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25817362 No.25817362 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.25817400
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>> No.25817472
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>> No.25817555
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>> No.25817562

>june 8, 2020

>> No.25817621
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>> No.25817819

I need a fucking 33% pump TO BREAK EVEN

>> No.25817856

cope what? I hold 22k grt so you can go suck on it bitch

>> No.25818893

Literally worst decision of my life buying this shit coin. I could of bought fucking nano and made fucking money. I just want break even to get the fuck out

>> No.25818923

Can I have Tegan's nudes?

>> No.25818924

bro dont worry bro its the google of indexing bro
ignore the billion coin dumps incoming, it's priced in

>> No.25818951


>bought at 0.11
>sold for initial investment at 0.55
>sold for profits at 0.77
>still holding half of my investment FOR FREE

>> No.25818978

I love the GRT FUD. This accumulation period is so golden, my niggers.

>> No.25818984
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>> No.25818985

so many fags complaining that they have losses
this just proves that biz is a shitboard and no one here makes gains.
if you didnt buy in early or got in presale what did you expect?
people here made a 10x and you thought you could take part in it?
stay poor faggot

>> No.25819081

I'm basking in it.
Meanwhile I already made a few thousand GRT by staking.

>> No.25819208

what indexer can you recommend?

>> No.25819387

look for indexers with low fee cuts and proportionally little delegated stake. Obviously check if they have a website and the team's skin color.

>> No.25819520
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not worth it for me, i'd rather buy that reward right now and bet on price appreciation and be flexible in the market

> 28 day cooldown
> rewards cut

just had a look, thanks for getting back to me.

>> No.25819531


>> No.25819597

watch out doing this
I did it with an indexer who had 80%+ fee but low delegated stake but gave lots of GRT daily
the day after that a faggot whale delegated 1M and left me with 1% of what I would have otherwise gotten
this 28 day delegation thawing is a fucking bitch

>> No.25819813

for me it's the same thing with eth, don't want to stake for a year or longer

i can just barely stomach the 10 day cooldown on aave

i don't think that staking rewards will outweigh price appreciation, i'd rather just add to my position and stay flexible in the market. of course it's free money, but with 28 days you might miss the golden sell opportunity which will probably cost more than staking will make you

>> No.25819837

i only have 28k grt i don't think it's worth it to delegate. Literally costs 60$ in gas fees just to move it., for what? 15 grt a day?

>> No.25820014

Reminder that Teegan Kline went to college with Kevin Seqniki.

Avalanche X The Graph confirmed.

Plus, Avalanche is the ideal blockchain for them to port over to anyway since it's latency smashes up everything else.

>> No.25820061

It's cool and all, but can we HAVE Teegan's nudes.

>> No.25820107

I need it to 2x

>> No.25820111
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0.10 waiting room

>> No.25820135
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I delegated half of my stack since I would not have sold it anyway, and I don't know when the price finally goes super saiyan... Could be in 1 year afaik, might as well earn interest on it.

>> No.25820143

>could of

>> No.25820177


>> No.25820211

I have the same feeling, but you gotta think in compound interest over 1-3 years.
I've been holding link for more than 3 years now, just imagine if I had a 30% APY on that, I would have doubled my stack by now.
Not to mention that your returns are automatically staked and also appreciate in value.
I got 85k staked right now and holding 30k in my wallet for quick profit taking. Considering putting a bit more in staking.

Remember, you make it in crypto by playing the long game. All the rest is just gambling.

That sucks bro. Welcome to the blockchain jungle.

>> No.25820227

absolutely right man, i just want quick and easy access to sell when i want, on my terms

don't want any funny business with fees or transactions when everyone is trying to sell

>> No.25820279

why did you buy in the first place?
don't you think about what you do?
if you did screen the market for interesting projects why did you want to buy graph instead of nano?
stick to your principles and stick to the plan man!
don't fucking fomo into every shitcoin just because it is going up! super hard lesson to learn but maybe you should do some more research and not fud a good project for others just because you're unhappy

because mUh EvRythiNG beTTer NoW thAn My sHiTcOiN

>> No.25820338

yeah but we're in endgame territory for this bullrun, in a year it's over.

my gameplan is:
>sell my folio at the right time/scale out
>put it into stablecoins (usdc, dai) and earn interest on it until the next opportunities turn up in the market

>> No.25820450

>we're in endgame territory for this bullrun

Don't try to time the market though. That's the beauty of projects with an actual fundamental usecase; they will appreciate in value regardless of market conditions. Just look at chainlink doing a 100x during the bear market. That's why linkies were so damn comfy all the time, they understood the tech and that it would be adopted. Same thing goes for holding graph, it's an essential base layer protocol that will rise in adoption (and price) regardless of what btc is doing.

>> No.25820616


of course, but there will be blood in the markets

what goes up must come down and even link which went down 50-60% after moving up sharply

i am sure the market will reach a point this year where i am super happy to sell and sit on profits for a little while before re-entering during the bear