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25776099 No.25776099 [Reply] [Original]

>be Michael Taylor/Saylor whatever
>hedge fund profits underwater
>corona dump
>btc market is unregulated
>boys let’s do this for 100m (pretty cheap investment): buy btc and pump it 3x, then dump on retail fags. They’re gullible and will buy into this “institutional fomo” meme

Any flaws in this strategy? It’s literally free money

There is literally 0 (zero) incentive not to?

>> No.25776130

>public ledger
>Saylor's coins haven't moved

Stop slandering people retard

>> No.25776164

>Saylor's coins haven't moved
did he even reveal his personal address or sign addresses that add up to ~9k btc?

>> No.25776183

I think reasonable target would be google trends indicator for Bitcoin, it is almost at 70% now, up 10 percent a day or so. They will probably be selling all at 100.

Btw, I highly doubt there is a publicly known address with all of the coins they hold.
Post a link you shit eating lying cuck

>> No.25776188

He publicly promised not to sell for 100 years, and has been shilling BTC like a madman for months. He won't sell.

>> No.25776212

billionaire, raises 650 in a few days. Yeah true seems like a scammer, A bunch of financially illiterate neets have him figured

>> No.25776219

grayscale buys are probably a bunch of 100k+ income individuals fomoing.
wonder if the rest of these "institutions" allocate by percentage ex. 99% cash, 1%, if btc goes up they have to rebalance the portfolio, but that means they'll also buy every dip, if they are committed to the ratio weights, then they must buy the dip too, as it keeps on dipping

>> No.25776221

at the very least he will need to disclose when MicroStrategy sells their coins.
besides have you not seen any interviews with him? he's a true believer, I don't doubt that

>> No.25776230


What a fucking retard, he is literally Wall Street banker, he will sell it ALL and say something like hedge, risk profiling blablabla

If that’s what hodlers believe I’m really fucking bearish lmao

>> No.25776240

He has already sold.
1. Buy Bitcoin using personal funds
2. Sell to MicroStrategy OTC
3. Shill Bitcoin on Twitter so investors can’t see what he did to their money

Saylor owns 0 Bitcoin. MicroStrategy, the company for which he is the CEO, owns Bitcoins. There is a big difference.

>> No.25776255

yea sure trust don't verify
yea simplest strat is portfolio rebalancing which guarantees selling tops. don't even have to be a good trader.

>> No.25776279
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How do you think he became a billionaire lmaoooo
No he doesn’t need to disclose shit lol, unregulated market

Holy shit turns out we’re full of picrrlated normies already

Screencapped retards itt

>> No.25776313

By adding value creating a company, one he carried during a 98% draw down after the tech bubble burst. So yeah keep trying kiddo, he’s seen many booms and busts before, Wether he holds or not is irrelevant to me Bitcoin doesn’t need any of these people, it just needs time.

>> No.25776322

>I personally hodl 17,732 BTC which I bought at $9,882 each on average. I informed Microstrategy of these holdings before the company decided to buy bitcoin for itself.

didn't sign any address, so no proof he ever owned any, and if he did, no proof if he was unloading his bags. he's got a high personal incentive to shill and dump though.

>> No.25776412

Listen very closely man, ESPECIALLY if you have a family or kids who depend on you. Do NOT put more than you can afford to lose into btc right now, cash out every single penny above that right now.

After all is said and done, these scammers will end up with your money, and there will be NOTHING you can do.

>> No.25776489
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I’m a multimillionaire from crypto anon, go preach this somewhere else. you midwits play your chicken little rhetoric and continue to get punished, hold fiat it’s “safer” I got rich doing the opposite, as does anyone else who becomes wealthy from nothing. They must take risk

>> No.25776499

the irony is painful.
its a publicly traded company, he has to disclose when he makes any changes to is treasury

>> No.25776536

yes but he doesn't have to disclose any of his personal holdings.
plus reportings are time lagged so we don't get to see it in real time.
finally he will get dumped on if he doesn't sell and is fully delusional and not just pumping his bags. it's a rule of thumb for every btc buyer, you get dumped on your first cycle and then learn to do the dumping during the second cycle.

