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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25739199 No.25739199 [Reply] [Original]

Please point me to another DLT which has so many government/industry projects as IOTA?

I think only ETH and ADA may be competitor. But ETH is kind of broken as it doesn't scale. ADA and IOTA will bridge and work together.
ADA will be great for B2B things where bit of fees play no role.

IOTA will be the main scalable first layer to process thousands of TPS, with sharding to enable a true trust layer where everyone is waiting for.

Fighting deep fakes, supply chain tracking, security auditing, digital identity, automative m2m communication. You need feeless, scalable (sharding) DLT with true decentralization on the first layer. It's all possible with IOTA guys, wake up, and spare yourself the 2017 FUD because it's not relevant anymore. Sonstebo and CFB are gone, ternary is gone, and the coordinator also (soon). I mean really soon, this year, the testnet works awesome.

Please understand that this is the most undervalued coin you can imagine, and this is year chance to get it under $1.

>> No.25739310

Oke oke oke, you got me, bought a decent pile

>> No.25739420


>> No.25739485
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>> No.25739513

CENTRALIZED shit, ADA smart contracts coming Feb. It's over.

>> No.25739548

OMG these underpaid shills are getting worse by the minute lmao

>> No.25739622

I have a bunch of IOTA and also ADA. I think these both offer unique concepts. I also have NANO. indeed ETH is finished if it doesnt manage to scale this year, it will lose a lot of MC to ADA.

I think the potential for IOTA is there due to unique fundamentals. Only one other asset is like it in the entire market. (nano) I hold stake in both.

>> No.25739834

Mid IQ worriers spotted
>Tech literally used already by Germany for covid tests
>Better yet the germans didn't even contact the iota foundation or need any incentives or extra help, they just used it, that's adoption
Mid IQ's never call projects whilst they are still on the price floor/accumulation phase, these anons will fomo in once we cross 1$ and pump is confirmed if they are on the smarter side of mid IQ, more likely they will buy the top at 10$ once IOTA reaches 'new paradigm' phase

>> No.25739918

How heavy are these bags, anon? It must suck bagholding this shit since 2017.

>> No.25739990

Nano is nice concept. But I don't see Nano being adopted as payment provider. Why use it when many others can do the same? And it's not even free to use?

>> No.25740021
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Siemens has just under 50 patents with IOTA. Think of this in terms of Bidens new multitrillion dollar infrastructure bill.

>> No.25740046

no it feels fine. I'm in profit

>> No.25740139

I don't wan to spoil the party, but what kind of references are those? Is IOTA mentioned as an example of a DLT of are they actually building on IOTA's technology?

>> No.25740153

Definitely the most undervalued project in the top 100, imo.

>> No.25740219

Siemens, Jaguar Land Rover, TM Forum, Tangle EE, Bosch, STMicro. Lot's have project and patents with IOTA tech.

OMG standard expected by end of year, RFC is pending, ISO might follow

>> No.25740226
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They are building. There are multiple examples. Do a little digging and benefit from your efforts.

>> No.25740239

I don't think there is another one anon. The industry and governments have already made their minds up, Cardano and Ethereum don't stand a chance. Cardano because it will still have fees and doesn't have the network effect IOTA has, Ethereum because it simply doesn't scale and is ridiculously expensive.

>> No.25740243

I bought my IOTA for 30 cents this summer. And I was already nearly a millionaire from chainlink

>> No.25740276

nice, speaking of chainlink. they might bridge with IOTA smart contracts as well to provide oracles.

>> No.25740319

is the coordinator gone yet? haven't been following these last two years or so

>> No.25740355

not on mainnet, but testnet is basically ready. mainnet launch this year

>> No.25740523

I think Hoskinson will see benefits of tangle and use it eventually (no kidding)

>> No.25740533

>le DAG with a custom hash function and coordinator node

>> No.25740578

how did they solve it? hashrate can't be large enough yet right?

>> No.25740600

This shit took my money in 2017

>> No.25740633

mana reputation system

>> No.25740682

>The only way to gain Mana is to convince some token holder to pledge it to you. In this sense, mana is Delegated Proof of Token Ownership. Mana, therefore, provides adequate Sybil protection because it is difficult to acquire it in arbitrary amounts.
>Additionally, mana functions as a Sybil control mechanism in the congestion control algorithm. Thus, although various factors such as network usage affect a node’s message quota, the mana held by a node determines how many messages it can issue relative to the total network throughput.
Did they do away with PoW completely? Sounds bullish if so, their system was pretty bad.

