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25765904 No.25765904 [Reply] [Original]

>A racist anime image board made me more money in just a few years than I have made in a decade and a half of wage slaving

What in the fuck even is this time line lmfao

>> No.25765948

reality is stranger than fiction

>> No.25765961

The best one

>> No.25766015

it's pretty fucking crazy isn't it
>buy the magic internet money
ok sure
>buy the less popular magic internet money made by a canadian russian skeleton
i mean, i guess
>buy the magic internet money that has a cute bao bun as a mascot
i...you haven't been wrong so far, so fuck it

how do people fuck this up? why isn't everyone on this board rich?

>> No.25766033

this image fills me with unease and hope at the same time, while also giving me a slight erection

>> No.25766065

Every time you win, someone else loses. Remember that money had to have come from somewhere. This is just a casino

>> No.25766073


>> No.25766076

welcome to 2021
2020 was doom and frustration
2021 is give me a jetpack and a flamethrower i want to kill giant armadillos coming out of the sea

>> No.25766083

We're not racist, nigger./biz/ is a board of peace.

>> No.25766086
File: 8 KB, 235x215, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw highschool dropout NEET and I still have more money than my normie college educated relatives
wew lad hoonk hooonk

>> No.25766149
File: 72 KB, 1024x913, 1599526449059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself nigger slave
its the timeline we finally get rid of the kikes once and for all. get ready for the race war. I will use my 1.3 million crypto profits to buy weapons for my frens

>> No.25766180

based boomer

>> No.25766203

bao-bro :D

>> No.25766217
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>> No.25766234


>> No.25766241

I bought the wrong cute coin and I lost everything literally a month before the bull run kicked off

>> No.25766310

Okay but why the meth pipe?

>> No.25766860

sort of, but at least with this shit there's a modicum of technique you can apply, or research you can do to make more educated bets you know? It's not "put it all on 36 because that's my lucky number". That being said I'm certainly not immune to losses--very first crypto investment I made was XRP and I lost $800 on that because I'm retarded.

That sucks, which coin was that?

>> No.25766907

That's all investments though, if you buy a stock you bought it from someone else and if it goes up that person lost out on potential gains too. Same with houses, real estate, literally anything. Bags are bags.

>> No.25766972

you should be embarrassed for this post

>> No.25767079

the most redpilled post on this board tonight. read it carefully, niggers.

>> No.25767171

>it's buy ok buy i buy i
Did I crack the code?

>> No.25767277
File: 157 KB, 765x988, 1590082977200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just buy stuff bro

>> No.25767333
File: 105 KB, 648x1024, 1590549437294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my stack too. We will unironically destroy Jews once and for all. The Hegelian absolute ideal marches onward in this century. Either "white" identity is valid and a lasting part of human history, or we perish and become a new mixed-race consumer of some kind. Identity is not trivial, we will just see if it truly is exclusively racial/cultural or not. Solidarity built on ideas must be constantly enforced, but race is quite organic and innate. Consumerism alone is a weak element to glue society together.

>> No.25767358

By that logic the same amount of wealth in existence is constant which is obviously fucking retarded which means you are a fucking retard

>> No.25767978

Same here,
I've made enough to have Fuck you money right now. It Feels so good, lets see where the dip takes us. I'm cashing out about 5% of my 70k

>> No.25768400

This board took me to 6-figure hell.

Cheers cunts

>> No.25768477

Its made me more money than most wagies will have saved up ever. I don’t get how this is allowed