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File: 51 KB, 591x349, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25777336 No.25777336 [Reply] [Original]

This boomer just destroyed the whole bull run in one tweet.

>> No.25777361

>the price of an asset depends on supply and demand

>> No.25777370

Lmao do people really buy this no use shit coin?

>> No.25777403

He's not wrong

>> No.25777428

>it may go down
whoooaaa holy shit bought 100k gold bars from his website (paid for it with BTC)

>> No.25777433

strawman, nobody claims btc can "only" rise due to more demand than supply. It is currently rising due to more demand than supply.

Also schiff holds more btc than any1 on this board

>> No.25777462
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>> No.25777482

not gold tho he thinks gold is actively manipulated and suppressed.

>> No.25777499
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Imagine taking a boomer gold salesman's word as gospel.

>> No.25777506
File: 1.84 MB, 5000x5000, Groyper_Bitcoin-Final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally literary.

>> No.25777515

this. he is clearly ignoring that:
- supply and demand does not only depend on sentiment
- technical factors (mining difficulty)
- macro factors (dollar printing etc)

>> No.25777534

In the end it's still demand and supply.
Someone with enough supply rather sells some to prevent a bull run than continues holding it, so there is more supply on the market than actual demand and the price stays low (suppressed).

>> No.25777562

crypto is amazing for transferring value as long as the network is safe
not owning some crypto is just retarded
just like not owning some gold is retarded if the network gets attacked

>> No.25777575
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>> No.25777591

Peter Schiff, CEO of Bitcoin stock

>> No.25777884

>zoomer yelling at bitcoin

>> No.25777930

What an absolute retard.

>> No.25777949

Who is this guy?

>> No.25777963

I bet this man faps to bitcoin at night.

>> No.25777991
File: 39 KB, 655x527, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I'm entirely convinced Schiff is holding large quantities of BTC because I know for a fact what he is saying here he does not believe himself.

>> No.25778031
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>> No.25778072


In practice the same applies to gold. Yes it has other uses, but the main driver behind its price is speculative trading. It's why the price of gold multiplied when the first ETF was introduced.

>> No.25779063

>Also schiff holds more btc than any1 on this board
This. Damn he must enjoy trolling cryptonerds on twitter

>> No.25779232

>but I will accept your BTC in exchange for my gold

>> No.25779288
File: 80 KB, 772x575, 1597923886438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure he's seething at the fact that each of his tweet has the bitcoin logo on it

>> No.25779516

there are only a few dollarinos entering the system. the rest is just funny money aka usdt

>> No.25779694

Holy shit it's over for capitalism

>> No.25779802
File: 67 KB, 830x738, 149784654861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that the US dollar is toast and stocks will crater soon. It's better to go all in into BTC.

>> No.25779886

>You know, big number go up
>But sometimes, big number go down

Wow very inciteful there. Amazing take.

>> No.25780123


He is he literally sells gold for btc

>> No.25780428

bullish case for DMG / DMM Ecosystem.

>> No.25780620

Wait, so you're telling me if nobody wants btc the price would drop? Who'd a thunk it?

>> No.25780739
File: 1.00 MB, 1250x1250, 1610227306786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr durr we must censor every evil insurrectionist trump voter! they be using bitcoin to set up their evil alt-tech networks!

>> No.25780993

He is not, all the business who ”accepts Bitcoin” have a swap deal with Coinbase which means whenever you buy ”using Bitcoin” that Bitcoin is sold on Coinbase for dollars which is sent to the business.

>> No.25781449

Why does ANYONE give a fuck what this old boomer retard has to say? Genuine question, his fund has also been performing like shit forever, and he's clearly sub 80 IQ

>> No.25782044

Interdasting chart. How many times you think this cycle will repeat itself?