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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25752334 No.25752334 [Reply] [Original]

My portfolio recently hit 6 figures after a few months in this. I'm 22, in University, and my personal net worth is higher than pretty much all my colleagues combined.

Recently I feel like I've been acting pretty cocky and treating people like shit, even my close friends. I can notice myself doing it, I'm just becoming rude, pretentious and inconsiderate because I know I'm on another level. How can I humble myself before karma humbles me?

>> No.25752437

>6 figures
>net worth is higher than pretty much all my colleagues combined

>> No.25752465

>I'm 22, in University

>> No.25752570
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I might want to add that last night I had a feeling where I sort of understand how politicians and "elites" end up doing fucked up shit
Money is a helluva drug

>> No.25752658

okay, actually good bait

>> No.25752826

>durrr 6 figures is nothing poorfag im a billionare troloolloolo!

>> No.25752945

realise 100k isn't shit and you aren't actually that clever, you're just a zoomer

>> No.25753011

>durrr 6 figures is nothing poorfag im a billionare troloolloolo!

>> No.25753137
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the same shit happened to me few years ago, i even treat my parents poorly, i had 120k+ in one point from an initial investment of 3k, eventually end up with just 8k lost it almost all on bitmex, im glad i got what i deserved, im peaceful now

>> No.25753826
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3k to 120k is impressive anon.
I get you man. I don't want to accrue bad karma, if I keep doing this shitty behaviour I feel I will get clowned by life.

>> No.25753903

then stop doing it you absolute fucking mongoloid

>> No.25753904

dilate tranny
fellow university students are your peers not colleagues

>> No.25753909

if 100k makes you treat people like shit you were already a shit person my man

>> No.25753953

I think you need to lose it to understand. Or rather think you lost it. Then you'll start acting normal again. You're on good start if you noticed yourself doing that

t. lost it all but on track again

>> No.25754030

>Report type
>this post violates a rule
>this post is extremely low quality
>I am not a robot
6 figures doesn’t make you rich you faggot fuck. You will lose everyone who ever cared about you for being like that at a ripe age of 22.

>> No.25754046

money just exacerbates who you really are, and you really are a piece of shit.

>> No.25754088

Karma doesn't exist. It's an evil world.

>> No.25754104
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This is enlightening
At least I'm aware of it now instead of being a seething nocoiner

>> No.25754160

imagine thinking 100k is anything other than poor lmao

>> No.25754259

For real though, 100k isn’t shit. The novelty will wear off and you’ll realize you still can't do all that much with that amount and that you need more.

>> No.25754294

How are you guys at ease or "peaceful"? I have around 140k and I still feel the existential despair on not making it fully. I need at least $2-5 million I think to truly escape the rat race.

>> No.25754337
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Anon more money doesn’t make you happy or sad per say. It amplifies who you are as a person.

>> No.25754408

100k isn't much bro. It's basically 1 or 2 years salary. You can't even buy a shitty apartment lmao.

>> No.25754486

How are you CLG?

>> No.25754528

Why did you capitalize "university"? It's not a proper noun you dumb fuck. You're in post secondary education and you have yet to master 5th grade English?

Good job on the 100k though.

>> No.25754588

There's always a bigger fish OP. Better you learn that lesson now before you piss off the wrong people

>> No.25754716
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I am better than you at 4 figures OP, and I will be better than you when I hit 20 figures. Because you're a retarded piece of shit.

>> No.25754852

this is incel sperg

Bragging isn't my intention, I'm not here to swing my dick around, just give context. An autistic 22 y.o fraud like me making this much money in the space of a few months from only holding fucking COINS, at the foot of a bullrun where it'll balloon? I know that in the US 100k is nothing.

>> No.25754929

100k seems like a lot to a bunch of broke students, but in the real world it won't get you far at all. That's not even a quarter of my yearly compensation. Stop comparing yourself to your loser friends and start comparing yourself to the megachads that are 10+ years older than you.

>> No.25754984

I know, it's something I will work on, however many times I've promised myself (and God in my times of desperation) that I'll be a better person and try lift people up but I feel I keep acting like an insincere jackass and in social situations my autistic grug mind takes over.
It's almost subconscious and it needs work. Perhaps awareness meditation.

>> No.25755184

I have much more money than you and am also 22 and in uni. I have had the temptation to flex on my friends but never done it and i also have trouble talking about money with them because we dont share the same perspective but never have i been unnecessarily rude to them. I think you should get over yourself.
Family is more important than friends, real friends are more important than money and money is more important than casual "friends".

