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25764250 No.25764250 [Reply] [Original]

No politics here, where and how do I invest in alternative social media sites like Gab? I'm pretty sure the face of the internet will change soon as Big Tech's monopolies slowly starts backfiring, and I want to profit from these predictions

>> No.25764278

how do I invest in alternative social media


>> No.25764417

It’s as simple as using their platform and getting others to do so as well. Peace of mind is an investment too desu

>> No.25765541

probably can't, startups gather funding through rounds, typically following this pattern:
1. VC investment
2. Angel investors (big bois)
3. Accredited investors (chunky bois)
4. People who know any of the above
5. Finally goes public, bags are dumped

>> No.25765645
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forget about it anonz, mainstream media and US government will never allow alt media to flourish. You will lose money. Mark my words, in 5 years Gab will be history. I am bearish about the future of sites like Gab. Free speech is dead in USA.

>> No.25765787

move to china faggot

>> No.25765826

They literally ban people for no reason. Its not decentralized at all
Buy an Urbit star.

>> No.25765906
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give it up. invest in degeneracy. the 2020s is going to be the decade of weimar tier degeneracy, psychedelics and drugs legalization, prostitution legalization, and also crypto exchanges becoming mainstream. im completely black pilled at this point about the future of the West. I had reposed faith in the white man and USA, but seems like they both are inetnt on destruction. I am an Indian myself, and I will bs raising my kids in india instead of this liberal shithole called Vancouver. I don't want my future daughter to be a whore and my futrue son to be a complete soi faggot.

>> No.25765967

based returning to roots