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25830396 No.25830396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

>> No.25830466

the tulip bubble crashed because people started growing a shit ton of them.

unlike other assets, you cannot just mine more bitcoin.

you need better fud, this one is getting really old.

>> No.25830486


Heard the same shit in 2017. It came back stronger and will come back again.

Learn patterns, have a risk/reward ratio and then you can earn money.

This is coming a literal jew who has been in crypto since 2016.

>> No.25830520

I've got somewhere you can put those tu lips

>> No.25830555

Why would anyone listen to a newfag like yourself?

>> No.25830591

how fragile is your self esteem and masculinity to be posting this as your photo hahahaha

>> No.25830617

The tulip market crashed because people bought them simply on the expectation that they would go up in value.

>> No.25830945

you aren't helping the argument lol, that's literally why the majority of people are buying bitcoin. there are very few people that actually rationalize it beyond that.

>> No.25831020

beautiful photo. the future of america

>> No.25831088

That's why anyone buys any financial asset. Are people buying Apple stock with the expectation it will go down in value?

>> No.25831141

It's been that 3-4 times now. It will continue to be that for a few more times until it will start being actually used.

>> No.25831228

What was the tulip market cap?

>> No.25831278

wow like every single investment ever you stupid nog.

>> No.25831344

Ah yes, the inevitable brainlet take. The difference is that Apple provides utility and there is value attached to utility. People buy apple stocks with the expectation it will go up because of the utility they provide.

People buy bitcoin with the expectation that it will go up because... Go ahead and finish this sentence.

>> No.25831391

We learned about tulip mania in elementary school here in Finland. It's kinda sad that there's so many people in the world that aren't experts on the subject since nine years old

>> No.25831401

>Go ahead and finish this sentence.

the utility it will provide.

>> No.25831448

Tulips were 80% dominant vs. the alts, after tulip retraced the alts szn began and people made 100x gains

>> No.25831469

How can you be so illiterate and stupid holy fuck

>> No.25831516

Will? What utility "will" it provide? Apple provides a product that has good ui. What "will" bitcoin provide?

>> No.25831517
File: 81 KB, 629x782, stopcryingwhenihityou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, i've heard of it

>> No.25831577

Serves those race traitor kike golems right.

>> No.25831679

Bitcoin already provides utility by being a trust less permissionless censorship resistance unconfiscatable digital peer to peer global store of value and medium of exchange.

>> No.25831709

You know about gamergate? I started it just for lulz

>> No.25831748

>Nooooo that's not a real utilityyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.25831749

Fuse is Bitcoin 3.0 so hey, fuck you

>> No.25831839

>hold on maybe if I just unload every single buzzword I've heard it'll make me sound informed

Anon, lets break this down, what do you use bitcoin for?

>> No.25831862

Unironically most of /v/ started gamer gate for the lulz that then domino’d into 2010s feminism that culminated in trump’s presidency which caused corona after all the fighting with China
So few people know that /v/ is responsible for pretty much all of this and deaths of millions

>> No.25831875

Apple stock inherently provides nothing. You would but apple products if you want utility, retard

>> No.25831924

you buy apple stocks for the value associated with the utility, retard

>> No.25831929

Blockchain technology. An immutable public ledger, in a world full of corruption and distrust it's one of the few things we can actually place our trust on.

>> No.25832011

that hurt my feelings

>> No.25832031

And I was an avid troll on /v/ during those times, kinda crazy how it all turned out, prob wasted too much time on it tho. And as og troll not as a vile troll with bad intentions, but as a sarcastic motherfucker who just didn't like how gaming was turning in to a shithole mainstream money making machine, because I didn't enjoy the games published during that trend

>> No.25832034

>what do you use gold for

>> No.25832061

Lambos and tendies

>> No.25832076

You are aware the CCP already controls more than 51% of the network and can perform sybil attacks anytime they deem it suitable? you are placing your money in the hands of one of the most corrupt institutions there is

>> No.25832100

they crashed after they introduced futures contracts + it takes too long to grow tulips

>> No.25832115

Finland doesn't exist.

>> No.25832134

Gold is a non-corrosive highly conductive metal that allows for the creation of CPU's and indirectly allowing for things like bitcoin. Good job not answering the question. What do you use bitcoin for?

>> No.25832170

When you buy Apple stock you’re buying equity in the company and are a partial owner of apple. When you buy Bitcoin...

>> No.25832194

Before the tech age gold was even more valued, yet there was basically no use for them. Jewelry is a meme, it was good because it was rare

>> No.25832246

>maybe if I throw out a bunch of buzzwords Ill sound informed

>> No.25832265

>Bitcoin already provides utility by being a trust less permissionless censorship resistance unconfiscatable digital peer to peer global store of value and medium of exchange
And it's literally the worst coin at doing that, if bitcoin was going up because of that monero would be valued at 30k dollars too or even more.

