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25794402 No.25794402 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw even part-time work feels oppressive

I don't get how people willingly spend 40+ hours a week on this shit unless they absolutely have to (or they somehow find a career that interests them; or they make an absurd amount of money that would allow for early retirement).

If I had the funds (or the NEETbux hookup) I'd NEET it up forever. Does that make me an outlier? Do most people genuinely want to work? That can't be right, can it?

>> No.25794498

The idea is to figure out what kind of discipline is attractive to you, specialize in it and then start making money by doing what you love, i.e. being a scientist for example

>> No.25794577

Find somewhere nice to work, I have a job where I don't mind working, that's the best I can ask for.

I don't dread it and it gives me needed social interaction so I can be a recluse at home, or at least it did before Covid...

>> No.25794578 [DELETED] 
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Thank you for you service, wagie. These tendies aren't going to pay for themselves.

>> No.25794644

>being a scientist for example
scientists are shit people and being a scientist is a shit life, also the entire scientific industry is kikes all the way down
t. former scientist

>> No.25794676

>start making money by doing what you love
>t. underage

>> No.25794694

>work from home
>play vidya, trade all day
>maybe answer 5 emails, do an hours work total
>get paid and put money into crypto

it's fucking ez street, thinking of working from a resort in the Dominican for a month or two

>> No.25794695

If I had NEETbux I'd do it forever. Too bad my country doesn't do it like the US.

>> No.25794698

I love my job and I work 3 13.5 days a week

>> No.25794700

I work 20 hours and earn $1100 per month.

Got $4k to my name.

>> No.25794744

>it's fucking ez street
if you're good at it and have capital. Neither applies to you.

>> No.25794755
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I'll never work, mostly due to the force contained within my API3 bags.

The future is bright anons.

>> No.25794775

300k in crypto, project harder poorfag

>> No.25794781

Fuck off Pajeet.

>> No.25794799

I'm with you. I only do it because I don't want the alternative of being homeless. if I ever have a way of making enough money so my bills are paid and I have at least a $1k a month extra to spend I'd be good. I want free time more than money

>> No.25794805
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> mom was a wagie
> dad was a wagie
> brother is a wagie
> all four grandparents were wagies
> only blood relatives who aren't wagies is an uncle working as an electrician
How the fuck do you find someone to help you escape the wage cage through entrepreneurship/self-ownership/etc?

>> No.25794830

Wagies are mentally ill

>> No.25794839
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>I have 300k to my name
>YOU'RE the poorfag

>> No.25794846

I wasted 6 years listening to my parents advicing me to study stupid shit i dont care about. Now i work on cars for a living and i have nothing to worry about.

>> No.25794856

show your million dollar balance then loser

>> No.25794886
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Man, I've taken all sorts of "career aptitude" tests and none of the results intrigued me in the slightest. I feel like it's not the field or industry a job is in that matters, it's the nature of the job itself (work culture, boss' personality, commute length, etc.) and that can be difficult to determine.

My "dream job" would probably be one where I can secretly just play vidya all day.

>> No.25794928

I'll inherit 7 figures. That's what I call ez street. Keep slaving, wagie.

>> No.25794929

Work in anti money laundering, reporting tax Dodgers to FIU. Love it

>> No.25794953

That's about where I'm at too. Do you live on your own, with parents, or roommates? I'm not sure I could afford rent around here if I was working part-time (I just live with parents in their paid-off house).

>> No.25794958

Work from home, been working from home for like 7 years now. I slack off all day, lie about what im doing, take constant BR breaks, smoke, take naps. Its great my job is full of suckers too.

>> No.25794963

dont pretend that in today's day and age 300k isnt a big deal. its very impressive and top 5% if you are 20-30 and top 10% if you are 30-40, people are THAT poor and we all know it.

>> No.25794984

Most people don't. They just don't know what to do if they didn't have to. In my country 80% of the people who quit their jobs quit over co-workers. 60% of those again quit because of their boss. The way I see it, purely social factors is what makes work miserable. If you can find a job that isn't absolutely menial you can get a sense of mastery and learn a trade.

