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File: 84 KB, 750x1334, violent capitol protestor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25781231 No.25781231 [Reply] [Original]

what happens when 75 million people boycott 4 of the biggest tech companies (not incl. microsoft)?
does that cause another stock to go down that i should be shorting?

>> No.25781292


>> No.25781332

Not gonna happen, normies will shake their fists for a week or two and then they won't even remember any of it.
Big tech is here to stay, just ride the wave and make some money.

>> No.25781348

no ones boycotting shit our Silicon Valley overlords have complete control and that will not change

>> No.25781372

>does that cause another stock to go down that i should be shorting?
I sure hope so! Idk if I'd commit to a short but I'll def be placing some put options on Monday.

>> No.25781419

>he thinks retards will boycott Amazon
they live and breath by it

>> No.25781847

You mean a boycott of about 10 million MIGA retards still assuming their cult is the majority?

>> No.25781894


What is it with people always taking a minority of a group and then painting the rest of the group with the same brush?

It happens to the left, with strong progressives being in the minority, but everyone assuming the entire left is the same. It also happens to the right, with far-right being the minority, and everyone assuming all of the right is the same.

Most Republicans are just normal people with an average level of enthusiasm for Trump. He follows the basic principles of right-wing politics, and that's the mean reason they vote for him. They are not obsessed with the man. And for that reason, they are unlikely to disrupt their own lives in solidarity. The same goes for what happens with Parler or whatever else.

A case in point was Trump's follower count: 88 million. That's GLOBAL. I'd be surprised if even a quarter of those are burgerland citizens, and many of those will also be democrats/independents who just want to watch the show.

The idea of all of the people who voted for Trump boycotting these companies is pure fantasy. You would be very lucky to get more than a million active users of these platforms to boycott them all.

>> No.25781897

stocks wont fall unless the dollar pumps

>> No.25781968

i'm pretty sure that at least half of the U.S. acknowledges that supression of free speech is extremely dangerous

>> No.25781983


>> No.25782012


This. An active user of Google, Apple, Twitter, Amazon etc would have to be seriously obsessed with Trump on an unhealthy level to give up using all of them.

I suspect we'll hear a lot of old people say they're boycotting them who were barely using these platforms anyway, which doesn't make any difference.

>> No.25782029

if there's anything you can bet on, it's the soul-crushing apathy of the people. Bet on the blackpill

>> No.25782148


It's suppression of inciting violence. The same rules apply to everyone, including the left.

Trump and Parler had a choice: they can continue moaning about whatever they want, but they can't say anything that could be construed as inciting violence. They chose to ignore that, so they receive the consequences.

In fact, a lot of these platforms have been pretty lenient. Any normie saying the same stuff that Trump did would have been banned long ago. Apple has even said they will restore Parler to the App Store if they agree to moderate posts about inciting violence, which so far they've refused to do.

>> No.25782210

who will win? a populist-right movement or two-day shipping

>> No.25782238

Niggers don't love you back
Two day shipping that also controls the backbone of the internet

>> No.25782486

Fuck off faggot. Niggers and kikes are on social media calling for the death of whites people daily. Politicians too saying “protests are meant to destroy property and make people uncomfortable”.
Fuck off with your pilpul hair splitting faggot rationalizations. Just admit you hate us. I hate you and if we ever get power we’re going to line you nigger lovers up against a wall and take care of you with legal due process.

>> No.25782513

I have a Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Amazon, Disney+, and Many other subscriptions. I use a Google Pixel phone. I'm a cuck

>> No.25782514

lmao, the day corporations will silence you once they don't need leftist globohomos nor a dem government will be glorious
now you are on their side because they are the enemy of your enemy, but give them time, and they will be your enemy
god you are a fucking stupid nigger

>> No.25782617

AWS infrastructure is 40% of the internet

>> No.25782801

Unbelievably incorrect you are. I know a couple boomers who are ready to storm the apple headquarters and slaughter people right now.

>> No.25782846

Expect a visit from the FBI soon

>> No.25783179

When millions of people rise up, 1000 FBI agents will not be able to do a thing. Take a look at Syria and you will see what I mean.

>> No.25784314

Maybe 10% of those queers actually have enough reserve capital to invest. These aren't the type who invest in tech, they cling to antiquated industries

>> No.25784349

They won't do anything.
They should because they are old and already had full lives, bit they won't.

>> No.25784462

>Americans protesting consuming
Americans are gonna be mad for like 2 weeks and then google “buy nikes Amazon”, open up new tabs and have “teenage girl fucks not step dad” and “how to buy McDonald’s delivered” once they get their Biden bucks and completely forget about it. Americans hardly believe in anything any more. Even our Christians are fake Christians. We do nothing except consume.

>> No.25784605

You have lived your life in an echo chamber and truly believe a civil war is coming. I have no hatred for Republicans. I do worry about anyone politically extreme on both the right and left using calls to violence over rhetoric, logic, and substantiated facts as a means of understanding the world.

