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File: 755 KB, 1100x1012, three eye stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25768170 No.25768170 [Reply] [Original]

You are mentally ill and your family is worried about you. Please get the help you need before it's too late.

>> No.25768191
File: 649 KB, 1928x1048, 9MR8Ash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in xvg

>> No.25768211


>> No.25768230

psychiatry = kike scam, no deal

>> No.25768250

>be me
>$1b wealth
>family disagreed with me
>just said ok
>start massive campaign to brainwash the masses to think like me
>never retook up the argument
>a week later my family agreed

>> No.25768297


>> No.25768323

My mental illness is a coping mechanism for a harsh reality which has been present for all human history and is a based genetic "defect" that makes me happy despite everything. I look at all these normies on medication and think to myself you're the sick ones. I am a king in my own dimension.
>t. Irish

>> No.25768375


>> No.25768514

was that directed at me?

>> No.25768535


>> No.25768580

i'm 26 and I live alone in a luxury apartment.
My gf gives me handsjobs whenever i want.

>> No.25768654


>> No.25768700

fuckin a man its like 20 years too late and shrinks still dont know how to fix the "no friends" isolated problem

>> No.25768742

Based. Just make others suffer if they make suffer you, basic law of nature. With nowadays technolgy, we could easily feed everyone. But still people have to fight over ludicrous things and die in the process. If someone makes your life miserable, just do whatever is necessary,&whatyou deem as justice. Because you are justice on your own realm. Don't harm others out of greed, or other personal gains. Only harm if someone tries to make a gain on your existence. If everyone would think like that, noone would dare to harm anyone anymore.

>> No.25768834

My family is mentally ill, and I’m going to help them before it’s too late

>> No.25768852

Shrinks cant fix anything, they are part of the system that creates that problem in the first place. They can only force someone into mental slavery by telling them they are sick so they dont chimp out. Their institution are just a tool of (((them))) to maintain the already established order.

>> No.25768874
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>> No.25768904

fuck you im crashing this plane with no survivors

>> No.25769004

lol no

>> No.25769510

You touch my mind fumbling in ignorance. Your petty labels are meaningless in the face of my immeasurable power.

>> No.25770013


Bumping for visibility. Time to heal the damage, 4chan.

>> No.25770015

We're the sane ones. Normies are cancer.

>> No.25770112

>a harsh reality

>someone tries to make a gain on your existence

>a king in my own dimension.

You people need to get perspective, especially if you interact with any real people (not the imaginary ones inside of your fantasies).

>> No.25770264

Sadly guys I think this might be my last post here. I made it and don't ever need to work again. Thankyou for everything. Goodbye bros and good luck!

>> No.25770314

maybe the real gains was the mental illness we got along the way

>> No.25770325

no u

>> No.25770363

anti social reclusive is based. no normie distractions. do what i want

>> No.25770558

ha red id ngmi fuck you reality nigger

>> No.25770590

Jokes on you. Told my mom about my gains today and she told me she was proud of me

>> No.25770704


>> No.25770734

except mom, she listens and is also proud of my magical fairy money
she’s even investing a coffee per day
but the rest of these idiot worker bees

>> No.25771146

im making so much money they dont care for now

>> No.25771209

My mom bought bitcoin at $12k held all the way to $3k never once bitched at me for the bad advice and shes still holding. Why cant more women be like mom?

>> No.25771308

I never found success in anything until I learned to never do whatever my family tells me to do. They're the crazy ones.

>> No.25771568
File: 386 KB, 640x586, bulging eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried about you, bud.

>> No.25772090

seal off the self loathing compartment friend. visualize your mind inside a space station when the hangar gets breached and is sucking out your soul into the cold act fast and seal the gate...breathe in then out slow and prepare for the next breach of negativity by loading up on freethought. the borg are very real.

>> No.25772428

I spent the last 4 hours just watching tik toks. Then afterwards I'd talk to myself and joke with my imaginary friends about doing tiktok dances and REEEEE-ing in public. This lasts for a good 20min until I make up something in my head and then flip out stab someone. So i start screaming and stabbing my pillow then i laugh because if I did this in real life it would be funny and my friends would laugh.

>> No.25772470

hehe thats funny im laughing

>> No.25772771
File: 104 KB, 1149x832, 1609780920080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i made 3x on lcx and now i fud it but will miss out on 3000x and be too stubborn to buy back in while it will keep on increasing its value
t. low intellect coinmetro/binance shill

>> No.25773703

In on the subtle PNK shill thread

>> No.25773762

based nigger buster

>> No.25773904


>> No.25773914

see you tomorrow

>> No.25773923

this x100

>> No.25773945


>> No.25773971

it's already too late, im in my 40's and dying from alcoholism. i could and indeed should have sorted it out decades ago, but it's so cosy just not bothering and playing vidya instead. hell awaits the complacent, shit is no joke