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File: 141 KB, 1200x847, 1610314899526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25795828 No.25795828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Good evening, we're here to save western society

>> No.25795875

this image will be in the history books and most likely the only one used to describe migatards

>> No.25795904
File: 85 KB, 473x1024, 1610280716217-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have my axe

>> No.25795988

No confederate flag, so I doubt it.

>> No.25796015
File: 3.79 MB, 2000x1413, mericans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do americans look like that?

>> No.25796035
File: 303 KB, 1600x1200, 4EEAD063-1C0C-4D5B-9FDF-0A7AF31BED10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how scared the us elected officials were
This was akin to a mortal breaching Olympus and scratching Zeus
Explains why even Lady Graham came out so strongly against it

>> No.25796039

At least they look like men and not basedgoys

>> No.25796052


>> No.25796058

why does Australia have animals that look like dinosaurs. this is what happens when a system develops in relative isolation

>> No.25796063

native and nigger admixture.

>> No.25796084

Holy fuck, over 50% of them look inbred.

>> No.25796098

>migapedes is a bunch of ugly larpers

>> No.25796110

Every country has ugly people and attractive people. Crowds tend to have a mix, Im surprised you dont know these common facts.

>> No.25796112

Are these really Antifa members? They look too healthy, relatively sane, and Anifa usually hide behind masks. Why did the police ok them in the first place?

>> No.25796122

Thats the most american image I ever saw

>> No.25796286

how much of a basedboy or a coper you have to be to say this isnt megabased look?

>> No.25796326

it'd be more american with some guns

>> No.25796463

Why everyone looks retarded on this picture?

>> No.25796488

This is proof of the dangers of inbreeding.

>> No.25796517

They are american

>> No.25796527

go back to pol fag, we're here to make money not argue over which crooked limp dick politician is the bestest

>> No.25796546

Don’t worry you’re too dumb to understand. You won’t last. Your life is a fatal error. Bye bye

>> No.25796574

You must be confused. Those are Qtards, they dont think western society is in jeopardy, or our race. They thing their right to have mixed race children and send them off to die fighting Iran is in jeopardy. Thats why they are there, because patriots have no skin color and the demonkkkrats are the real transphobes.

Thats not the far right. Those are zionists. Just start referring to Qtards as zionists because thats ultimately everything they believe.

>> No.25796588

Sadly most repubtards are inbreed. Also they have inferior brain function

>> No.25796601

Most Americans are much more brown than them this image isn’t an accurate representation

>> No.25796605

these niggas made me a millionaire

>> No.25796619

Inbred men maybe

>> No.25796674

I don’t know who I hate more, migasubhumans or democrats

>> No.25796683
File: 132 KB, 612x611, inbred-muslim-retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It differs by region but many muslim countries are upwards of 90% inbred, like Pakistan. Theres a chart floating around. Whites have a lot of ethnic diversity among them, its actually the browns you lefties love so much, including Jews who are inbred. Jewish inbreeding is in the 48 laws of power, and the Rothschilds are cited in a positive way. They inbreed so goyim cant get their money or into their family for power. This confers a substantially increased rate of mental illness among Jews, also based on actual numbers. Jews are inbred so they have higher rates of psychopathy and schizophrenia etc.

>> No.25796691

business and finance

>> No.25796740

aren't anglo dogs also inbred as fuck?

>> No.25796759

Like it doesnt take a genius to figure out theres only one type of Jew but 20 kinds of white person. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. They have mixed with Russians, Spanish, Caucasians in the greater Crimean region etc but ultimately theres just Jews, mixing with Jews, mixing with Jews. Among whites its Scots mixing with Italians mixing with Ukranians mixing with Greeks. All different. greeks arent even brothers to Europe, theyre cousins. Along with Iranians aka Persians.

The more you know! Whites are one of the least inbred races on the planet.

>> No.25796792

If by inbred as fuck you mean mixed with Scots, Welsh, Irish, Norman etc. But yea their royal family is an abomination. Its got a niggerkike in it now, is that diverse enough for you?

>> No.25796846

papa and mama don't look very happy
me in the centre bottom

>> No.25796855
File: 166 KB, 355x396, 1604655879656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Good evening, we're here to save western society

>> No.25796870

>superior genetics

>> No.25796887

one day all mudslimes and anglos will be dead, praise the lord.

>> No.25796957

Just picture them shouting "AAAAAALLLLLAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" endlessly lol

>> No.25797429

Filthy Anglo mutts most inbred retarted fags that existed stop the cope and rope yourself

>> No.25797896

You have to remember, in american history, it was generally a country where people from other countries escaped to...so usually they were the unwanted ones, usually the inbred religious fucktard type.

So here you are 300+ years later.

>> No.25797985

Sadly true

>> No.25798054

really? they look pretty soft to me

>> No.25798143

but most inbreeding occurs among blacks and they're all democrat

>> No.25798154

They represent the downfall of it
A complete abandonment of the people by the establishment and their response to it. I hope you're paying attention
The boomer paradigm is coming a swift ending

>> No.25798390
File: 621 KB, 593x580, 1594610613183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at them. They so look inbred, soft, and weak. These are the people calling others inferiors and posting giga chad memes.

