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25730574 No.25730574 [Reply] [Original]


> first live use of the technology, many more to come
> buy now or stay poor

>> No.25730621

It's open source which Im always a shill for so I'm already in.

>> No.25730731

No one cares about your shitty german faggot coin


>> No.25730811

Literally an Africa tier version of AVAX

>> No.25730841

>IOTA used by the globohomo to keep track of which goys have taken the unsafe rushed-to-market vaccine after a media-fueled meme virus
It just prints money...

>> No.25730970

imagine reading the product roadmap and not investing

>> No.25731016

Just a reminder that when you buy IOTA, they're taking your money and using it to fund refugees and all sorts of other leftist social causes

>> No.25731098
File: 60 KB, 2005x120, F8B3C93E-F9E4-4EAB-AE09-68C56AFD8AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I keep buying this junk...

>> No.25731122

Shit coin is dumping

>> No.25731155
File: 431 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210109-104014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annndddddd heure. We. Go.

>> No.25731174

Please explain how a crypto-token can supposedly help "validating Corona-Test-Results". Protip: if you can't, you're falling for marketing bullshit.

>> No.25731191

I really believe fudders live detached from reality. Check cmc

>> No.25731233
File: 33 KB, 685x591, 1610040901270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is alientech, few can grasp the whole scope. IOTA has immutable, encrypted data-transactions (not only value transactions, can also be mixed). Results get encrypted on the tangle. The user gets an QR code which leads to decrypted test results, enabling GDPR compliant proof.

>> No.25731308

Here we go. Good ol' cryptos coming in hot!

>> No.25731595


They have a database where you can store shit in. That's 1970s tech. Just like encryption algos, which are also 1970s tech. And throw in graphs as well, which is what the bullshit marketing term "tangle" refers to. Nowhere here do you need tokens for anything.

IOTA is truly a retard filter in crypto. Anyone who falls for their bullshit deserves it.

>> No.25731619

Are you fucking retarded? Every DLT is just "a database" but IOTA brings everything that outshines every other "database". Show me one "database" like bitcoin or ethereum that is capable of doing what IOTA can do = feeless transactions.

>> No.25731713
File: 111 KB, 914x609, 1610041044205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If IOTA is not alientech, then how do you explain this picture???

>> No.25731743

Because you spam it, every fucking thread IOTA is centralized german shit

>> No.25731800

This has only been confirmed 24 hours ago by the tech companies twitter, so it didn't hit any news websites yet.

Prepare for a MASSIVE pump, im not kidding here. This is a massive real life adoption, shit might go absolutely insane in terms of price.

(They test around 5k-10k people daily at that test centre, so this is not some kind of Proof of Concept but an actual adoption for the real world - fuck me absolutely silly)

>> No.25731874

I am surprised you even remember that.
You know that was just one project that the foundation gave like 50k to to use in adopting the coin.
That's like criticising the US govt for being a donor of foreign aid. But I bet you would love for africa to go fully communist when aid dries up and they start bombing US embassies wouldn't you anon.

>> No.25732068

>feeless transactions!
LOL. How can people fall for this nonsense? IOTA is not magical. If their DLT/tangle/database/whatever-you-wanna-call-it were of any value, then having access to it would be contended, like any valuable finite resource where demand trumps supply. And the contention would need to be arbitrated. In other words: you'd have to pay for it in some way.

>> No.25732073 [DELETED] 

Iota is like an old hooker towards the end of the carrer. Smartkey is like that hottest looking girl In the high School who’s not been shagged yet.. the choose is yours anons

>> No.25732081

Yikes, you don't even know about the mana system of IOTA? Maybe start to DYOR instead of wanting to get spoonfed so much. I mean I'm making 5x already while you're talking out of your ass, bro.

>> No.25732103

Iota is like an old hooker towards the end of the carrer. Smartkey is like that hottest looking girl In the high School who’s not been shagged yet.. the choice is yours anons. Where would you PIT your dick next?

>> No.25732158


Red pilled truth.

>> No.25732205

Shut the fuck up zoomer

>> No.25732223

Cringy pajeets.

