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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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257719 No.257719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do you want to be rich /biz/?

really think about it
what's your point? what's your purpose?
I mean buying car after car or house after house will get boring and dull after a while, same with other material positions

so why do you really want to be rich?

>> No.257723


>I mean buying car after car or house after house will get boring and dull after a while

That's where you are wrong.

>> No.257728
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>> No.257733

i need capital!

>> No.257734

>car after car or house after house
it might be a foreign concept for you but some people might use their money for something productive

>> No.257741

So I can be more desirable to my qt crush.

>> No.257785 [DELETED] 



think about it

>> No.257797


When you're poor you're dependent on a lot of people. You are vulnerable. You are not free.

You can either give up everything or attain everything. The result is the same - freedom.

>> No.257799

So I won't have to work anymore

>> No.257809
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Fame. Money. Power. Love. Identity. Pick your poison. Deep down every human desires these.

You will not truly understand or appreciate what you have until they have been stripped from you.

Remember that anon.

Pic of my old screaming metal death trap before I sold it for something more reliable ?

>> No.258615
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>trasnformers decal

i just want to have enough to where i can live comfortably and work easy jobs or just do nothing at all. go where i want, eat what i want. just be free

>> No.258621

Don't have to work and security

>> No.258629
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It's not that we want to be crazy rich 1%er type of people. We want security in our life. We want to know that when we are old and our children hate us that we will have enough money to hire a hot care taker to wipe our ass.
That's just what we all want in the end.

>> No.258630
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I want to become wealthy so I can live a life without financial worry, and so I can enjoy my hobbies.

Not only that, but I want that financial burden to be non-existent so that i can use my money and time to help people, Particularly Olympic lifters and track athletes with facilities and proper coaching.

>> No.258641

>Helping people

>> No.258643


so i can live a fully-funded NEET lifestyle, earn a million and just live in peace

>> No.258649
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maybe when im rich girls will like me :)

>> No.258679
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escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts escorts

>> No.258686

If I'm gonna be sad fuck anyway, I wanna be rich sad fuck. Better wipe my tears with money.

>> No.258687


>> No.258691

or this

>> No.258696

My ultimate goal is owning a jump (or equivalent) capable ship to explore the universe in. There are obviously more immediate/easy to achieve goals but that's the last one I have set.

>> No.258701

I like you

>> No.258709

>so why do you really want to be rich?
Financial security/stability/independence.
I also have expensive taste in fucking everything, and would like to start collecting vintage guitars.

>> No.258711

I want to be able to wake up in the morning and decide that since it is a nice day, I will spend the morning playing tennis. When I get heavily involved in a hobby, I want to lock myself in the garage for a day/week/month and work on it without consequences until I decide I'm done. If I want to spend two weeks in a small cabin on a lake and fish all day, I want to just be able to up and do it.

>> No.258715

Because social paradigms dictate I need to be rich

>> No.258721

Well, I'm one of those travel freaks. Other than that, I could live off of great value food in an apartment with an internet connection.

>> No.258726

Why Olympians?

>> No.258727


>> No.258749

I want to retire by the time I turn 45. I could probably retire earlier, but I won't be able to amass any significant savings with my student loan debt.

>> No.258751

Jesus christ it's an ocean of ricey faggotrym you'd think with the money he spent he could get 1 or 2 good cars. Unless he has 8 other poor fag friends he joy rides with

>> No.258754


Fund me and I'll invent one for you. Engineer here.

No guarantees ofc, but owning a spaceship would be cool for me too. Along with chilling n researching with no money trouble, if you catch my drift.

>> No.258763

Amongst those more immediate goals is getting any larger sum of money so for the time being that's not happening

>> No.258766

olympic lifting is a sport, doesn't mean they actually compete in the olympics

>> No.258781

I just want to live alone and only interact with people face to face when I am sick or injured. I hate people so much and just want to go on the internet, eat good food, drink good beer and read and learn about whatever I am interested in. If being "rich" allows me to do these things, then I will do nothing else except work towards getting rich. Fuck getting a gf. Fuck getting married. Fuck having kids. Fuck living up to lifestyle ideals based upon my age. I am only interacting with people to further my goal and once I have accomplished it, I will never have to talk to another human being for a long long time.

>> No.258790

I want to make enough money to buy a bunch of guns, be able to hire a few mercenaries, and move to Africa or Central Asia and start my own country.

>> No.258799

Go to Germany. You are legally allowed to form an independant territory there. some dude used that to create the kingdom of Germany and crowned himslf King of the germans.

>> No.258807

Fuck that. Just go overthrow Sealand and declare yourself God-emperor


>> No.258809

But I want to have fight people. And hopefully die during it. Old Age disgusts me.

>> No.258816

>buy land in a Commonwealth nation
>talk/trick/bribe a government official into reffering to you as "the administrator of your territory" or something along those lines (I forget exactly what) in a government document
>declare your newly founded nation independent from the country it came from (but loyal to the crown)
If I remember correctly, some farmer in Australia managed to get that through court successfully so he could get out of paying taxes.

>> No.258823

I want to retire at 45

>> No.258826

That neet life, man. I want to work part-time from home a bit even then, but only maybe tuesday to thursday, and only a few hours. Then I want to take a four day weekend, and do whatever.

>> No.258829


I want to be rich because I want to be free. I realize that almost all of the problems I had throughout adolescence (and now as an adult) could be solved with money. I don't want to be forced to work for 50 years of my life just to survive. I want to live a fulfilling and fun life, see the world with my friends, conquer projects on my own time, spend the day gardening and reading and painting.

It's just immensely easier to do all those things when you don't have a job and daunting financial obligations weighing you down constantly.

