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25828672 No.25828672 [Reply] [Original]

How to call the bottom?

>> No.25828767

BTC dropped 31.5% in January 2017, if this is similar the bottom should be around 29k

>> No.25828875
File: 100 KB, 550x499, 348EFAD5-36AD-4277-8726-667477F8CE55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bitch come over for netflix

>> No.25829018


>> No.25829094

When you see a bunch of threads of bears gloating that's how you'll know

>> No.25829112

Usually by grabbing him by the hair and say, twinkletoes... here is some massive cock for your little asshole.

>> No.25829135

Who is this woman? She is beautiful

>> No.25829151
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*clink clink*
>gentlemen... GENTLEMEN
>may I have your attention please
>gentlemen, it does, at this juncture, seem like we have in fact reached the bottom
>therefore, gentlemen, I suggest we congratulate the iron handed among us and encourage likeminded folk to set their purchase orders once again
>thank you, gentlemen. You may now carry on as you were

>> No.25829153

Kek. What if vitalik fucked himself.

>> No.25829170

Cant. Crypto is not bound by market fundaments, only by market sentiment, which is hard to quantify.

>> No.25829213

if it's anything as with the recent top it's lagging behind somewhat, but I guess that's as good call as any

yes, that would be ideal, thank you anon

>> No.25829219
File: 113 KB, 680x680, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very simple my dear anon you call it when it start go up again

>> No.25829277

How is it even possible that most altcoins exactly mirror bitcoin movement? Like there's almost no difference.

>> No.25829338

statistical arbitrage bots created this meme, they reinforce each other and suddenly a new way of pricing alts emerged.

>> No.25829379

easy, wait until i buy

>> No.25829418

no anon, that's the top indicator

>> No.25829490

no, you mistook me for another anon, i'm still waiting for btc to dip further

>> No.25829559

ah, that's fine then, take your time, I want some nice discount

>> No.25830021

He did
Ask him where he sold eth

>> No.25830079

Eth used to be $1. Not sure why'd you'd fuck with boomer tier gains desu, unless you already made it.

BoringDAO is *it*

>> No.25830716

I fapped to this

>> No.25830810

Pretty sure it was 51%