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25745163 No.25745163 [Reply] [Original]

Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.25745205
File: 3.89 MB, 684x528, 1609947066786.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows it feel to have bought the top of this cycle?

>> No.25745214

>blue checkmark
Back to Twitter you e-celeb faggot

>> No.25745215

No coiner, No whole coiner, what's the difference?

>> No.25745272
File: 56 KB, 1172x553, M!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was 4$ so whatever. Also It might genuinely stay here for a while the big guys don'ty know where to put all the M1 they printed this year and BTC is an accepted store of value

Does this graph look familiar?

>> No.25745275

A few months ago I used to think "who is so retarded to get into btc once it has been pumped like hell for a few months. I doubt the tales of" dumb money" "FOMO" and "retail investors" from 2017 are true.
Yet this last week I keep seeing people get into btc at 40k

>> No.25745317

we're going over 100k so...

>> No.25745319

Nice man you bought the top!

>> No.25745337

I intend to give it to my grand kids when its worth $7356

Theyll be able to choose any peice of candy they like from the bargain bin

>> No.25745358

that will barely pay for a transaction fee

>> No.25745373

not before we have a biblical pullback

>> No.25745376

>I have to have arbitrary “round” numbers!

You don’t even understand enough mathematical fundamentals to explain any qualitative or parametric differences between an integer and a fraction. Either way, they’re both just numbers and tools of reference.

>> No.25745398

What does 36 billion USD sound like?

>> No.25745400

25% of my investment went towards the transaction fee. I intend to sell when it doubles so I can recuperate that

>> No.25745431

How does 1million $ by 2100 sound OP?

>> No.25745461

how does 4 million sound?

>> No.25745475

I meant to move it, not the exchange fees.

>> No.25745485

Sounds like a nice down payment on a sofa at renta-a-center

I can't wait

>> No.25745490
File: 115 KB, 500x282, Stiffed_Vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Fool
You bought the wrong BitCoin. The real BitCoin ticker is BSV.

>> No.25745539

25? damn what pajeet platform are you using... let me guess, coinbase :/

>> No.25745565
File: 226 KB, 783x1024, World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put everything in Link?

>> No.25745672

How does 7356 sats sound like to you??

>> No.25745755

Nice you will be allowed entry into citadels to clean toilets.

>> No.25745910

am... am I allowed in as well? uwu

>> No.25746009
File: 691 KB, 1600x2134, worthenough2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man the prim camp looks pretty comfy desu
too bad in reality it will look like those homeless tent camps so good shit

>> No.25746036

how does 7 million sound to you?

>> No.25746058

How’s 7356$ sound kid

>> No.25746066

whats a good platform to use for a beginner in USA

>> No.25746071

Seething no whole coiner right here

>> No.25746094

Buy at least one chainlink token.

>> No.25746325

I'm jealous for no-fees robinhood that's USA exclusive, that might be something good to look into. However I'm not sure you own the coins, you might just get a peek into the prices and that's it (meaning you can't use other platforms)

>> No.25746597
File: 194 KB, 220x220, imdoingit!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently I have 2 I forgot about from before summer and its up over 300%

feels good man. Itsd only $45 but still
Im investing

This is fun

>> No.25746708

yeah dont quote me but I think robin hood just does some securities exchange voodoo

Not that coin base dosnt either but idk what im talking about so eh. I trust that the whales have had enough of an interest in their billions upon billions to have made things "fair" and secure

>> No.25746843

>Am I gonna make it bros?
Depends if you got in at rug pull or not.
It's hard to tell at this moment but here is what we know so far:

>35% of all US currency currently in circulation printed in 2020
>10 yr note above 1.1%
>Dec US job report shows massive losses
>Fed reserve hasn't increase interest rate yet
>Everyone and their mother getting into stocks because they have no job and think they are going to flip their stimulus checks
>Companies like Tesla continue record growth despite not having the revenue or market cap to back it up
>SEC/Tether debacle
>Political uncertainty as right wing groups posture about actual violence as a counter to MSM and govt smears of the peaceful capital occupation
>Political uncertainty as Biden backpedals on all progressive/BLM promises
>Political uncertainty as BLM/ANTIFA posture about actual violence against establishment politicians for rejecting them
>It's only been 9 days since the new year started

2021 is going to be a lot more wild than 2020.
Calling it now and you can put money on that.

>> No.25747129

very very based sir

>> No.25747184

If fed increases interest the whole house of cards collapses
Just look at all the retards that skyrocketed an unrelated stock because of an Elon Musk Twitter post

>> No.25747599

That was my point. There are multiple variables that, if activated, will fuck the entire run regardless of what you are invested in.

We have been in a loooooong bull run which incentivizes them to raise rates.

Depending on where you align politically this can be a good or bad thing. Corporatist Dems want the rate to rise, it forces everything to come down, the uneducated will lose their asses, when people begin to starve then they can shill UBI and increased taxes on the middle class (because lets face it, the establishment wont actually tax the top 1%, they are the 1%). This is the entire idea behind the "Great reset."

>> No.25748463

Are you for real, you care 0 about privacy sir. One day you will learn and then SUTER will solve this for you lol

>> No.25748506

Right when etc flipped btc lol
Poor guy

>> No.25748540

not really, no. Im a nobody
If they wanna come after me, come after me. I have much bigger problems irl than boogeymen on the internet, I assure you

>> No.25748630

I bought 3 of them. should I buy more?