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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25784129 No.25784129 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, I don't want to be a /pol/ nigger anymore. Teach me how to make money.

>> No.25784150

buy bitcoin and wait two weeks

>> No.25784165


>> No.25784174


>> No.25784176

start by buying high and selling low, the biz initiation.

then check 'em

>> No.25784261

lurk moar

>> No.25784284

redpill is that biz is a completely clueless board

>> No.25784312

stop hating people just because of their hue, instead hate people for valid reasons, like the fags who are killing millions of people intentionally with their faggot plagues.

>> No.25784313

This retarded trumptard nigger may actually need /r/povertyfinance

>> No.25784318

At least you care about making money. All /pol/ fags care is shitposting about BBC and the joos.

>> No.25784329

Wait two weeks and then buy bitcoin.

>> No.25784359

Welcome to the natural transition from /pol/ to /biz/ where race or country doesn’t matter anymore. Just the money you make to provide yourself freedom and isolation cause fuck everyone else that isn’t you.

>> No.25784365

I'm a /pol/ack too, fren. I'm surprised there aren't more of us on here, considering how we don't want to be slaves to the kikes.

>> No.25784376
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Seek Christ and XSG

>> No.25784401

buy ETH

>> No.25784416

there are some pretty redpills you can get on pol, but i get tired after a while.
I like to stick on this shitboard more, because it's funny.
Don't think biz can make you rich however

>> No.25784439

Realize that globohomo is how the rich get richer, vote in globohomos, and exploit the systems they create instead of trying to fight it. Trump's base is poor white trash, Biden's is the super-elite. It's obvious which ideology is better for making money.

>> No.25784455

>where race or country doesn’t matter anymore
fuck you nigger

>> No.25784467

You get more (you)s here too or maybe that’s what they call a conversation

>> No.25784470

You lurk here and maybe next bullrun, you'll make it.

>> No.25784512

thats what happens when there are real posters who can at least sort of into chan culture instead of outright bots posting

>> No.25784722

I'm waiting for a drop since November.

>> No.25784757

Is the correction happening soon?

>> No.25784785

There will never be a good ethnostate or commie state because they don't maximize profit. Capitalism assimilates everything. Numbers matter more than feelings.

>> No.25784801

wait two weeks, then wait two weeks.

>> No.25784916 [DELETED] 

Terrible larping OP, reported for off topic sweetums.

>> No.25784965
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>Purchase LCX

>> No.25784978

Why can't kikes say jews? You're always so hilariously transparent.

>> No.25785017


>> No.25785078

>totally alone during the collapse

>> No.25785111

>based, OP completely exposed as a fag and a disgusting kike

>> No.25785250

>thinking a jew will ask how to make money
Go back to /pol/ niggers

>> No.25785293

>falling for obvious jew tricks

>> No.25785383

> Ishmael kikel gets called out
> immediately starts reeeing
Jews are so fucking predictable lmao

>> No.25785636

Jews live to infiltrate and corrupt, being identified is a death to them and it's a specific failing *as* a jew. That's why they freak.

Also they're really stupidly superstitious, no irony. They have all sorts of weird rituals and gemetria. It's where 'kike' comes from as they won't use crosses, even today in Israeli schools they refuse. So a jew writes "joo" because they just can't bring themselves to write jew in a negative context even for duplicitous purposes.

OP is evidently a jew and he won't post a photo of his hair to show it being anything other than kike black.

>> No.25785707

>OP is evidently a jew
I wish I was
>Jews live to infiltrate and corrupt, being identified is death to them and it's a specific failing *as* a jew.
God you're so pathetic

>> No.25785740

Unironically this. Too much fud and shit going on to find a comfy entry point

>> No.25785776

I'm waiting for a dip to buy ETH and BTC i hope there is one kek

>> No.25785798

Buy bitcoin, wait two weeks, then buy more bitcoin

>> No.25785814

Hair: unposted
Jew: cornered

>> No.25785880

How the fuck can you recognise a jew by his hair?

>> No.25785900

Buy the dip NOW

>> No.25785950

It's 7% tho. You think its a good idea?

>> No.25786121

Just buy in retard. If you have $1000 to invest buy $100 worth today, then $100 every week for the next few months

>> No.25786319

i think this man might have a point.