>> No.25794986

kek i think this is the ultimate wagepill
im never fucking going back

>> No.25795001

sure you will sweety, nice larp

I see your post admitting your a neet, don't think deleting it will mean we won't see it lmao, imagine a neet calling other people poor, how hilariously sad

>> No.25795032

Not if what you love doing is actually also profitable

t.happy programmer

>> No.25795108
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>Not in Education Employment or Training

>> No.25795118

what's your WFH job entail, anon? that might be the direction I focus on

no commute, no coworkers/boss breathing down your neck, can probably get away with playing vidya and shit on the clock; i can dig it

>> No.25795136
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Academics are the king of midwits. Glad I escaped that shit hole early. I don't even bring up my PhD on my CV. I wish I stopped at my masters. Now I'm 27 went into FPGA consulting for trading shops. Work for myself. Don't have to tongue some boomers ass to advance career wise. Larp as a wagie making 250k a year while maintaining my portfolio of stocks and crypto. To an outsider I appear to just have money out of nowhere. Family constantly asking for gibs. Normies ask me what I do for a living I just say I'm in consulting and they leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.25795140
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this is the neet calling other people in this thread poor fucking lmao

>> No.25795173

Biomedical scientist running a lab, not a kike, make 6 figures, 10% retirement match, paid healthcare, tenured, teach 25 hours/year with same slides every year, yeah it sucks so bad.

>> No.25795212

and you're still a slave

>> No.25795228

How can working for big tech oligarchs make you happy? You're Jewish aren't you?

>> No.25795275

how'd you get into consulting? it sounds pretty based but also probably requires a fair bit of expertise, no?

>> No.25795278

I'm tenured, so no I'm not, I do what I want, say what I want

>> No.25795295

you consult professional female golfers?

>> No.25795296

By trading shops do you mean hedge funds?

I’m doing my phd in computer engineering (mostly theoretical architecture stuff). What do you do day-to-day? How do I get into FPGA stuff?

>> No.25795322

slave cope

>> No.25795333
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>whom do you serve?
>the economy

>> No.25795434

there's a difference between being a wagie, having a job, and having a career, but sure I must be coping hard lmfao, to each their own

>> No.25795457

Fact is, if you don't have full sovergnity over your own body's location, you're a slave. You can say anything you like to pretend you're not, but your entire livelihood is dependent on your wageflesh being in your wageplace at wagetime, and therefore, you're a slave.

>> No.25795636

>I don't get how people willingly spend 40+ hours a week on this shit
Well there are several reasons, would you like me to list the main two? Money and social pressure. Inflationary economy we have to spend spend spend (not really but people cant see that) so they need to earn earn earn. Social pressure is a result of industrialization and protestantism. Protestants had this retarded idea that success in career means you were predestined to succeed and you are guaranteed a spot in heaven. This trickled down through communities and manifested in similar ways, the predestination aspect didnt remain but the protestant work ethic did.

>> No.25795647


This is peak cope. Fucking slave

>> No.25795654

When I turned 18, I achieved what you fags consider "making it". I got granted what we call førtidspension, which means I have the right to get 2200 USD NEETbux monthly for life.
Being a NEET is the worst feeling that exists and you will kys or turn your life around after a couple of years of it. People who say they'd be NEETs for life if they had the funds have no idea what being a NEET is like.
I'm working my ass off in university now to get a degree I can use to get a job that involves making a difference in other people's lives. I'd rather neck myself than go back to being a NEET.

>> No.25795691

>if you don't have full sovergnity over your own body's location
Do you think people cant leave their place of employment at any time for whatever reason? Please stop typing like a larping sovereign citizen.
Youre nothing but a slave to your neet larp.

>> No.25795736

>People who say they'd be NEETs for life if they had the funds have no idea what being a NEET is like
People who want to be NEETs for life have mental deficiencies so yes they can survive as leeches on society.

>> No.25795761

It's impossible to gain any real purpose being a day trader, at best you are picking pennies off the ground that rich people are leaving behind, and at worst you're losing all your money in a rigged casino. You are literally not creating any material value for anyone in the world by doing this, you're only a leech enabled by the insane economic opportunities in America.

tl;dr we need communism

>> No.25795774

Dont you have to be older than 40 and so sick as to never be able to work again to get this?

