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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1022 KB, 1920x1080, POSWallet-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2582387 No.2582387 [Reply] [Original]

How did such a promising service fail so spectacularly? Was it the product or the team? I don't see it rebounding back on its current trajectory towards trying to be just another currency used for exchanging value, the entire value was in staking.

Do you think this could be successful under new management and introducing masternode sharing pools?

>> No.2582414


>> No.2582421

Nothing going wrong, it just pumped way too fast because everyone loved the idea behind it. 1 million market cap is pretty attractive now. If the developers just came back with more updates and promises, it would be a solid buy.

>inb4 shill
i dont own any, but i wont fault if you buy now

>> No.2582426

>new management
and you would know it's new management because it would be some less anonymous pradeep?

>> No.2582442

Fucking Pajeets thats what went wrong

>> No.2582447


so the dev team?


I don't think it's fair to say only the pump was responsible-- the delisting of PIVX along with many other currencies and the decision to switch to a focus on making POSW a currency instead of a staking project seem like they destroyed investor confidence.

Do you think if it was relaunched with a new team and refocused it could get back on its feet?

asking for a friend. ;)

>> No.2582460


I'm talking in a scenario when the former dev team exits the stage completely and completely new folks took over the project with a rebrand.

>> No.2582470

probably. People are literally reviving dead 2014 coins right now with great success.

>> No.2582512

This to me is ridiculous though and not a good thing.

People are bringing literal shit out of the ashes again. This could be headed for a disaster.

>> No.2582534

>taking an old idea that had potential and updating with new tech and improving the core it was built around
>preventing more and more coins to be created; stopping over saturation
idk, sounds good if you ask me

>> No.2582648


I think a big change that one could make is removing POSW as a unit from exchange, which sets it on a negative trajectory, and instead drastically scaling back the available amount of the coin itself so it essentially represents a share of ownership in the profits of the site-- keeping it's dividend function for those who hold it.

It'll take a whole new team and some capital but it seems very doable.

>> No.2582685

bunch of i4-idots at the wheel. dumped lossleftovers from posw into espers weeks ago.

>> No.2582700
File: 8 KB, 219x187, 1496954205151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promising service

it was just another backwater crap exchange with a staking pool

every single goddamn coin can be staked in its own wallet, safely and without the change of the exchange going down or you being unable to retrieve them

i feel no pity for whoever bought into this, it was doomed from the start

>> No.2582701


so do you think it could be successful without them at the wheel? even after all this time there's nobody doing it out there.

>> No.2582713


So cut the backwater exchange and keep it as a simple online wallet staking service, adding masternode shares.

Not everybody wants to maintain a 24/7 active device to stake/masternode and they don't trust themselves to do so securely.

Same reason people use My Ether Wallet

>> No.2583047

Bump, looking for a little more feedback.

>> No.2583057

too nice

>> No.2583071


> Implying it failed

I'm still holding, staking, will be rich while all weak hands wonder why they never make money. PoSW 2.0 will drive this price to a dollar. Cap this if you don't believe me, faggots.

>> No.2583117

Combination of pajeet team (the people who brought you BitBean!) and the false promises of other exchanges adopting a coin that would competitively threaten them.


>> No.2583670


what'd you say about me mum m8?


POSW 2.0 is centered around POSW being adopted as more of a currency. Considering the very crowded space for this, I'm not sure what would lead to POSW being widely adopted as an exchange of value.

They've only sold 16% of their hardware wallets that have been up for ICO for 2 months.


Okay, so it seems like if you removed the team and the exchange element, that's going to remove most concerns

>> No.2584870

Holding 3,000 coins. I only spent about 300 bucks so no big deal.