>> No.25755268

whats your profession senpai

>> No.25755369

Depends where you live/want to live and what you consider to be "making it". In my city I can already buy cheap real estate, for me this is a significant step toward "making it", but of course I have loftier goals and eventually I hope to reach 7 figure heaven so I can retire.
I'm not at peace, nobody is at peace in crypto. It's volatile and none of us can be sure where our portfolio will be, even three months from now, and how we will deal with that. No peace until you cash out.

>> No.25755470

I do... things... for a hedge fund

>> No.25755497

It's easy to be "short" when you feel like you're short on time (death approaches quickly), and you're wasting it. When you're not in the mood to talk to people, just say you have to go.

>> No.25755648

Very profound finding for me. I thought having more money would make me chill and relaxed but it just made me a bigger asshole. Need to nip this in the bud ASAP boyo


>> No.25755790

This is the most reddit post I've ever seen

>> No.25755823

at the same time at 22 you're still young and immature so dont worry, you will have time to change. after 30 you will at yourself now and cringe hard.

>> No.25755903

This is real nigga advice, thank you anon

I know, I've no desire to flex on anybody, not even my best friends, to me flexing just ruins things because I like keeping my net worth my secret. Also even "best friends" can get butthurt hearing about money. I tried to convert some friends to crypto to no avail.
It's friends and strangers too. I treat friends like they're lower than me, and strangers as if they're literally children. It's kind of subconscious. I've always been a bit narcy but crypto gains just enhances my autism.

>> No.25755983

I think it builds a sense of self superiority, yes. I started my first software developer job in 2019, making $80k, then moved to one making $95k (+$6k 401k/HSA matching) this Oct.

I also realized, investing in stocks at 9% ann gains, compounding, I could retire to part time in 5 years, enough to cover expenses (very low) during that time, and nothing else, and after 5 more years growth, my funds would be at about $557k, and I could just straight retire, starting out pulling $1,500 each month, increasing by $150/month, annually, and then by 60, I'd be at $1.2 million, only have worked 5 years full time, 5 years part time, to achieve that.

The thought makes me cocky. Watching my 401k, Roth IRA, and HSA makes me cocky. $3,300 paychecks, while my friend makes minimum wage makes me cocky. Money definitely corrupts.

I think the solution to this is to use your money not just for yourself, but your friends and family, too. Buy an apartment building and fill it with friends, and just charge enough rent to cover cost of maintenance and taxes, or something.

>> No.25756050

1. You haven't made a single cent until the money is in your bank account
2. Do you know how many people we've had here that have made 6 figures and lost everything trying to make them 7?

>> No.25756175

My honour.

I never thought about it this way. I think my mind subconsciously often thinks "this is lame/normies are so cringe/I wish I were at home shitposting on biz" and I guess this could be a reason for me being cold, zoned-out and dismissive to others.
When I'm genuinely enjoying myself and at ease I become much warmer and sweet.

>> No.25756365

How does it happen, I'm guessing margin trading like a degenerate?

>> No.25756378
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What do you even do?
also the notion that you cant divide a path from success and self destruction (social or other) then you might wanna take that as humbleing because there are greater forces then you that are at this moment taking advantage of you just like everyone else

pic kinda related

>> No.25756416
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You're pieces who shit who are not frens.

You're frens.

At least you acknowledge you are a piece of shit.

I've never been cocky or 'flex', even after I became wealthy, so I don't know this advice will resonate with you. I've done shitty things, but not like what you've done.

You know why kids jizz their pants over action hero movies? Because they trigger biological urges to respect and imitate heroes. Why because it was the hero who had the courage to kill the bear and defend the weak. Christianity is the same thing does the samething. Have you even seen a hero movie or a religious text where the Hero flexes on the weak? No, they are the villians.

So try to be the hero, and be genuine, don't fake it. All humans are defined by their habits, and it's your choice if you want to be a hero or a villian.

>the world will be inherited by the meek
>meek means those who have power to but choose not to exert it over the innocent

>> No.25756465
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>19 Year old THINKER
Fuck me. I was the THE THINKER. Things are better now. Hit close to home.

>> No.25756528

Don't worry, life will humble you. Especially if you're only 22 and in the crypto market which one can crash just like that.

God will cut you down, son.

>> No.25756624
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Sorry, you are a fren, but you weren't a fren before.

>> No.25756725
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Is this what the other anon meant by "bigger fish"?

Based Christbro
I've been meaning to read the Bible for a while, I think I need to stfu and just do it
I reckon Godlessness is the source of a lot of modern society's problems. Without a higher power and belief structure people just make their own pathological ones.

>> No.25756877


"Power corrupts, but more importantly, power reveals." - Robert Caro

>> No.25756960

Keep perspective. Remember that you haven't made it until you've hit 8 figures.