>> No.25795794

this is some weapons grade copium

>> No.25795816

What's the reason to do anything beyond a Masters in any type of engineering? IMO, it may be prudent to switch to EE if you want to do FPGA.
with that said:
also interested in the answer to the question.

>> No.25796102

Being 40+ makes it easier but it's not a requirement
Some severely chronically ill teenagers who live in institutions get it when they turn 18, if they're so fucked up that the social workers and docs handling the case can't bring themselves to force them into internships/school. I'm one of them.

>> No.25796156

I'm a land surveyor and it's fuckin dope. Just me and my bro walking around the woods all day, occasionally swinging a machete. We're "on the clock" when driving, at Hooters, or trading crypto in the truck. I talk to my boss like once a week and our company never loses money on contracts because we aren't retarded

>> No.25796197
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Say there are only two genders according to biology one day, you'll see just how quickly the shackles clamp back on my fren

>> No.25796212
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I work as a manager of several large liquor stores (boss is a literal pajeet) where I earn 60k a year salary plus bonuses. I probably do 50 or so hours a week. I like the job and I use my power as a manager to both gain free alcohol and have sex with every young female cashier I hire.

I also own 3 rental homes which net me 38k a year in passive income and are mostly paid off (owe 90 grand on one, others are mine fee simple). Total value of the houses is not much, probably 550k.

I average about 40 to 60k a year trading stocks and crypto which is pretty comfy. This latest bullrun I've made over 100k in the past 9 months, which really makes me not want to work anymore but I know it won't always be this good so I keep showing up everyday.

All in all I like what I'm doing. Zero stress at my job, always something new to try or new people to meet and talk with. The young sluts and booze are a big part of the appeal.

>> No.25796228

Just worked another Sunday. GF is ready to leave me because I'm stressed and work literally all the time. Wage has been frozen for over a year because of >hiring freezes

I want off this ride

>> No.25796279
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>what is getting paid to improve market liquidity
Only way to make money is to provide value, simple as - that includes trading in all forms

>> No.25796415

The FIRE crowd is the worst.
They fetishize NEET life so much that they overwork themselves in jobs they hate for years, just to realize how boring NEETdom is when they finally make it.

>> No.25796436

So you're picking pennies of the ground

>> No.25796494
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The things that make life enjoyable are produced by people who work and contribute to society. If we all had the same attitude as you, we'd all still be living in mudhuts. Now what does that make you?

>> No.25796505

Ive tried construction (three different trades), accounting, retail, municipal government, comp sci, kitchen work, autobody, being a student. I fucking hate it. I hate it all. I hate doing shit its so fucking stupid i just want to workout and read and just not fucking do anything. Everything is miserable. I was born to be a millionaire. I am a millionaire. When xrp hits 2k you will all see

>> No.25796579

>My "dream job" would probably be one where I can secretly just play vidya all day
That's what I've been doing and cashing out my gains whenever I need to pay for something

>> No.25796713

U might need meds. Or a dog. I dk

>> No.25796746

>The things that make life enjoyable are produced by people who work and contribute to society
Is this really true when society keeps you from contributing how you want and instead wants to force you to be a serf?
I'd rather be a snownigger in a mudhut making the occasional raid on those fucks.

>> No.25796765

Only 40? I typically work 84/90 hours on my on week and on my break weeks I’ll only work 50

130/140 hours biweekly give or take.

That’s just one of my jobs, I’m also an reservist infantryman so I have to train once a month In the woods in case they send me to the sand countries. No idea why I keep getting sent to sub zero training conditions when all we do is fight in goddamn deserts but whatever, minimum wage is still minimum wage regardless if I get frostbite or not

>> No.25796813

this is why im level 150 in mordhau

>> No.25796941

>duhhhhh u dont want to wake up 2 alamr and go drive somwhwere for 10 hours den drive home everyday u r mentally illl
Holy fuck. Thanks for nothing.