>> No.25776541

Regardless, I watched his interviews and it's obvious he is passionate abt the future of crypto. He will NEVER sell. If he does, I'll eat my own dick and post it here.

>> No.25776554

or you put all your shit clients into one folio and pile the losses into that, sell it to someone else as a going concern and watch them squirm on a 60 mins story about financial regulation.
>b-but he told me it'd go up
fucking boomers man

>> No.25776571

It’s almost as though a billionaire with his own team of researchers knows more then a bunch of neets, you idiots laughed at him buying from 10-19k, now again still laughing. Kek, midwittery in motion

>> No.25776579

thanks for the bait john, history does repeat itself after all

>> No.25776605

>team of expert researchers
He literally said he was bored at home during the quarantine in July 2020 and decided to read a crypto shill thread.

>> No.25776624

There are people on this board right now who have millions and tens of millions in crypto. Not you though, look in the upper right corner, brainlet.
You’re about to become even poorer than you already are.

You’re fucking blackest retarded gorilla monkey nigger. You’re literally the laziest retard nigger on this board who can’t even open sec.gov to go through Microstrategy balance sheet and statement.
Their BTC buying is all UNDER the table, they literally structured it as opaque as possible to dump on fags like you

>> No.25776681
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do they have to disclose sales or not? now stfu

>> No.25776685

With 100m in BTC you can pump the price 1% max idiot.

>> No.25776720

Certified retard, never EVER going to make it, even if you had all the time in the world until heat death of the universe you STILL won’t be able to make it with such a small brain

>> No.25776726

he's a CEO, they're good at shilling.
he got all his knowledge from pomp vids. he doesn't know anything about btc's history. whatever he got on youtube and twitter is the extent of his knowledge.
I bought 3 btc during the March dip and .25 ~9k, should have averaged in /DCA'd more but yes unfortunately he was right about buying 10k.

>> No.25776736
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Who here unironically with millions in crypto but scared to cash out and avoid getting fucked by taxes, living a normie life everyday?

>> No.25776749
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Based, keked

>> No.25776753

Imagine being this naive, you think a tech billionaire dosnt have teams of insiders and analysts? >>25776624
kek check out this brainlet, ignorance is why you’re poor

>> No.25776891

Not going to argue with literal play-pretend poorfag who invested more than he can afford to lose. But as a human being I have to warn you, these people are THIS close to taking profits.

>> No.25776913
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the only thing you have proved itt

>> No.25776928

Added to screen cap

>> No.25776970

I have half my wealth in crypto, I can tell by your passive aggressive seethe tone that you’re very concerned for my wealth anon. Hope things improve for you when we hit six figures

>> No.25776988
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add this too then, but your 'gotcha' when saylor dumps will never happen nigger

>> No.25776989

>thousand rupees


>> No.25777016

Btw I’m not saying bitcoin won’t have 20-30% drops, maybe even one 40, we had that in 2017 during the runup, China fud we dropped 35% then went 5-6x 6 months after. Bitcoin is on 12 years of higher lows and higher highs, I’m not a trader. I’m a hodler, that’s how I got rich mostly from holding Tesla when tards like op were screaming to short and that it was in a bubble and worthless

>> No.25777018

Thanks. It might be unironically happening as we speak kek

>> No.25777053

aww babbies first shake out? lmao lurk more

>> No.25777063

Lol Tesla is a bubble but not worthless, real price is like 5% of current valuation

Pro tip: imagine you are a retarded normie, and want to buy your first stock right now just for lolz without any research, what will you buy?

Connect the dots retard

>> No.25777074


You obviously don't understand the fundamentals. There are a lot of Bitcoin traders like you, who have no idea what they're actually holding.

