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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25748535 No.25748535 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is better for next month or so?

Super constrained on capital after dumping my Retardstacc on sparta and wanna make the best of it.

>> No.25748651
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rAAVE is coming this month, so AAVE 100%.

>> No.25748889


>> No.25749181

But how is the price peg to AAVE going to affect its price? Do they need to "stable coin" the rAAVE by holding AAVE in treasury?

Thanks, fren

>> No.25749653

Price-elastic tokens are like cousins to stablecoins, in that both have price targets. Yet these token classes are fundamentally different. Stablecoins have semi-fixed, governable supplies and are designed to closely track their target prices at all times, while rebases make price-elastic tokens into synthetic commodities with fluctuating values and supplies that gradually stabilize.

But you're correct that a treasury is needed to do the above.