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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25740057 No.25740057 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /biz/. This is not a drill, I don't usually expect much apart from enjoying your shitposting and trying to work out what's a gem, what's fud and what's pajeet shilling. However, this time, I really really need a solid 2-5x, preferably in the shorter term. Doggo is ill, bills have already exceeded insurance coverage, I need to make a few k. The risks are higher because of my low capital, so I'd prefer a 'safe' x3 to a risky x10. Shill me your best. I know some of you glorious bastards actually make decent calls sometimes. Pls halp, she's my best friend.

>> No.25740110

Idk how to help you I hold all sorts of random shitcoins plus btc, but hope you find ur 5x and get doggo fixed, fren.

>> No.25740624

Thanks anon.

>> No.25741235


>> No.25741314
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>> No.25741366

and bitcoin (yes, it will still 3x+ from here)

>> No.25741407

How sick
How old
Can the vet arrange financing
Can you take a loan
No alt I hold will x10 soon, youre shooting at a target blind from 1 mile away

>> No.25741495

Low white blood cells, high inflammatory markers, high temperature, not eating, in discomfort, lethargic
11 years
Part payment plan in exceptional circumstances
Okay, fair point.

>> No.25742081

That sucks, 11 is getting up there though. Id sooner take said doggo home and care for it as best I can than put it down or have it stay at the vets. My pup is the same age, full of mammary tumours. Had it test 3 times this year but they arent cancerous yet. One is bigger than a golf ball. Another burst some months ago, dog seems pretty chill about it.
Once the go past 10 years any year could be the year, hug your dog tight man. I wish you the best. Hopefully someone can lend or you can find a borrower. How much crypto do you have? Can you collateralise it?

>> No.25742543

Thanks man. I'm preparing myself for the worse, they're currently waiting to see if she responds to antibiotics and steroids. She's had a good life, I'll be there with her when she goes, pay for an at home euthanisation rather than let them do it there with no visitors allowed. I have about 2k in crypto, how do you collateralise it?

>> No.25742608

There's literally only 1 that will do a 3x in Q1 and i'm balls deep -> SNC

>> No.25742695

I love how children come on here and say stuff like "I dont need anything huge, just a little 3x". Do you know literally anything about money or investing?

>> No.25742714

Its not really the best tim to do it with thr market so toppy. But your dog comes first, family comes first. A portion of dead anons will say otherwise, but theres no point in living if you dont care for your loved ones.
Go to any defi lending protocol and collateralise it; aave, comp etc.
Here is a full list of defi coins. With each categorized

>> No.25742880

I've seen this one shilled a few times yesterday, is there a pump planned?

>> No.25743016

Yes there is a 'pump planned' orchestrated by this shilling pajeet who has $20 in it....

>> No.25743193

Use pain meds to keep her comfortable and have her put to sleep it she ends up not comfortable still in spite of pain meds. 11 is pushing 80 in dog year terms and I would recommend pain meds followed by peaceful euthanasia in that situation for lack of comfort whether the subject were human or a dog. Euthanasia is one of the kindest acts there is and it's fortunate at least dogs everywhere get to benefit from it even though humans in most jurisdictions don't have that as a legally condoned assisted medical recourse (though you can of course self-euthanize if you ever find yourself old, in pain, and wanting out which is not really illegal i.e. no laws explicitly forbidding it as long as no one else helps you do it and you don't endanger others with how you do it, with any hypothetical authority figures stopping you doing as a mental health intervention rather than an act of law enforcement).