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25735069 No.25735069 [Reply] [Original]

Uniswap is where all young projects are first listed these days … some of these young ones are still young but become absolute smoking guns.

Which are the young gun projects at the moment that all made a start on uni?

>> No.25735315

I think uni is dumb. Gas fees so high atm

>> No.25735359

But if you ask me what are the best alts that started there and have potential then i would say that xed is a good one to look at.
So many announcements coming from exeedme lately... getting pretty hard to ignore and stay away from uniswap

>> No.25735412

normies using will pump the coin. gas is high everywhere even 1inch

>> No.25735429

Pay the miners their due , bigger volume bigger fees couse they work more, logical conclusion

>> No.25735497

This is true. Gas is astronomical everywhere. Or gastronomical haha.
Uni is cool though least it makes things easier for the little guy to list in the beginning

>> No.25735547


Uniswap is indeed the home of new gems. The success story of most projects I'm familiar with all starts there. SPICE from SCIFI index is what I've been watching of late. The index looks pretty good and I like all the other gems in that basket.

>> No.25735572

UNI is the first shitcoin I really put real money down on.

>> No.25735627
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Yeah OP. I kinda think that a storm is brewing with Scifi index. Thats why I'm picking up scifi and spice while the calm is here.

>> No.25735678

Pftftfff. I dunno something stinks with mgmt if you ask me. Think they are taking too much of the original tokens desu. Influencers were able to get involved early and public mainly left out.

>> No.25735740

Only thing im angry at Uni are the bots buying up tokens instead of us .
But thankfully hour after sale price almost the dame, so buy the dip :)
Or like in spice the price is so low that its a steal, but you pajeets will figure it out when its gonna

>> No.25735772

Only thing im angry at Uni are the bots buying up tokens instead of us .
But thankfully hour after sale price almost the dame, so buy the dip :)
Or like in spice the price is so low that its a steal, but you pajeets will figure it out when its gonna be 2late

>> No.25735825

XED is one I've got my eyes all on. The team has been doing great with big announcements being made everyday and big partnerships coming into play.

>> No.25735842
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itt we discuss how to profit off of Bill A416 which is currently sitting in the house of the New York State Legislature
>what's in it you may ask?
-allows gov of NY to legally forcefully vaccinate
-can detain whoever he wants in "detention premises" )definitely not concentration camps goy!)
-only way u can leave "detention premise" is by vaccination
-gov can hold you indefinitely
-can legally detain you even if you don't have COVID
-can legally detain you if you only were in contact with someone who had it

>> No.25735911

That index has got some good babies. Spice itself hasn't been doing so well since listing but I believe the other index tokens will help push it up soon enough. SPICE DAO is here as well, that will bring some positives

>> No.25736166

Fuck ‘Merica young boyz in the world, your time has come to an end :)
Better for you to join us in CsGo 5on5 tournamet and get paid instead of grtting rekt by your own country hahaha

>> No.25736172
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That they do paje.
Betprotocol, DIA data and NewZooHq to name a couple that have just come out.
Great partnerships all of the above.

>> No.25736190

XED is special.
Gaming, NFTS, DeFi
You can't find a similar project with so much potentials out there.
Got a bit bag already, buying more won't be bad.

>> No.25736285


SPICE has been shit, price has been down from listing, the team and influencers dumped some big bags and abandoned the community to bear the wrath.

>> No.25736426

With all these partnerships in place i wonder how anyone makes any money lol. Does exeedme do any of the work here or what

>> No.25736462


Thank me later.

>> No.25736531


>> No.25736588

I also like Spice in terms of the alts in there. Some sexy and established names given ren pols sushi stake dia all in there. Galactic council got us covered booooy

>> No.25736705

Neehhhhhh m8.
Spice and scifi are the stinkiest of stink out there atm.
The price has dropped so much since listing. Only fools buying atm or liking this project.

>> No.25736762

XED XED heard so much about this I'm beginning to think they're many paid shillers in it. It's Obviously not the first gaming project in the Crypto space so what makes it different in anyway?

>> No.25736791
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I guess you're some pained as pajeet who was hoping for a quick buy and dump but that didn't happen. SCIFI is a long term hold with so much potentials. Those who has got the balls to be patient will certainly have a reason to smile

>> No.25736803

And the dao vote is comming out soon, hope all is finalised by end of January.

Until then lets go on pols ;)

>> No.25736837

Lol where there is fud army there is shill army. This shill doesn't thrill pajeee

>> No.25736839

They have chief engineer, a very good analitics team from nNewZooHq so they realy will kick competitions ass , are already kicking it !

