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File: 657 KB, 738x756, monero ciphertrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25725338 No.25725338 [Reply] [Original]

Are privacy coins a lost cause?

>> No.25725385
File: 733 KB, 1124x1064, 1537059582173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to return some video tapes

>> No.25725406

No shit.

>> No.25725411

Its ogre now

>> No.25725424

FUD, fuck off accoomulator

>> No.25725427

>i laundered all of my $750,000 gains last year with monero
>not prepared to pay taxes on any of this

This isn't real. Nice shoop. Fuck off.

>> No.25725444

Was thinking about buying some. Should I reconsider?

>> No.25725448


>> No.25725481

We still have a couple years until they have quantum computing running well enough to break all our shit.

>> No.25725495

Prove it. It's just mathematics.

>> No.25725542

Yes, because every fiat offramp is a literal honeypot.

>> No.25725725 [DELETED] 


>> No.25726007

How do I cash out? I regret excepting this shitcoin as payment instead of cash. Can I buy anything other than drugs with this shit.

>> No.25726047

As long as you don't buy Monero with fiat then there is literally no way they can tie the wallets to their owners.

>> No.25726058

No they can't lol

>> No.25726103
File: 57 KB, 693x633, 1609392176808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you think they would work out after ailk road

>> No.25726170

Don't cash out, but if you must, can trade your monero for BTC or ETH on kucoin. You should hodl it because monero is often used to launder other cryptocurrencies.

>> No.25726209

How tf do you launder money using monero

>> No.25726275

It was destined to happen. All cyber security is staying a step ahead and monero has been around long enough that its not possible.
They can crack Tor Nodes, they can trace monero, but it just means theyve finally caught up. Likely something better exists already (see tornado cash dapp on eth chain) that just hasnt caught on yet, or a monero fork is coming.

>> No.25726309

>thinking kucoin doesn't keep record of your monero trades

>> No.25726343


>> No.25726369


OP is a non link posting fag

>> No.25726431

>They can crack Tor Nodes, they can trace monero
how retarded are you

>> No.25726490

They're bluffing.

>> No.25726514

That would break the Internet. Surely new cryptography would be invented.

>> No.25726519
File: 220 KB, 500x374, f9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre not...

>> No.25726535

tor has had node vulnerabilities since at least 2014 retards. dont talk like you know things when you dont. there was literally a tor update in 2014 saying as much.

>> No.25726550

quantum-proof cryptography already exists and is well established

>> No.25726577

>probabilistic not deterministic
>August 31 2020
>load ze privacy coin tracking fud again

>> No.25726580

How new are you?

Btc, etc are public blockchains. If the tax man knows you deposited at coinbase or whatever they can literally follow every transaction you have done.

Monero aims to be private, meaning an observer will be unclear as to where the funds in a transaction have originated.

>> No.25726595

Read the article, nigger. >>25726369
It's the same fud it's always been.

>> No.25726664

> “You can’t be as deterministic as Bitcoin,” he said. “In tracing Monero, it’s really more of a probabilistic game. You can say: Well, I have 98% probability that this went from this address to this address, or 78%, or that type of thing. It takes a different approach, rather than [saying]: I’m going to guarantee everything is perfect…”
> “We’re not saying that we can identify individuals and we’ve never done that at CipherTrace. We don’t identify individuals, names, addresses, any of that stuff,”

It’s all bullshit.

>> No.25726784
File: 1.09 MB, 1427x2300, monerowaifu21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all is. The fact alphabet agencies still have a bounty of $1 mill if someone finds a way tells you everything you need to know

>> No.25726893

Just have your lawyer force the DHS to show their methods. They wont want to expose this. I believe CP collectors get charges dropped this. Same with cases involving stingray cell phone tracking.

>> No.25727019

They made a tool to trace monero. The tool can tell you there's a 0.01% chance that a specific output was the real output of an unknown amount of XMR that got sent to an unknown address. To that extent, they can trace monero.

Basically it was desperate fud released as darknet markets were switching from BTC. No one fell for it except boomers who invest in ponzi tokens.

>> No.25727044

>CipherTrace claims to have built a Monero (XMR) tracking toolset
fuck off i’m going to buy the dip AND evade taxes