>> No.258832

>rent canoe
>paddle towards Sealand
>western leaders get worried
>told there will be consequences if I invade Sealand
>threatened with sanctions
>dock at sea land and claim it within the hour
>western nations threaten me some more
>nothing happens after that

>> No.259378
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>Peugeot 205 t16 evo 2
>Audi Quattro S1
>Lancia Delta S4
>Multiple Group A Martini Delta's
>Toyota Celica Group B
>Toyota Celica ST185 GT4
>MG Metro 6R4
>Lancer Evo 3
>Juha Kankkunen
pic related

>> No.259578
File: 372 KB, 640x959, And-then-I-said.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they may or may not like you, but they will like your money
and they'll do darned sneaky tricks to get a nice share of it

>> No.259587
File: 13 KB, 300x210, Oksana Balinskaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muammar gaddafi might have had similar plans when he hired a buxom ukrainian nurse

>> No.259599

Speak for yourself. I want to be the fucking .0000001% of people.

>> No.259603


lel go back to /fit/, all you're ever going to be is an autistic latently homosexual failure

>> No.259624

is this why my girlfriend keeps asking me to cum in her

>> No.259647

So I can finally have time to do the things I enjoy and with the best circumstances.
And so I can fucking relax.

>> No.259666
File: 29 KB, 328x558, empnort2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see how that worked out for him...
the headline reads "Judge sends 'King of Germany' to jail"

pic kind of related. emperor norton.

>> No.259679

I believe you are thinking of the Principality of Hutt River.

The website is disgusting, but it's legit.

>> No.259690

>NOTE: We are proud to announce: This website has been selected by the State Library of Western Australia in conjunction with the National Library of Australia, to be electronically archived as an ".....electronic publication of National significance and lasting cultural value'"

>> No.259906

Good luck with that bro

>> No.259980

because quality lifters in the usa have gone to shit

>> No.259987

this this this so much this

>> No.259992

I NEED the resources that being wealthy would give me. If I don't have the need to be rich I would never bother with it but alas the resources are a must.

>> No.260053

I dont want to be Rich. i just want 5 bitcoins to uppgrade my GPU.

>> No.260060

my father has a permanent spine-disease that requires extremely strong pain meds that slowly erode his liver and kidneys. he had a kidney failure just a year ago and the costs of the meds eat up his salary and life. we have accepted that his organs aren't possible to save, but i want him to be able to live his life without having to worry about his next paycheck.

>> No.260062

Because it is difficult

>> No.260065

My goal is enough passive income to "retire" early so I can pursue any hobby or whimsy I develop.

>> No.260067


I´d totally give you 50 grand if i could afford it

>> No.260082

So I can run as a political independent

>> No.260084

I have athazagoraphobia.

Google it. Learn something.

>> No.260088

how can you be forgotten when no one knows who you are in the first place?
>you're already gone, anon

>> No.260090

>captcha urcheen alone
No one knows who you are anyways

>> No.260100


This, my hobby is traveling and exploring new things.

>> No.260106

If you're still here OP, do you understand now that it is the freedom and hobbies people want. Not a big yacht or mansion per say.

Humans want to be free and we have created our own prison that we must break out of again.

>> No.260111
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For the power

>> No.260133

that is a fucking terrible attitude to take

>> No.260138

For the whores, of course. Also not working would be nice, and going to beach every fucking week.

I'd also love to own a little cigar shop, only show up half the time, and not worry to death if we have a bad month.

>> No.260143

I want to be rich because I want to feel successful. Money is the ultimate form of appreciation for your skills. Materialistic objects are not my main goal, the main goal the feeling of success and power.

Obviously this only goes for money you actually make yourself. My parents are rich-ish and helped me out with private schools and an apartment in Amsterdam. And while I enjoy expensive wines and have some other expensive hobbies, any money I will possibly inherit will not give me any form of satisfaction.

I have to do it myself, for myself.

>> No.260183

to get the pussy wet

>> No.260186

I'm with these guys kinda.
My main objective is to create a viable renewable energy source that can replace oil. Once I control the most valuable commodity on earth (energy) I'm going to terraform mars.

I'm aware it's a long shot, but it's worth trying

>> No.260203
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>terraforming mars
>not increasing the amount of people earth can hold
>not instituting a population control measure
you straight 12 nigga

>> No.260218
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In order to achieve any of those (other than terraforming) would require the cooperation of all the planets governments and religious groups.

>mfw terraforming a planet is easier than working with politicians and religious nut jobs

>> No.260560

*tips fedora* :'^)

>> No.260593
File: 6 KB, 225x225, swee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you see, there is this type of girl that will love you, but she needs to feel "secure" with you. She needs her partner to reach some sort of level, that she will feel safe with.
There are girls that require height, or a built body, and there are aswell girls that require abundance.

This type of marriage is a very good business, these girls are tolerant, will help you in all aspects of life (from psychical help when youre after a hard business meeting to teaching you something new - like cooking, or showing you their favourite sport)

This is my future wife.

And aswell so that i could do my hobbies when i want and also i wanna spend most of my life time not doing something that i hate.

Susan i love you.

>> No.260624

who wants to be poor?

>> No.260634

Because I want to be worry-free. Not having money to afford food or a house is a big fucking worry.

I'd also like to travel around the world training martial arts. Need the money, nigga.

>> No.260979

Elon Musk is that you?

>> No.261001

Agree 100%.

I won't give in til im rich, then I can fuck off.

>> No.261014

and this

>> No.261233

That's total BS, terraforming a planet takes much MUCH more money than buying all of congress.

>> No.261917

You really don't have to be rich to get economic independence though. Depends on how rich we're talking though I suppose.

>> No.262633

>why do you want to be rich /biz/?
It's been my week-long dream.

>> No.262661