>> No.25736892

Go to your momma and cry, oooh u cant couse she is riding me ;) and thank you for selling it all, i got your coins in my bag now , see you when i piss down on u from moon

>> No.25736911

I don't really get it. What is all the fuss about DeFi and NFT projects atm
Everywhere I look people are talking about it

>> No.25736928

Daily news
All the great companies are connected to them
Nft collector book

You need more pajeet?

>> No.25736950


Was really stunned by the Partnerships they pulled up.
XED likes to exceed.
I bet we can see some more coming out in due time.

>> No.25736984

One question for you anon. Why do you think spice and scifi will fly to the moon exactly. Prey tell and advise a lost soul

>> No.25737015
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>> No.25737092
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I am looking forward to playing
CsGo beta

>> No.25737169


My best guess right now:

Tenet ($Ten) IS still young.
DREP-team (Already on Binance)
Head-dev from Qtum etc. pp.
But DYOR before throwing money at it.

Mayor CEX listing soon (Rumour: Binance)


>> No.25737186
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Most of the projects that are up and running after launch are not so wide like SciFi is.
The team has all the publicity they need, its just they did not use it well till now, but things are changing.
Galactic council or crypto influencers of their choice,are already starrting to talk about it again so soon come relaunch and moon with that

>> No.25737207


I see he lacks the balls, no need trying to convince some people who have chosen to stay in the dark to come see the light haah. SCIFI is a go for me. Should be that for any wise man out there

>> No.25737209

Head of Engineering, team of advisors they're all big names and I believe they'll surely deliver.
BETA will go live soon, that's what I'm looking forward to at the moment.

>> No.25737225

It's not always about Partnerships, that could be in place from the start of the project, I only wonder if they can Keep up the pace for long and it doesn't go quiet soon.

>> No.25737236

Can't wait to win some NFTs from the tournament.
Giving those headshots and getting paid for it. Hahaha coolest thing you can imagine

>> No.25737265

Buying the dip so it gets Dipper and you get rekt. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me. New projects without potentials isn't for me, I don't see much of that here

>> No.25737276

Nfts are strong just hope fucking america wont fuck us with some new legislation bullshit for defi

>> No.25737325

Is there any other index solution in crypto space except scifi and spice ?

>> No.25737398

Well Nuno said in an interview that first we gonna experience gameplay and ecosystem
Betting on our skill
And get to know the PoweR behind game mining .

Who of all of you knew about game mining ?

>> No.25737415

Yeahh I'll certainly need more, bother telling me how this will work? What are the plans in place for mass adoption? It's not always about having the plans but rather the audience to back it up

>> No.25737458
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You can also find POLS, SUSHI and PICKLE in there, those are some of my favorite projects, having them in the index looks like a win win for me. Of course there will always be some SPICE to spice things up

>> No.25737491

Haha damn let me just check in Area51 and get a super computer so i can play and mine at the same time lol lol and not the game

>> No.25737525

For their plans you should move your fucking eyes and read a bit, their whitepaper lets say or all of it in their medium page. I can send u adress where u can send funds for me to elaborate things to u

>> No.25737568

What else is it about then anon. Please tell me if its all to do with the tokenomics and such like that

>> No.25737574

Haha since when did people start answering question here on4chan haha bunch of bitches if you ask me !
Spyder vpn all the way !

>> No.25737675

100% collaterised
Zero management fee
Curated basket of gems
Scifi mision and DeFi is to connect the needs of average cityzen. Scifi and spice are efficient and architectural transparent.
And some of the best curated investment strategies are implemented in this index so, what r u waiting 4?

>> No.25737699
File: 11 KB, 259x194, IMG_20210109_152057_894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when are you such a piece of shit faggot whisperer.
Now someone please tell me when scifi price will rocket lol

>> No.25737756

I realy hope and i know that this one will rise and not like a zombie haha

How many did mass adobt bitcoin in his starts, none... so have faith in your spice ‘s and fly into scifi land

>> No.25737837

This is indeed a good thing anon.
Great for nublets like me who cannot read and do proper research.
I let the galactic council take care of things for me hehe

>> No.25737844

Exeedme has Anticheat V1 mechanism
You will play with folks closer to your skill set
Bet on yourself
Earn by playing
Earn by progressing

What more does a kid need

>> No.25737880

When will other games start to roll out and which games are planned to be on platform?

>> No.25737929

I would have to say OP that spice is on of the more underrated tokens out there at the moment. That and of course the delicious scifi token.

Get your bags now folks while they are redic cheap and we are a few steps from altseason.

>> No.25738087

His first blowjob mayb

Haha but in all seriousness, this project has uncanny stickability to it. Peeps gonna be addicted to this gaming platform and there is 2.4B gamers worldwide.
Pffffft. You do the math homos

>> No.25738982
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violent moon in 35 days