>> No.25740723
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IOTA is literally alien tech. Few people can understand the scope and the power of feeless, immutable data + scalabilit, smart contracts, oracles and colored coins all in one solution. I'm not saying it's aliens, but...

>> No.25740769

i own a decent stack too. this coin will make us all rich. feels good frens

>> No.25740905

>Please understand that this is the most undervalued coin you can imagine, and this is year chance to get it under $1.
It isnt, its still a piece of shit after more than 3 years. sure all the big talk is back again, but a coin that slowly bleeds out of the Top 50 has usually not that much going for itself. I can understand why people fall for the tech meme, but those people should inform themself firstly what a cryptocurrency is and what IOTA is. The whole feeless thing wont generate any revenue for the next ever and coin holding wouldnt be a great point on any companies shedule, when the current objective is survival.

>> No.25741270

There are other oracles besides Chainlink. Oracle Pools on Ergo and soon Cardano. Then there's fucking WOLFRAM ALPHA Oracles, used by Apple and Google, also partnering with Cardano.

>> No.25741598

Why is it that none of you fud-peddlers ever acknowledge this? Are you actual bots?

>> No.25741643

the only reason it bleeds out is because of retards like you who are stuck on 2017 FUD. Once people realize how they've reorganized, it will explode.

your point is pretty moot. If IOTA succeeds, all other DLTs will be worthless. Then you should be asking why anything else should have value

>> No.25741929

I'm in IOTA already but I'm in AVAX instead of ADA because I thought it was better. Isn't AVAX the more tech advanced one and the price has been very good to me especially recently. Which do you anons think has the most promise?

>> No.25742536

It is no coincidence that most posts on IOTA forums such as /r/iota are about "where are my funds?", "how to access the wallet again?", "what happened to my money?". You do not have this in any other coin.

The reason is that IOTA started out as an elaborate plot to seize funds from users, using their centralized power to execute this, and social engineering to produce a narrative that paints these actions as necessity to "protect" funds.

Clever marketing was used to pull in the most gullible of people to rip off. The greatest weaknesses of this project are sold as its greatest strengths. How awesome that it is centralized, that its scamming founders are exiting one by one, that all features that were sold as the greatest strengths are now being removed.

>> No.25742615

I knew that you guys are all midwits and idiots, but I had no clue that it's really that bad. You idiots fled from plebbit to /biz/ to discuss a 2017 shitcoin?

>> No.25742617

Have they fired the people who donated your investments to nigger refugees?

>> No.25742687

Most coins are 2017 shitcoins. Most 2017 shitcoins have their main presence on plebbit. I never held a single IOTA but follow it for amusement and because it is honestly a fascinating piece of social engineering.

>> No.25742770

anyone in this thread talking about tech for why they shouldn't invest is going to neck themselves, If you go back and look at when ETH was 35c you had these same people bringing up the exact same shit, theres always improvements to be made, but the project already fucking works, germany used the tech without even needing guidance or promotion from IOTA, unlike LINK which is much higher, hasnt even been adopted in the 'real world' yet, just used by other cryptos and most of them have been paid to use and shill their partnership

>> No.25743015


>> No.25743078

pretty sure that was XLM or ADA. Not sure, I just got into IOTA 6 months ago

>> No.25743260
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>> No.25743315

forever a shitcoin

>> No.25743599

I can't even name a coin used more in the 'real world' bar ETH other than IOTA in terms of improving and benefitting existing tech right now

>> No.25743627

That kind of things happen when you life in a filter bubblem idiot.

>> No.25743636
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>> No.25743753
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> Fools
All of you.
Only one coin can scale, while abiding by securities law. The rest are unregistered security shitcoins without a single utility, much less a patent.
> Heh
I tried to warn you. If you fell for the obvious astroturf though, then you fools deserve to stay poor.

>> No.25743863
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>> No.25744033

yes look at weekly potential

>> No.25744219

The project is still based on promises. We have seen some network improvements, but that's it.

The promises they make are amazing and I can't wait to see the fruits of the labor

Chrysalis (without colored coins) is being audited right now and has been running smoothly for a couple of months (one month publicly)

Insider here ^

>> No.25744499
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Buy low sell high, it's a steal right now

>> No.25745355

Where are Americans buying this? Wanted to use HitBTC, but can't as US Resident.

>> No.25745445
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Americans can't buy

But no one cares about that clown country

>> No.25745572


>> No.25745863

your jew government doesnt want that you get rich, goy