Go outside. Leave your echo chamber. Read a book. Challenge yourself. Develop critical thought. You’re not a victim of anything you live in the most economically successful country in the world and you want to burn it down over...what? Put the next election on a blockchain. Trump had 4 years to propose legislation securing elections on blockchains and did nothing despite constantly complaining. If he tried to pass any legislation for securing the election, I would support him. Instead he acted like a mafia man child acting a tantrum and tried to threaten and intimidate people to “find votes” after his court cares all got thrown out. I don’t even like Biden that much either — he’s not gonna pardon Snowden so who gives a shit. I don’t want to burn this country down or see riots forever. Over what?

>> No.25784675

Yea you’re an idiot I know several boomers with 15k+ gun collections that literally went to DC and said that we’re about to see taliban style cells popping up all over America and people like bill gates and Dorsey are gonna get their skulls split lol.

>> No.25784701

Also if you don’t see us having a reality tv businessman as a problem, you are ignoring the fact that we are a culture raised on false televised image. Plastic surgery. The fake becomes real, and the real becomes fake.

Death becomes a joke, and our nation suffocates and bleeds out onto hot pavement, while those sheltered from the harsh realities will be posting ironic memes about it. I already saw it with COVID.

>> No.25784855

Based and blackpilled.

>> No.25784917

uhmmm based?

>> No.25785069

Under the constitution we are responsible for overthrowing the government of it becomes tyrannical.

>> No.25785096

Anon, anyone that fanatically obsessed with Trump would have already stopped doing business with these companies a long time ago.
The rest will continue buying from Amazon and logging into Facebook and will at most help circulate schizo chainletters about their secret war against the deep state.
The whole appeal of "Q" larping to these people is it allowed them to feel like they were in on something big and important without needing to actually do any work to participate in it.

>> No.25785130

You're welcome to try.

>> No.25785277

Shoo shoo back to pol. Also maybe think about regulating big tech if you don’t like censorship.

>> No.25785472

People are retarded and can’t make this distinction. They fall for it like suckers. All you need is one retarded liberal or retarded MAGAtard doing something stupid, and people put them all in the same bucket. I guess it’s just a law of human nature.I agree most people on either side on in the middle, but extremism sells.

>> No.25785506

Trump literally tried to threaten numerous people to cheat the election while claiming fraud. He could have created security measures to prevent election fraud.

We absolutely need these as a country, because we are so hypernornalised we do not trust our media, our politicians, our government agencies, etc. A country so divided it can’t agree on fundamental reality is doomed. I’m deeply supportive of putting elections on blockchains.

My stupid ass Republican grandmother is also dead of COVID and I voted Biden because all of this has to stop. Immediately. Please stop denying reality when it becomes uncomfortable. Uncomfortable times are normal across societies. We do not live in a Utopia, but we used to live in the best country in the world for stimulating thought, progress, and economic prosperity. Some days, recently, I’ve began to doubt that.

>> No.25785543

Based and americapilled

>> No.25785585

Extremists are the most vocal. This is their life. Reading the internet you would think America is a bunch of insane people, which is partially true, but the people posting extremely angry messages all day about politics (on both sides) are usually ugly goblins with no life outside of this shit.

>> No.25785649

Get a life. Get a hobby. Crypto is one of mine. Stop shitting up my fucking board of pajeet DeFi rugpulls and people shilling XRP to newfags ironically.

>> No.25785772

lmao they won't do shit retard.
99% of them are also still using Gillette razors. cry for 2 weeks and then forget about it.

>> No.25785852

Snowden is a Cia asset brooo, they used him to make the NSA look like garbage. The left loves the CIA now, I dont know how red pilled you are about the CIA, but they have easily googleable journalists that were CIA agents, Gloria Steinem to name one. Hell Obama's first job out of college was working for the CIA. Bush senior was director of the CIA. Some of this is an open secret. Anyways.. Snowden is either an asset or a useful idiot.

>> No.25785951

>t. low energy cucks

>> No.25786044

I’m vaguely leftist and I don’t like the CIA. Who on the left loves the CIA? Leftists seem more likely to take shrooms and talk about MK ULTRA.

>> No.25786097

Shut up shill

>> No.25786131

Counter my central point instead of using an ad hominem fuckface

>> No.25786201
File: 117 KB, 238x231, violent BLM protestor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look OP i can cherrypick too

>> No.25786211
File: 178 KB, 970x430, This is acceptable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any normie saying the same stuff that Trump did would have been banned long ago.
>Pic rel is not violence
Go back.

>> No.25786269


Why are so many leftists unaware of the fact that they're in the same camp as statists/authoritarians? The only route to complete state power in the US is through leftist politics, because right wing priorities always circle back to downsizing the government.

>> No.25786331

I'm fairly certain a large portion of these mouthbreathing morons won't know what they're trying to boycott. Last week, someone told me they didn't want to use PayPal because of Amazon and asked if they could use Venmo instead. I literally cannot even anymore.