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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 678x1000, BondYourBrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25826804 No.25826804 [Reply] [Original]

if you aren't buying as much BOND as you can get your dirty little fingers on right now, you might hate missing the easiest 20x of Q1.


>> No.25827214

fortunately i am

>> No.25827369

this is near all time low, a very good entry point. As always, /biz/ is sleeping on this up until it's too late

>> No.25827421
File: 505 KB, 680x800, 20210104_045932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a thread where I criticise Bonded.Finance until it goes to 0

BarnBridge offers the same service as Bonded, but it costs less to use the service.

For example, when you use our patented Traunching Service, you only need to pay down gas fees to use the Tranches, earning extremely competitive APYs, compared to our competitor who stole our ticker (BOND)

Using Bonded.Finance, they charge even more money per service for the privilege of you earning even less APY. Written in the code itself, there is a mechanism that half of advertised APY earnings are sent to the dev wallet, called a "burn" (Its total bullshit)

BarnBridge's mission statement is to Revolutionize crypto loans. We won't ever take advantage of our community, unlike those greasy Makeep loving bastards at Bonded. Viva la crypto revolución!

>> No.25827458

oh nice, this idiot is back to bump the thread all day

>> No.25827580

you are the idiot motherfucker, BOND is going to 0 and you can't do anything about it lol die now

>> No.25827607

hi tyler. if you aren't convinced by the 7 major partners they have before launch, you're gonna love main net.

>> No.25827771

hi tyler

>> No.25827840
File: 1.00 MB, 1620x1997, sameep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is barn jealous of our poo?

>> No.25827868

he doesn't hide it anymore, that he's Tyler. Such a sad sad person.

>> No.25827894

BOND will go to $7 within 2 quarters roll

>> No.25827901

Whats everyone stack look like?
Im only sitting on ~12k bond

>> No.25827958
File: 25 KB, 300x250, 1530013156194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to rewards I will break 5k soon

>> No.25828452
File: 17 KB, 480x640, 1609524979283 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our patented
You forgot to edit the copy paste you degenerated mongrel

>> No.25828589

Hi Tyler! How's the McDonald's applications coming along?

>> No.25828844

Are they even developing that coin, their roadmap hasn't updated since mid december

>> No.25828859

I'm cool with $1. this is 2021's REQ. screencap this.

>> No.25828861

Take your fucking meds

>> No.25828918

they will update once sameep figures out where he put the audit

>> No.25829105
File: 37 KB, 700x394, dxwwDRnyj6Rxx0Krv1ZRG2CBCNILNppm_E1Q3bDFd_U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sameep's dog ate it, sorry bondies back to the wage cage for you

>> No.25829243

Is this another shitcoin

>> No.25829553

nope, and you'll notice that anyone who disagrees can give no reasons why they think so. it's a tiny mcap, small supply, very low cost project with massive potential to explode x100 short-term, and who knows how much more longer-term. absolute no-brainer buy. imo from a profit-perspective it's without doubt the single most alluring project in all of crypto at the moment all things considered.

>> No.25829584

>lol die now
now I will never buy the stinky barn

>> No.25829616

>check the official bonded github
>zero commits

>check sameep's github
>no work being done related to this project other than one bonded logo he uploaded to an archived file

I don't think there's even a road bro

>> No.25829675

can this really hit $1.

it's private until main net you newfag

>> No.25829692

sirs when will this pump pls?

singha gupta

>> No.25830411

could be anytime, as soon as V1 is live it'll start to take off, or sooner if more people recognise the potential

>> No.25831177

I'm so excited for V1 to expose this shit for the scam that it is

>> No.25831422

and just look at all the reasons you're about to provide for believing this to be a scam. aaaand.... GO...

>> No.25831637

kek, it has been 4 (FOUR) minutes and he hasn't provided a SINGLE reason for this to be scam
yep I think we all are going to make it felow bondchads

>> No.25832179

there are no reasons, as his silence will continue to illustrate. he's just salty that he bought the wrong BOND, and now can't afford the gas fees to buy the chad BOND

>> No.25832541

stop feeding the FUD fags. i guess free bamps aren't bad tho.

this *****$4M marketcap***** public facing team has SEVEN fucking major partnerships and its not even main net.

if this isn't 10 cents by February I will be very, very, very surprised.

most undervalued crypto of the last 5 years, right now.