Holy shit how pathetic.

>> No.25798669
File: 8 KB, 269x188, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is the biggest glownigger in existence.

>> No.25798687

go back to pol with this shit, no one cares about these controlled opposition larping faggots

>> No.25798724
File: 80 KB, 499x408, 1516602669931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no saving western society
the post finno-korean hyperwar world has become death trap! technological and scientific advancement recovered too slow and it will stagnate under big tech oligarchs
the only chance to save "western society" was fucking off to another galaxy but the fucking chinks nuked the mass relays during the qing dynasty so we're stuck here forever

>> No.25798764


>> No.25798782

They arent controlled opposition, theyre useful idiots. Theres a difference. Useful to Israel in the same way SJW cultists are to communist Jews.

>> No.25799002

>bunkertranny larp thread

>> No.25799075

they look as dumb as we all know they are. there couldn't have been a better face for this whole thing lmao

>> No.25799317

i mean, makes sense doesnt it?

>> No.25799333

so these are the mighty american right-wing extremists that the democrats fear so much? how did these masterminds get into the capitol?

>> No.25799348

Are you saying Orthodox Jews are inbred? because that's antisemitic.
>One of the rioters who invaded the US Capitol on Wednesday has been identified as the son of Steven (Shlomo) Mostofsky, a New York judge and former president of the National Council of Young Israel, an Orthodox synagogue association that has been outspokenly pro-Trump, the Gothamist reported on Thursday.
>Aaron Mostofsky, whose father is a judge on the Kings County Supreme Court, entered the building wearing fur pelts and a bulletproof vest and carrying a riot shield he said he found, Gothamist reported, citing the New York Post.

>> No.25799451

if you struggle to differ between adjectives and verbs i think you might be the one who is "inbreed"

>> No.25799454

>At least they look like men
lmao this is pathetic cope

>> No.25799473

No shit, they're Swedish.

>> No.25799476

>guy on the left literally wearing a BLM sweater
>mighty american right-wing extremists

>> No.25799607

buffalo shaman guy is aesthetic as fuck
imagine carrying an american flag tied to a spear into the fucking capital and shouting obscenities at the media in front of old paintings of the founding fathers

thats based as fuck

>> No.25799816

>Are these really Antifa members?
No. Q-tards are so completely deranged that they will consider anything unflattering that ever happens to their movement as some secret political theater illusion.
They were saying Trump was replaced by a body double when he sold the protesters out and the antifa false flag idea was getting backed up by out of context photos on antifa websites that turned out to exist exactly because they were trying to dox the buffalo clown rather than because he was on their side.

>> No.25799973 [DELETED] 
File: 1022 KB, 1380x968, this is the guy telling you that you arent going to do anything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found your picture.

>> No.25800012 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 640x760, antifa retards on pol know them all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should hate yourself the most for being unable to take advantage of the situation.

>> No.25800298
File: 1.66 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20210110-034725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Viking leading the charge and then standing at the House podium had previously been caught on camera at a BLM protest, so he wasn't a Trump supporter, but a paid Antifa actor. [I am told by my readers that he was a Trump anti-protestor in the BLM riots, so he didn't strictly switch roles. However, he has now been exposed as a professional actor, as well as a Navy veteran. His name is Jacob Angeli Chansley, and he just happens to be 33 years old. He has his own Wiki page, where the date January 8 now appears prominently: 1/8, aces and eights. He and his mother are from Phoenix. His father is hidden. He has been on Alex Jones, talking about Satan. According to MyLife, Jacob's mother Martha Chansley is related to Lyons, Gabbards, Robinsons, Vukovojacs, Brocks, Balzanos. Addresses include Thousand Oaks and Burbank. The Angelis are in the peerage, related to the Percys and Manners. The current Queen of England is a Lyon. The Balzani are Italian nobles. Another reader has pointed out that among those arrested at the Capitol was Nick Ochs, leader of the Hawaii Proud Boys. Hard to believe they didn't change his name for this. Do you remember who has owned the New York Times since the beginning? The Jewish Ochs-Sulzbergers. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.]


>> No.25800357

Reminder to the seething commies/anarchist in this thread your group will never do something this bold

>> No.25800584

Muzzies know how to make a house look cozy af

>> No.25800649
File: 121 KB, 1440x317, IMG_20210110_184834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they send literal professional actors to do this shit on camera and people STILL believe it’s real?

>> No.25800693

Thought that was a sam hyde edit
Top kek

>> No.25800870

A real life guy with a Thor's hammer tat who posts nonstop about Trump and Q. Imagine being this guy, raiding the Capitol, getting arrested for it, and then finding out that Trump won't back you up, and all your conspiritard buddies are calling you a Commie.

>> No.25800903

Nothing bold about being a sheep memed into committing federal crimes because the orange reality TV show star told you to
That's just called being retarded