You've been corrupted because you've become complacent; you're not really that high up and your "colleagues" you shit-talk so much can overtake in a stroke of luck, or even just getting a better job than you out of college. Likewise, you can lose everything in a stroke of bad luck, and you'll have neither money nor connections if you keep up your shit attitude.

>> No.25757127

Perhaps you should be realize that the money you have done is not due to your intelligence, but due to, primarily, a lot of luck. The last few months have been good for crypto investing, simply buying BTC 6 months ago and not doing would get 4x what you invested.
My advice is to realize that you just have been lucky. If you are not capable of that, just keep investing until you lose most or all the money you have done. That will teach you.

>> No.25757134
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I was in that mindstate after the last bull run but life eventually came to knock me on my ass. Being humble is key as you never know what will come your way or what these people you view as peons now will become in the future.

>> No.25757175

Holy fuck you retarded nigger. 100k is nothing. Only when you have enough and you actually act and spend like a rich person(clothes, have a niceish car, etc) are you allowed to act like a pretentious cocky douche. Yes, you are smarter and richer than your peers but being richer and smarter than a bunch of average people is easy retard. Pretend to be on their level, they will like you more.

>> No.25757297

let me tell you a story
>be me
>sell building materials to trades
>usually ends up being rich people shit for rich people
>some guy calls us to ask for quotes
>trying to enter the market we serve, apparently done high-end work elsewhere prior
>asks for rich people shit
>quote it out
>changes his mind like 10 times
>eventually figures out what he actually wants and orders it
3 months later after install...
>guy calls and complains that his stuff is defective
>defective how, what's going on
>vague description that could be caused by bad install
>ask longtime customer of ours to check it out and give opinion
>install on everything is dogshit and ruined his stuff
>nothing is less than 1" out of plumb
>tell rich guy it's not our problem and that his install sucks
>how dare you, I'll sue you, etc.
>"do you know who I am?"
>yeah, someone that can't hang a door
>hang up

being rich does not stop you from being retarded. remember that.

>> No.25757368

I wonder how many hedgies are here

>> No.25757421
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yeah kinda but also metaphysical things like propaganda or subversive media, a shity system you forced to commit to, and also the cracks in society are kinda big and to think all it takes is now is people not care about you to die on the sidewalk. the answer to though as kinda up to you

>Acutally better study the arts of medicine mechanics and crafts to (snatch logic from the jaws of tragedy)

>A literal trial by ordeal, idonno who you are you could just need some realization to counter all the derealization you have been "rooming" in i would know (Re-take your programing)

>Idonno do the thing

>> No.25757494

The way I see it, investing in anything at least means you have the desire to leave the rat race. Even a boomer buying buttcoins on a stockbroker, or a zoomer spending pocket money on random shitcoins, I can respect the heart.
Yeah there's a lot of luck but let's be honest making a 4x return in 6 months means you're definitely a league above the average normie NPC. Autism is a powerful thing.

>> No.25757537

Diamond hands that help you turn 1k to 100k can turn you back to 1k

>> No.25757548

*Actually be better* if you cant handle circumstance that doesnt involve money then damn you aint makeing use of that money to do stuff that might MEAN something

>> No.25757740
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What is "Spiral Dynamics"?

>> No.25757857

Kek babbys first 100k

You’re unironically going to neck yourself during an inevitable dump if you put this much emotion into investing and your portfolio. GL

>> No.25757863


So because you purchased some internet magic beans, you think you're a supreme intellectual?

Off yourself.

>> No.25757898

I was in a similar situation but once you get used to having that much money (and 100k isn't shit like everyone here already told you) you will settle down and look at things from a different perspective. Also realize that most of your success comes down to luck one way or another. Personally, most of my networth is in LINK and I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been around biz in 2017 when anons were dedicating themselves to researching and I was able to take advantage of their hard work. If I was more of a normie or had some kind of obligations that would have prevented me from spending my days on biz I could have been in a much worse position than I'm in today.

>> No.25758173
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The formation of people and everything else to some degree not 100% myself sure

these links


>> No.25758221

*100% sure myself

>> No.25758275

This happened to me on a smaller scale but my parents told me to shut the fuck up because I was still smalltime. Maybe talk to your parents?

>> No.25758276

have you cashed out? it's all unrealized and speculative and could instantly turn to zero. just trying to help you out anon. i missed out on link, but am looking for opportunities

>> No.25758328
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You make me realize that I have indeed put a lot of emotion into this. It feels like crypto is everything to me now. I spend all day on /biz/ and crypto twitter and I feel good about it because it's "for my investments" which will be my golden ticket to making it. I'm starting to base my personality around my fucking blockfolio lmaoooo please tell me this is a phase very bizlet goes thru?
I actually feel better during a bear period because I'm powerless and have no choice but to focus on other things in life until I get more capital/number go up. In September my bags were so fuckin' heavy, I went hiking and cooked and was overall humble.