Here's a giant hint: it's something that will be twice as scarce as gold in four years, and on par with real estate. By 2030? Four times as scarce as gold, twice as scarce as real estate. By 2140 the stock to flow will be INFINITE, the only financial asset in human history to acheive this.

You don't sell Bitcoin. You only buy Bitcoin.

>> No.25777079

Fucking retards.
Google MSTR stock price for the past year and connect the dots.

>> No.25777084

Imagine not knowing this and it being Part of your investment strategy, kek. The curse of the midwit, again strong opinions loosely held post your short?

>> No.25777138


>> No.25777162

He does, but allegedly.


Source: https://twitter.com/WSBConsensus/status/1336727580041482240

>> No.25777220

Look at this scammer. Trying to trap people into buying ATH. Why not tell them to buy in the next cycle lows? Wait, he can't.

>> No.25777277

Btc Broke ath at 1k, went to 19.5, dumped back to 3.5k so you’d still be buying at 3.5x from ath if you waited and missed the whole bull run, so yeh wait and buy after the next bull run on the crash to 70k as history repeats

>> No.25777296

Microstrategy bought this 32k BTC with debt:
They might sell it after the 2024 block reward halving to pay back the debt.

Michael has been holding scarce digital assets (domain names) for 20+ years.
He still refuses to sell hope.com and strategy.com

He is the OG hodler. He's never fucking selling his personal 17k BTC.
He's already rich as fuck and he doesn't have any children. "BTC gigachad" is his legacy.

>> No.25777321

kek that site .. Based as fuck

>> No.25777357

Bull run is over. But it wont go down after correcting to about 40k. Will go 38k to 44k wildly for months. Will skyrockey again next october.

This is straight fact.

>> No.25777438

kek, the Dems haven't even officially taken control of the money printer yet.
The bull run is definitely not over in nominal terms against USD.

>> No.25777470
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>lets trust the word of a wall street hedge fund manager that he is some sort of philantropist in it for the long run and to improve the future op crypto and not in it for profit
lmao the absolute state of (You)

>> No.25777508

Thing is, nobody wants to "wait" 3 years if we're talking about the past cycle. Like anon >>25777357 said, bitcoin won't be correcting until 3k this time instead ~20k is a strong support for the next ultimate lows. If it does go to 100k within this year, the next correction will be in shorter time. If someone feels priced out, they'd better just wait for it, maybe trade stonks if they're impatient to make money.

>> No.25777619

>strawmans a 1hr old post
>thinks saylor is a 'wall street hedge fund manager'
>doesn't understand saylor bought because he fears inflation
there's a lot of retards in here, but I think you just took 1st place

>> No.25777647

So far best one itt, will put this into my cringe screen cap compilation right at the center

>> No.25777688

Not true he could hold stocks for 80 years

>> No.25777755

>13 posts by this ID
that screencap you talk about will be the picrelated of your obituary when you off yourself

>> No.25777952

Hate to say this but it does sound cringey with that "you don't sell bitcoin" reddit paragraph.

>> No.25777953


>> No.25777979


>> No.25778002

14 posts by this id

>> No.25778033

really funny that
1.5 years ago during the plus token blowup there were no concern trolls that cared about my personal risk tolerance
certainly not concern trolls that speak in non autist format
even as little as march 2020 during the big coof dip
and let me assure you that was big, even i was sweating and tempted to sell, there were no concern trolls
there was a collection about half and half of either people gloating about the losses and people saying that would hodl till moon or 0 and anhero

so where do you come from concern troll and why now all of a sudden?

>> No.25778061
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>> No.25778107


I would tell you to stay poor, but it doesn't look like you need any more encouragement.

>> No.25778125

watch any Saylor interview and yu will realise he is not just p&ding it and believes strongly in Bitcoins future

>> No.25778151

i was posting and telling others to buy during the crash even though i was on vacation