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25747765 No.25747765 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone please buy some Cardano. This man spent over $100 million dollars on it. His company is losing millions of dollars every month. All his former coworkers hate him. He's been fired by all his peers. He is very unhealthy and is only in his early 30s but he looks like he's in his 50s. He has no life and his youtube fans are his only friends. He live streamed for 4 hours on new years eve. Please show some respect, generosity, and charity towards the only thing left in his life and buy ADA.

>> No.25747908


>> No.25748040

See /biz/? This is the best FUD on Cardano.
>personal attacks on Charles

>> No.25748042

How mad are you that you knew about Cardano at $0.02 and instead of buying it you created numerous threads fudding it with nothing burger tier meaningless shit over the last 8 months

>> No.25748104


>> No.25748437

A headshot and you wouldn´t find brain of yours on a wall.
Only blood without nothing in it.

>> No.25748644

I’m already all in. My husbando is gonna take down eth, and then bitcoin, and then the central banking industry and make me a multimillionaire. Your internet waifu asks you to pay 800 dollars to see her cooter on OnlyFans.

Sorry, sometimes being a total fag and having boners for cute cubs leads you to watching AMAs all day and going all in on Cardano at 5 cents.

>> No.25748690

Anyone who bought at 2c made the greatest decision of their entire life. Hands down. That is gonna be worth 100,000x the initial investment in 15 years. Easily.

>> No.25748718

Where does he get $100M from?

>> No.25748782

He cofounded Ethereum and started heavily investing in Bitcoin in like 2009-2010. Man beat everyone to the punch here. In 2012 he was confounding Ethereum and was likely a much larger investor in Bitcoin than Vitalik. Dude is clearly insanely fucking rich.

>> No.25748979

Based FreeSpeech libertarian boy, i love Cardano

>> No.25749041

I'm almost 29 and this nigga could literally pass for being my dad holy shit

>> No.25749049
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2015 fag here dumped ada on 1$ last cycle made 500k on it lol
Man should got some cardano at 0.032 2019 yes its normie meme for 1000 reasons at this point but i underestemated how good salseman charles acually is, dude literally youtubes to his heard 24/7 and in meme timeline engagement=followers=money

Momnet i saw new bullrun normies poping up adn calling ada "next apple" i knew i fucked up

>> No.25749129

Charles Hoskinson is a fucking hero. He is carrying Satoshi’s torch and believes in a truly globally decentralized currency. Satoshi got this started — but we all know a 7 tps network is just a store of wealth until the global digital dollar becomes a fully actualized concept. Lightning Network doesn’t fix that Bitcoin is now a 12 year old tech. With smart contracts and oracle solutions as well as VM solutions to the run dApps (much Ethereum network effect), he’s going to create an infinitely scalable non-inflationary blockchain store of value — with a value besides just a store of wealth, to guarantee further value — capable of dismantling the central banking industry. Charles is Chad. Charles is more Chad than a room filled with a thousand Chad. He is on man superplanet of a billion Chad’s.

>> No.25749179
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Case in point

>> No.25749313


>> No.25749398

This man is a genius but I do not trust narcissists no matter how seemingly well intentioned. Been burned enough to know that they do not change. Your money will always come second to his ego. Good luck though.

>> No.25749601

Sounds like you have some personal issues there you need to work on. Has nothing to do with me loving my Cardano.

>> No.25749754
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>without nothing

>> No.25749786

Kek this

>> No.25749820

Fuck this cult, I had a 30k bag i sold into DOT purely because of this asshole. I was a big supporter for a while but listening to this guy run his mouth I got out. I'm sure you guys will make money and I've evem told my friends holding to keep it. My issue is with CH and the cult like community. The communities are full of delusional brainwashed faggots.

>> No.25749884

You mean like Elon?
Or Steve Jobs?
Or Trump?
Good point, I just bought another $10k worth.

>> No.25749981

What am I brainwashed about? That I think Casper is a bonk ass PoS solution?

>> No.25750058

charles is a fag, but cardano is good

>> No.25750096
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99% of it's holders are from Japan

>> No.25750196

Yep been through a ton of therapy and stopped doing business or investing in Cluster B personalities. Life is so much better without the drama and my net worth has tripled. I sincerely hope that Cardano overtakes Ethereum and does everything it promises. It’s not worth the risk of trusting a narcissist. You will see what I mean some day if you hold long enough.

>> No.25750289

The amount of CH cock suckers in this thread is disgusting

>> No.25750342

>investing in Cluster B personalities
Do you invest in a person and not the tech? Charles is only CEO, he does not build Cardano.

