich with u or keep the wealth for yourself

>> No.25845873

i would tell them if they would've listen
they're probably busy fomoing btc