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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2577610 No.2577610 [Reply] [Original]

This thing isn't going to do anything is it? Every trader was wrong about their resistance points and it has been fucking around at 720.

People are still hoping for news. But the news will probably just be minor info on their miner. Am I wrong?

>> No.2577630

In just 2.5 hours this will be anounced:

Expect prices to go up 40-60%. Then immediately sell, or regret forever.

>> No.2577663

Everyone already knows about that thing. Pretty sure that "announcement" is already calculated into the current price.

>> No.2577756

When will this coin do something? Do I have to wait a decade for it to be worth 1 cent?

>> No.2577782
File: 82 KB, 670x503, IMG_2253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the obvious Sia shills posting on /biz/

>> No.2577786

It's already worth 1 cents faggot

>> No.2577810


My bad, I meant 1€.

>> No.2577857

Whoever did the graphic design on that page did a really good job.

>> No.2577946

I'm in cheap but if it keeps dicking around I am out.

>> No.2577973


They should of avoided the "gamer peripheral" vibe imo. The soft green and grey website is slick enough and has that "friendly" tech company people have come to expect.

This looks like puberty designed an ASIC miner.

>> No.2578083

Guys will this coin be $1 in 1-2 years?

>> No.2578111

Yea it's too edgy for sia, but from a design perspective it's really well made.

>> No.2578127

No, the will flood the market with SIA by making the block reward like 100.000 SIA or something.

Get out before the ASIC is released.

>> No.2578134

Easily $5

>> No.2578248
File: 68 KB, 599x600, 599px-Bait_-_I_Just_dont_care_anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, it will be whatever amount you need for you to get rich. Let me explain to you how crypto trading works.

You plow your cold hard cash into some meme exchange, hyped about the stories about 500000000% overnight profits. You are smart man and you don't find it fishy or suspect at all, on the contrary, you believe it's completely real and viable, therefore it will happen to you too.

You're not a degen, you have to remember that.

Suddenly, you end up on cesspools like crypto twitter accounts and /biz where the worlds utmost degenerate poor scum shill their $50 bags of utter trashcoin and post screenshots of make-believe fake blockfolio portfolios to impressionable idiots - not like you - but someone else, of course.

Thankfully, you are too greedy (aka smart) to conclude that every single advice you read here is just someone trying to stab you in the back, making the cryptospace probably the biggest and most vile concentration of filthy kike jew-mindset on this planet (outside of Israel and their vassal state of fat degens also known as Jew.S.A.).

In those places, you hear someone mentioning "XYZ" coin. You don't read about it, you don't research, all you want, because you're not a degen gambler, is to "invest". Perhaps you even ascended to higher levels of delusion, where you ask layered degen gambler questions disguised as "research" such as "guys, what should be the target on this coin".

The target meme. The target should be your head, at the gun range.

To answer your SIA question - SIA will rise as much as you need it to rise. So if you have, let's say 10k SIA coins, and want to be a millionaire, then SIA will definitely get up to $100 per coin.

That's how it works. You buy some chumpchange shitcoin, wait for 1, 2, maybe even 3 hours and go around asking "hey guys do you think it will reach XY dollars per coin".

You're not a degen.

Thanks for reading.

BTC tips for this great reply - 1MGtMMHPFghz7wz5tVc9Z294bi6mqugZs7

>> No.2578257


sent ;)

>> No.2578310

sent ;)

>> No.2578333

sent ;)

>> No.2578356

>sent ;)

Thanks ;)

The Sent ;) meme I forgot to mention that as well.

>> No.2578397

but it says more than 5 days

>> No.2578428

The announcement is 10am eastern time.

45 minutes till the announcement.

>> No.2578436
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stop dipping

>> No.2578438
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okay so whats the 5 day announcement

>> No.2578473

I think the full announcement is in 5 days.
The thing in 45 minutes is just more info? I don't know.

>> No.2578477

Pre sale of obelisk.

>> No.2578534

Sia had to push back their obelisk shit because their storage solution has a major "bug" which is "robbing users" by manipulating contract prices in bid but charging like 100k for downloading and uploading files. so the devs were forced to tackle that first. It's on Reddit page

>> No.2578551

so what will happen with the price today

>> No.2578635


>> No.2578646

Seems like it's about to moon in the next like 1-2 minutes.