>> No.25832337

Oh look, I hurt your little ego! Did I attack your tribal identity? Are you so fragile that you have to attach your identity to a digital token? LMFAO.

What do you use bitcoin for? It's very telling that you cannot answer this question.

>> No.25832365
File: 8 KB, 312x179, rope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean i'm not who you were asking but I normally use it to supply my prolific ketamine habit

>> No.25832395

Copper and nickel are for more conductive and essential for high tech computer parts, yet there’s no copper standard. If your IQ wasn’t so low, then you would understand that BTC uses mathematical equations for verifiable transactions. This blockchain technology is revolutionary in that a digital can become a commodity. Those aren’t buzzwords, you’re just a typical smooth brain

>> No.25832400

How do you explain the previous bubbles popping at 12x then. They all had some small busts at the 3x rate but the really big crash is always coming at 12x.

>> No.25832425

Bitcoin is a vessel for blockchain revolution, at the moment it is the cryptocurrency, but it will be overthrown some day. Crypto is here to taie over the world, you can't deny the opportunities and utility that this technology provides over traditional currencies.

>> No.25832466

Reminder the retard posting these threads (always with cuckold sessions pictures) is a nocoiner glowie who want you to sell your coins.

>> No.25832515

remember that everyone who says that are the same fucking idiots who are transfering all their bitcoin and alt coins to privacy coins thinking they are safe without understand the govs are banning them and those are the things under fire for their laundering use case.... your all moving your money into privacy coins now and you will lose it all completely... bitcoin and ethereum are safe from the govs, they have already passed them over and cant touch them, now you all panic into privacy coins and they will be banned for their use of laundering... you will all lose your money in this panic lol

>> No.25832548

Copper corrodes, you absolute mong. There are already other blockchains that perform better than bitcoin.

Do you care to answer the question?
What do you use bitcoin for?

you should really use monero for that, unless you don't mind being tracked

crypto is 100% taking over, but its not bitcoin.

>> No.25832701
File: 14 KB, 304x166, 88BCCBE6-5AA1-4268-AFA2-B82A3E5483FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tell you what Bitcoin is for
>you continue to ask

Don’t forget to rope when we hit 50k

>> No.25832741

Bitcoin bubbles? It's just supply and demand, and hype cycles inflated by new technologies in form of crypto innovation, crypto is here to stay, there's just too much demand for it. Shit countries with governments that don't know how to handle their currencies/economies are going to ensure that this shit is not going anywhere, it doesnt make any sense for someone from Argentina for example to store his wealth in their own currency since it's ran by incompetant people. Tulip mania is used just as a fud to shake off weak hands at this stage of cryptocurrency adaptation.

>> No.25832787

You have yet to tell me one thing you use bitcoin for. One other person in this thread has stated they use bitcoin for buying drugs on the dark web, and monero already provides better utility for that application. so again I ask you, what do YOU use bitcoin for?

>> No.25832808







>> No.25832822

too much effort. i looked into monero but you have to use some like sketchy exchange and i'd probably get nabbed for accidentally not paying tax on some gain i didn't realize I made. plus probably buying that shit instantly puts you on some terrorist list, versus just being a retard buying drugs that nobody cares about

>> No.25832834

Beastiality is forbidden on /biz/.

>> No.25832850

How could someone short tulips?

>> No.25832944

>Moving goalpost the post
First it was the utility, now it's how does he use it, what's next?

>> No.25832974

Your seriously a retarded nigger go back to twitter

>> No.25833043


Imagine being born white AND a redhead and wasting that just to satisfy your beastiality fetish. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.25833061

Buy groceries and Kroger, shop for computer parts on Newegg, order a pizza, pay for gas, and get some games on G2A. There’s a reason 160+ companies have already adopted BTC, minero is a meme.

>> No.25833066

to buy steroids and gamble

>> No.25833079

oh my god, are you seriously that retarded?
utility = use

What do you use bitcoin for?


Do you care to answer the question of what you use bitcoin for?

We have 1 down for "buying drugs on darkweb". How does anyone else use it?

>> No.25833119

why not just use cash for all that?

>> No.25833127

So you are telling me that you buy pizza's with bitcoin and pay the $13 fee associated with it?

>> No.25833170
File: 117 KB, 1024x659, B2ADAD30-342F-4C8A-9B79-3203CF085A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25833226

Store value because not being a nigger I have money that I don’t want inflated into nothing. I’ve used it to buy guns, dirtbikes, cars. I get profit o buy crypto and throw it in a wallet. U r dum

>> No.25833402

all the more reason to use cash. if you think it will be worth less tomorrow, probably better to spend it now for your pizza.