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File: 54 KB, 451x779, 1610153079508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25791143 No.25791143 [Reply] [Original]

Their ranjeet support is super terrible.
They ignore everyone.
Cant withdraw my ETH.
Fuck you CoinMetro ShitToken

>> No.25791283

you're a dirty whore karen post those puppies with a timestamp

>> No.25791311

saw these screenshots yesterday, you're just an unstable psycho fucking up his orders and getting what he deserves desu

>> No.25791345

coinmetro employees posting on 4chan.
lol please kill yourself.
your exchange is trash and I reported it to the SEC.
lmao you done

>> No.25791400

retarded burger

>> No.25791531
File: 32 KB, 553x553, 1v0rh5edkp441[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really think some cex help support employees care enough about a retard with a sub $1k shitfolio to follow you to some taiwanese shrimp farming board

>> No.25791677

ye I only read good things about coinmetro.
But now its clear its all coordinated shilling by the employees.
Should be banned from biz

>> No.25791959

>being asshole to costumer service
human scum

>> No.25792024
File: 252 KB, 400x533, 1557047767095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to start dealing with crypto
>no idea what to do
is there a simple how-to somewhere?

>> No.25792031

made me laugh desu, pretty based

>> No.25792069

it's a huge scam, you're better off buying starbucks every day

>> No.25792106

fuck starbucks man, that shit's for americans

>> No.25792115

They literally have some of the best customer support working there. You're probably just a piece of shit.

>> No.25792158

Stop fudding you asshole I want to go to the moon already.

>> No.25792246

you should take that ETH and invest in therapy you sick fuck
what an absolute dir of a human being you must be, a walking corpse filled with only puss and hate, a stinky shitbag that no one wants to get close to
sick fucks like you usually end up killing themselves and their body is only discovered after 2 weeks when the mailman sees dogs feasting from your carcass

>> No.25792262

yes CoinMetro is bad business... LCX exchange very good new exchange, lots of profit and very secure for your crypto currencies, I will send you reference my friend

>> No.25792397

>ranjeet support
>literal WILLIAM
>Cant withdraw my ETH.
>too stupid to use an exchange

I hope you, your family and your friends die in the most awful way very soon.