>> No.2578703

In 16 min it will go up by at least 50%

>> No.2578725

Move up to 780 then plummet down again. It'll dick around at 720 for a week or so. Before trying and failing to break out.

>> No.2578747

Can someone explain the point in sia? Why would one pay for hd space when every fucking device already has hd space and if you want more to just get another couple tbs for dirt cheap? What a fucking meme coin.

>> No.2578753

You're very wrong.
It will surpass 1000 today. Maybe we will even see 1500.
Then it falls back to a stable 900-1000.

You heard it here first.

Do you guys hate money or something?

>> No.2578766

It's extremely cheap cloud storage.

>> No.2578789

i wish this were true

most realistic scenario

>> No.2578793

Oh I'm hoping - I will be watching - sell my 500K at ATH and buy back in when it settles. Rinse, Repeat.

>> No.2578800

Based on what? They already blew their load on Tuesdays. I fucking hope you are right I just want to accumulate more Sia since I think it can go to $0.1 or $0.2 in the long run. But it has been extremely slow. Even the gradual uptrent has mostly disappeared.

>> No.2578860

10 am est and no announcement


>> No.2578877
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Literally nothing is happening. It's not going up nor down.

>> No.2578882

Fuuuckk theres no announcement we've been duped. Sell sell sell

>> No.2578909


>> No.2578937

Yes it jumped from 707 to 712 SAT.

>> No.2578954


>> No.2578963


>> No.2578965


>> No.2578966

siacoin is shutting down and selling the idea to obelisk


>> No.2578991

Another shitcoin

>> No.2578997
File: 441 KB, 1024x683, siacoin_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcement Photo!!!!

>> No.2579013
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>> No.2579030

where you watching this?

>> No.2579031

That's a joke, isn't it?

>> No.2579032



>> No.2579041

lol is this some poorly organized FUD campaign?

>> No.2579047

june 2018 GG

>> No.2579054

No but 5 cents within 1-2 years is respectable and possible.

>> No.2579063

ok here you go


>> No.2579114

Can't buy companies asic crapbox with companies own coin. I'm out. What a waste.

>> No.2579118


>> No.2579120

Sold mine at a 2 sat loss.

>> No.2579139

HHahahah sorry guys im out too, it will crash sub 500. get out asap

>> No.2579148

bought at 590

>> No.2579154

nice fud

>> No.2579160

Sub 400 tommorow...

>> No.2579172
File: 28 KB, 324x280, lefud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about it's crashing like crazy

>> No.2579175

Bought at 330 310 and 571

>> No.2579185

Bought at 324, finally just sold...if they would have actually waited until today to announce it, it would have easily hit 1000sat.

>> No.2579186

rest in piss

>> No.2579187

Fuck this I am out.

>> No.2579196

True. They are not even able to scam correclty

>> No.2579197

dump commenced
will buyback at sub 500

>> No.2579206

just sold low... I thought we were gonna moon boys...

>> No.2579228

You're an idiot. Buy High, Sell Low.

>> No.2579234
File: 965 KB, 850x1144, No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, sold seconds before the crash.

>> No.2579256

>Hurr durr buy the dip and hodl

>> No.2579270

DON T BELIEVE THIS THREAD, they want you to sell so they can buy low before the MOON

>> No.2579274

No you moron, you sell the rumor - should have sold last night for 750 - not wait to see what the order book does on the underwhelming news (that was forcast for a week as being underwhelming). But yup - sell low, then buy in again when it hits 700. Lowcoiners wondering why their broke.

>> No.2579288

>Perhaps you even ascended to higher levels of delusion, where you ask layered degen gambler questions disguised as "research" such as "guys, what should be the target on this coin".

Very good

Read this sentence carefully people and reflect

>> No.2579314

I just dumped all my Sia, this coin is so fucking gay and the developer doesn't know what the fuck he's doing

>> No.2579330

Haha, screenshot this - look at it in a year when yer still shilling memecoins on yobit.

>> No.2579353

Actually, their arguments for asics were legit. Chink miner meme does no good for the crypto market and has to end. Still a shit coin pnd wise, at least in the near future.

>> No.2579367

Price drops, volume rises. Activate almonds.

>> No.2579368

Same, this coin is going nowhere.
FUCK why do I always get scammed by /biz/

>> No.2579398

Sold at 710. Made a slight loss of $5 Guess even my estimate was optimistic.

