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25815372 No.25815372 [Reply] [Original]

So it's no secret that the elites want to transition the world population towards renting instead of owning, and the pandemic has massively furthered their cause by causing foreclosures and inflating fiat. My question is, as a midwest tard, will cheap rural homes remain cheap? As of now there is still a steady supply of 30-100k fixer-upper homes plopped in the middle of nowhere on a couple acres of land. Are these gonna get gobbled up by the kikes soon? Should I buy now while interest rates are low? Living with my parents is comfy but I dont wanna be stuck here forever

>> No.25815462
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They'll be real cheap after Klaus cuts the power to anyone living outside the mega city technocracy.

>> No.25816101

That's not a biggie, was thinking about going solar anyways. You think that we're a long ways off from them piling the Hispanics and pajeets into the boonies? That's when it's over. And I've already seen a shit ton of Mexicans moving into my community, even though we're far from the border