>> No.25758341

These memes get worse every time

>> No.25758453


Why is this meme relateable.


>> No.25758499

What are you here for? Financial advice? Fuckin virgin

Autism is a gift.

No I don't talk to my parents. I'll never tell them about crypto even if my net worth eclipses theirs, otherwise they might not give me inheritance :)

>> No.25758500

hey—someone who probably couldn't change in any meaningful way would turn down the "you were always fundamentally a bad person" argument (to their own eventual dismay)
work on your inner self and your "making it" won't stop at just finances, fren

>> No.25758602

Probably more than the average /pol/ board.

t. hedgie

>> No.25758684
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>> No.25758700

Give, anon

not just your money but your time and effort
give to something that inspires you

>> No.25758710
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>No I don't talk to my parents. I'll never tell them about crypto even if my net worth eclipses theirs, otherwise they might not give me inheritance :)
Starting to think your problems are a bit deeper than being corrupted by money...
Also nice dubs, now check these!

>> No.25758781

Nigga it's just 100k lmao
Literally everyone before the age of 30 gets there some way or another in net worth
You're overestimating your achievements in one of the biggest bull runs ever in stocks/crypto
Sit down
t. 29 years old with 2.2MM

>> No.25758954
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Realizing your power and having it get to your head is an awkward phase in the journey to manhood. Also. with the way politics have been developing in the West, life could get very strange soon and connections you make today could prove far more valuable than magic internet money.

>> No.25759037
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Right? I can tick off pretty much all of them. Need to read up some Eckhart Tolle ASAP boyo

Thanks for the story anon. I will remember.

I gave $1000 to charity every year before I even got into crypto and I still do. I'm hoping to make a big six fig donation to biomedical research if this bull run goes well.

>> No.25759264
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Thanks anon. I've always had humility and I can be extremely self critical. It's the first step.

Some problems are inescapable.

Based cryptochad
How come other people my age aren't doing it then? It's just crazy to me that I've made so much money from buying internet coins yet I look at literally 98% of people and they just drift through life watching netflix, smoking weed, other NPC shit. Is it autism?

>> No.25759396

Indeed anon. I feel like I spent most of my adolescence doing the opposite - I had self confidence issues, introversion and didn't think much of myself.
Over the past two years things have improved enormously in every way and I'm now in the "realizing my power and worth" phase.
>life could get very strange soon
I hope it'll be fun.

>> No.25759507
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Next you coom to your reflection

>> No.25759513

>Literally everyone before the age of 30 gets there
the median net worth for the 35-44 in usa is around 91k.
No OP you're already ahead of most americans at 22 when it comes to financial stability. but pls work on your empathy.

>> No.25759666

How is the median net worth so low in a country with $60k+ average wage? Is taxberg really so greedy?

>> No.25759740

Go get beat up, or lose all your money.

>> No.25759793

>How is the median net worth so low in a country with $60k+ average wage?
Because your average retard spends all their money on bullshit, racks up mountains of debt, and doesn't save or invest any or barely any of it

>> No.25760022

Sounds comfy

>> No.25760506

Most people are NPCs and they coast through life because their basic financial and social needs have been satisfied since day one. They are not hungry enough and don't have a reason to do better because it's "good enough" already
You would be surprised how for most people money doesn't even come as a priority until they are at least 30. There are so many other things in life that fill "the void" better than money and that's why the average Joe is clueless about most opportunities
When you have a mindset like most anons here you're always trying to get exposure to new ideas and opportunities even if you don't realize it
I don't want to meme this but we are simply built different
Good luck on your first 100k, the road to 1MM is another game and the low 6 figures hell meme is more real than you think

>> No.25760958

How did you do it?

>> No.25761084

Getting rich makes it easier to be whoever you want to be. But part of that is that you need to actively, consciously practice humility, because like you are experiencing now, your brain will want to indulge in conceit. The world is full of smug, arrogant pieces of shit with lots of money. Don’t be one of them, anon.

>> No.25761121

Nailed the facial expression. But brow furrows should be massive.

>> No.25761260

It's just superiority complex from having to repress yourself for ages. Just go with the flow and you'll grow out of it. Think of it as emotional experimentation.

Imagine how much worse off I am when I have the same thing and I haven't even made any gains.

>> No.25761582

Based. Will commit to it anon.

Based. Thanks anon.

Mostly ETH. A few shitcoins did well.

>> No.25761813
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Uhhhh based?