>> No.25797051
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>> No.25797074

I don't day trade currently because it's stressful and takes too much time, but when I did, I was averaging 5% of my account value daily.

>> No.25797159

Start looking at similar businesses fren, taking chances is part of life, try to jew up a higher wage at a competitor if the scarcity is there. The only advocate that’s going to fight for your fair wage has to be you

T. Realized the company I worked for shared the building with another rival company, called them up and asked for 5$ more a hour. 3 days later I had a new job with the same commute (literally 60 seconds my apartment is adjacent to my workplace but I’m too lazy to walk) and I could still say hi to all my frens still. This company is way better too which is nice. Even got a corporate phone to post on 4chan with. I’m definitely sticking around here for a long time

>> No.25797187

You can probably make more begging for quarters in an intersection

>> No.25797201

>I hate it
>I hate everything
>everything is miserable
>I want leisure 100% of the time
>but also money
>woe is me

Actually don't get a dog, you'll just get bored and neglect it

>> No.25797243

Jobs are for suckers

>> No.25797249

To contibute how you want is rare, its best to check as many boxes as possible when looking for a job, compromise. If nobody finds value in what you want to contribute then it has little to no value. If you dislike working because of other people or rigidity in schedule, there are jobs for you.

>> No.25797319

So hunter gatherers were slaves? mother fucker your rule basically defines every living human if you get pedantic enough.

NEETS would be the biggest slaves since they can't afford to travel. they're stuck in their city blocks. I doubt any NEET has enough change for bus fare let alone a car.

>> No.25797354

Are you some kind of Jason borne? Capable of actually predicting the market?

No? Well chances are multi billion dollar firms are probably going to out preform you. They can eat losses in a day that would amount to more than you’ll make in your life. Why literally gamble on ‘timing’ the market when you could do your DD and select companies that will actually turn a profit long term?

I could be wrong, I’m no expert myself. Definitely not claiming to be one though either. I’d rather just hold my PLTR and GTE stacks and ride out the coming storm

>> No.25797355

I have a dog and two cats and i play with them lots. Explain how the fuck im gonna do that when i get a job. Jesus Christ youre fucking dumb

>> No.25797423
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NEETs aren't enlightened. they're mindless consumers who are addicted to video games, movies and shows. they use online message sites and apps as a crutch to ignore their seething loneliness

>> No.25797480

Based, tell your family to fuck off and stop being poor

>> No.25797543


How many jobs could you work from home for before it no longer works?

>> No.25797549

>happy programmer
Those two words can't exist together.

>> No.25797593

>has cats
It all makes sense now

>> No.25797598
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>> No.25797611

3 is the max you can report to the IRS (unless there's some wagie magic i'm unaware of) so 3?

>> No.25797693

Yea theyre fucking keyed. We play string and feather and eat cold cuts and watch movies and after i finish my runs or lifting we can stretch together and just like egyptian cat gods when xrp hits 2k i will shower them in gold.
>it all makes sense
Surprised a midwit like you would understand

>> No.25797739

There's no need to predict anything. It's all a balance of probabilities and a weighting of risk/reward. "Multi billion dollar firms" aren't going to outperform anyone with a smaller account and some know how simply due to lack of liquidity. Fucks sake, going all in on TQQQ would net more profit for the past decade against literally ANY "firm" and it's literally just a triple leveraged nasdaq controlled by an algorithm.

>> No.25797775

>When I turned 18, I achieved what you fags consider "making it". I got granted what we call førtidspension
>I'm working my ass off in university now to get a degree
>lol jk i wasnt sick anways, lol

>> No.25797802

I don't like my major i hate I.T and i don't want to do this for the rest of my life. Cartography is a in-demand job and I love maps so I might just drop out and get a degree for that.

>> No.25798452

Bruh I’m also a neet with six figures in the bank and a seven figure inheritance coming. Its probably more common that you realize, especially on this board

>> No.25798612

Are you me?

>> No.25798898

What jobs?

>> No.25799312

I love being a neet and i made more in crypto this past week than I ever did working for the man

when you have to show up on work on new years eve the day after christmas who really gives a shit about work?