>> No.25786326

go back you fucking nigger

>> No.25786782

You need to outjew the jew in order to beat the jew, and after you've done it you either join the new jews or find a new way to outjew them.

>> No.25786811

Or the jews win.

>> No.25786874

I left /pol/ so i don't have to listen about jews all the time...

>> No.25786898

It is the eternal cycle of life.

>> No.25786903

Stop going on /pol/
Stop going on any board on 4chan apart from /biz/
Lurk and learn

>> No.25786929

why the fuck can't you retards just LURK like people fucking used to
stop asking to get fucking spoonfed, faggot

>> No.25786947

Redpill #1: do not listen to anything this board says and DYOR. I exclusively shill losing positions and FUD winning positions.

>> No.25786964

>God you're so pathetic
Maybe you wanted to say JHWH or Yahweh

>> No.25787028

the most important thing to learn is how compound interest works. It lets you take your existing money and multiply it over time. The multiplication is like an exponential function, so hopefully at a certain point in life you'll be earning way more than normal people. Normal people who don't read and didn't want to learn math in highschool will remain stuck and broke.

>> No.25787075

I just converted some of my eth to bitcoin during this dip, if you even wanna call it a dip. It’s gonna come back to 41 soon ..trust

>> No.25787122
File: 67 KB, 495x495, 1599095917573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome fren
I too fled. Trannies and shills for both sides have shat up the board.
Buy BTC and ETH on the dips.
Play with lunch money as you like.
I have been HODL on 4 BTC. I bought at 6K in March/April. Sold a piece of one at 35 and bought 9 ETH.

I have been watching the candles, and have made a few thousand day trading shit coins.

I have about 160K, and do the day trades with no more than 5K.

What exchange do you use?

>> No.25787138

/pol/ moves way too fast for its own good, and is full of endless spam. I don’t know how anyone tolerates it at this point.

>> No.25787148

Starting to not hate the lefties because they just create inflation at a higher rate than muh 1776rs and get me more coin valu

>> No.25787154

>tfw i was an early White House trump employee and got fired bc of political bullshit
>now i get to watch trump tards shit themselves while he goes down in flames
>whoever sticks their neck out for trump
Gets run over. There is no unity in the Republican Party.

>> No.25787179

already dipped m8

>> No.25787249

We are in middle of the bull run retard

>> No.25787285

You meant except biz and ck right anon?

>> No.25787286

Once you've become redpilled and gained the ability to see truth through the smokescreen, there is very little reason to hang around.

>> No.25787310

>I'm waiting for a drop since November.
You are just as retarded as the rest of /pol you dumbfuck. Why didn't you buy in November? You will never get those prices ever again.
And you probably won't become a Crypto Millionaire. This is going to be the most violent bullrun we will ever see and there are people like you who are missing out. Sad.
Good luck anyway

>> No.25787354

>You will never get those prices ever again.
You sure about that?

>> No.25787361

I only come to this shithole while having a shit.

>> No.25787399
File: 888 KB, 686x682, 1607728324518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.25787445

>You sure about that?
You honestly think we dump 50% in a fucking bullrun? Oh anon, you have a lot to learn

>> No.25787611

No, i think the bull run will end this year and the price will dip to around 10k

>> No.25787653

Have you taken an IQ test?

>> No.25787764

google coingecko, click on the bitcoin page, check it every day until the crash later this month, then buy some bitcoin when it's heavily discounted
enjoy your free money

>> No.25787811

unlikely to see the dip you want due to high and growing institutional demand, dca is the way

>> No.25787853

ur jewish and gay

>> No.25787892

>race or country doesn’t matter anymore

>> No.25787907
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 2015 and 2016 on /pol/ and came here in 2017 during the bullrun.

Fuck if only i didnt waste my time on that god forsaken board obsessing about retard politics and instead came here and became a biznessman. I could be on my way to making it right now. Fuck you orange man.

>> No.25787974

>Teach me how to make money.
Step 1: expel the jews, niggers, trannies and atheists.
This board has failed to do that so all you'll hear is shilling for scams like XRP and HEX.

>> No.25788114

Doing the same but with livecoinwatch

>> No.25788156

>Fuck if only i didnt waste my time on that god forsaken board
This. It's addictive anon, don't be too hard on yourself

>> No.25789165

you faggots always equate awareness to hate, we don't hate anyone, we hate the things people do