>> No.25750364

Whatever I’m a total fag and I’m really happy in life and have 6x my net worth buying this gay basedboy coin on fundamentals. Ouroboros is a better tech. I read peer review research papers and came to this conclusion. I like Charles and I definitely wanna have gay sex with him but that’s not enough for me to put a shitload of money into something.

>> No.25750416

invested in myself 3 months ago declaring bankruptcy as of today wish i played options instead

>> No.25750422
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Meh, fuck Charles. His employees and team of PhDs are who's based.

>> No.25750453

oh anon, you do realize that calling someone a narcisist is more about your feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, don't you? go ahead and give this takedown of the concept "narcissism" a watch if you are up for it:
timestamp: 20min 30sec.
Scott pretty much pounds the idea into oblivion.

>> No.25750619

That would put the fully diluted mcap at 90 trillion dollars. Nah man.

>> No.25750681

He sounds like a cunt

>> No.25750740

I’m not a gay man. I’m an INTP female with a 140 IQ. I’m not saying it won’t work out. It very well might. I’m just saying that it is not worth the risk of having his ego come before the business and your money.

>> No.25750745

where is your BTC????

>> No.25750748

You don’t think 1/4 of the worlds current wealth — inflation aside — could be stored on a blockchain technology?

>> No.25750785

>I’m an INTP female with a 140 IQ. I
post proof liar. timestamp

>> No.25750822


>> No.25750847

There is no way this guy is 33.

>> No.25750853

Not him, but I don't think it's probable to be stored on only this particular technology, and I have ADA.

>> No.25750904

He's borderline babyface without the beard

>> No.25750908

I’ll admit it’s an optimistic and exaggerated figure, but also $10 million dollar bitcoin am I right guys?

>> No.25750923


Thanks, anon. Ask someone who works in the Cardano Ecosystem anything.

>> No.25750950

Imagine watching this cuck on a livesteam on newyears eve, wouldn’t you wonder how it all came to that?

>> No.25750976

he's a cofounder on paper he didn't do shit and got kicked out of ethereum

>> No.25750989

very based then; my portfolio looks the same(ada, algo, btc).

>> No.25751053

If you're anything like me, you've probably found your other favorite project and have no energy to dive deep into Cardano. Cardano was my first and only deep dive, too lazy to research deeply into anything else. Every other hold is barely surface level.

>> No.25751160

Nope. I’m about to go on a hike so no time. Just remember what I said. Psychology is not a meme.

>> No.25751182

It's amazing that this self-proclaimed billionaire can't afford a fucking treadmill.

>> No.25751222

That is also possible. Maybe I’m justifying my refusal to buy. I will think about it. You might be right.

>> No.25751230


>> No.25751308

>Nope. I’m about to go on a hike so no time.
> Psychology is not a meme
Don't care, post timestamp.

>> No.25751333

This project only exists because of CH. If he disappears so does the project. Everything he says and does matters greatly because this is a project that is centralized on him.

>> No.25751429
File: 166 KB, 1669x1082, 229965f5c6f923b6f9c6fef57c88f077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology will play into ADAs future in quite a few ways. Cult of personality being perhaps the most important, as people go ape when they make the "I like guy, guy smart, guy make money, give money to get more money" connection a la Elon Musk, Steve Jobs etc. A strong charismatic personality and exuding intelligence are the hallmarks of a tech cult leader, and it's that combination that makes people APE in. This is the most bullish fundamental of Cardano going forward - the sheer weight of APE psychology causing people to uncontrollably panic buy, then never sell because of their fanatical devotion to the supreme leader. Simple as

>> No.25751510

I believe the total mcap of crypto currency could reach 100 trillion in a decade. But not 90 trillz for Cardano solely in 15 yrs.
Thousands of coins will probably come and go, alts will always be a lottery.

But yeah, a 2c buy in cardano will probably pay out good.

>> No.25751575

As an ADA holder, I think you’re absolutely right.

Will Charles eventually notice me and come out as gay and into twinks and snuggle up and talk about scaling and governance with me and hold me in the night and keep me warm and make me feel safe like a big teddy bear if I hold forever?

>> No.25751730

in augmented reality minecraft, of course

>> No.25751782

>rise 80%+ in one week
>begging people to buy

Stop being greedy, OP. WAGMI

>> No.25751875

Have you seen CMC faggot? Everything is green.