What a bumblefuck team

>> No.2579432

>What a bumblefuck team

I know right? Instead of creating their cloud software their fucking focused on making miners.

Jesus just look at their planned future products: MORE MINERS.


>> No.2579435

Sell sell sell! I'll buy up at the bottom.

>> No.2579478

yup i'm out as well. got in at 200 sats so it was all gravy for a while. oh well.

>> No.2579508

im out too not much loss

>> No.2579549

Thanks for the coins fags

>> No.2579577

Enjoy holding a worthless coin dumbass

>> No.2579579

Yes, everyone believe these idiots who say they sold - trying to get you to sell your coins (likely at a loss). They (and I) are buying up all your cheap coins.

>> No.2579594

already back at 685 and volume closing on 1900

are your almonds activated?

>> No.2579595
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>> No.2579608

You really think 40 ppl in 1 thread can make a difference to a $25m volume coin? fucking kill yourselves retards

>> No.2579631

Noooo I bought at 720 last night thinking it was a floor

>> No.2579643

I bought in literally a few minutes before that piece of shit monkey-fucker announcement.

>> No.2579644

You aren't a whale?

>> No.2579647

Worthless? Shut the fuck up sir-fags-alot. You have digibags to attend to.

And learn about what a blockchain is while you're at it neckbeard.

>> No.2579652

Their coin has a 500 million market cap, it's ridiculous to ask people to fund ASICs for them. If they were competent they would have used the large price increases to pay for development and announced it the day it was ready to ship.

>> No.2579672

All right look, that's enough of you FUDDERS and summerfags.

Get the fuck off this board. And by all means, please sell me your short sightedness at a discount. Go.

>> No.2579673

837 SC!!!!!!

>> No.2579726

From 1400 to 1900 BTC volume in few hours, and from now almost at 700...again?

Another great day at slithering subhuman cesspool of kike-like weak hand broke ass faggots aka the /biz.

>> No.2579744

Gotta love lowcoiners taking their investment advice from /biz. Even if it's only 850 SC - great to sell low.

>> No.2579787

Dumped mine at a teeny loss, got some xvg, instantly got loss back.

>> No.2579801

bought at 500 something, sold at 700 put it into RDD, got another 5%. I'm trading pennies but still not bad.

>> No.2579807

the fuck is this?
why even sell anon worried your literal bag of dust gets too heavy?

>> No.2579983

The devs don't control the coins idiot.

>> No.2580696

Just bought @651 sats, don't know how that happened, but here we go.

>> No.2580771


How are those bags you cuck?

>> No.2580815

I will never trust this coin. Any coin pumped and dumped by biz discord is Jewish pajeetcoin to me.

>> No.2581096

what a disaster

do i hodl or just dump

>> No.2581108

dump for now buy back when cheaper

>> No.2581125

what is it

>> No.2581133

So literally every coin

>> No.2581142

60,000 SC per month, huh? About .4 BTC at current prices, meaning this thing would be paid off in less than 3 months. Might not be a bad idea to invest in one and earn some extra cash.

>> No.2581169


It's actually a bet, it will only be delivered in March 2018. You have no clue of the prices then and on every block there's 1 less SC reward so

>> No.2581199


that's pretty great
but the difficulty will probably go up massively when everyone starts running their asics

>> No.2581224

yeah, on further examination, according to their Reddit post, the reward goes down by about 4800 SC per block every month. That's a lot. And after the release of the miner, the difficulty will increase meaning blocks will be harder to mine. So, perhaps not such a great investment after all.

The Reddit post said they're working on a PCIe ASIC card that will cost less than $1,000. Perhaps that'll be the way to go assuming the product is ever released.

>> No.2581299

Yep that's really a bummer, I sold my XRP for this shitcoin and XRP went green while this -8%

>> No.2581351

I did the same god damn trade man, feels bad. Got out at a loss and threw it in Ardor, which you should look at, as shit's about to blow up. Already recouped the loss.

>> No.2581437

keep selling you sackless poorfag neets.
i got another 5btc for sia in the dip

>> No.2581440
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are we recovering?

>> No.2581462
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>Meanwhile BAY gets 50% ROI this week

>> No.2581530
File: 87 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-06-23-13-02-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same here

Kek lets hold this motherfucker m8