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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25828959 No.25828959 [Reply] [Original]

I am financially ruined

I maxed out my credit and took out a $10k loan to buy 0.252 BTC and now it's gone down. The interest rate is 18.9% because it's an unsecured loan. I am fucked because I got manipulated by greedy assholes getting people like me to pump their bags.

>> No.25829028


You are a retarded gambler unironically kys. Don't put in what you aren't prepared to loose.

>> No.25829078

hold for 2 months, all will be good

>> No.25829080

First of all, youre the greedy one lmao...
2nd never do this again, you deserve what has happened.
3rd if its unsecure call a debt collection and have them help.

Fucking moron.

>> No.25829090
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>> No.25829163
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You complete retard. Just kys at this point before you make more 0 iq decisions.

>> No.25829231

>I am fucked because I got manipulated by greedy assholes
You got fucked because you *are* a greedy asshole
Rule 1 of trading only trade what you can afford to lose
That means no debt
That means no rent money
That means no cancer treatment money
Kys in minecraft

>> No.25829265

Just hold. Golden bull run will push bitcoin easily into 150-200k range.

>> No.25829346
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>> No.25829347

why would you ever take out a loan to guy crypto after 2018 you fucking retard

>> No.25829410

>i can’t think for myself so I do whatever the herd is doing
>Noooooo it’s X fault for me losing money
You only have yourself to blame for having the personal integrity of an amoeba.

>> No.25829416


>> No.25829663

But you have to pay the loan back monthly plus interest rate; i dont get it

>> No.25829717

Larp. Most of these pink wojak are just board culture niggers shitting up the catalog

>> No.25829786

I sincerely hope that this is a satire

>> No.25829928

My payments are $370 a month which I can't really afford unless BTC goes up

>> No.25829983

just wait til eoy.
you actually have exactly the same amount of btc i do. we're gonna be fine.

>> No.25829988

>18.9% interest
OP wtf, seriously, wtf.

>> No.25830030

so don't pay, who cares. in like 2001 i missed payments to all my loans and cards for 6 months, all that happened is i had whinging letters in the post, then paid it off in full 2002. they're near powerless.

>> No.25830077

This, you're retard if you sell now, it's just a learning experience now, your first major dip

>> No.25830092

Everyone involved in this equation is a retard. OP is a retard for taking the money at 18% and then doing exactly what a retard would do with it. The guy loaning it to you is a retard as well for ever thinking you'd be able to pay it back in a million years.

>> No.25830143

hey, at least you learnt a valuable lesson LOL

>> No.25830152
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pick up some DDX anon. You'll be part of the run up of a high quality DeFI product and pay that loan off.

>> No.25830214

HAHAHA I took out a 5k USD loan and shorted it 3x at 40k. Unbelievable that people actually fell for the tether shillers. Just look at how fucking manipulated this shit is, they stop printing USDT for 12 hours and it dumps hard - they send 100 mil usdt to bitfinex to pump it back up.

>> No.25830270


>> No.25830286

OP is probably LARPing and baiting, but now that I think of it, even if OP is joking, there were actually hundreds of people that literally did this. Especially in 2017, but I'm sure this time too.

>> No.25830346

better buy yourself some poorfag token, that shit fits you

poorfag.com you asshole

>> No.25830376


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a phaggot.. lmao this board is full of dumb cunts

>> No.25830413

but seriously when they call you asking for payments, just say you don't have the money and you can pay like 5 $ a month. Debt collectors don't really care, they arent the ones lending the money they just work a shitty call center job. If they get another person paying their loan back its good for them no matter how much.

>> No.25830798

Just cut the losses, thank me later

>> No.25830830
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Oh no :)

>> No.25830842

post prroof you fucking larper

>> No.25830858

No late fees??

>> No.25830898

Your BTC returns will be over 100% this year, chill out

>> No.25830914

suck 1 dick a day for $10 a dick and do double dicks on the weekend and you're fine
godspeed anon

>> No.25830923

How is it possible to be this retarded.

>> No.25830949

none which i paid

>> No.25831003

you took a 19% loan?

>> No.25831018
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literally everyone:
>Dont spend what you cant afford to lose! Dont get FOMO!

>Time to go into debt for WoW gold!

Bruh this better be fake news.

>> No.25831031

Do you know what credit score is? Good luck trying to buy a house.

>> No.25831106


>it's other people's fault I'm a retard

Read this out loud and think about it. You might figure out something

>> No.25831110

dunno, i mean it was like 20 years ago, i've had credit cards and loans since.

>> No.25831229

Is this from the last bullrun? Cause I remember some retard on reddit did this

>> No.25831235

Anyone can get a credit card, but when time comes where you actually need a big loan (i.e. mortgage to buy a house) you might be shit outta luck.
Depends on the size of your overdue loans though. Also if it was 20 years ago and you've been paying your CC bills on time since then you should probably be fine. Also hopefully you get rich from crypto and don't have to worry about that shit anyway.

>> No.25831281

>investing money you can't afford to lose
>investing money you that's not even yours
>on a volatile digital currency
No one is retarded enough to do this right?

>> No.25831345

i've got a house and im in zero debt. i don't think it'd be a problem even if i didn't, it was 6 months, i don't think anyone cares, my credit is otherwise impeccable

>> No.25831364

Anon is this is real or LARP?

>> No.25831429

BTC isn't for everybody. Now sell your bags and gtfo faggot

>> No.25831529

>I am financially ruined
as long as you can make the payments for the loan you are fine. BTC will go back up the big question is when it does will you be able to hold on tight. 0.25 BTC is enough to make you rich once BTC has reached a suitable high, lets say 2025 it should be worth a million

>> No.25831624

WoW tokens really are like Shitcoins, aren't they.

>> No.25831780

"I got manipulated by greedy assholes "
You meant yourself

>> No.25831935

Ah /Biz/ I love you just the way you are, never change!

>> No.25831990
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>> No.25832068

Im only guilty of holding a small bag of shitcoins, if OP is telling the truth then I'm sorry but that's hilarious

>> No.25832242
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>i gont manupulateded
no you played yourself. admit it
i told you, in real time, bullet proof trades. if you had put 100 in.
thanks for the bait thread.
dont know why i still feel like crying

>> No.25832396

You deserve to die in povery

>> No.25832705
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>Trading with money that isn't yours

>> No.25832762

pls no bully banks

>> No.25832791

Imagine being invested in crypto and not being up at least 200%. NGMI

>> No.25832852

Take your loss and move on. $10k loss is not life altering.

>> No.25833002

>I am financially ruined
Good. It’s not enough that I should succeed. Others should fail.

>> No.25833253

Eventually they'll just sue you, and even if they don't, once the loans are written off, your credit is fucked for a good long while (here in the U.S., how long it takes for it to drop off your credit report varies from state to state).

>> No.25833434
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>Takes loan out to buy at ATH

>> No.25834022

Hahahahaha you are an idiot to buy at the top.

>> No.25834162


What the fuck are you doing

>> No.25834343
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