>> No.25752746

this cute boy will bring us to the moon. in march cardano 3 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25753303

The problem with such muddying the water as that guy does is that it destroys any meaning words with absolutely intuitive and real meanings have. Are you seriously going to tell me that just because we aren't clairvoyant we cannot tell if someone lacks empathy?

Meaningless sophism.

>> No.25753984

it is just the oposite anon.

>> No.25754083

Ahahaha been on this for years I got to 100K trading around the time it wasnt worth much about 10cents ,lost it in all in that 1.5k sats crash over the next months.Some longs some shorts and bye bye baby lmao.

>> No.25754090
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>> No.25754404

yeah I'm 29 too and I look legit 20, it's really bad in the entreprise world and with chicks, I'm gonna work for myself soon™ anyway

>> No.25754940

Dude they have plenty of money. The dapp fund is like 250M at this point if ADA goes to 1$ the dapp fund (money they give away to apps built on Cardano) will be close to 1B$.

>> No.25755003

Holding 240k ADA. How much to make it?

>> No.25755042

After his speech he gave on free speech I honestly could be friends with him.

>> No.25755864


>> No.25755947
File: 112 KB, 700x550, jobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, like Steve Jobs? How'd that work out for early Apple investors?

>> No.25756677

What a beautiful man

>> No.25757563
File: 48 KB, 1080x1050, 1609953107241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they have smart contracts yet?

>> No.25757600

In 4 weeks

>> No.25757632

this shit plans to replace both link and eth right

>> No.25757695

He's based. I think biz is missing out on adopting him as our guy. Checkout his new video on YT.

>> No.25757696

irrelevant but new and important video he just uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfFd3-RWK5U

>> No.25758021

Yeah this is super fucking based.
Charles isn't just your run of the mill Crypto CEO
He's a great philosopher and one of this generations great thinkers and intellects up there with the likes of Christopher Hitchens

>> No.25758082


>> No.25758139

okay. pump it now

>> No.25758183

>soon i promise
Ok so no reason to ever own this shitcoin. Eth devs arent going to all mass move over to learn rust.

>> No.25758244

They don't need to learn a new language. See KEVM. Theres like 250M fund for apps.

>> No.25758346

Cope. Its been years now and ADA still cant do anything. Thats bad planning and bad leadership. Doesnt matter how much money you have Charles sucks at doing things.

>> No.25758429

His webspider analyzed biz and found both the weak spot of the board and the thing that unites all reasonable people. Now he's based free speech man instead of a reddit soiboy.

>> No.25758535

Use English bugman

>> No.25758577

That’s what I thought about LINK and it’s cultist followers when it was $.50. I don’t even own Cardano but just saying

>> No.25758615

Eth 2.0 has been promised since 2016. Shit takes time. Cardano is on the right track, look at github commits.

>> No.25758661

>invested in myself 3 months ago declaring bankruptcy as of today wish i played options instead
Get literate friend.

>> No.25758722

can't read when your brain dead

>> No.25758729

Yeah and Eth still had working smart contracts in 2016. 4 years later and Eth 2.0 is here and ada still hasnt caught up to smart contracts.

>> No.25758759
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>use english bugman

>> No.25758764


>> No.25758808

this is more like it

>> No.25758927

ETH 2.0 is 2 years away. ADA DPOS is released, smart contracts test net released, smart contracts main net released in 2 months. 250M fund for dapps. We will see what happens. I have ETH and ADA.

>> No.25759339

yes, they’re all cults. i guess you’re saying hoskins is as an effective cult leader as steve jobs? because i have to disagree on that. even his "libertarian talks" are pretty limp-wristed.

>> No.25759558

I'm all in on ADA and plan on putting in about 2,000 more USD before smart contracts release

>> No.25759652


>> No.25759834

Personality matters you fucking shill this whole fucking project revolves around one man who won the lottery and is now trying to get revenge on the people who fired him for being an incompetent and insufferable bastard

>> No.25759884
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>as effective a cult leader as steve jobs
nah. We have to work with what we got. Perhaps his ability to generate fanaticism will age well like a fine wine, who knows... but even as it is, it is sufficient for monky brain in an environment of euphoria to justify a `${rational}` financial decision.

>> No.25759912

Came across their crypto game and their crypto incubator system looks interesting imo. Take a look please and share your opinion.

>> No.25760010

You should wait for the 14th-15th. Either way pretty based, anon.

>> No.25760083

If you aren't all in ADA you must hate money.

>> No.25760124


increasing by abot 2,5M every 5 days.

If ADA goes to 1 dollar it would mean 8M every 5 days.

>> No.25760517

Im a bear thats into twinks