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File: 54 KB, 451x779, 1610153079508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25818673 No.25818673 [Reply] [Original]

This fucking exchange still wont let me withdraw 5 ETH. These fuckers rather spam biz instead of doing their work.
Fuking slav(e).

>> No.25818747

it's funny to see this thread above "comfy metro holders" thread
this place is surreal

>> No.25818775

dont worry, every thread is by the employees.
they shill their coin instead of working on the shitty bugged platform.

>> No.25819094

imagine being a scumbag to costumer service, you are worse than niggers and kikes
op literally has brain damage

>> No.25819220
File: 56 KB, 451x649, 1610152387723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hitler would gas your ass, he killed millions of slav(e). and probably also ur grandpa.

>> No.25819470

A hidden benefit of XCM is thiefs, third worlders and retards who joined the ICO with stolen ETH, or as unacredited burgers, will never get their XCM. There is less circulating supply then you think.

>> No.25820045

Hitler would gas you first, you disgusting turkroach.
Imagine being such a failure you don't have a single identity document and then blaming the exchange. You behave like a fucking nigger

this lmao

>> No.25820174

This masochistic sub 70IQ nigger already got btfo >>25791143

>> No.25820347
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1521527252545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the XCM meme

buy LCX and hodl anon

>> No.25820514

why the fuck would you use an obscure platform like that in the first place?

>> No.25820597

not sure if bait

>> No.25820671

have fun getting kiked on shitbase
we can only hope next time you try to sell the exchange wont be down

>> No.25820838

Why so butthurt OP? How much have you invested in this shitcoin?

>> No.25820940
File: 164 KB, 1001x725, EVfdVoQX0AA7As6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spreading lies, filthy sodomite.
Hitler even teamed up with jeets, japs and even Turks. CoinMetro is based. Someone once sent 500 tether to my eth wallet on CM and they withdrew it and forwarded it to my metamask wallet. Fuck you.

Kevin is based. One of the most hardworking guys I've seen. Everytime I play vidya and watch YT I see Kevin streaming online. Everytime I check TG and someone has a question Kevin is there to respond personally.

Just panic spam in the TG, they will help you for optics ;)

>> No.25820975

in on subtle lcx thread

>> No.25821008

Wait didn't you have just 2 Eth yesterday? Now it's 5? You pajeets can't even get your fake stories right

>> No.25821872

Delusional chad reporting in?
I dont care about your homoerotic adventures with kevin.
he is a scammer and should land in jail.
coinmetro is from estonia and hitler killed over 20M of those rats. They all stinky and scammers

>> No.25821908

Hitler killed whites and handing Europe to the jews? Typical of that German rat.

>> No.25821930


>> No.25821988

Estonia has a population of 1.5M. You can't even get basic geographic facts right.
Do you get a stiffy from being bitchsmacked constantly on an anonymous forum?

>> No.25822031

he killed 20M sovjets. why are you acting stupid, no one cares about your filthy poor country aka europes india. go hang yourself already u fat fuck XD

>> No.25822042

Surely OP is telling the truth.

>> No.25822091

Well he's got the screenshots

>> No.25822140

Screenshots only prove that he is a total idiot who has no clue how to use an exchange.
You can go rage at support with a made up story and screencap it too.

>> No.25822290

defending the token like its his child.
brainwashed coinmetro employee doing hard work for 200€/month

>> No.25822368

ah so now it isn't about your problem anymore but it is more about how a poster is defending this token...

I see... fuck off.

>> No.25822442

you dont have to change your IP for every reply.
makes u look like an idiot

>> No.25823011

Have you ever noticed that absolutely nobody agrees even slightly with you? Even with 20 threads/day.