>> No.25732346

Fuck you bitter doomer

>> No.25732395

Eat 15 grams of lead you disgusting tik toker. Fuck you are really shitting up this board aren't you robloxboy.

>> No.25732399

> iota utter shit in 2017
> iota utter shit in 2021

you fall for the same hype niggers in 2017 fell, worthless "integrations" if there are any

give me the technical details on this "integration" faggot anons

>> No.25732413

Let me guess, you own a lot of link.
Nice try Ramachandran.

>> No.25732424

Just search IOTA covid tracking, retard.

>> No.25732569

No amount of bullshit bingo buzzwords like "tangle" or "mana" can deliver "feeless transactions". It's an economic impossibility. Whenever there's too much demand on a constrained resource, someone needs to pay up. If you think IOTA can somehow magically solve this, then I really can't help you. To quote them:

>Congestion control: The amount of data one can add to the tangle is proportional to their mana.
In other words, you're now competing for mana if you want to use the "tangle". What do you think would happen if the network were ever used to the extent that mana became scarce?

>I mean I'm making 5x
Good for you! In the meantime, people that bought HEX made 100X over the last year. Does that prove anything about the validity of that token?

>> No.25732596

Not much to be found online, link to a credible source other than one german airport using it after a hackaton?

>> No.25732655

It's literally in OP's post:


Here is the company confirming it is being used actively in the test centre in Frankfurt. They test 5k-10k people daily there.

>> No.25732659

Do you really compare HEX to IOTA?
I mean that's pretty retarded mildly spoken.
Mana is being generated by transferring the IOTA token through trustworthy nodes which in return will receive mana if they can get transactions confirmed through their node.
Mana is basically the superior version of staking since you wont generate tokens instead you generate mana which depletes, just like in RPG games, that's why it is called mana. NOBODY ever said anything about FREE. There's a difference between something being FEELESS and using a protocol for their services. You have to pay for your internet and you use bandwidth. Mana = bandwidth. It will be 100000 times cheaper to generate enough mana to prioritize a lot of transactions if needed, also you don't even have to hold a lot of mana. A lot of mana is something corporates want to have, not the everyday user.

>> No.25732677

Also this >>25732655

>> No.25732718

hey , newbie here. I just got into crypto and I'm trying to realize where I should put my money. Sure thing btc and eth is too expensive for me now
i know enough to not participate into alts but I'm just not sure about new projects and pools with nft

Came across PoolzFinance shilling on Twitter, seems legit but wanna know your advice, is it good?
what should I do?

>> No.25732752

What you should do? Buy IOTA, hold a few years and be rich, lmao.

>> No.25732883

They have been using it since february last year. Only broke the news yesterday.

Buckle up boys.

>> No.25732989

for the love of god, don't buy shitcoins if you're new. buy btc and eth

don't listen to all those bag holders

>> No.25733003

>Do you really compare HEX to IOTA?
No, I'm comparing IOTA idiots that brag about their 5X gains to HEX idiots that brag about their 100X gains.

>NOBODY ever said anything about FREE
But this is exactly the angle the IOTA shills are pushing when they claim the superiority of their network because of it being "feeless". They're pushing it as "look how much you need to pay to get a transaction on Ethereum, while ours is FEELESS, because tangle is magic and muh mana". It's only feeless because no one is seriously using the network. If there was anything of value in it, people would want in, just like they currently desperately want to get into the Ethereum network. If that ever happened to IOTA, of course whatever it is that gatekeeps the network would suddenly become expensive as well and of course you'd need to pay up in some form to get your hands on it.

>> No.25733023
File: 48 KB, 511x671, 1606769444684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and how do you get mana? By honestly confirming value transaction (mana proportional to value processed). So you have to further the network to have prime access to it.

It's funny how people cannot grasp this tech. They are stuck in the BTC, ETH bronze age.

>> No.25733152

Please go back to school

>> No.25733241

You're talking out of your ass.
I already explained to you that mana is bandwidth, do you pay 10$ per megabit?
If you want to take part in the network you buy bandwidth = mana, you also pay your internet provider so he will give you access to your internet connection. Literally the same in a broader sense.
Also this.